General testings

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of BEACON_CODE_NEW by Mohamed Azad

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 13 13:04:48 2016 +0000
Commit message:
general testing;

Changed in this revision

BCN.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BCN.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/BCN.cpp	Mon Nov 02 14:22:50 2015 +0000
+++ b/BCN.cpp	Wed Apr 13 13:04:48 2016 +0000
@@ -1,384 +1,403 @@
-#include "BCN.h"
-//Check the pin names
-//Takes max 4.3 sec in void FCTN_BCN_TX_MAIN() (temp.calc. + long_beacon + short_beacon) 
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);        //tx,rx
-SPI spi(D11, D12, D13);              // mosi, miso, sclk 
-DigitalOut cs(D10);                //slave select or chip select
-Timer t_i;
-Timeout rf_sl_timeout;
-Ticker loop;
-uint8_t BCN_INIT_STATUS = 0;
-uint8_t BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
-uint8_t BCN_TX_STATUS = 0;
-uint8_t BCN_TX_EN = 1;              //hardcoding for now    //check where is this variable toggled??
-uint8_t BCN_FEN = 0;                //hardcoding for now    //write this value to flash
-uint8_t BCN_STANDBY = 0;            //hardcoding for now    //check where is this variable toggled??
-uint8_t BCN_TS_BUFFER = 0;              // For Temperature 
-    pc.printf("FCTN_BCN_INIT\n");
-    if(BCN_FEN == 0)
-        rf_sl_timeout.attach(&FCTN_BCN_FEN, 30);
-    Init_BEACON_HW();
-void FCTN_BCN_FEN()
-    pc.printf("FCTN_FEN\n");
-    BCN_FEN = 1;//write this value to flash
-    pc.printf("FCTN_BCN_TX_MAIN\n");
-    t_i.start();
-    int begin = t_i.read_us();
-    if(BCN_FEN == 1)
-    {
-        if(BCN_TX_EN == 1)
-        {
-            //Measure and store BCN temperature in BCN_TS_BUFFER
-            BCN_TS_BUFFER = check_Temperature();
-            pc.printf("\n\ntemperature = %d\n\n",BCN_TS_BUFFER);
-            //Get BCN_HK data from BCN HW(SPI) //Store BCN_HK data in BCN_HK_BUFFER
-            if(BCN_STANDBY == 1 )
-            {
-                Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_STANDBY);
-                BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
-                // break;
-            }
-            else
-            {       
-                    //transmit short beacon and long beacon
-                    //SHORT_BCN_TX();
-                    LONG_BCN_TX();
-                    if(Check_ACK_RECEIVED() == 1)
-                    {
-                        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_SUCCESS);
-                        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;   
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_FAILURE);
-                        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
-                    }
-             }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_RF_SILENCE);  //Window of RF Silence: None of the Txs should be on.
-        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
-    }
-    t_i.stop();
-    int end = t_i.read_us();
-    pc.printf("The time required for FCTN_BCN_TX_MAIN is %d useconds\r\n", end-begin);
-void Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(uint8_t STATUS)
-uint8_t check_Temperature()
-    uint8_t temperature;
-    writereg(RF22_REG_0F_ADC_CONFIGURATION,0x00);            
-    writereg(RF22_REG_12_Temperature_Sensor_Calibration,0x20);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_0F_ADC_CONFIGURATION,0x80);
-    wait(0.1);
-    temperature = readreg(RF22_REG_11_ADC_Value);
-    temperature = (float)temperature*0.5 - 64;
-    return temperature;
-void SHORT_BCN_TX()
-    writereg(RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE,0x01);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE,0x50);//160bps
-    writereg(RF22_REG_3E_PACKET_LENGTH,SHORT_TX_DATA); //short packet length 
-    wait(0.02);      
-    uint32_t timeout_count = 10e5;
-    //extract values from short_beacon[]
-    struct Short_beacon
-    {
-        uint8_t Voltage[1];
-        uint8_t AngularSpeed[2];
-        uint8_t SubsystemStatus[1];
-        uint8_t Temp[3];
-        uint8_t ErrorFlag[1];
-    }Shortbeacon = { {0x88}, {0x99, 0xAA} , {0xAA},{0xAA,0xDD,0xEE}, {0x00} };
-    //filling hk data
-    //uint8_t short_beacon[] = { 0xAB, 0x8A, 0xE2, 0xBB, 0xB8, 0xA2, 0x8E,Shortbeacon.Voltage[0],Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[0], Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[1],Shortbeacon.SubsystemStatus[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[1],Shortbeacon.Temp[2],Shortbeacon.ErrorFlag[0]};
