Digital Etch A Sketch
Team Members: Sarah Deitke, Hal Jarrett, Anna Klaussen
Klaussen, Anna, "Untitled #48", mbed, 2019.
Create your own one-of-a-kind artwork with this DIY mbed Etch A Sketch. This project has incorporated a file system to save, restore, and draw new images. There are two potentiometers for sketching, a push button for menu navigation, a dip switch for color selection, and an accelerometer to incorporate the shake and clear feature from the original Etch A Sketch.
Parts Used
- 1x Mbed
- 1x ULCD-144-G2
- 2x Potentiometer
- 1x Push Button
- 1x Mma8452 Triple Access Accelerometer
- 1x Dip Switch
- 1x microSD card
- 1x microSD Transflash Breakout Board
Source Code
Import programDigitalEtchASketch
This project is a DIY mbed version of your favorite childhood game
Video Demo
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