Ok for EveConnect

Dependents:   FT800_RGB_demo-for_ConnectEve

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Programme demo FT800 for ConnectEve. It's Ok.

Changed in this revision

FT_CoPro_Cmds.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_DataTypes.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Gpu.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Gpu_Hal.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Gpu_Hal.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Hal_Utils.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Hal_Utils.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_LCD_Type.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FT_Platform.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ft800.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_CoPro_Cmds.cpp	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+#include "FT_Platform.h"
+ft_void_t FT800::SendCmd( ft_uint32_t cmd)
+   Transfer32( cmd);
+ft_void_t FT800::SendStr( const ft_char8_t *s)
+  TransferString( s);
+ft_void_t FT800::StartFunc( ft_uint16_t count)
+  CheckCmdBuffer( count);
+  StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,count);
+ft_void_t FT800::EndFunc( ft_uint16_t count)
+  EndTransfer( );
+  Updatecmdfifo( count);
+ft_void_t FT800::Text( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3 + strlen(s) + 1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_TEXT);
+  //Copro_SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(ft_uint32_t)x));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|(ft_uint32_t)font));
+  SendStr(  s);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3 + strlen(s) + 1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Number( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_int32_t n)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_NUMBER);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|font));
+  SendCmd(  n);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::LoadIdentity( )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Toggle( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t state, const ft_char8_t* s)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_TOGGLE);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)font<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)state<<16)|options));
+  SendStr(  s);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1));
+/* Error handling for val is not done, so better to always use range of 65535 in order that needle is drawn within display region */
+ft_void_t FT800::Gauge( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t major, ft_uint16_t minor, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GAUGE);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|r));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)minor<<16)|major));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)range<<16)|val));
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::RegRead( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_REGREAD);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  0);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::GetProps( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t w, ft_uint32_t h)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GETPROPS);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  w);
+  SendCmd(  h);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::Memcpy( ft_uint32_t dest, ft_uint32_t src, ft_uint32_t num)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_MEMCPY);
+  SendCmd(  dest);
+  SendCmd(  src);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::Spinner( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t style, ft_uint16_t scale)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SPINNER);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)scale<<16)|style));
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::BgColor( ft_uint32_t c)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_BGCOLOR);
+  SendCmd(  c);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Swap()
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SWAP);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Inflate( ft_uint32_t ptr)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_INFLATE);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Translate( ft_int32_t tx, ft_int32_t ty)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_TRANSLATE);
+  SendCmd(  tx);
+  SendCmd(  ty);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::Stop()
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_STOP);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Slider( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SLIDER);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)val<<16)|options));
+  SendCmd(  range);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::TouchTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*6*2+FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  x0);
+  SendCmd(  y0);
+  SendCmd(  x1);
+  SendCmd(  y1);
+  SendCmd(  x2);
+  SendCmd(  y2);
+  SendCmd(  tx0);
+  SendCmd(  ty0);
+  SendCmd(  tx1);
+  SendCmd(  ty1);
+  SendCmd(  tx2);
+  SendCmd(  ty2);
+  SendCmd(  result);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*6*2+FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Interrupt( ft_uint32_t ms)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_INTERRUPT);
+  SendCmd(  ms);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::FgColor( ft_uint32_t c)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_FGCOLOR);
+  SendCmd(  c);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::luminosite( ft_int32_t lum)
+    DLstart(); // wait until after the swap
+    MemWrite(REG_PWM_DUTY, 4); // write to the PWM_DUTY register
+    StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+    SendCmd(lum);
+    EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+    Flush_Co_Buffer();                 // Download the command list into fifo
+    WaitCmdfifo_empty(); 
+ft_void_t FT800::Rotate( ft_int32_t a)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_ROTATE);
+  SendCmd(  a);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Button( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_BUTTON);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|font));
+  SendStr(  s);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1));
+ft_void_t FT800::MemWrite( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_MEMWRITE);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::Scrollbar( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t size, ft_uint16_t range)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SCROLLBAR);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)val<<16)|options));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)range<<16)|size));
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::GetMatrix( ft_int32_t a, ft_int32_t b, ft_int32_t c, ft_int32_t d, ft_int32_t e, ft_int32_t f)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*7);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GETMATRIX);
+  SendCmd(  a);
+  SendCmd(  b);
+  SendCmd(  c);
+  SendCmd(  d);
+  SendCmd(  e);
+  SendCmd(  f);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*7));
+ft_void_t FT800::Sketch( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t w, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint16_t format)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SKETCH);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  format);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::MemSet( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t value, ft_uint32_t num)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_MEMSET);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  value);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::GradColor( ft_uint32_t c)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GRADCOLOR);
