My Version of the Crealab MotorLib.

Fork of MotorLib by CreaLab

--- a/motor.h	Wed Apr 17 21:48:14 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
- * @file CreaMot.h
- * \brief File contains Crealab CreaMot Library.
- * CreaMot.h contains the class CreaMot, and related enums and structs.
- * Includes only "mbed.h".
- *
- * MotStatus structure is dissolved into the CreaMot Class
- *
- * Rotation directions are now consistently called Clockwise, and Counterclockwise (CCW), 
- * instead of mix them with Left and Right. 
- * Doxygens Tags are preceeded by either a backslash @\ or by an at symbol @@.
- * @author Tarek Lule, Francois Druilhe, et al.
- * @date 01. Nov. 2018.
- * @see  */
- // -------------------- CreaMot ---------------------------
-#ifndef MOTOR_H
-#define MOTOR_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-#define MOTOR_STEP_TIME_MIN_US 700      /**< Shortest Time between two CreaMot steps = 0.7ms, was MOTOR_STEP_TIME_MIN*/
-#define MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US 5000 /**< Default Time between two CreaMot steps = 5ms, was MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT*/
-#define MOTOR_STEPS_FOR_A_TURN 4096     /**< Default number of CreaMot steps to complete a turn = 4096 steps  */
-#define CLOCKWISE true                  /**< Constant for Clockwise direction */
-#define COUNTERCLOCKWISE false          /**< Constant for Counter-Clockwise direction */
-#define MAX_SPEED_CM_SEC 30.0f    /**< Clamp maximum advancement speed = 30cm/sec, was MAX_SPEED */
-#define MIN_SPEED_CM_SEC 0.001f   /**< Clamp minimum advancement speed = 10um/sec */
-#define PI 3.141592f    /** PI needed to calcuate from angle to distances */
-#define PI_OVER_180 (PI/180.0f)  /** needed to translate from angle to circumference */
-/** \enum motStates 
-* \brief Possible States of CreaMot state machine
-* Motor_CALIB is deprecated, was removed from the enum structure */
-typedef enum {
-    Motor_OFF = 0,  /**< All phase currents is off, replaces Motor_STOP. */  
-    Motor_ZERO,     /**< CreaMot at phase position 0 and ON, only reached by call of Zero() procedure. */  
-    Motor_ON,       /**< Phases are engaged, but CreaMot state machine stopped, replaces Motor_PAUSE. */  
-    Motor_RUN       /**< Phases are engaged, and CreaMot state machine runs*/  
-} motStates;
-/** \enum motCmands 
-* \brief Commands that are handled by the CreaMot state machine
-* These Commands are issued asynchonously by calling CreaMot class methods.
-* They are executed in the state machine called by the ticker handler.
-* OFF and STOP commands do not go through the state machine.
-* MOTOR_restart is equivalent to and replaced by MOTOR_run.
-typedef enum {
-    MOTOR_nop = 0,  /**< No active command to execute. */
-    MOTOR_run,      /**< Run CreaMot until Nsteps are achieved. */
-    MOTOR_stop,     /**< Stop immediately all activity, turn off CreaMot. */
-    MOTOR_pause     /**< CreaMot is temporarily paused from the state run. */
-} motCmands;
-* Class of a Four Phase Stepper CreaMot.
-* Perform Runs for number of steps, or given amount angle, but also Low-Level steps. 
-* High-Level Run functions have 'Run' in their name.
-* They rely on tickers and return immediately after ticker is set up. 
-* A state-machine evaluates the one ongoing command versus the CreaMot state at every tick.
-* When End of Run is detected tickers stop, and CreaMot turns off. 
-* To define the speed of the CreaMot set the variable StepTime_us, either by
-*    a) Using the createor CreaMot(...., uint32_t AStepTime_us);
-*    b) Calling function setStepTime_us(uint32_t AStepTime_us); any time
-*    c) or leave it to the default value MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US = 5000
-* To be able to run the CreaMot for a given angle, set the number of steps per full turn
-*    with the function "setStepsFullTurn"
-*    That value defaults to MOTOR_STEPS_FOR_A_TURN = 4096
-* To be able to run the CreaMot for a given perimeter distance in centimeters, 
-*    set the wheel diameter with the function setDiamCM( float Adiam_cm); 
-* Callbacks can be attached to react to 'end of run' events. 
