This is Petit FAT File System Module for mbed NXP LPC1768. The ported library from made by Mr. ChaN. The connection is same as SDCard library here . If you need change a pin, You can find the definition at libpff/connect.h :)

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 /* Petit FAT file system module test program R0.02 (C)ChaN, 2009 */
00003 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00005 /*
00006  * Ported by Shinichiro Nakamura (CuBeatSystems)
00007  *
00008  * 2010/06/01
00009  */
00011 #include <string.h>
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "libpff/diskio.h"
00014 #include "libpff/pff.h"
00016 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00018 char Line[128];        /* Console input buffer */
00020 static
00021 void put_rc (FRESULT rc) {
00022     const char *p;
00023     static const char str[] =
00024         "OK\0" "DISK_ERR\0" "NOT_READY\0" "NO_FILE\0" "NO_PATH\0"
00025         "NOT_OPENED\0" "NOT_ENABLED\0" "NO_FILE_SYSTEM\0";
00026     uint8_t i;
00028     for (p = str, i = 0; i != (uint8_t)rc && p; i++) {
00029         while (p++);
00030     }
00031     pc.printf("rc=%u FR_%S\n", (WORD)rc, p);
00032 }
00036 static
00037 void put_drc (BYTE res) {
00038     pc.printf("rc=%d\n", res);
00039 }
00043 static
00044 void get_line (char *buff, BYTE len) {
00045     BYTE c, i;
00047     i = 0;
00048     for (;;) {
00049         c = pc.getc();
00050         if (c == '\r') break;
00051         if ((c == '\b') && i) {
00052             i--;
00053             pc.putc('\b');
00054             pc.putc(' ');
00055             pc.putc('\b');
00056         }
00057         if ((c >= ' ') && (i < len - 1)) {
00058             buff[i++] = c;
00059             pc.putc(c);
00060         }
00061     }
00062     buff[i] = 0;
00063     pc.putc('\n');
00064 }
00068 static
00069 void put_dump (const BYTE *buff, DWORD ofs, int cnt) {
00070     BYTE n;
00072     pc.printf("%08x", ofs);
00073     pc.putc(' ');
00074     for (n = 0; n < cnt; n++) {
00075         pc.putc(' ');
00076         pc.printf("%02x", buff[n]);
00077     }
00078     pc.printf("  ");
00079     for (n = 0; n < cnt; n++) {
00080         pc.putc(((buff[n] < 0x20)||(buff[n] >= 0x7F)) ? '.' : buff[n]);
00081     }
00082     pc.putc('\n');
00083 }
00087 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00088 /* Main                                                                  */
00091 int main (void) {
00092     char *ptr;
00093     long p1, p2;
00094     BYTE res;
00095     WORD s1, s2, s3, ofs, cnt, w;
00096     FATFS fs;            /* File system object */
00097     FATDIR dir;            /* Directory object */
00098     FILINFO fno;        /* File information */
00100     pc.baud(19200);
00101     pc.printf("\nPFF test monitor\n");
00103     for (;;) {
00104         pc.putc('>');
00105         get_line(Line, sizeof(Line));
00106         ptr = Line;
00108         switch (*ptr++) {
00109             case '?' :
00110                 pc.printf("di                - Initialize physical drive\n");
00111                 pc.printf("dd <sector> <ofs> - Dump partial secrtor 128 bytes\n");
00112                 pc.printf("fi                - Mount the volume\n");
00113                 pc.printf("fo <file>         - Open a file\n");
00114                 pc.printf("fd                - Read the file 128 bytes and dump it\n");
00115                 pc.printf("fw <len> <val>    - Write data to the file\n");
00116                 pc.printf("fp                - Write console input to the file\n");
00117                 pc.printf("fe <ofs>          - Move file pointer of the file\n");
00118                 pc.printf("fl [<path>]       - Directory listing\n");
00119                 break;
00120             case 'd' :
00121                 switch (*ptr++) {
00122                     case 'i' :    /* di - Initialize physical drive */
00123                         res = disk_initialize();
00124                         put_drc(res);
00125                         break;
00126                     case 'd' :    /* dd <sector> <ofs> - Dump partial secrtor 128 bytes */
00127                         if (2 != sscanf(ptr, "%x %x", &p1, &p2)) {
00128                             break;
00129                         }
00130                         s2 = p2;
00131                         res = disk_readp((BYTE*)Line, p1, s2, 128);
00132                         if (res) {
00133                             put_drc(res);
00134                             break;
00135                         }
00136                         s3 = s2 + 128;
00137                         for (ptr = Line; s2 < s3; s2 += 16, ptr += 16, ofs += 16) {
00138                             s1 = (s3 - s2 >= 16) ? 16 : s3 - s2;
00139                             put_dump((BYTE*)ptr, s2, s1);
00140                         }
00141                         break;
00142                 }
00143                 break;
00144             case 'f' :
00145                 switch (*ptr++) {
00147                     case 'i' :    /* fi - Mount the volume */
00148                         put_rc(pf_mount(&fs));
00149                         break;
00151                     case 'o' :    /* fo <file> - Open a file */
00152                         while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++;
00153                         put_rc(pf_open(ptr));