+  SendCmd(  c);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::BitmapTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*6*2+FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  x0);
+  SendCmd(  y0);
+  SendCmd(  x1);
+  SendCmd(  y1);
+  SendCmd(  x2);
+  SendCmd(  y2);
+  SendCmd(  tx0);
+  SendCmd(  ty0);
+  SendCmd(  tx1);
+  SendCmd(  ty1);
+  SendCmd(  tx2);
+  SendCmd(  ty2);
+  SendCmd(  result);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*6*2+FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Calibrate( ft_uint32_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_CALIBRATE);
+  SendCmd(  result);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+  WaitCmdfifo_empty( );
+ft_void_t FT800::SetFont( ft_uint32_t font, ft_uint32_t ptr)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SETFONT);
+  SendCmd(  font);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::Logo(  )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_LOGO);
+  EndFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+ft_void_t FT800::Append( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_APPEND);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::MemZero( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_MEMZERO);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::Scale( ft_int32_t sx, ft_int32_t sy)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SCALE);
+  SendCmd(  sx);
+  SendCmd(  sy);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::Clock( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint16_t m, ft_uint16_t s, ft_uint16_t ms)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_CLOCK);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|r));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)m<<16)|h));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)ms<<16)|s));
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::Gradient( ft_int16_t x0, ft_int16_t y0, ft_uint32_t rgb0, ft_int16_t x1, ft_int16_t y1, ft_uint32_t rgb1)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GRADIENT);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y0<<16)|(x0 & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  rgb0);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y1<<16)|(x1 & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  rgb1);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::SetMatrix(  )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SETMATRIX);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Track( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t tag)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_TRACK);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  tag);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::GetPtr( ft_uint32_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_GETPTR);
+  SendCmd(  result);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::Progress( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*5);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_PROGRESS);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)val<<16)|options));
+  SendCmd(  range);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*5));
+ft_void_t FT800::ColdStart(  )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_COLDSTART);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Keys( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_KEYS);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)h<<16)|w));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|font));
+  SendStr(  s);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4 + strlen(s) + 1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Dial( ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_DIAL);
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)y<<16)|(x & 0xffff)));
+  SendCmd(  (((ft_uint32_t)options<<16)|r));
+  SendCmd(  val);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::LoadImage( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t options)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*3);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_LOADIMAGE);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  options);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*3));
+ft_void_t FT800::DLstart(  )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_DLSTART);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::Snapshot( ft_uint32_t ptr)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*2);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_SNAPSHOT);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*2));
+ft_void_t FT800::ScreenSaver(  )
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*1);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*1));
+ft_void_t FT800::MemCrc( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num, ft_uint32_t result)
+  StartFunc( FT_CMD_SIZE*4);
+  SendCmd(  CMD_MEMCRC);
+  SendCmd(  ptr);
+  SendCmd(  num);
+  SendCmd(  result);
+  EndFunc( (FT_CMD_SIZE*4));
+ft_void_t FT800::DL(ft_uint32_t cmd)
+   WrCmd32(cmd);
+   /* Increment the command index */
+   CmdBuffer_Index += FT_CMD_SIZE;
+ft_void_t FT800::WrDlCmd_Buffer(ft_uint32_t cmd)
+   Wr32((RAM_DL+DlBuffer_Index),cmd);
+   /* Increment the command index */
+   DlBuffer_Index += FT_CMD_SIZE;
+ft_void_t FT800::Flush_DL_Buffer()
+   DlBuffer_Index = 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::Flush_Co_Buffer()
+   CmdBuffer_Index = 0;
+/* API to check the status of previous DLSWAP and perform DLSWAP of new DL */
+/* Check for the status of previous DLSWAP and if still not done wait for few ms and check again */
+ft_void_t FT800::DLSwap(ft_uint8_t DL_Swap_Type)
+    ft_uint8_t Swap_Type = DLSWAP_FRAME,Swap_Done = DLSWAP_FRAME;
+    if(DL_Swap_Type == DLSWAP_LINE)
+    {
+        Swap_Type = DLSWAP_LINE;
+    }
+    /* Perform a new DL swap */
+    Wr8(REG_DLSWAP,Swap_Type);
+    /* Wait till the swap is done */
+    while(Swap_Done)
+    {
+        Swap_Done = Rd8(REG_DLSWAP);
+        if(DLSWAP_DONE != Swap_Done)
+        {
+            Sleep(10);//wait for 10ms
+        }
+    }
+/* Nothing beyond this */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_DataTypes.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI 
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+#ifndef _FT_DATATYPES_H_
+#define _FT_DATATYPES_H_
+#define FT_FALSE           (0)
+#define FT_TRUE            (1)
+typedef char ft_char8_t;
+typedef signed char ft_schar8_t;
+typedef unsigned char ft_uchar8_t;
+typedef ft_uchar8_t ft_uint8_t;
+typedef short  ft_int16_t;
+typedef unsigned short ft_uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int ft_uint32_t;
+typedef int ft_int32_t;
+typedef void ft_void_t;
+typedef long long ft_int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long ft_uint64_t;
+typedef float ft_float_t;
+typedef double ft_double_t;
+typedef char ft_bool_t;
+#define FT_BYTE_SIZE (1)
+#define FT_SHORT_SIZE (2)
+#define FT_WORD_SIZE (4)
+#define FT_DWORD_SIZE (8)
+#define FT_NUMBITS_IN_BYTE (1*8)
+#define FT_NUMBITS_IN_SHORT (2*8)
+#define FT_NUMBITS_IN_WORD (4*8)
+#define FT_NUMBITS_IN_DWORD (8*8)
+#define ft_prog_uchar8_t  ft_uchar8_t
+#define ft_prog_char8_t   ft_char8_t
+#define ft_prog_uint16_t  ft_uint16_t
+#define ft_random(x)		(rand() % (x))