-*Attention: the attached Callback is called within a Ticker Callback.
-*    Your code you execute in the Callback should be short, must not use waits, or any long routines.
-*    Do not call any CreaMot run commands in the callback, as it creates conflict situations.
-*    Long Callback code may impair this and any other Ticker functions that run in your application.
-*Low-Level functions directly talk to the hardware without ticker. 
-*   Use of Low-Level functions while tickers still run may lead to unexpected behavior. 
-* NB: all times are uint32_t, step numbers are int32_t
-class CreaMot
-    /** CreaMot Class Creator
-    *
-    * Creates the class, initiallizes all fields, creates Phase Pins.  
-    * Time between two steps defaults here to MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US = 5000usec.
-    * Pin names are used to create digital outputs: Pin0 = new DigitalOut(_MPh0)
-    *
-    @code
-       PinName MotPhases[] = {PB_1, PB_15, PB_14, PB_13};
-       CreaMot MotorName(MotPhases); // Call this creator for example like this:  
-    @endcode 
-    * 
-    * @param _MPh Array of Names of the 4 Digital Pins of type PinNames 
-    */
-    CreaMot(PinName _MPh[4] );
-    /** CreaMot Class Creator
-    *
-    * Creates the class, initiallizes all fields, creates Phase Pins.  
-    * Time between two steps defaults here to MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US=5000usec.
-    * Pin names are used to create digital outputs: Pin0 = new DigitalOut(_MPh0)
-    *
-    @code
-      // Call this creator for example like this:
-       CreaMot MotorName(PB_1, PB_15, PB_14, PB_13);
-    @endcode 
-    * 
-    * @param <_MPh0, _MPh1, _MPh2, _MPh3> List of Names of the 4 Digital Pins of type PinNames    
-    */
-    CreaMot(PinName _MPh0, PinName _MPh1, PinName _MPh2, PinName _MPh3);
-    /** CreaMot Class Creator
-    *
-    * Creates the class, initiallizes all fields, creates Phase Pins.  
-    * Time between two steps is passed as parameter.
-    * Pin names are used to create digital outputs: Pin0 = new DigitalOut(_MPh0)
-    *
-    @code
-      // Call this creator for example like this:
-       CreaMot MotorName(PB_1, PB_15, PB_14, PB_13, 6000);
-    @endcode 
-    *
-    * @param <_MPh0, _MPh1, _MPh2, _MPh3> List of Names of the 4 Digital Pins of type PinNames    
-    * @param <AStepTime_us> the time in usec between two steps, thats used initially.   
-    */
-    CreaMot(PinName _MPh0, PinName _MPh1, PinName _MPh2, PinName _MPh3, uint32_t AStepTime_us);
-    // deprecated: void initialization(PinName _MPh0, PinName _MPh1, PinName _MPh2, PinName _MPh3, uint32_t AStepTime_us);
-    void initialization(PinName _MPh[4], uint32_t AStepTime_us);
-    /** Attach a basic Callback function.
-    *
-    * A callback is called when the current Command reaches it's requested end.
-    * Not called when the CreaMot is stopped by a call of Stop Function, or any other events.
-    * For use see precautions at Class description above. 
-    * Formerly called setMotorCallback()
-    *
-    @code
-    // Simple callback function, state variable endMove can be polled elsewhere
-    void CallBackFunction()
-    { endMove=true; }
-    // main routine
-    void main()
-    {   ...
-        // Attach callback function:
-        MotorInstance->callbackSet(CallBackFunction);
-        ...
-        while (true) {
-            ....
-        if (endMove) // poll the endMove flag
-               { ... } // react to Movement End
-            ....
-        }
-    }
-    @endcode
-    * @param <*CBfunction> Callback function, must not be member of a class.
