Stop watch to demo mod buttons and timer class.

Dependencies:   SLCD mbed

Fork of kl46z_slider_v1 by Stanley Cohen

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include <math.h>  
00003 #include "SLCD.h"
00005 #define LEDON false
00006 #define LEDOFF true
00007 #define NUMBUTS 2
00008 #define LBUT PTC12  // port addresses for buttons
00009 #define RBUT PTC3
00010 #define STOPPEDSTATE 0
00011 #define TIMINGSTATE  1
00012 #define RESETTINGSTATE 0
00013 #define PRINTDELTA 0.01
00014 #define LCDCHARLEN 10
00015 #define BUTTONTIME 0.2
00016 #define FULLMINUTE 60 //seconds
00017 #define PROGNAME "kl46z_stop_watch_v1\n\r"
00018 #define LCDTITLE "STPW"
00019 #define TITLEWAIT 2.0
00021 //#define PRINTDBUG // uncomment if printing to serial port desired
00023 SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
00024 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00026 Timer ButtonTimer; // for reading button states
00027 DigitalIn buttons[NUMBUTS] = {RBUT, LBUT};
00028 int displayState = STOPPEDSTATE;
00032 void initialize_global_vars(){
00033     pc.printf(PROGNAME);
00034     // set up DAQ timer
00035     // set up DAQ timers
00036     ButtonTimer.start();
00037     ButtonTimer.reset(); 
00038 } 
00040 void LCDMess(char *lMess){
00041         slcd.Home();
00042         slcd.clear();
00043         slcd.printf(lMess);
00044 }
00045 void showTitle(){
00046     LCDMess(LCDTITLE);
00047     wait(TITLEWAIT);
00048     return;
00049 }
00050 int main(void) {
00051     int i;
00052     char lcdData[LCDCHARLEN];
00053     PwmOut gled(LED_GREEN);
00054     PwmOut rled(LED_RED);
00055     pc.printf(PROGNAME);
00056     float secondsCount = 0.0;
00057     int minutesCount; // for displaying mininuts
00058     int seconds; //
00059     int fifthSeconds;
00060     bool statetoggle = false; //was in stopped state.
00062     initialize_global_vars();
00063     showTitle();
00065      while (true) {
00066         if (ButtonTimer > BUTTONTIME){
00067             for (i=0; i<NUMBUTS; i++){ // index will be 0 or 1 
00068                 if(!buttons[i]) { // a buttton is pressed
00069                     displayState = i; 
00070                     switch (displayState){  // this keeps things generic
00071                         case TIMINGSTATE: {              
00072                          statetoggle = !statetoggle;
00073                          break;
00074                         }
00075                         case RESETTINGSTATE :{
00076                         break;
00077                         }
00078                     }   
00079                 } // if ! buttons
00080             }// for loop to look at buttons
00081             ButtonTimer.reset();
00082             switch (displayState){
00083                     /* this goes away
00084                     case STOPPEDSTATE : {                     
00085                         rled = 0.0;
00086                         gled = 1.0;
00087                         break;
00088                     }
00089                     */
00090                     case RESETTINGSTATE:
00091                         if (!statetoggle){
00092                             secondsCount = 0;
00093                             displayState = TIMINGSTATE;
00094                         }
00095                         rled = 0.0;
00096                         gled = 1.0;
00097                         break;
00100                     case TIMINGSTATE : {
00101                         if(statetoggle){
00102                             secondsCount = secondsCount + BUTTONTIME; 
00103                         }                   
00104                         rled = 1.0;
00105                         gled = 0.0;
00106                         break;
00107                     }
00108             }
00110             // Parse the seconds
00111             seconds = (int)secondsCount; // make seconds "mask"
00112             fifthSeconds = (int)((secondsCount - (float)seconds) * 10); // the 0.2 seconds
00113             minutesCount = seconds / FULLMINUTE;
00114             seconds = seconds % FULLMINUTE;          
00115             sprintf (lcdData,"%1d.%02d.%1d",minutesCount,seconds,fifthSeconds);  
00116             LCDMess(lcdData);            
00117         }// end Button timer
00118     }
00119 }