+#define ft_pgm_read_byte_near(x)   (*(x))
+#define ft_pgm_read_byte(x)        (*(x))
+#define ft_strcpy_P     strcpy
+#define ft_strlen_P     strlen
+#define FT_DBGPRINT(x)  printf(x)
+#define FT_PROGMEM  const
+#define ft_pgm_read_byte_near(x)   (*(x))
+#define ft_pgm_read_byte(x)        (*(x))
+#define ft_pgm_read_word(addr)   (*(ft_int16_t*)(addr))
+#endif /*_FT_DATATYPES_H_*/
+/* Nothing beyond this*/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Gpu.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI 
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+#ifndef _FT_GPU_H_
+#define _FT_GPU_H_
+/* Definitions used for FT800 co processor command buffer */
+#define FT_DL_SIZE           (8*1024)  //8KB Display List buffer size
+#define FT_CMD_FIFO_SIZE     (4*1024)  //4KB coprocessor Fifo size
+#define FT_CMD_SIZE          (4)       //4 byte per coprocessor command of EVE
+#define FT800_VERSION "1.9.0"
+#define ADC_SINGLE_ENDED     0UL
+#define ADPCM_SAMPLES        2UL
+#define ALWAYS               7UL
+#define ARGB1555             0UL
+#define ARGB2                5UL
+#define ARGB4                6UL
+#define BARGRAPH             11UL
+#define BILINEAR             1UL
+#define BITMAPS              1UL
+#define BORDER               0UL
+#define CMDBUF_SIZE          4096UL
+#define CMD_APPEND           4294967070UL
+#define CMD_BGCOLOR          4294967049UL
+#define CMD_BITMAP_TRANSFORM 4294967073UL
+#define CMD_BUTTON           4294967053UL
+#define CMD_CALIBRATE        4294967061UL
+#define CMD_CLOCK            4294967060UL
+#define CMD_COLDSTART        4294967090UL
+#define CMD_CRC              4294967043UL
+#define CMD_DIAL             4294967085UL
+#define CMD_DLSTART          4294967040UL
+#define CMD_EXECUTE          4294967047UL
+#define CMD_FGCOLOR          4294967050UL
+#define CMD_GAUGE            4294967059UL
+#define CMD_GETMATRIX        4294967091UL
+#define CMD_GETPOINT         4294967048UL
+#define CMD_GETPROPS         4294967077UL
+#define CMD_GETPTR           4294967075UL
+#define CMD_GRADCOLOR        4294967092UL
+#define CMD_GRADIENT         4294967051UL
+#define CMD_HAMMERAUX        4294967044UL
+#define CMD_IDCT             4294967046UL
+#define CMD_INFLATE          4294967074UL
+#define CMD_INTERRUPT        4294967042UL
+#define CMD_KEYS             4294967054UL
+#define CMD_LOADIDENTITY     4294967078UL
+#define CMD_LOADIMAGE        4294967076UL
+#define CMD_LOGO             4294967089UL
+#define CMD_MARCH            4294967045UL
+#define CMD_MEMCPY           4294967069UL
+#define CMD_MEMCRC           4294967064UL
+#define CMD_MEMSET           4294967067UL
+#define CMD_MEMWRITE         4294967066UL
+#define CMD_MEMZERO          4294967068UL
+#define CMD_NUMBER           4294967086UL
+#define CMD_PROGRESS         4294967055UL
+#define CMD_REGREAD          4294967065UL
+#define CMD_ROTATE           4294967081UL
+#define CMD_SCALE            4294967080UL
+#define CMD_SCREENSAVER      4294967087UL
+#define CMD_SCROLLBAR        4294967057UL
+#define CMD_SETFONT          4294967083UL
+#define CMD_SETMATRIX        4294967082UL
+#define CMD_SKETCH           4294967088UL
+#define CMD_SLIDER           4294967056UL
+#define CMD_SNAPSHOT         4294967071UL
+#define CMD_SPINNER          4294967062UL
+#define CMD_STOP             4294967063UL
+#define CMD_SWAP             4294967041UL
+#define CMD_TEXT             4294967052UL
+#define CMD_TOGGLE           4294967058UL
+#define CMD_TOUCH_TRANSFORM  4294967072UL
+#define CMD_TRACK            4294967084UL
+#define CMD_TRANSLATE        4294967079UL
+#define DECR                 4UL
+#define DECR_WRAP            7UL
+#define DLSWAP_DONE          0UL
+#define DLSWAP_FRAME         2UL
+#define DLSWAP_LINE          1UL
+#define DST_ALPHA            3UL
+#define EDGE_STRIP_A         7UL
+#define EDGE_STRIP_B         8UL
+#define EDGE_STRIP_L         6UL
+#define EDGE_STRIP_R         5UL
+#define EQUAL                5UL
+#define GEQUAL               4UL
+#define GREATER              3UL
+#define INCR                 3UL
+#define INCR_WRAP            6UL
+#define INT_CMDEMPTY         32UL
+#define INT_CMDFLAG          64UL
+#define INT_CONVCOMPLETE     128UL
+#define INT_PLAYBACK         16UL
+#define INT_SOUND            8UL
+#define INT_SWAP             1UL
+#define INT_TAG              4UL
+#define INT_TOUCH            2UL
+#define INVERT               5UL
+#define KEEP                 1UL
+#define L1                   1UL
+#define L4                   2UL
+#define L8                   3UL
+#define LEQUAL               2UL
+#define LESS                 1UL
+#define LINEAR_SAMPLES       0UL
+#define LINES                3UL
+#define LINE_STRIP           4UL
+#define NEAREST              0UL
+#define NEVER                0UL
+#define NOTEQUAL             6UL
+#define ONE                  1UL
+#define OPT_CENTER           1536UL
+#define OPT_CENTERX          512UL
+#define OPT_CENTERY          1024UL
+#define OPT_FLAT             256UL
+#define OPT_MONO             1UL
+#define OPT_NOBACK           4096UL
+#define OPT_NODL             2UL
+#define OPT_NOHANDS          49152UL
+#define OPT_NOHM             16384UL
+#define OPT_NOPOINTER        16384UL
+#define OPT_NOSECS           32768UL
+#define OPT_NOTICKS          8192UL
+#define OPT_RIGHTX           2048UL
+#define OPT_SIGNED           256UL
+#define PALETTED             8UL
+#define POINTS				 2UL
+#define FTPOINTS             2UL
+#define RECTS                9UL
+#define RAM_CMD              1081344UL
+#define RAM_DL               1048576UL
+#define RAM_G                0UL
+#define RAM_PAL              1056768UL
+#define RAM_REG              1057792UL
+#define REG_ANALOG           1058104UL
+#define REG_ANA_COMP         1058160UL
+#define REG_CLOCK            1057800UL
+#define REG_CMD_DL           1058028UL
+#define REG_CMD_READ         1058020UL
+#define REG_CMD_WRITE        1058024UL
+#define REG_CPURESET         1057820UL
+#define REG_CRC              1058152UL
+#define REG_CSPREAD          1057892UL
+#define REG_CYA0             1058000UL
+#define REG_CYA1             1058004UL
+#define REG_CYA_TOUCH        1058100UL
+#define REG_DATESTAMP        1058108UL
+#define REG_DITHER           1057884UL
+#define REG_DLSWAP           1057872UL
+#define REG_FRAMES           1057796UL
+#define REG_FREQUENCY        1057804UL
+#define REG_GPIO             1057936UL
+#define REG_GPIO_DIR         1057932UL
+#define REG_HCYCLE           1057832UL
+#define REG_HOFFSET          1057836UL
+#define REG_HSIZE            1057840UL
+#define REG_HSYNC0           1057844UL
+#define REG_HSYNC1           1057848UL
+#define REG_ID               1057792UL
+#define REG_INT_EN           1057948UL
+#define REG_INT_FLAGS        1057944UL
+#define REG_INT_MASK         1057952UL
+#define REG_MACRO_0          1057992UL
+#define REG_MACRO_1          1057996UL
+#define REG_OUTBITS          1057880UL
+#define REG_PCLK             1057900UL
+#define REG_PCLK_POL         1057896UL
+#define REG_PLAY             1057928UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_FORMAT  1057972UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_FREQ    1057968UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_LENGTH  1057960UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_LOOP    1057976UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_PLAY    1057980UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_START   1057956UL
+#define REG_PWM_DUTY         1057988UL
+#define REG_PWM_HZ           1057984UL
+#define REG_RENDERMODE       1057808UL
+#define REG_ROMSUB_SEL       1058016UL
+#define REG_ROTATE           1057876UL
