Grove - Serial LCD

Dependents:   Arch_GroveRTC_Ex1

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00001 /*
00002   SerialLCD.h - Serial LCD driver Library
00004   2010-2013 Copyright (c) Seeed Technology Inc (
00005   Authors: Jimbo.We, Visweswara R and Frankie.Chu  (Orignially written for Seeeduino)
00007   This library can be used under Apache License 2.0 or MIT License.
00008  */
00010 #include "SerialLCD.h"
00012 //Initialization Commands or Responses
00014 #define SLCD_INIT   0xA3
00015 #define SLCD_INIT_ACK   0xA5
00016 #define SLCD_INIT_DONE  0xAA
00018 //WorkingMode Commands or Responses
00019 #define SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER 0x9F
00020 #define SLCD_CHAR_HEADER    0xFE
00021 #define SLCD_CURSOR_HEADER  0xFF
00022 #define SLCD_CURSOR_ACK     0x5A
00024 #define SLCD_RETURN_HOME    0x61
00025 #define SLCD_DISPLAY_OFF    0x63
00026 #define SLCD_DISPLAY_ON     0x64
00027 #define SLCD_CLEAR_DISPLAY  0x65
00028 #define SLCD_CURSOR_OFF     0x66
00029 #define SLCD_CURSOR_ON      0x67
00030 #define SLCD_BLINK_OFF      0x68
00031 #define SLCD_BLINK_ON       0x69
00032 #define SLCD_SCROLL_LEFT    0x6C
00033 #define SLCD_SCROLL_RIGHT   0x72
00034 #define SLCD_NO_AUTO_SCROLL 0x6A
00035 #define SLCD_AUTO_SCROLL    0x6D
00036 #define SLCD_LEFT_TO_RIGHT  0x70
00037 #define SLCD_RIGHT_TO_LEFT  0x71
00038 #define SLCD_POWER_ON       0x83
00039 #define SLCD_POWER_OFF      0x82
00040 #define SLCD_INVALIDCOMMAND 0x46
00041 #define SLCD_BACKLIGHT_ON   0x81
00042 #define SLCD_BACKLIGHT_OFF  0x80
00044 SerialLCD::SerialLCD(PinName rx, PinName tx) : Serial(rx,tx)
00045 {
00046     Serial::baud(9600);
00047 }
00049 /********** High level commands, for the user! **********/
00051 /// Initialize the Serial LCD Driver.
00052 void SerialLCD::begin()
00053 {
00054     wait_ms(2);
00055     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00056     Serial::putc(SLCD_POWER_OFF);
00057     wait_ms(1);
00058     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00059     Serial::putc(SLCD_POWER_ON);
00060     wait_ms(1);
00061     Serial::putc(SLCD_INIT_ACK);
00062     while(1) {
00063         if (Serial::readable() > 0 &&Serial::getc()==SLCD_INIT_DONE)
00064             break;
00065     }
00066     wait_ms(2);
00067 }
00068 /// Clear the display
00069 void SerialLCD::clear()
00070 {
00071     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00072     Serial::putc(SLCD_CLEAR_DISPLAY);
00073 }
00074 /// Return to home(top-left corner of LCD)
00075 void SerialLCD::home()
00076 {
00077     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00078     Serial::putc(SLCD_RETURN_HOME);
00079     wait_ms(2); //this command needs more time;
00080 }
00081 /// Set Cursor to (Column,Row) Position
00082 void SerialLCD::setCursor(uint8_t column, uint8_t row)
00083 {
00084     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00085     Serial::putc(SLCD_CURSOR_HEADER); //cursor header command
00086     Serial::putc(column);
00087     Serial::putc(row);
00088 }
00089 /// Switch the display off without clearing RAM
00090 void SerialLCD::noDisplay()
00091 {
00092     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00093     Serial::putc(SLCD_DISPLAY_OFF);
00094 }
00095 /// Switch the display on
00096 void SerialLCD::display()
00097 {
00098     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00099     Serial::putc(SLCD_DISPLAY_ON);
00100 }
00101 /// Switch the underline cursor off
00102 void SerialLCD::noCursor()
00103 {
00104     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00105     Serial::putc(SLCD_CURSOR_OFF);
00106 }
00107 /// Switch the underline cursor on
00108 void SerialLCD::cursor()
00109 {
00110     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00111     Serial::putc(SLCD_CURSOR_ON);
00112 }
00114 /// Switch off the blinking cursor
00115 void SerialLCD::noBlink()
00116 {
00117     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00118     Serial::putc(SLCD_BLINK_OFF);
00119 }
00120 /// Switch on the blinking cursor
00121 void SerialLCD::blink()
00122 {
00123     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00124     Serial::putc(SLCD_BLINK_ON);
00125 }
00126 /// Scroll the display left without changing the RAM
00127 void SerialLCD::scrollDisplayLeft(void)
00128 {
00129     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00130     Serial::putc(SLCD_SCROLL_LEFT);
00131 }
00132 /// Scroll the display right without changing the RAM
00133 void SerialLCD::scrollDisplayRight(void)
00134 {
00135     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00136     Serial::putc(SLCD_SCROLL_RIGHT);
00137 }
00138 /// Set the text flow "Left to Right"
00139 void SerialLCD::leftToRight(void)
00140 {
00141     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00142     Serial::putc(SLCD_LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
00143 }
00144 /// Set the text flow "Right to Left"
00145 void SerialLCD::rightToLeft(void)
00146 {
00147     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00148     Serial::putc(SLCD_RIGHT_TO_LEFT);
00149 }
00150 /// This will 'right justify' text from the cursor
00151 void SerialLCD::autoscroll(void)
00152 {
00153     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00154     Serial::putc(SLCD_AUTO_SCROLL);
00155 }
00156 /// This will 'left justify' text from the cursor
00157 void SerialLCD::noAutoscroll(void)
00158 {
00159     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00160     Serial::putc(SLCD_NO_AUTO_SCROLL);
00161 }
00162 /// Switch on the LCD power
00163 void SerialLCD::Power(void)
00164 {
00165     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00166     Serial::putc(SLCD_POWER_ON);
00167 }
00168 /// Switch off the LCD  power
00169 void SerialLCD::noPower(void)
00170 {
00171     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00172     Serial::putc(SLCD_POWER_OFF);
00173 }
00174 /// Switch off the back light
00175 void SerialLCD::noBacklight(void)
00176 {
00177     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00178     Serial::putc(SLCD_BACKLIGHT_OFF);
00179 }
00180 /// Switch on the back light
00181 void SerialLCD::backlight(void)
00182 {
00183     Serial::putc(SLCD_CONTROL_HEADER);
00184     Serial::putc(SLCD_BACKLIGHT_ON);
00185 }
00186 /// Print char
00187 void SerialLCD::print(uint8_t b)
00188 {
00189     Serial::putc(SLCD_CHAR_HEADER);
00190     Serial::putc(b);
00191 }
00192 /// Print char 
00193 void SerialLCD::print(const char b[])
00194 {
00195     Serial::putc(SLCD_CHAR_HEADER);
00196     Serial::puts(b);
00197 }