fork of Nordic nrf51 SDK

Fork of nrf51-sdk by Nordic Semiconductor

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Module's internal data types.

Module's internal data types.

This section describes a module's internal data structures. More...


typedef ret_code_t(* service_context_access_t )(pstorage_handle_t const *p_block_handle, dm_handle_t const *p_handle)
 Function for performing necessary action of storing each of the service context as registered by the application.
typedef ret_code_t(* service_context_apply_t )(dm_handle_t *p_handle)
 Function for performing necessary action of applying the context information.
typedef uint32_t(* storage_operation )(pstorage_handle_t *p_dest, uint8_t *p_src, pstorage_size_t size, pstorage_size_t offset)
 Function for performing necessary functions of storing or updating.


 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(peer_id_t)%4==0)
 Check to ensure Peer identification information is a multiple of 4.
 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(bond_context_t)%4==0)
 Check to ensure bond information is a multiple of 4.
 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(dm_gatts_context_t)%4==0)
 Check to ensure GATT Server Attributes size and data information is a multiple of 4.
 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof(dm_gatt_client_context_t)%4==0)
 Check to ensure GATT Client context information is a multiple of 4.
 Check to ensure device manager application context information is a multiple of 4.

Detailed Description

This section describes a module's internal data structures.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ret_code_t(* service_context_access_t)(pstorage_handle_t const *p_block_handle, dm_handle_t const *p_handle)

Function for performing necessary action of storing each of the service context as registered by the application.

[in]p_block_handleStorage block identifier.
[in]p_handleDevice handle identifying device that is stored.
Return values:
Operationresult code.

Definition at line 447 of file device_manager_peripheral.c.

Function for performing necessary action of applying the context information.

[in]p_handleDevice handle identifying device that is stored.
Return values:
Operationresult code.

Definition at line 456 of file device_manager_peripheral.c.

typedef uint32_t(* storage_operation)(pstorage_handle_t *p_dest, uint8_t *p_src, pstorage_size_t size, pstorage_size_t offset)

Function for performing necessary functions of storing or updating.

[in]p_destDestination address where data is stored persistently.
[in]p_srcSource address containing data to be stored.
[in]sizeSize of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned.
[in]offsetOffset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
Return values:
Operationresult code.

Definition at line 467 of file device_manager_peripheral.c.

Function Documentation

STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(peer_id_t)%  4 = =0 )

Check to ensure Peer identification information is a multiple of 4.


Check to ensure device manager application context information is a multiple of 4.

STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(dm_gatt_client_context_t)%  4 = =0 )

Check to ensure GATT Client context information is a multiple of 4.

STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(dm_gatts_context_t)%  4 = =0 )

Check to ensure GATT Server Attributes size and data information is a multiple of 4.

STATIC_ASSERT ( sizeof(bond_context_t)%  4 = =0 )

Check to ensure bond information is a multiple of 4.