-    */
-    void callbackSet(void (*CBfunction)(void)) {_callback = CBfunction;};
-    /** Attach a Callback function, member of a class.
-    * Only called when a Run Command reaches it's requested end.
-    * Not called when the CreaMot is stopped by a call of Stop Function, or any other events.
-    * For use see precautions at Class description above. 
-    * @param <*object> Class pointer which possesses callback member.
-    * @param <*CBmember> Pointer to callback function, member of Class.
-    * 
-    @code
-    // Class Creator:
-     AClass::AClass(Class Creation Parameters)
-    {   ...
-        // Attach callback function:
-        MotorInstance->setMotorCallback(this, &AClass::CallBackMemberFunction);
-        ...  
-    }
-    // Simple callback function, state variable endMove can be polled by main thread
-    void AClass::CallBackMemberFunction()
-    {  endMove=true;  }
-    @endcode
-    */
-    template<typename T>
-    void callbackSet(T *object, void (T::*CBmember)(void)) {
-        _callback = callback(object,CBmember);
-    }
-    /** Remove the Callback function that may have been attached previously. */
-    void callbackRemove() { _callback = NULL; };
-    // *********************************************************************
-    //  all following functions use wheel diameter to achieve cm distance
-    // *********************************************************************
-    /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a given number of centimeters.
-    *
-    * Runs CreaMot for a given wheel circumference in cimeters in given direction. 
-    * You must setup the perimeter and diameter with setDiam(Adiam_cm) in advance, otherwise no reaction.
-    * Call Pause() or Stop() to pause or end the CreaMot run prematurely.
-    * While run: Uses ticker; State: first Motor_ON then Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_run.
-    * At end: calls attached Callback, stops ticker; State: Motor_OFF; cmd=MOTOR_stop then MOTOR_nop.
-    * @param[in] <AClockWise> Given Direction, true for CLOCKWISE, false for COUNTERCLOCKWISE.
-    * @param[in] <Dist_cm> Circumference to rotate for, in cm, Dist_cm<0 are run in opposite direction.
-    */
-    void RunDist_cm  (bool AClockWise, float Dist_cm);
-    /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a given number of centimeters in default direction.
-    * Same as RunDist_cm(AClockWise,Dist_cm) but uses Default diretion.*/
-    void RunDist_cm  (float Dist_cm);
-    /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a turn angle around a turn_radius_cm  in default direction
-    *
-    * Runs CreaMot for a given wheel circumference in cimeters in given direction. 
-    * You must setup the perimeter and diameter with setDiam(Adiam_cm) in advance, otherwise no reaction.
-    * Call Pause() or Stop() to pause or end the CreaMot run prematurely.
-    * While run: Uses ticker; State: first Motor_ON then Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_run.
-    * At end: calls attached Callback, stops ticker; State: Motor_OFF; cmd=MOTOR_stop then MOTOR_nop.
-    * @param[in] <turn_angle_deg> Given turn angle in degrees that should be run
-    * @param[in] <turn_radius_cm> Given Trun radius that should be run */
-    float RunTurnAngle(float turn_angle_deg, float turn_radius_cm); 
-    /** Additional geometric information: set the wheel diameter, also sets perimeter and degrees per cm.*/
-    void setDiamCM( float Adiam_cm); 
-    /** Set CreaMot speed in centimeter/sec, based on perimeter in cm */
-    void setSpeed_cm_sec(float speed_cm_sec);
-    /** Calculated wheel Angle from calcAngle() Helper function */
-    float rotate_angle_deg;
-    /** Additional geometric information: wheel diameter in centimeter */
-    float diam_cm;
-    /** Additional geometric information: wheel perimeter in centimeter */
-    float perim_cm;
-    /** Additional geometric information: rotation angle in degrees per cm circumference */
-    float degree_per_cm;
-    /** Default rotation direction that serves as local storage, but not as actual direction */
-    bool defaultDirection;
-    /** State value that is used and managed by the class owner.
-    * Used for example by Creabot library to indicate if this is the left or right CreaMot. 
-    */
-    char StateValue;
-    // *****************************************************************
-    //  following functions are agnostic of wheel dimensions in centimeters
-    // *****************************************************************
-   /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a given angle.
