Dummy program to demonstrate problems: working code

Dependencies:   SLCD mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of MNG_TC by Shreesha S

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00003 class Convolution{
00005 private:
00006     typedef struct ConvNode{
00007         //next state
00008         //format : 8 bits mapped as [1]xxxx [0]xxxx
00009         unsigned char nextState;
00011         //output
00012         // format : 8 bits mapped as 
00013         // **** xxxx{2} [1]-[0]   {1} [1]-[0]      i.e.   ****xxxx
00014         // x = data, * = junk
00015         unsigned char output;
00016     }ConvNode;
00018     ConvNode convStateList[16]; 
00020 public:
00021     /*
00022     @brief:     Constructor : Initialise all the variables
00023     @param:     none
00024     @return:    none
00025     */
00026     Convolution(){
00028         convStateList[0].nextState = 0x10;
00029         convStateList[1].nextState = 0x32;
00030         convStateList[2].nextState = 0x54;
00031         convStateList[3].nextState = 0x76;
00032         convStateList[4].nextState = 0x98;
00033         convStateList[5].nextState = 0xBA;
00034         convStateList[6].nextState = 0xDC;
00035         convStateList[7].nextState = 0xFE;
00036         convStateList[8].nextState = 0x10;
00037         convStateList[9].nextState = 0x32;
00038         convStateList[10].nextState = 0x54;
00039         convStateList[11].nextState = 0x76;
00040         convStateList[12].nextState = 0x98;
00041         convStateList[13].nextState = 0xBA;
00042         convStateList[14].nextState = 0xDC;
00043         convStateList[15].nextState = 0xFE;
00045         convStateList[0].output = 0x0A;
00046         convStateList[1].output = 0x06;
00047         convStateList[2].output = 0x06;
00048         convStateList[3].output = 0x0A;
00049         convStateList[4].output = 0x09;
00050         convStateList[5].output = 0x05;
00051         convStateList[6].output = 0x05;
00052         convStateList[7].output = 0x09;
00053         convStateList[8].output = 0x05;
00054         convStateList[9].output = 0x09;
00055         convStateList[10].output = 0x09;
00056         convStateList[11].output = 0x05;
00057         convStateList[12].output = 0x06;
00058         convStateList[13].output = 0x0A;
00059         convStateList[14].output = 0x0A;
00060         convStateList[15].output = 0x06;
00061     }
00064     /*
00065     @brief:     convolution encode the input bytes : in sync with =>   (1-TM-Frame -> 2-T-Frame)
00066     @param:     inPtr : pointer to input unsigned char array
00067                 inLength : length in bytes of input array
00068                 outPtr : pointer to the output bytes, define it outside the function
00069                 outLength : length of output array in bytes [call by reference, edited inside the function]
00070     @return:    none
00071     */
00072     void convolutionEncode(unsigned char *input, unsigned char *output){
00074 //      cout << "inside convolution" << endl;
00076         unsigned int convState = 0;
00078         int inBit = 7;
00079         unsigned int inByte = 0;
00081         unsigned int outState = 0;
00082         unsigned int outByte = 0;
00084         for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < 536 ; ++j){
00085 //          printf("j = %u, inByte = %u\n", j, inByte);
00086             // read a new bit from input stream
00087 //          cout << "inByte " <<inByte;
00088             unsigned char tempBit = (input[inByte] >> inBit) & 1;
00089             --inBit;
00091             // convolute and write output
00092             switch(outState){
00093                 case 0:
00094                     outState = 2;
00095                     output[outByte] = ( (convStateList[convState].output >> tempBit) & 1 ) << 7;
00096                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> (tempBit + 2)) & 1 ) << 6;
00097                     break;
00098                 case 2:
00099                     outState = 4;
00100                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> tempBit) & 1 ) << 5;
00101                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> (tempBit + 2)) & 1 ) << 4;
00102                     break;
00103                 case 4:
00104                     outState = 6;
00105                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> tempBit) & 1 ) << 3;
00106                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> (tempBit + 2)) & 1 ) << 2;
00107                     break;
00108                 case 6:
00109                     outState = 0;
00110                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> tempBit) & 1 ) << 1;
00111                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> (tempBit + 2)) & 1 );
00112                     ++outByte;
00113                     output[outByte] = 0x00;
00114                     break;
00115             }
00117             // next state transition
00118             switch(tempBit){
00119                 case 0:
00120                     convState = (convStateList[convState].nextState) & 0xF;
00121                     break;
00122                 case 1:
00123                     convState = (convStateList[convState].nextState >> 4) & 0xF;
00124                     break;
00125             }
00127             if(inBit == -1){
00128 //              printf("in byte = %u\n", inByte);
00129                 ++inByte;
00130                 inBit = 7;
00131             }
00133         }
00135 //      printf("normal iteration complete, outByte = %u\n", outByte);
00137         for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; ++j){
00138 //          printf("j = %u\n, outByte = %u\n", j, outByte);
00139             // append zero at the end
00140             switch(outState){
00141                 case 0:
00142                     outState = 2;
00143                     output[outByte] = ( (convStateList[convState].output) & 1 ) << 7;
00144                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> 2) & 1 ) << 6;
00145                     break;
00146                 case 2:
00147                     outState = 4;
00148                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output) & 1 ) << 5;
00149                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> 2) & 1 ) << 4;
00150                     break;
00151                 case 4:
00152                     outState = 6;
00153                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output ) & 1 ) << 3;
00154                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> 2) & 1 ) << 2;
00155                     break;
00156                 case 6:
00157                     outState = 0;
00158                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output ) & 1 ) << 1;
00159                     output[outByte] += ( (convStateList[convState].output >> 2) & 1 );
00160                     ++outByte;
00161 //                  printf("outByte @ end of switch = %u\n", outByte);
00162                     break;
00163             }
00164             // next state transition
00165             convState = (convStateList[convState].nextState) & 0xF;
00166         }
00167 //      printf("complete\n");
00168     }
00170 };