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Peer Data

Peer Data

An internal module of Peer_manager. More...


void peer_data_parts_get (pm_peer_data_const_t const *p_peer_data, fds_record_chunk_t *p_chunks, uint16_t *p_n_chunks)
 Function for enumerating the separate (non-contiguous) parts of the peer data.
ret_code_t peer_data_deserialize (pm_peer_data_flash_t const *p_in_data, pm_peer_data_t *p_out_data)
 Function for converting pm_peer_data_flash_t into pm_peer_data_t.

Detailed Description

An internal module of Peer_manager.

This module defines the structure of the data that is managed by the Peer_manager. It also provides functions for parsing the data.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t peer_data_deserialize ( pm_peer_data_flash_t const *  p_in_data,
pm_peer_data_t p_out_data 

Function for converting pm_peer_data_flash_t into pm_peer_data_t.

[in]p_in_dataThe source data.
[out]p_out_dataThe target data structure.
Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSSuccessful conversion.
NRF_ERROR_NULLA parameter was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMA buffer was not large enough.

Definition at line 93 of file peer_data.c.

void peer_data_parts_get ( pm_peer_data_const_t const *  p_peer_data,
fds_record_chunk_t p_chunks,
uint16_t *  p_n_chunks 

Function for enumerating the separate (non-contiguous) parts of the peer data.

[in]p_peer_dataThe peer data to enumerate.
[out]p_chunksThe resulting chunks. This must be an array of at least 2 elements.
[out]p_n_chunksThe number of chunks. If this is 0, something went wrong.

Definition at line 43 of file peer_data.c.