-    uint8_t short_beacon[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,Shortbeacon.Voltage[0],Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[0], Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[1],Shortbeacon.SubsystemStatus[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[1],Shortbeacon.Temp[2],Shortbeacon.ErrorFlag[0]};
-    clearTxBuf();     
-    //writing data first time
-    int byte = 0;
-    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(0xFF);   
-    for (int byte_counter = 0; byte_counter <15 ; byte_counter++)
-    {
-        for(int j = 3; j >= 0 ; j--)
-        {
-            if((short_beacon[byte_counter] & (uint8_t) pow(2.0,(j*2+1)))!= pow(2.0,(j*2+1)))
-            {
-                byte=0x00;
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-                byte=0xF0;
-            }  
-            if((short_beacon[byte_counter] & (uint8_t) pow(2.0,j*2))!= pow(2.0,j*2))
-            {
-                byte=byte | 0x00;
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-               byte=byte | 0x0F;
-            }
-            spi.write(byte);
-         }
-    }   
-    cs = 1;
-    //Set to Tx mode
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x08);//*
-    wait(0.1);  
-    //Check for fifoThresh
-    while(timeout_count--)if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) == 0x20)break;
-    timeout_count=10e5;
-    //Check for packet_sent
-    while(timeout_count--)if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) == 0x04)break;
-    //pc.printf("Short packet sent\r\n");
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
-void LONG_BCN_TX()
-    writereg(RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE,0x04);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE,0xEA);//600 bps
-    writereg(RF22_REG_3E_PACKET_LENGTH,LONG_TX_DATA); //long packet length
-    wait(0.02);                                                           
-    uint32_t timeout_count=10e5;
-    //get long_beacon array
-    uint8_t Long_beacon[75];
-    for(int i = 0;i<75;)
-    {
-        Long_beacon[i++] = 0xAA;
-    }
-    //setModeIdle();
-    clearTxBuf();     
-    //writing data first time
-    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(0xFF);   
-    for(int i=0; i<60;i++)
-    {
-        spi.write(Long_beacon[i]);
-    }
-    cs = 1;
-    //Set to Tx mode
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x08);//*
-    wait(0.1);
-    //Check for fifoThresh
-    while(timeout_count--)if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) == 0x20)break;
-    timeout_count=10e5;
-    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(0xFF);   
-    for(int i=60; i<75;i++)
-    {
-        spi.write(Long_beacon[i]);
-    }
-    cs = 1;
-    wait(0.1);
-    //Check for fifoThresh
-    while(timeout_count--)if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) == 0x20)break;
-    timeout_count=10e5;
-    //Check for packetsent interrupt
-    while(timeout_count--)if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) == 0x04)break;
-    //pc.printf("Long packet sent\r\n");
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
-void reset_rfm()
-void writereg(uint8_t reg,uint8_t val)
-    uint8_t count = 0; 
-    for(;;count++)
-    {
-        int read_val =0; cs = 0;spi.write(reg | 0x80);spi.write(val);cs = 1;
-        if(reg != 0x7 && reg != 0x58 && reg != 0xF) 
-        {        
-            read_val = readreg(reg);
-            if (read_val == val)
-            {
-                break;    
-            }
-            else if(count == 5)
-            {
-                reset_rfm(), printf("reg = 0x%X\n",reg);break;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        break;
-    }
-uint8_t readreg(uint8_t reg)
-    uint8_t val;cs = 0;spi.write(reg & ~0x80);val = spi.write(0);cs = 1;return val;
-void clearTxBuf()
-    writereg(RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2,0x01);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2,0x00);
-uint8_t setFrequency(double centre)
-    uint8_t fbsel = 0x40;
-    if (centre >= 480.0) {
-        centre /= 2;
-        fbsel |= 0x20;
-    } 
-    centre /= 10.0;
-    double integerPart = floor(centre);
-    double fractionalPart = centre - integerPart;
-    uint8_t fb = (uint8_t)integerPart - 24; // Range 0 to 23
-    fbsel |= fb;
-    uint16_t fc = fractionalPart * 64000;