+#define REG_SNAPSHOT         1057816UL
+#define REG_SNAPY            1057812UL
+#define REG_SOUND            1057924UL
+#define REG_SWIZZLE          1057888UL
+#define REG_TAG              1057912UL
+#define REG_TAG_X            1057904UL
+#define REG_TAG_Y            1057908UL
+#define REG_TAP_CRC          1057824UL
+#define REG_TAP_MASK         1057828UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_ADC_MODE   1058036UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_CHARGE     1058040UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_DIRECT_XY  1058164UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_DIRECT_Z1Z2 1058168UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_MODE       1058032UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RAW_XY     1058056UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RZ         1058060UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RZTHRESH   1058052UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_SCREEN_XY  1058064UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_SETTLE     1058044UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TAG        1058072UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TAG_XY     1058068UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A 1058076UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_B 1058080UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_C 1058084UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_D 1058088UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_E 1058092UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_F 1058096UL
+#define REG_TRACKER          1085440UL
+#define REG_TRIM             1058156UL
+#define REG_VCYCLE           1057852UL
+#define REG_VOFFSET          1057856UL
+#define REG_VOL_PB           1057916UL
+#define REG_VOL_SOUND        1057920UL
+#define REG_VSIZE            1057860UL
+#define REG_VSYNC0           1057864UL
+#define REG_VSYNC1           1057868UL
+#define REPEAT               1UL
+#define REPLACE              2UL
+#define RGB332               4UL
+#define RGB565               7UL
+#define SRC_ALPHA            2UL
+#define TEXT8X8              9UL
+#define TEXTVGA              10UL
+#define TOUCHMODE_FRAME      2UL
+#define TOUCHMODE_OFF        0UL
+#define ULAW_SAMPLES         1UL
+#define ZERO                 0UL
+#define VERTEX2F(x,y) ((1UL<<30)|(((x)&32767UL)<<15)|(((y)&32767UL)<<0))
+#define VERTEX2II(x,y,handle,cell) ((2UL<<30)|(((x)&511UL)<<21)|(((y)&511UL)<<12)|(((handle)&31UL)<<7)|(((cell)&127UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_SOURCE(addr) ((1UL<<24)|(((addr)&1048575UL)<<0))
+#define CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(red,green,blue) ((2UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0))
+#define TAG(s) ((3UL<<24)|(((s)&255UL)<<0))
+#define COLOR_RGB(red,green,blue) ((4UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_HANDLE(handle) ((5UL<<24)|(((handle)&31UL)<<0))
+#define CELL(cell) ((6UL<<24)|(((cell)&127UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_LAYOUT(format,linestride,height) ((7UL<<24)|(((format)&31UL)<<19)|(((linestride)&1023UL)<<9)|(((height)&511UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_SIZE(filter,wrapx,wrapy,width,height) ((8UL<<24)|(((filter)&1UL)<<20)|(((wrapx)&1UL)<<19)|(((wrapy)&1UL)<<18)|(((width)&511UL)<<9)|(((height)&511UL)<<0))
+#define ALPHA_FUNC(func,ref) ((9UL<<24)|(((func)&7UL)<<8)|(((ref)&255UL)<<0))
+#define STENCIL_FUNC(func,ref,mask) ((10UL<<24)|(((func)&7UL)<<16)|(((ref)&255UL)<<8)|(((mask)&255UL)<<0))
+#define BLEND_FUNC(src,dst) ((11UL<<24)|(((src)&7UL)<<3)|(((dst)&7UL)<<0))
+#define STENCIL_OP(sfail,spass) ((12UL<<24)|(((sfail)&7UL)<<3)|(((spass)&7UL)<<0))
+#define POINT_SIZE(size) ((13UL<<24)|(((size)&8191UL)<<0))
+#define LINE_WIDTH(width) ((14UL<<24)|(((width)&4095UL)<<0))
+#define CLEAR_COLOR_A(alpha) ((15UL<<24)|(((alpha)&255UL)<<0))
+#define COLOR_A(alpha) ((16UL<<24)|(((alpha)&255UL)<<0))
+#define CLEAR_STENCIL(s) ((17UL<<24)|(((s)&255UL)<<0))
+#define CLEAR_TAG(s) ((18UL<<24)|(((s)&255UL)<<0))
+#define STENCIL_MASK(mask) ((19UL<<24)|(((mask)&255UL)<<0))
+#define TAG_MASK(mask) ((20UL<<24)|(((mask)&1UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_A(a) ((21UL<<24)|(((a)&131071UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_B(b) ((22UL<<24)|(((b)&131071UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_C(c) ((23UL<<24)|(((c)&16777215UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_D(d) ((24UL<<24)|(((d)&131071UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_E(e) ((25UL<<24)|(((e)&131071UL)<<0))
+#define BITMAP_TRANSFORM_F(f) ((26UL<<24)|(((f)&16777215UL)<<0))
+#define SCISSOR_XY(x,y) ((27UL<<24)|(((x)&511UL)<<9)|(((y)&511UL)<<0))
+#define SCISSOR_SIZE(width,height) ((28UL<<24)|(((width)&1023UL)<<10)|(((height)&1023UL)<<0))
+#define CALL(dest) ((29UL<<24)|(((dest)&65535UL)<<0))
+#define JUMP(dest) ((30UL<<24)|(((dest)&65535UL)<<0))
+#define BEGIN(prim) ((31UL<<24)|(((prim)&15UL)<<0))
+#define COLOR_MASK(r,g,b,a) ((32UL<<24)|(((r)&1UL)<<3)|(((g)&1UL)<<2)|(((b)&1UL)<<1)|(((a)&1UL)<<0))
+#define CLEAR(c,s,t) ((38UL<<24)|(((c)&1UL)<<2)|(((s)&1UL)<<1)|(((t)&1UL)<<0))
+#define END() ((33UL<<24))
+#define SAVE_CONTEXT() ((34UL<<24))
+#define RESTORE_CONTEXT() ((35UL<<24))
+#define RETURN() ((36UL<<24))
+#define MACRO(m) ((37UL<<24)|(((m)&1UL)<<0))
+#define DISPLAY() ((0UL<<24))
+#define FT_GPU_FONT_TABLE_SIZE (148)
+/* FT800 font table structure */
+/* Font table address in ROM can be found by reading the address from 0xFFFFC location. */
+/* 16 font tables are present at the address read from location 0xFFFFC */
+typedef struct FT_Gpu_Fonts
+	/* All the values are in bytes */
+	/* Width of each character font from 0 to 127 */
+	ft_uint8_t	FontWidth[FT_GPU_NUMCHAR_PERFONT];
+	/* Bitmap format of font wrt bitmap formats supported by FT800 - L1, L4, L8 */
+	ft_uint32_t	FontBitmapFormat;
+	/* Font line stride in FT800 ROM */
+	ft_uint32_t	FontLineStride;
+	/* Font width in pixels */
+	ft_uint32_t	FontWidthInPixels;
+	/* Font height in pixels */
+	ft_uint32_t	FontHeightInPixels;
+	/* Pointer to font graphics raw data */
+	ft_uint32_t	PointerToFontGraphicsData;
+#endif /* #ifndef _FT_GPU_H_ */
+/* Nothing beyond this */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Gpu_Hal.cpp	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit 
+ * 19.09.14 changed to shorter function names  
+ * FTDI was using very long names. 
+ * Ft_App_Flush_Co_Buffer -> Flush_Co_Buffer ...  */
+#include "FT_Platform.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FT_LCD_Type.h"
+FT800::FT800(PinName mosi,
+			PinName miso,
+			PinName sck,
+			PinName ss,
+			PinName intr,
+			PinName pd)
+	:_spi(mosi, miso, sck),
+	 _ss(ss),
+	 _f800_isr(InterruptIn(intr)),
+	 _pd(pd)
+	 {
+	 	 _spi.format(8,0);                  // 8 bit spi mode 0
+    	 _spi.frequency(10000000);          // start with 10 Mhz SPI clock
+    	 _ss = 1;                           // cs high
+    	 _pd = 1;                           // PD high
+		 Bootup();
+	 }
+ft_bool_t FT800::Bootup(void){
+	Open();
+	BootupConfig();
+	return(1);
+	}
+ft_void_t FT800::BootupConfig(void){
+	ft_uint8_t chipid;
+	/* Do a power cycle for safer side */
+	Powercycle( FT_TRUE);
+	/* Access address 0 to wake up the FT800 */
+	HostCommand( FT_GPU_ACTIVE_M);
+	Sleep(20);
+	/* Set the clk to external clock */
+	HostCommand( FT_GPU_EXTERNAL_OSC);
+	Sleep(10);
+	/* Switch PLL output to 48MHz */
+	HostCommand( FT_GPU_PLL_48M);
+	Sleep(10);
+	/* Do a core reset for safer side */
+	HostCommand( FT_GPU_CORE_RESET);
+	//Read Register ID to check if FT800 is ready.
