V1.0: A simple lib to driver the nokia 5110 lcd. You can select the soft/hardware spi ports by define the HW_SPI word from the "sx5110.h ".

diff -r 000000000000 -r ab1ca9a3e847 SX5110.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SX5110.cpp	Thu Jan 08 08:04:43 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include "SX5110.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+                lcd-IO初始化
+Lcd5110::Lcd5110(LcdPins pinout)
+    // SPI
+#ifdef HW_SPI   
+    LcdSpi = new SPI(pinout.mosi, NC, pinout.sclk);
+    LcdSpi->format(LCD_SPI_BITS, LCD_SPI_MODE);
+    LcdSpi->frequency(LCD_FREQ);
+    SPins = new DigitalOut*[2];
+    SPins[PIN_MOSI]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.mosi);
+    SPins[PIN_SCLK]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.sclk);
+    // Control Pins
+    Pins = new DigitalOut*[3];
+    Pins[PIN_RST]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.rst);
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]   = new DigitalOut(pinout.sce);
+    Pins[PIN_DC]    = new DigitalOut(pinout.dc);
+                lcd-初始化
+void Lcd5110::InitLcd()
+    ResetLcd();
+#ifdef HW_SPI
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(1);     // Chip Select goes low    
+    LcdSpi->format(LCD_SPI_BITS, LCD_SPI_MODE);
+    LcdSpi->frequency(LCD_FREQ);
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(0);     // Chip Select goes low
+    SendCmd(0x21);//使用扩展命令设置LCD模式chip is active & horizontal addressing (H=1)
+    SendCmd(0xc0);//设置VOP值lcd 电压
+    SendCmd(0x20);//使用基本命令,水平寻址                                       (H=0)
+    SendCmd(0x0c);//设定显示模式,正常显示display in normal m
+    clear();
+                lcd-reset
+void Lcd5110::ResetLcd()
+    Pins[PIN_RST]->write(0);    // Reset goes low
+    wait(0.01);
+    Pins[PIN_RST]->write(1);    // Reset goes high
+void Lcd5110::SendCmd(char cmd)
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(0);     // CE goes low 
+    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(0);     // Data/CMD goes low
+#ifdef HW_SPI   
+    LcdSpi->write(cmd);         // Command gets sent
+    for(unsigned char i=0;i<8;i++)
+    {
+        if(cmd&0x80)
+            SPins[PIN_MOSI]->write(1);
+        else
+            SPins[PIN_MOSI]->write(0);      
+        SPins[PIN_SCLK]->write(0);
+        cmd=cmd<<1;
+        SPins[PIN_SCLK]->write(1);
+    }
+    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(1);     // Data/CMD goes back to Data mode
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(1);     // CE goes high    
+void Lcd5110::SendData(char data)
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(0);     // CE goes low 
+    Pins[PIN_DC]->write(1);     // Data/CMD goes low
+#ifdef HW_SPI   
+    LcdSpi->write(data);         // Command gets sent
+    for(unsigned char i=0;i<8;i++)
+    {
+        if(data&0x80)
+            SPins[PIN_MOSI]->write(1);
+        else
+            SPins[PIN_MOSI]->write(0);      
+        SPins[PIN_SCLK]->write(0);
+        data=data<<1;
+        SPins[PIN_SCLK]->write(1);
+    }
+    Pins[PIN_SCE]->write(1);     // CE goes high    
+void Lcd5110::clear()
+    unsigned char i,j;
+    SendCmd(0x0c);//设定显示模式,正常显示  
+    SendCmd(0x80);//设置RAM起始地址
+    for(j=0;j<LCD_Y_MAX;j++)
+    {
+        for(i=0;i<LCD_X_MAX;i++)
+        {
+            SendData(0);
+        }
+    }
+void Lcd5110::TestLcd(char test_pattern)
+    SendCmd(0x0c);//设定显示模式,正常显示  
+    SendCmd(0x80);//设置RAM起始地址
+    for(int tick = 0; tick < (LCD_Y_MAX*LCD_X_MAX); tick++)
+        {
+            SendData(test_pattern);         // Command gets sent
+            wait(0.005);
+        }
+           set_xy
+void Lcd5110::set_xy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y)
+    SendCmd(0x20);//H=0
+    SendCmd(0x80|x);//x-0 to 83
+    SendCmd(0x40|y);//y-0 to 5
+       display a asciifont6*8
+void Lcd5110::write_char(char c)
+    unsigned char line;
+    c-=32;
+    for(line=0;line<LCD_Y_MAX;line++)
+    SendData(ASCII[c][line]);
+        英文字符串显示函数
+void Lcd5110::write_stringxy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,char *p)
+    set_xy(x,y);
+    while(*p)
+    {
+        write_char(*p);
+        p++;
+    }
+        英文字符串显示函数
+void Lcd5110::write_string(char *p)
+    while(*p)
+    {
+        write_char(*p);
+        p++;
+    }
+char* Lcd5110::NumToStr(int num)
+    if(num <= 0)
+        return "0";
+    double length = 0;
+    int tlen = 0;
+    int temp = 1;
+    char c;
+    // Get number of digits
+    while( temp <= num )
+    {
+        temp *= 10;
+        length++;
+    }
+    tlen = length;
+    char* numString = new char[tlen+1];
+    // Convert each place in number to a stand-alone representative number
+    temp = 0;
+    for(int idx = pow(10, length); idx>1; idx = (idx/10))
+    {
+        c = (char)( ((num % idx)-(num % (idx/10)))/(idx/10) + 48);
+        numString[temp] = c;
+        temp++;
+    }
+    numString[temp] = '\0';
+    return numString;
+void Lcd5110::ShutdownLcd()
+    clear();
+    SendCmd( 0x08 );
+    SendCmd( 0x25 );
+    ShutdownLcd();