-    writereg(RF22_REG_73_FREQUENCY_OFFSET1, 0);  // REVISIT
-    writereg(RF22_REG_74_FREQUENCY_OFFSET2, 0);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_75_FREQUENCY_BAND_SELECT, fbsel);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_76_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY1, fc >> 8);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_77_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY0, fc & 0xff);
-    return 0;
-void Init_BEACON_HW()
-    wait(0.1);
-    cs=1;                          // chip must be deselected
-    wait(0.1);
-    spi.format(8,0);
-    spi.frequency(10000000);       //10MHz SCLK
-    //should either have a flag for invalid SPI or discard this for actual case or add reset
-    if (readreg(RF22_REG_00_DEVICE_TYPE) == 0x08)
-        pc.printf("spi connection valid\r\n");
-    else
-        {pc.printf("error in spi connection\r\n");
-        reset_rfm();
-        }
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x80);        //sw_reset
-    wait(0.1);                    //takes time to reset                                  
-    clearTxBuf();                                                                                                                        
-    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
-    //txfifoalmostempty
-    writereg(RF22_REG_7D_TX_FIFO_CONTROL2,30);
-    //Packet-engine registers
-    writereg(RF22_REG_30_DATA_ACCESS_CONTROL,0x00); 
-    writereg(RF22_REG_33_HEADER_CONTROL2,0x08);    
-    writereg(RF22_REG_34_PREAMBLE_LENGTH,0x00);       
-    writereg(RF22_REG_0B_GPIO_CONFIGURATION0,0x15); // TX state                        
-    writereg(RF22_REG_0C_GPIO_CONFIGURATION1,0x12); // RX state                        
-    setFrequency(435.0);
-    if((readreg(RF22_REG_02_DEVICE_STATUS)& 0x08)!= 0x00)
-        {
-            pc.printf("frequency not set properly\r\n");
-            reset_rfm();
-        }
-    //set Modem Configuration
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_1C_IF_FILTER_BANDWIDTH,0xdf);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_21_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET2,0x20);                     
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_22_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET1,0x68);           //updated 20 to 25 reg values from excel sheet for 1.2 Khz freq. deviation,fsk
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_23_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET0,0xdc);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_24_CLOCK_RECOVERY_TIMING_LOOP_GAIN1,0x00);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_25_CLOCK_RECOVERY_TIMING_LOOP_GAIN0,0x6B);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_2C_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_1,0x2C);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_2D_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_2,0x11);    //not required for fsk (OOK counter value)
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_2E_SLICER_PEAK_HOLD,0x2A);         //??
-    writereg(RF22_REG_58,0x80);
-    //writereg(RF22_REG_69_AGC_OVERRIDE1,0x60);
-    //Data rate set later
-    writereg(RF22_REG_70_MODULATION_CONTROL1,0x20);
-    writereg(RF22_REG_71_MODULATION_CONTROL2,0x21);//ook = 0x21
-    //set tx power
-    writereg(RF22_REG_6D_TX_POWER,0x07);    //20dbm
-    //TX_packet_length written later
-bool Check_ACK_RECEIVED()
-    if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) == 0x04)  
-    {
-        printf("Packet sent: ACK received\r\n");
-        return 1;   
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pc.printf("Packet not sent\r\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-int main()
-    FCTN_BCN_INIT(); 
-    loop.attach(&FCTN_BCN_TX_MAIN, 10.0);//in actual case its 30.0
-    while(1);
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "BCN.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "pin_config.h"
+Serial pc_bcn(USBTX, USBRX);        //tx,rx
+SPI spi(PIN16, PIN17, PIN15);              // mosi, miso, sclk
+DigitalOut cs(PIN6);                //slave select or chip select
+Timer t;
+Timer t_i;
+Ticker loop;
+uint8_t BCN_TX_STATUS;
+uint8_t BCN_TX_EN = 1;              //hardcoding for now    //check where is this variable toggled??
+uint8_t BCN_FEN = 1;                //write this to non-erasable memory.
+uint8_t BCN_STANDBY = 0;            //hardcoding for now    //check where is this variable toggled??