+	chipid = Rd8(  REG_ID);
+	while(chipid != 0x7C)
+		chipid = Rd8(  REG_ID);
+	// Speed up
+	_spi.frequency(16000000);           // 20 Mhz SPI clock
+	/* Configuration of LCD display */
+    DispHCycle = my_DispHCycle;
+    Wr16(  REG_HCYCLE, DispHCycle);
+    DispHOffset = my_DispHOffset;
+    Wr16(  REG_HOFFSET, DispHOffset);
+    DispWidth = my_DispWidth;
+    Wr16(  REG_HSIZE, DispWidth);
+    DispHSync0 = my_DispHSync0;
+    Wr16(  REG_HSYNC0, DispHSync0);
+    DispHSync1 = my_DispHSync1;
+    Wr16(  REG_HSYNC1, DispHSync1);
+    DispVCycle = my_DispVCycle;
+    Wr16(  REG_VCYCLE, DispVCycle);
+    DispVOffset = my_DispVOffset;
+    Wr16(  REG_VOFFSET, DispVOffset);
+    DispHeight = my_DispHeight;
+    Wr16(  REG_VSIZE, DispHeight);
+    DispVSync0 = my_DispVSync0;
+    Wr16(  REG_VSYNC0, DispVSync0);
+    DispVSync1 = my_DispVSync1;
+    Wr16(  REG_VSYNC1, DispVSync1);
+    DispSwizzle = my_DispSwizzle;
+    Wr8(  REG_SWIZZLE, DispSwizzle);
+    DispPCLKPol = my_DispPCLKPol;
+    Wr8(  REG_PCLK_POL, DispPCLKPol);
+    Wr8(  REG_CSPREAD, 1);
+    DispPCLK = my_DispPCLK;
+    Wr8(  REG_PCLK, DispPCLK);//after this display is visible on the LCD
+	Wr16(  REG_PWM_HZ, 1000);
+#ifdef Inv_Backlite	              // turn on backlite
+	Wr16(  REG_PWM_DUTY, 0);
+	Wr16(  REG_PWM_DUTY, 100);
+    Wr8(  REG_GPIO_DIR,0x82);  //| Rd8( REG_GPIO_DIR));
+    Wr8(  REG_GPIO,0x080);     //| Rd8( REG_GPIO));
+	Wr32(  RAM_DL, CLEAR(1,1,1));
+	Wr32(  RAM_DL+4, DISPLAY());
+	Wr32(  REG_DLSWAP,1);
+	Wr16(  REG_PCLK, DispPCLK);
+    /* Touch configuration - configure the resistance value to 1200 - this value is specific to customer requirement and derived by experiment */
+    Wr16(  REG_TOUCH_RZTHRESH,1200);
+/* API to initialize the SPI interface */
+ft_bool_t  FT800::Init()
+	// is done in constructor
+	return 1;
+ft_bool_t  FT800::Open()
+	cmd_fifo_wp = dl_buff_wp = 0;
+	status = OPENED;
+	return 1;
+ft_void_t  FT800::Close( )
+	status = CLOSED;
+ft_void_t FT800::DeInit()
+/*The APIs for reading/writing transfer continuously only with small buffer system*/
+ft_void_t  FT800::StartTransfer( FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr)
+	if (FT_GPU_READ == rw){
+		_ss = 0;       // cs low
+		_spi.write(addr >> 16);
+		_spi.write(addr >> 8);
+		_spi.write(addr & 0xff);
+		_spi.write(0); //Dummy Read Byte
+		status = READING;
+	}else{
+		_ss = 0;       // cs low
+		_spi.write(0x80 | (addr >> 16));
+		_spi.write(addr >> 8);
+		_spi.write(addr & 0xff);
+		status = WRITING;
+	}
+/*The APIs for writing transfer continuously only*/
+ft_void_t  FT800::StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw, ft_uint16_t count)
+	StartTransfer( rw, cmd_fifo_wp + RAM_CMD);
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::TransferString( const ft_char8_t *string)
+    ft_uint16_t length = strlen(string);
+    while(length --){
+       Transfer8( *string);
+       string ++;
+    }
+    //Append one null as ending flag
+    Transfer8( 0);
+    return(1);
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::Transfer8( ft_uint8_t value)
+        return _spi.write(value);
+ft_uint16_t  FT800::Transfer16( ft_uint16_t value)
+	ft_uint16_t retVal = 0;
+        if (status == WRITING){
+		Transfer8( value & 0xFF);//LSB first
+		Transfer8( (value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+	}else{
+		retVal = Transfer8( 0);
+		retVal |= (ft_uint16_t)Transfer8( 0) << 8;
+	}
+	return retVal;
+ft_uint32_t  FT800::Transfer32( ft_uint32_t value)
+	ft_uint32_t retVal = 0;
+	if (status == WRITING){
+		Transfer16( value & 0xFFFF);//LSB first
+		Transfer16( (value >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+	}else{
+		retVal = Transfer16( 0);
+		retVal |= (ft_uint32_t)Transfer16( 0) << 16;
+	}
+	return retVal;
+ft_void_t   FT800::EndTransfer( )
+	_ss = 1;
+	status = OPENED;
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::Rd8( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint8_t value;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Transfer8( 0);
+	EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_uint16_t FT800::Rd16( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint16_t value;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Transfer16( 0);
+	EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_uint32_t FT800::Rd32( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint32_t value;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Transfer32( 0);
+	EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_void_t FT800::Wr8( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t v)
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Transfer8( v);
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Wr16( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint16_t v)
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Transfer16( v);
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Wr32( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint32_t v)
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Transfer32( v);
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::HostCommand( ft_uint8_t cmd)
+  _ss = 0;
+  _spi.write(cmd);
+  _spi.write(0);
+  _spi.write(0);
+  _ss = 1;
+ft_void_t FT800::ClockSelect( FT_GPU_PLL_SOURCE_T pllsource)
+   HostCommand( pllsource);
+ft_void_t FT800::PLL_FreqSelect( FT_GPU_PLL_FREQ_T freq)
+   HostCommand( freq);
+ft_void_t FT800::PowerModeSwitch( FT_GPU_POWER_MODE_T pwrmode)
+   HostCommand( pwrmode);
+ft_void_t FT800::CoreReset( )
+   HostCommand( 0x68);
+ft_void_t FT800::Updatecmdfifo( ft_uint16_t count)
+	 cmd_fifo_wp  = ( cmd_fifo_wp + count) & 4095;
+	//4 byte alignment
+	 cmd_fifo_wp = ( cmd_fifo_wp + 3) & 0xffc;
+	Wr16( REG_CMD_WRITE, cmd_fifo_wp);
+ft_uint16_t FT800::fifo_Freespace( )
+	ft_uint16_t fullness,retval;