00154                         break;
00155 #if _USE_READ
00156                     case 'd' :    /* fd - Read the file 128 bytes and dump it */
00157                         ofs = fs.fptr;
00158                         res = pf_read(Line, sizeof(Line), &s1);
00159                         if (res != FR_OK) {
00160                             put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00161                             break;
00162                         }
00163                         ptr = Line;
00164                         while (s1) {
00165                             s2 = (s1 >= 16) ? 16 : s1;
00166                             s1 -= s2;
00167                             put_dump((BYTE*)ptr, ofs, s2);
00168                             ptr += 16;
00169                             ofs += 16;
00170                         }
00171                         break;
00173 #endif
00174 #if _USE_WRITE
00175                     case 'w' :    /* fw <len> <val> - Write data to the file */
00176                         if (2 != sscanf(ptr, "%x %x", &p1, &p2)) {
00177                             break;
00178                         }
00179                         for (s1 = 0; s1 < sizeof(Line); Line[s1++] = (BYTE)p2) ;
00180                         p2 = 0;
00181                         while (p1) {
00182                             if ((UINT)p1 >= sizeof(Line)) {
00183                                 cnt = sizeof(Line);
00184                                 p1 -= sizeof(Line);
00185                             } else {
00186                                 cnt = (WORD)p1;
00187                                 p1 = 0;
00188                             }
00189                             res = pf_write(Line, cnt, &w);    /* Write data to the file */
00190                             p2 += w;
00191                             if (res != FR_OK) {
00192                                 put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00193                                 break;
00194                             }
00195                             if (cnt != w) break;
00196                         }
00197                         res = pf_write(0, 0, &w);        /* Finalize the write process */
00198                         put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00199                         if (res == FR_OK)
00200                             pc.printf("%lu bytes written.\n", p2);
00201                         break;
00202                     case 'p' :    /* fp - Write console input to the file */
00203                         pc.printf("Type any line to write. A blank line finalize the write operation.\n");
00204                         for (;;) {
00205                             get_line(Line, sizeof(Line));
00206                             if (!Line[0]) break;
00207                             strcat(Line, "\r\n");
00208                             res = pf_write(Line, strlen(Line), &w);    /* Write a line to the file */
00209                             if (res) break;
00210                         }
00211                         res = pf_write(0, 0, &w);        /* Finalize the write process */
00212                         put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00213                         break;
00214 #endif
00215 #if _USE_LSEEK
00216                     case 'e' :    /* fe <ofs> - Move file pointer of the file */
00217                         if (1 != sscanf(ptr, "%x", &p1)) {
00218                             break;
00219                         }
00220                         res = pf_lseek(p1);
00221                         put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00222                         if (res == FR_OK) {
00223                             pc.printf("fptr = %lu(0x%lX)\n", fs.fptr, fs.fptr);
00224                         }
00225                         break;
00226 #endif
00227 #if _USE_DIR
00228                     case 'l' :    /* fl [<path>] - Directory listing */
00229                         while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++;
00230                         res = pf_opendir(&dir, ptr);
00231                         if (res) {
00232                             put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00233                             break;
00234                         }
00235                         s1 = 0;
00236                         for (;;) {
00237                             res = pf_readdir(&dir, &fno);
00238                             if (res != FR_OK) {
00239                                 put_rc((FRESULT)res);
00240                                 break;
00241                             }
00242                             if (!fno.fname[0]) break;
00243                             if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR)
00244                                 pc.printf("   <DIR>   %s\n", fno.fname);
00245                             else
00246                                 pc.printf("%9lu  %s\n", fno.fsize, fno.fname);
00247                             s1++;
00248                         }
00249                         pc.printf("%u item(s)\n", s1);
00250                         break;
00251 #endif
00252                 }
00253                 break;
00254         }
00255     }
00257 }