+uint8_t BCN_TS_BUFFER;              // For Temperature 
+void P_BCN_INIT()
+    pc_bcn.printf("P_BCN_INIT\n");
+    Init_BEACON_HW();
+    if (BCN_FEN == 0)
+        t.start();//Start the timer for RF_Silence
+void P_BCN_FEN()
+    pc_bcn.printf("P_FEN\n");
+    BCN_FEN = 1;//write this value to flash
+void P_BCN_TX_MAIN()
+    pc_bcn.printf("P_BCN_TX_MAIN\n");
+    if(BCN_FEN == 1)
+    {
+        if(BCN_TX_EN == 1)
+        {
+            //Measure and store BCN temperature in BCN_TS_BUFFER
+            BCN_TS_BUFFER = check_Temperature();
+            pc_bcn.printf("\n\ntemperature = %d\n\n",BCN_TS_BUFFER);
+            //Get BCN_HK data from BCN HW(SPI) //Store BCN_HK data in BCN_HK_BUFFER
+            if(BCN_STANDBY == 1 )
+            {
+                Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_STANDBY);
+                BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
+                // break;
+            }
+            else
+            {       
+                    //transmit short beacon and long beacon
+                    t_i.start();
+                    int begin = t_i.read_us();
+                    SHORT_BCN_TX();
+                    LONG_BCN_TX();
+                    t_i.stop();
+                    int end = t_i.read_us();
+                    pc_bcn.printf("The time required for short and long is %d seconds\r\n", end-begin);
+                    if(Check_ACK_RECEIVED() == 1)
+                    {
+                        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_SUCCESS);
+                        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;   
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_TX_FAILURE);
+                        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
+                    }
+             }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(BCN_RF_SILENCE);  //Window of RF Silence: None of the Txs should be on.
+        BCN_TX_MAIN_STATUS = 0;
+    }
+void Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(uint8_t STATUS)
+uint8_t check_Temperature()
+    uint8_t temperature;
+    writereg(RF22_REG_0F_ADC_CONFIGURATION,0x80);            
+    writereg(RF22_REG_12_Temperature_Sensor_Calibration,0x20);
+    wait(1);
+    temperature = readreg(RF22_REG_11_ADC_Value);
+    temperature = (float)temperature*0.5 - 64;
+    return temperature;
+void SHORT_BCN_TX()
+    writereg(RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE,0x01);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE,0x4F);//160bps
+    writereg(RF22_REG_3E_PACKET_LENGTH,SHORT_TX_DATA); //short packet length
+    /*
+    init();
+    //init complete
+    pc_bcn.printf("init t to send\n");
+    while(pc_bcn.getc()=='t')
+    {   */
+    //button.rise(&interrupt_func);         //interrupt enabled ( rising edge of pin 9)
+    wait(0.02);                                                           // pl. update this value  or even avoid it!!!                  
+    int i=0;
+    //extract values from short_beacon[]
+    struct Short_beacon
+    {
+        uint8_t Voltage[1];
+        uint8_t AngularSpeed[2];
+        uint8_t SubsystemStatus[1];
+        uint8_t Temp[3];
+        uint8_t ErrorFlag[1];
+    }Shortbeacon = { {0x88}, {0x99, 0xAA} , {0xAA},{0xAA,0xDD,0xEE}, {0x00} };
+    //filling hk data
+    //uint8_t short_beacon[] = { 0xAB, 0x8A, 0xE2, 0xBB, 0xB8, 0xA2, 0x8E,Shortbeacon.Voltage[0],Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[0], Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[1],Shortbeacon.SubsystemStatus[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[1],Shortbeacon.Temp[2],Shortbeacon.ErrorFlag[0]};
+    uint8_t short_beacon[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,Shortbeacon.Voltage[0],Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[0], Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[1],Shortbeacon.SubsystemStatus[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[0],Shortbeacon.Temp[1],Shortbeacon.Temp[2],Shortbeacon.ErrorFlag[0]};
+    //uint8_t short_beacon[15];
+//    for(int i = 0;i<15;i++)
+//    {
+//        short_beacon[i] = 0xAA;
+//    }
+    //writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x01);        //ready mode       ??    