+	fullness = ( cmd_fifo_wp - Rd16( REG_CMD_READ)) & 4095;
+	retval = (FT_CMD_FIFO_SIZE - 4) - fullness;
+	return (retval);
+ft_void_t FT800::WrCmdBuf( ft_uint8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count)
+	ft_uint32_t length =0, SizeTransfered = 0;
+#define MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER   fifo_Freespace( )
+	do {
+		length = count;
+		if (length > MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER){
+		    length = MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER;
+		}
+      	        CheckCmdBuffer( length);
+                StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,length);
+                SizeTransfered = 0;
+		while (length--) {
+                    Transfer8( *buffer);
+		    		buffer++;
+                    SizeTransfered ++;
+		}
+                length = SizeTransfered;
+		EndTransfer( );
+		Updatecmdfifo( length);
+		WaitCmdfifo_empty( );
+		count -= length;
+	}while (count > 0);
+ft_void_t FT800::WrCmdBufFromFlash( FT_PROGMEM ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count)
+	ft_uint32_t length =0, SizeTransfered = 0;
+#define MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER   fifo_Freespace( )
+	do {
+		length = count;
+		if (length > MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER){
+		    length = MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER;
+		}
+      	        CheckCmdBuffer( length);
+                StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,length);
+                SizeTransfered = 0;
+		while (length--) {
+                    Transfer8( ft_pgm_read_byte_near(buffer));
+		    buffer++;
+                    SizeTransfered ++;
+		}
+                length = SizeTransfered;
+    	        EndTransfer( );
+		Updatecmdfifo( length);
+		WaitCmdfifo_empty( );
+		count -= length;
+	}while (count > 0);
+ft_void_t FT800::CheckCmdBuffer( ft_uint16_t count)
+   ft_uint16_t getfreespace;
+   do{
+        getfreespace = fifo_Freespace( );
+   }while(getfreespace < count);
+ft_void_t FT800::WaitCmdfifo_empty( )
+   while(Rd16( REG_CMD_READ) != Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE));
+    cmd_fifo_wp = Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE);
+ft_void_t FT800::WaitLogo_Finish( )
+    ft_int16_t cmdrdptr,cmdwrptr;
+    do{
+         cmdrdptr = Rd16( REG_CMD_READ);
+         cmdwrptr = Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE);
+    }while ((cmdwrptr != cmdrdptr) || (cmdrdptr != 0));
+     cmd_fifo_wp = 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::ResetCmdFifo( )
+    cmd_fifo_wp = 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::WrCmd32( ft_uint32_t cmd)
+         CheckCmdBuffer( sizeof(cmd));
+         Wr32( RAM_CMD +  cmd_fifo_wp,cmd);
+         Updatecmdfifo( sizeof(cmd));
+ft_void_t FT800::ResetDLBuffer( )
+            dl_buff_wp = 0;
+/* Toggle PD_N pin of FT800 board for a power cycle*/
+ft_void_t FT800::Powercycle(  ft_bool_t up)
+	if (up)
+	{
+             //Toggle PD_N from low to high for power up switch
+            _pd = 0;
+            Sleep(20);
+            _pd = 1;
+            Sleep(20);
+	}else
+	{
+             //Toggle PD_N from high to low for power down switch
+            _pd = 1;
+            Sleep(20);
+            _pd = 0;
+            Sleep(20);
+	}
+ft_void_t FT800::WrMemFromFlash( ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	//ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+            Transfer8( ft_pgm_read_byte_near(buffer));
+	    buffer++;
+	}
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::WrMem( ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	//ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+            Transfer8( *buffer);
+	    buffer++;
+	}
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::RdMem( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	//ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;
+	StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+	   *buffer = Transfer8( 0);
+	   buffer++;
+	}
+	EndTransfer( );
+ft_int32_t FT800::Dec2Ascii(ft_char8_t *pSrc,ft_int32_t value)
+	ft_int16_t Length;
+	ft_char8_t *pdst,charval;
+	ft_int32_t CurrVal = value,tmpval,i;
+	ft_char8_t tmparray[16],idx = 0;
+	Length = strlen(pSrc);
+	pdst = pSrc + Length;
+	if(0 == value)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = '0';
+		*pdst++ = '\0';
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(CurrVal < 0)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = '-';
+		CurrVal = - CurrVal;
+	}
+	/* insert the value */
+	while(CurrVal > 0){
+		tmpval = CurrVal;
+		CurrVal /= 10;
+		tmpval = tmpval - CurrVal*10;
+		charval = '0' + tmpval;
+		tmparray[idx++] = charval;
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<idx;i++)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = tmparray[idx - i - 1];
+	}
+	*pdst++ = '\0';
+	return 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::Sleep(ft_uint16_t ms)
+	wait_ms(ms);
+ft_void_t FT800::Sound_ON(){
+	 Wr8(  REG_GPIO, 0x02 | Rd8( REG_GPIO));
+ft_void_t FT800::Sound_OFF(){
+	 Wr8(  REG_GPIO, 0xFD & Rd8( REG_GPIO));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Gpu_Hal.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ * \file FT_GPU_HAL.h
+ *
+ * \author FTDI
+ * \date 2013.04.24
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Future Technology Devices International Limited
+ *
+ * Project: FT800 or EVE compatible silicon
+ * File Description:
+ *    This file defines the generic APIs of host access layer for the FT800 or EVE compatible silicon.
+ *    Application shall access FT800 or EVE resources over these APIs. In addition, there are
+ *    some helper functions defined for FT800 coprocessor engine as well as host commands.