-    *
-    * Runs CreaMot for a given angle in given direction. 
-    * Angles<0 are run in opposite direction.
-    * Call Pause() or Stop() to pause or end the CreaMot run prematurely.
-    * While running: Uses ticker; 
-    * State: first Motor_ON then Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_run.
-    * At end: calls attached Callback, stops ticker; State: Motor_OFF; cmd=MOTOR_stop then MOTOR_nop.
-    * @param[in] <AClockWise> Given Direction, true for CLOCKWISE, false for COUNTERCLOCKWISE.
-    * @param[in] <angle_deg> Angle>0 to rotate for, in degrees, Angles<0 are run in opposite direction.     
-    */
-   void RunDegrees  (bool AClockWise, float angle_deg);
-   /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a given angle in default direction
-   * for details see RunDegrees  (bool AClockWise, float angle_deg);
-   */
-   void RunDegrees  (float angle_deg);
-    /** High Level: Run CreaMot for a number of Steps.
-    * 
-    * During Run: Uses ticker; State: first Motor_ON then Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_run.
-    * Call Pause() or Stop() to pause or end the run prematurely.
-    * At the end: calls the Callback, stops ticker; State: Motor_OFF.
-    * @param[in] <AClockWise> Given Direction, true for CLOCKWISE, false for COUNTERCLOCKWISE.
-    * @param[in] <Nsteps> Number of steps to run for; Nsteps<0 are run in opposite direction!    
-    */
-   void RunSteps (bool AClockWise, int32_t Nsteps);
-    /** High Level: Run CreaMot "unlimited"
-    *
-    * Runs CreaMot with out limit in given direction, precisely runs 4Billion Steps.
-    * While run: Uses ticker; State: first Motor_ON then Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_run.
-    * Call Pause() or Stop() to pause or end the CreaMot run.
-    * @param[in] <AClockWise> Given Direction, true for CLOCKWISE, false for COUNTERCLOCKWISE.
-    */
-    void RunInfinite (bool AClockWise);
-    /** High Level: Pause a CreaMot Run.
-     * Put CreaMot into Pause state, Run is suspended, but only effective if Status.cmd=MOTOR_run.
-     * Retains the number of steps that remain to be run if restarting run.
-     * While paused: still uses ticker; State: Motor_RUN; cmd=MOTOR_pause.
-     * Use RestartRun(); to continue. */
-    void PauseRun();
-    /** High Level: Restart a Paused Run.
-     * Restart the Run that was launched before calling PuaseRun. 
-     * Only effective if Status.cmd=MOTOR_pause, otherwise no re/action.
-     * Status afterwards is same as afterRun commands. */
-    void RestartRun();
-    /** High Level: End any Run.
-    * Force stop of any ongoing run, but does not call the Callback function.
-    * Only effective if Status.cmd=MOTOR_run, otherwise no re/action.
-    * Emits first cmd=MOTOR_stop then cmd=MOTOR_nop.
-    * Aftewards: ticker is detached; State: Motor_OFF; */
-    void StopRun();
-public: // All the ticker timing related parameters
-    /** MidLevel: Get number of Steps per Full turn
-    * Defaults to MOTOR_STEPS_FOR_A_TURN = 4096.
-    * Used by RunDegrees() to translate from angle in degrees to number of steps.
-    * Old Name was: getCalibration, but that was not a good explicit name. 
-    * @return  int32_t The structure of CreaMot status registers. */
-    int32_t getStepsFullTurn();
-    /** MidLevel: Set number of Steps per Full turn.
-    * Defaults is MOTOR_STEPS_FOR_A_TURN = 4096.
-    * Used by RunDegrees() to translate from degrees to number of steps.
-    * Old Name was: setCalibration, but not good explicit name.
-    * @param <StepsFullTurn> Number of steps needed to complete a full CreaMot turn
-    */
-    void setStepsFullTurn(int32_t StepsFullTurn);
-    /** Mid Level: Get the CreaMot step time. 
