Added for gyro and testing

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00001 #include <MPU6050.h>
00002 #include "IMUWheelchair.h"
00003 //MPU6050 IMU(D14, D15);
00004 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 57600);                                     //Serial Monitor
00005 float dataGyro[3];
00006 float *dataG = dataGyro;
00007 Timer t;
00008 float dataYaw[3];
00009 float *dataY = dataYaw;
00010 IMUWheelchair IMU(&pc,&t);
00012 int main()
00013 {
00014     t.start();
00015     //pc.printf("Imu test connections %d\r\n", IMU.testConnection());
00016     while(1){
00018         //IMU.getGyro(dataG);
00019        // pc.printf("x: %f, y: %f, z: %f\r\n", dataGyro[0]*180/3.14, dataGyro[1]*180/3.14, dataGyro[2]*180/3.14);
00020         wait(.2);
00021          //IMU.gyro_x();
00022        // IMU.getAcceleroAngle(dataY);
00023        // pc.printf("x: %f, y: %f, z: %f\r\n", dataG[0]*180/3.1415926 + .79, dataG[1], dataG[2]);
00024        // printf("%f, %f, %f\n", IMU.gyro_x(), IMU.gyro_y(), IMU.gyro_z()); 
00025        // printf("%f\r\n ", IMU.accel_x());
00027        IMU.yaw();
00028        // printf("%f\r\n ", IMU.yaw());
00029     }
00030 }