+ * Rivision History:
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef FT_GPU_HAL_H
+#define FT_GPU_HAL_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FT_DataTypes.h"
+typedef enum {
+    FT_GPU_I2C_MODE = 0,
+typedef enum {
+    OPENED,
+    CLOSED,
+typedef struct {
+    ft_uint8_t reserved;
+} Ft_Gpu_App_Context_t;
+typedef struct {
+    /* Total number channels for libmpsse */
+    ft_uint32_t TotalChannelNum;
+} Ft_Gpu_HalInit_t;
+typedef enum {
+    FT_GPU_READ = 0,
+typedef struct {
+    ft_uint32_t length; //IN and OUT
+    ft_uint32_t address;
+    ft_uint8_t  *buffer;
+} Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t;
+class FT800
+    FT800(PinName mosi,
+          PinName miso,
+          PinName sck,
+          PinName ss,
+          PinName intr,
+          PinName pd);
+    SPI _spi;
+    DigitalOut	_ss;
+    DigitalOut	_pd;
+    InterruptIn	_f800_isr;
+    /* Global used for buffer optimization */
+    //Ft_Gpu_Hal_Context_t host,*phost;
+    Ft_Gpu_App_Context_t        app_header;
+    ft_uint16_t cmd_fifo_wp; //coprocessor fifo write pointer
+    ft_uint16_t dl_buff_wp;  //display command memory write pointer
+    FT_GPU_HAL_STATUS_E        status;        	  //OUT
+    ft_void_t*                 hal_handle;        //IN/OUT
+    ft_uint32_t CmdBuffer_Index;
+    ft_uint32_t DlBuffer_Index;
+    ft_int16_t DispWidth;
+    ft_int16_t DispHeight;
+    ft_int16_t DispHCycle;
+    ft_int16_t DispHOffset;
+    ft_int16_t DispHSync0;
+    ft_int16_t DispHSync1;
+    ft_int16_t DispVCycle;
+    ft_int16_t DispVOffset;
+    ft_int16_t DispVSync0;
+    ft_int16_t DispVSync1;
+    ft_uint8_t DispPCLK;
+    ft_char8_t DispSwizzle;
+    ft_char8_t DispPCLKPol;
+    ft_void_t BootupConfig(void);
+    ft_bool_t Bootup(void);
+ft_void_t menu(void);
+ft_void_t temperature(float t);
+ft_void_t bus_can(float trmin_can,float vitesse_can);
+ft_void_t GPS(float latitude,float longitude,float vitesse_gps,unsigned int n_sat,char ns, char ew);
+ft_void_t home(float t,float trmin_can,float vitesse_can,float acc,float latitude,float longitude,float vitesse_gps);
+ft_void_t accelerometre(float acc,float x, float y, float z);
+ft_void_t reglages(unsigned int r);
+ft_void_t Start_Screen(ft_char8_t *str);
+    /*The basic APIs Level 1*/
+    ft_bool_t              Init( );
+    ft_bool_t              Open( );
+    /*The APIs for reading/writing transfer continuously only with small buffer system*/
+    ft_void_t              StartTransfer(FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr);
+    ft_uint8_t             Transfer8(ft_uint8_t value);
+    ft_uint16_t            Transfer16(ft_uint16_t value);
+    ft_uint32_t            Transfer32(ft_uint32_t value);
+    ft_void_t              EndTransfer( );
+    /*Read & Write APIs for both burst and single transfer,depending on buffer size*/
+    ft_void_t              Read(Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t *transfer);
+    ft_void_t              Write(Ft_Gpu_App_Transfer_t *transfer);
+    ft_void_t              Close();
+    ft_void_t              DeInit();
+    /*Helper function APIs Read*/
+    ft_uint8_t  Rd8(ft_uint32_t addr);
+    ft_uint16_t Rd16(ft_uint32_t addr);
+    ft_uint32_t Rd32(ft_uint32_t addr);
+    /*Helper function APIs Write*/
+    ft_void_t Wr8(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t v);
+    ft_void_t Wr16(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint16_t v);
+    ft_void_t Wr32(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint32_t v);
+    /*******************************************************************************/
+    /*******************************************************************************/
+    /*APIs for coprocessor Fifo read/write and space management*/
+    ft_void_t Updatecmdfifo(ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t WrCmd32(ft_uint32_t cmd);
+    ft_void_t WrCmdBuf(ft_uint8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t WaitCmdfifo_empty();
+    ft_void_t ResetCmdFifo();
+    ft_void_t CheckCmdBuffer(ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t ResetDLBuffer();
+    ft_void_t StartCmdTransfer(FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw, ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t Powercycle(ft_bool_t up);
+    /*******************************************************************************/
+    /*******************************************************************************/
+    /*APIs for Host Commands*/
+    typedef enum {
+        FT_GPU_INTERNAL_OSC = 0x48, //default
+        FT_GPU_EXTERNAL_OSC = 0x44,
+    typedef enum {
+        FT_GPU_PLL_48M = 0x62,  //default
+        FT_GPU_PLL_36M = 0x61,
+        FT_GPU_PLL_24M = 0x64,
+    typedef enum {
+        FT_GPU_ACTIVE_M =  0x00,
+        FT_GPU_STANDBY_M = 0x41,//default
+        FT_GPU_SLEEP_M =   0x42,
+        FT_GPU_POWERDOWN_M = 0x50,
+#define FT_GPU_CORE_RESET  (0x68)
+    ft_int32_t hal_strlen(const ft_char8_t *s);
+    ft_void_t Sleep(ft_uint16_t ms);
+    ft_void_t ClockSelect(FT_GPU_PLL_SOURCE_T pllsource);
+    ft_void_t PLL_FreqSelect(FT_GPU_PLL_FREQ_T freq);
+    ft_void_t PowerModeSwitch(FT_GPU_POWER_MODE_T pwrmode);
+    ft_void_t CoreReset();
+//ft_void_t Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( ,FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr);
+    ft_void_t WrMem(ft_uint32_t addr, const ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
+    ft_void_t WrMemFromFlash(ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
+    ft_void_t WrCmdBufFromFlash(FT_PROGMEM ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t RdMem(ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length);
+    ft_void_t WaitLogo_Finish();
+    ft_uint8_t TransferString(const ft_char8_t *string);
+    ft_void_t HostCommand(ft_uint8_t cmd);
+    ft_int32_t Dec2Ascii(ft_char8_t *pSrc,ft_int32_t value);
+    ft_void_t Text(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
+    ft_void_t Number(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_int32_t n);
+    ft_void_t LoadIdentity();
+    ft_void_t Toggle(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t state, const ft_char8_t* s);
+    ft_void_t Gauge(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t major, ft_uint16_t minor, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
+    ft_void_t RegRead(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t result);
+    ft_void_t GetProps(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t w, ft_uint32_t h);
+    ft_void_t Memcpy(ft_uint32_t dest, ft_uint32_t src, ft_uint32_t num);
+    ft_void_t Spinner(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t style, ft_uint16_t scale);
+    ft_void_t BgColor(ft_uint32_t c);
+    ft_void_t Swap();
+    ft_void_t Inflate(ft_uint32_t ptr);
+    ft_void_t Translate(ft_int32_t tx, ft_int32_t ty);
+    ft_void_t Stop();
+    ft_void_t Slider(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
+    ft_void_t Interrupt(ft_uint32_t ms);
+ 	ft_void_t luminosite( ft_int32_t lum);   
+    ft_void_t FgColor(ft_uint32_t c);
+    ft_void_t Rotate(ft_int32_t a);
+    ft_void_t Button(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
+    ft_void_t MemWrite(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
+    ft_void_t Scrollbar(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t size, ft_uint16_t range);
+    ft_void_t GetMatrix(ft_int32_t a, ft_int32_t b, ft_int32_t c, ft_int32_t d, ft_int32_t e, ft_int32_t f);
+    ft_void_t Sketch(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_uint16_t w, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint16_t format);
+    ft_void_t MemSet(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t value, ft_uint32_t num);
+    ft_void_t Calibrate(ft_uint32_t result);
+    ft_void_t SetFont(ft_uint32_t font, ft_uint32_t ptr);
+    ft_void_t Bitmap_Transform(ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
+    ft_void_t GradColor(ft_uint32_t c);
+    ft_void_t Append(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
+    ft_void_t MemZero(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num);