+    clearTxBuf();     
+    //writing data first time
+    int byte = 0;
+    cs = 0;
+    spi.write(0xFF);   
+    pc_bcn.printf("line 151");
+    for (int byte_counter = 0; byte_counter <15 ; byte_counter++)
+    {
+        for(int j = 3; j >= 0 ; j--)
+        {
+            if((short_beacon[byte_counter] & (uint8_t) pow(2.0,(j*2+1)))!= pow(2.0,(j*2+1)))
+            {
+                byte=0x00;
+            }
+            else
+            { 
+                byte=0xF0;
+            }  
+            if((short_beacon[byte_counter] & (uint8_t) pow(2.0,j*2))!= pow(2.0,j*2))
+            {
+                byte=byte | 0x00;
+            }
+            else
+            { 
+               byte=byte | 0x0F;
+            }
+            spi.write(byte);
+         }
+    }   
+    cs = 1;
+    pc_bcn.printf("line 177\n");
+    //Set to Tx mode
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x09);
+    //Check for fifoThresh
+    while((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) != 0x20);
+    //pc_bcn.printf("fifothresh1?\n");
+    pc_bcn.printf("line 184\n");
+    //rf22.waitPacketSent();
+    while((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) != 0x04);
+        //pc_bcn.printf(" chk pkt sent!\r\n");     
+    pc_bcn.printf("Short packet sent\r\n");
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
+void LONG_BCN_TX()
+    writereg(RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE,0x04);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE,0xEA);//600 bps
+    writereg(RF22_REG_3E_PACKET_LENGTH,LONG_TX_DATA); //long packet length
+    wait(0.02);                                                           
+    //get long_beacon array
+    uint8_t Long_beacon[75];
+    for(int i = 0;i<75;i++)
+    {
+        Long_beacon[i] = 0xA0;
+    }
+    //setModeIdle();
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x01);        //ready mode    
+    clearTxBuf();     
+    //writing data first time
+    cs = 0;
+    spi.write(0xFF);   
+    for(int i=0; i<60;i++)
+    {
+        spi.write(Long_beacon[i]);
+    }
+    cs = 1;
+    //Set to Tx mode
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x09);
+    //Check for fifoThresh
+    while((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) != 0x20);
+    cs = 0;
+    spi.write(0xFF);   
+    for(int i=60; i<75;i++)
+    {
+        spi.write(Long_beacon[i]);
+    }
+    cs = 1;
+    wait(0.01);
+    //Check for fifoThresh
+    while((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x20) != 0x20);
+    //Check for packetsent interrupt
+    while((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) != 0x04);
+    pc_bcn.printf("Long packet sent\r\n");
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
+void reset_uC()
+    P_BCN_INIT();
+void writereg(uint8_t reg,uint8_t val)
+    uint8_t count = 0; 
+    for(;;count++)
+    {
+        int read_val =0; cs = 0;spi.write(reg | 0x80);spi.write(val);cs = 1;
+        if(reg != 0x7 && reg != 0x58 && reg != 0xF) 
+        {        
+            read_val = readreg(reg);
+            if (read_val == val)
+            {
+                break;    
+            }
+            else if(count == 5)
+            {
+                reset_uC(), printf("reg = 0x%X\n",reg);break;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        break;
+    }
+uint8_t readreg(uint8_t reg)
+    uint8_t val;cs = 0;spi.write(reg & ~0x80);val = spi.write(0);cs = 1;return val;
+void clearTxBuf()
+    writereg(RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2,0x01);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2,0x00);
+uint8_t setFrequency(double centre,float afcPullInRange)
+    uint8_t fbsel = 0x40;
+    uint8_t afclimiter;
+    if (centre >= 480.0) {
+        centre /= 2;
+        fbsel |= 0x20;
+        afclimiter = afcPullInRange * 1000000.0 / 1250.0;
+    } else {
+        if (afcPullInRange < 0.0 || afcPullInRange > 0.159375)
+            return false;
+        afclimiter = afcPullInRange * 1000000.0 / 625.0;
+    }
+    centre /= 10.0;
+    double integerPart = floor(centre);
+    double fractionalPart = centre - integerPart;
+    uint8_t fb = (uint8_t)integerPart - 24; // Range 0 to 23
+    fbsel |= fb;
+    uint16_t fc = fractionalPart * 64000;
+    writereg(RF22_REG_73_FREQUENCY_OFFSET1, 0);  // REVISIT
+    writereg(RF22_REG_74_FREQUENCY_OFFSET2, 0);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_75_FREQUENCY_BAND_SELECT, fbsel);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_76_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY1, fc >> 8);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_77_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY0, fc & 0xff);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_2A_AFC_LIMITER, afclimiter);