-    * Step time is time between two CreaMot steps, and is given in microseconds
-    * and is passed to the ticker as delay time. 
-    * So the larger the value the slower the CreaMot speed.  
-    * Defaults to MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US = 5000.
-    * @return  uint32_t The structure of CreaMot status registers.
-    */
-    uint32_t getStepTime_us();
-    /** Set the time in microseconds between two CreaMot steps.
-    *  Defaults to MOTOR_STEP_TIME_DEFAULT_US = 5000usec.
-    *  Filters values below Minimum Value = 700.
-    *  Passed to the ticker as delay time.
-    *  Can be called while ticker is running, and takes immediate effect. 
-    *  Was previously called setStepTime(), but was not clear which units.  
-    * @param <AStepTime_us> the time in microseconds between two CreaMot steps
-    */
-    void setStepTime_us(uint32_t AStepTime_us);
-    /** Set the time in seconds to get one full turn, rotation of 360°.
-    * was previously called setSpeed().  
-    * @param <Seconds_Per_Turn> Period of Rotation, e.g. if =20.0 then CreaMot will do 360° in 20 seconds.
-    */
-    void setRotationPeriodSec(float Seconds_Per_Turn) ;
-    // all the  Ticker and Timing procedures, used to run the CreaMot for a duration
-    void StartTick();
-    void ProcessMotorStateMachine();
-    // The call back function pointer that is called when the Processor
-    // State Machine reaches its end.
-    Callback<void()> _callback;
-    void StopTick();
-    timestamp_t StepTime_us;    // Time in µs for one CreaMot step
-    Ticker      MotorSysTick;   // System Timer for CreaMot
-    int32_t     Steps_FullTurn; // Number of step for a complete turn
-    bool        ClockWise;  /**< Direction that the CreaMot is asked to run. True if Clockwise */
-    int32_t     NStepsToDo; /**< Number of steps remain for the CreaMot to run. 
-                                NSteps=0: all steps finished; NSteps<0: indicates to run "forever" */
-    bool        TickIsAttached; /**< Indicates if Ticker is attached.
-                            Ticker is automatically attached while CreaMot runs, or paused; 
-                            detaches when finished a run, or stopped.  */
-public: // all the low level direct CreaMot HW access, States are immediately reached
-    motStates   CurrState;  /**< General state that the CreaMot state machine is in.*/
-    motCmands   CurrCmd;    /**< Command asked to be executed currently by the state machine.*/
-    void setStatus(motCmands aCmd, bool AClockWise, int32_t  aNSteps); 
-                        /**< Helper; set Command, Direction and NSteps in one call. */
-    /** Low Level: Run one full turn clockwise then anticlockwise. 
-    * After: State: Motor_OFF.
-    * Blocking function, returns back only after end of full movement. 
-    */
-    void MotorTest();
-    /** Low Level: turn off all CreaMot Phases
-    * No more current flows, reduces holding force.
-    * After: State: Motor_OFF.
-    * StepPhases memorizes the last used phase.
-    * Equivalent what previously the function "void Stop();" did .  */
-    void MotorOFF();
-    /** Low Level: turn on the CreaMot Phases in the last used phase.
-    * The last used phase is held in StepPhases.
-    * After: State: Motor_ON, or Motor_ZERO if StepPhases==0
-    * Equivalent to what previously the function "void Start();" did.  */
-    void MotorON();
-    /** Low Level: Advance CreaMot one step, rotates in direction of variable AClockWise. */
-    void StepOnce();
-    /** Low Level: Advance CreaMot one step, rotates CounterClockwise. */
-    void StepCCW();
-    /** Low Level: Advance CreaMot one step, rotates Clockwise. */
-    void StepClkW();
-    /** Low Level: turn on the CreaMot Phases in Zero Position. 
-     * After: State: Motor_ZERO, StepPhases==0
-     */
-    void MotorZero();
-    /** Low Level: Engage CreaMot Phases according to MotorIndex. */
-    void SetPhases(); 
-    DigitalOut *MPh[4];       // Digital outputs, one per phase
-    int        StepPhase;     // CreaMot Phase Variable, counts up and down with every step