+    ft_void_t Scale(ft_int32_t sx, ft_int32_t sy);
+    ft_void_t Clock(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t h, ft_uint16_t m, ft_uint16_t s, ft_uint16_t ms);
+    ft_void_t Gradient(ft_int16_t x0, ft_int16_t y0, ft_uint32_t rgb0, ft_int16_t x1, ft_int16_t y1, ft_uint32_t rgb1);
+    ft_void_t SetMatrix();
+    ft_void_t Track(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t tag);
+    ft_void_t GetPtr(ft_uint32_t result);
+    ft_void_t Progress(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val, ft_uint16_t range);
+    ft_void_t ColdStart();
+    ft_void_t Keys(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t w, ft_int16_t h, ft_int16_t font, ft_uint16_t options, const ft_char8_t* s);
+    ft_void_t Dial(ft_int16_t x, ft_int16_t y, ft_int16_t r, ft_uint16_t options, ft_uint16_t val);
+    ft_void_t LoadImage(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t options);
+    ft_void_t DLstart();
+    ft_void_t Snapshot(ft_uint32_t ptr);
+    ft_void_t ScreenSaver();
+    ft_void_t Memcrc(ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num, ft_uint32_t result);
+    ft_void_t Logo();
+    ft_void_t SendCmd( ft_uint32_t cmd);
+    ft_void_t SendStr( const ft_char8_t *s);
+    ft_void_t StartFunc( ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t EndFunc( ft_uint16_t count);
+    ft_void_t TouchTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
+    ft_void_t BitmapTransform( ft_int32_t x0, ft_int32_t y0, ft_int32_t x1, ft_int32_t y1, ft_int32_t x2, ft_int32_t y2, ft_int32_t tx0, ft_int32_t ty0, ft_int32_t tx1, ft_int32_t ty1, ft_int32_t tx2, ft_int32_t ty2, ft_uint16_t result);
+    ft_void_t MemCrc( ft_uint32_t ptr, ft_uint32_t num, ft_uint32_t result);
+    ft_uint16_t fifo_Freespace( );
+    ft_void_t DL(ft_uint32_t cmd);
+    ft_void_t WrDlCmd_Buffer(ft_uint32_t cmd);
+    ft_void_t Flush_DL_Buffer();
+    ft_void_t Flush_Co_Buffer();
+    ft_void_t fadeout();
+    ft_void_t fadein();
+    ft_void_t DLSwap(ft_uint8_t DL_Swap_Type);
+	ft_void_t Sound_ON();
+	ft_void_t Sound_OFF();
+	int Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size);
+	ft_void_t Calibrate();
+};  // end of class
+#endif  /*FT_GPU_HAL_H*/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Hal_Utils.cpp	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#include "FT_Platform.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* function to load jpg file from filesystem */
+/* return 0 if jpg is ok                     */
+/* return x_size and y_size of jpg           */
+int FT800::Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size)
+    unsigned char pbuff[8291];
+    unsigned short marker;
+    unsigned short length;
+    unsigned char data[4];
+    ft_uint16_t blocklen;
+    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if(fp == NULL) return (-1);         // connot open file
+    // search for 0xFFC0 marker
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
+    unsigned int Fsize = ftell(fp);
+    fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET);
+    fread(data,4,1,fp);
+    marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
+    length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
+    do {
+        if(marker == 0xFFC0) break;
+        if(marker & 0xFF00 != 0xFF00) break;
+        if (fseek(fp, length - 2,SEEK_CUR) != 0) break;
+        fread(data,4,1,fp);
+        marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
+        length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
+    } while(1);
+    if(marker != 0xFFC0) return (-2);  // no FFC0 Marker, wrong format no baseline DCT-based JPEG
+    fseek(fp, 1,SEEK_CUR);
+    fread(data,4,1,fp);
+    *y_size = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]);
+    *x_size = (data[2] << 8 | data[3]);
+    //if(*x_size > DispWidth || *y_size > DispHeight) return (-3);  // to big to fit on screen
+    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    WrCmd32(CMD_LOADIMAGE);  // load a JPEG image
+    WrCmd32(0);              //destination address of jpg decode
+    WrCmd32(0);              //output format of the bitmap - default is rgb565
+    while(Fsize > 0) {
+        /* download the data into the command buffer by 8kb one shot */
+        blocklen = Fsize>8192?8192:Fsize;
+        /* copy the data into pbuff and then transfter it to command buffer */
+        fread(pbuff,1,blocklen,fp);
+        Fsize -= blocklen;
+        /* copy data continuously into command memory */
+        WrCmdBuf(pbuff, blocklen); //alignment is already taken care by this api
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    return(0);
+/* calibrate touch */
+ft_void_t FT800::Calibrate()
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    /* Below code demonstrates the usage of calibrate function. Calibrate    */
+    /* function will wait untill user presses all the three dots. Only way to*/
+    /* come out of this api is to reset the coprocessor bit.                 */
+    /*************************************************************************/
+    {
+        DLstart();                                       // start a new display command list
+        DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(64,64,64));       // set the clear color R, G, B
+        DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                    // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
+        DL(COLOR_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff));       // set the current color R, G, B
+        Text((DispWidth/2), (DispHeight/2), 27, OPT_CENTER, "Appuyez sur les points");  // draw Text at x,y, font 27, centered
+        Calibrate(0);                                    // start the calibration of touch screen
+        Flush_Co_Buffer();                               // download the commands into FT800 FIFO
+        WaitCmdfifo_empty();                             // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Hal_Utils.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI 
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+#ifndef _FT_HAL_UTILS_H_
+#define _FT_HAL_UTILS_H_
+#define RGB(r, g, b)  ((((vc_int32_t)(r)) << 16) | (((vc_int32_t)(g)) << 8) | (b))
+#define SQ(v) ((v) * (v))
+#define MIN(x,y)  ((x) > (y) ? (y) : (x))
+#define MAX(x,y)  ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define PLAYCOLOR        0x00A0A080
+#define NOTE(n, sharp)   (((n) - 'C') + ((sharp) * 128))
+#define F16(s)           ((vc_int32_t)((s) * 65536))
+#define INVALID_TOUCH_XY   0x8000
+#define ABS(x)  ((x) > (0) ? (x) : (-x))
+#endif /* _FT_HAL_UTILS_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_LCD_Type.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+ /* change this file to adapt other LCD screens */
+#ifndef FT_LCD_TYPE_H
+#define FT_LCD_TYPE_H
+/* Global variables for display resolution to support various display panels */
+/* Default is WQVGA - 480x272 */
+#define my_DispWidth  480
+#define my_DispHeight 272
+#define my_DispHCycle 548
+#define my_DispHOffset 43
+#define my_DispHSync0  0
+#define my_DispHSync1  41
+#define my_DispVCycle  292
+#define my_DispVOffset  12
+#define my_DispVSync0  0
+#define my_DispVSync1  10
+#define my_DispPCLK  5
+#define my_DispSwizzle  0
+#define my_DispPCLKPol  1
+/* the GLYN display has inverted backlite */
+//#define Inv_Backlite    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Platform.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* mbed Library for FTDI FT800  Enbedded Video Engine "EVE"
+ * based on Original Code Sample from FTDI 
+ * ported to mbed by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014
+ * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit */
+#ifndef _FT_PLATFORM_H_
+#define _FT_PLATFORM_H_
+#include "FT_DataTypes.h"
+#include "FT_Gpu_Hal.h"
+#include "FT_Gpu.h"
+#include "FT_LCD_Type.h"
+#endif /*_FT_PLATFORM_H_*/
+/* Nothing beyond this*/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ft800.h	Mon Mar 11 19:14:19 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#ifndef _mon_menu_
+#define _mon_menu_
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FT_Platform.h"