Modify the file main.cpp for M487

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for NuMaker-mbed-NuBrick-example


NuBrickMaster::MutexGuard Using RAII idiom for mutex lock/unlock
NuBrickField An open field of a NuMaker Brick device
NuBrickMaster A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave modules
NuBrickMasterAHRS A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module AHRS
NuBrickMasterBuzzer A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module Buzzer
NuBrickMasterGas A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module Gas
NuBrickMasterIR A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module IR
NuBrickMasterKeys A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module Keys
NuBrickMasterLED A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module LED
NuBrickMasterSonar A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module Sonar
NuBrickMasterTemp A NuMaker Brick I2C master, used for communicating with NuMaker Brick I2C slave module Temperature & Humidity


main.cpp [code]
nubrick.h [code]
nubrick_prot.h [code]
NuBrickField.h [code]
NuBrickMaster.cpp [code]
NuBrickMaster.h [code]
NuBrickMasterAHRS.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterAHRS.h [code]
NuBrickMasterBuzzer.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterBuzzer.h [code]
NuBrickMasterGas.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterGas.h [code]
NuBrickMasterIR.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterIR.h [code]
NuBrickMasterKeys.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterKeys.h [code]
NuBrickMasterLED.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterLED.h [code]
NuBrickMasterSonar.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterSonar.h [code]
NuBrickMasterTemp.cpp [code]
NuBrickMasterTemp.h [code]