+    return 0;
+void Init_BEACON_HW()
+    cs=1;                          // chip must be deselected
+    spi.format(8,0);
+    spi.frequency(10000000);       //10MHz SCLK
+    //should either have a flag for invalid SPI or discard this for actual case or add reset
+    if (readreg(RF22_REG_00_DEVICE_TYPE) == 0x08)
+        pc_bcn.printf("spi connection valid\r\n");
+    else
+        {pc_bcn.printf("error in spi connection\r\n");
+        reset_uC();
+        }
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x80);        //sw_reset
+    wait(1);                    //takes time to reset                                  
+    clearTxBuf();                                                                                                                        
+    writereg(RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1,0x00);        //standby mode
+    //txfifoalmostempty
+    writereg(RF22_REG_7D_TX_FIFO_CONTROL2,30);
+    //Packet-engine registers
+    writereg(RF22_REG_30_DATA_ACCESS_CONTROL,0x00); 
+    writereg(RF22_REG_33_HEADER_CONTROL2,0x08);    
+    writereg(RF22_REG_34_PREAMBLE_LENGTH,0x00);       
+    writereg(RF22_REG_0B_GPIO_CONFIGURATION0,0x15); // TX state                        
+    writereg(RF22_REG_0C_GPIO_CONFIGURATION1,0x12); // RX state                        
+    setFrequency(435.0,05);
+    if((readreg(RF22_REG_02_DEVICE_STATUS)& 0x08)!= 0x00)
+        {
+            //pc_bcn.printf("frequency not set properly\r\n");
+            reset_uC();
+        }
+    //set Modem Configuration
+    writereg(RF22_REG_1C_IF_FILTER_BANDWIDTH,0xdf);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_21_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET2,0x20);                     
+    writereg(RF22_REG_22_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET1,0x68);           //updated 20 to 25 reg values from excel sheet for 1.2 Khz freq. deviation,fsk
+    writereg(RF22_REG_23_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET0,0xdc);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_24_CLOCK_RECOVERY_TIMING_LOOP_GAIN1,0x00);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_2C_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_1,0x2C);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_2D_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_2,0x11);    //not required for fsk (OOK counter value)
+    writereg(RF22_REG_2E_SLICER_PEAK_HOLD,0x2A);         //??
+    writereg(RF22_REG_58,0x80);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_69_AGC_OVERRIDE1,0x60);
+    //Data rate set later
+    writereg(RF22_REG_70_MODULATION_CONTROL1,0x20);
+    writereg(RF22_REG_71_MODULATION_CONTROL2,0x21);//ook = 0x21
+    //set tx power
+    writereg(RF22_REG_6D_TX_POWER,0x07);    //20dbm
+    //TX_packet_length written later
+bool Check_ACK_RECEIVED()
+    if((readreg(RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1) & 0x04) == 0x04)  
+    {
+        printf("Packet sent: ACK received\r\n");
+        return 1;   
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pc_bcn.printf("Packet not sent\r\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+/*int main()
+    P_BCN_INIT(); 
+    loop.attach(&P_BCN_TX_MAIN, 10.0);
+    while( < RF_SILENCE_TIME);
+    P_BCN_FEN();
+    while(1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/BCN.h	Mon Nov 02 14:22:50 2015 +0000
+++ b/BCN.h	Wed Apr 13 13:04:48 2016 +0000
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 #define SHORT_TX_DATA 60    //in bytes
 #define LONG_TX_DATA 75    //in bytes      
-//#define RF_SILENCE_TIME 35*60
-#define RF_SILENCE_TIME 5 //changed for testing
+//#define RF_SILENCE_TIME 5   //in seconds
+#define RF_SILENCE_TIME 10
-void FCTN_BCN_INIT();
-void FCTN_BCN_FEN();
+void P_BCN_INIT();
+void P_BCN_FEN();
+void P_BCN_TX_MAIN();
 void Set_BCN_TX_STATUS(uint8_t);
 uint8_t check_Temperature();
 void SHORT_BCN_TX();
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 void writereg(uint8_t,uint8_t);
 uint8_t readreg(uint8_t);
 void clearTxBuf();
-uint8_t setFrequency(double);
+uint8_t setFrequency(double,float);
 bool Check_ACK_RECEIVED();
-void reset_rfm();
+void reset_uC();
 #define RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 255
--- a/mbed.bld	Mon Nov 02 14:22:50 2015 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Apr 13 13:04:48 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
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