This is a demonstration of two Choro Q Hybrid cars.

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00001 #include "appconf.h"
00002 #include <ConfigFile.h>
00004 LocalFileSystem fs_local("local");
00006 /*
00007  * Configuration File Example.
00008  *
00009  * Ch1=A
00010  * Ch2=B
00011  */
00013 #define CONFIG_FILENAME "/local/SETUP.CFG"
00015 #define KEY_CH1 "Ch1"
00016 #define KEY_CH2 "Ch2"
00017 #define VALUE_CHANNEL_A "A"
00018 #define VALUE_CHANNEL_B "B"
00019 #define VALUE_CHANNEL_C "C"
00020 #define VALUE_CHANNEL_D "D"
00022 /**
00023  * Initialize a configuration.
00024  *
00025  * @param p A pointer to a configuration structure.
00026  */
00027 void appconf_init(appconf_t *p) {
00028     p->ch1 = ChoroQ::ChA;
00029     p->ch2 = ChoroQ::ChB;
00030 }
00032 /**
00033  * Get a channel from the key.
00034  *
00035  * @param cf A pointer to a config file object.
00036  * @param p A pointer to a application config.
00037  * @param key The key.
00038  * @param ch A pointer to the channel.
00039  *
00040  * @return Return 0 if it succeed.
00041  */
00042 static int getChannel(ConfigFile *cf, appconf_t *p, char *key, ChoroQ::Channel *ch) {
00043     char value[64];
00044     if (!cf->getValue(key, value, sizeof(value))) {
00045         return -1;
00046     }
00048     if (strcmp(value, VALUE_CHANNEL_A) == 0) {
00049         *ch = ChoroQ::ChA;
00050         return 0;
00051     } else if (strcmp(value, VALUE_CHANNEL_B) == 0) {
00052         *ch = ChoroQ::ChB;
00053         return 0;
00054     } else if (strcmp(value, VALUE_CHANNEL_C) == 0) {
00055         *ch = ChoroQ::ChC;
00056         return 0;
00057     } else if (strcmp(value, VALUE_CHANNEL_D) == 0) {
00058         *ch = ChoroQ::ChD;
00059         return 0;
00060     } else {
00061         return -2;
00062     }
00063 }
00065 /**
00066  * Read a configuration.
00067  *
00068  * @param p A pointer to a configuration structure.
00069  *
00070  * @return Return 0 if read succeed.
00071  */
00072 int appconf_read(appconf_t *p) {
00073     ConfigFile cfg;
00075     if (! {
00076         return -1;
00077     }
00079     if (getChannel(&cfg, p, KEY_CH1, &p->ch1) != 0) {
00080         return -2;
00081     }
00082     if (getChannel(&cfg, p, KEY_CH2, &p->ch2) != 0) {
00083         return -3;
00084     }
00086     return 0;
00087 }