STS2 Adafruit TFT ok

Dependencies:   SPI_STMPE610 SPI_TFT_ILI9341 TFT_fonts mbed

Fork of TS_Eyes by Motoo Tanaka

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 06 05:35:02 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/** TS_Eye TSI sample program using Adafruit 2.8" TFT with Touch
+ *
+ * @note Just like the good old X11 eyes
+ * @note this program stares at the point where
+ * @note the TSI sensor of FRDM is being touched.
+ * @note By touching the right most side of the sensor
+ * @note program exits the staring loop and pretend to sleep.
+ * @note Then touching the TFT starts the staring loop again.
+ */
+ /* 
+  * Note: This program is derived from the SeeeStudioTFTv2 program.
+  * Although both program share same ILI9341 TFT driver,
+  * the touch sensor was not same with the Display I purchased from Akizuki.
+  *
+  * The touch sensor on the display is STMPE610,
+  * so I hacked the minimum spi driver for it (polling mode only).
+  */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TSISensor.h"
+#include "SPI_TFT_ILI9341.h"
+#include "SPI_STMPE610.h"
+#include "Arial12x12.h"
+#include "Arial24x23.h"
+#include "Arial28x28.h"
+#include "font_big.h"
+#define PIN_MOSI        PTD2
+#define PIN_MISO        PTD3 
+#define PIN_SCLK        PTD1 
+#define PIN_CS_TFT      PTD0 
+#define PIN_DC_TFT      PTD5 
+#define PIN_BL_TFT      PTC9 
+#define PIN_CS_SD       PTA4 
+#define PIN_CS_TSC      PTA13
+#define PIN_TSC_INTR    PTC9
+TSISensor tsi;
+DigitalOut backlight(PTA12) ;
+void initTFT(void)
+    //Configure the display driver
+    TFT.background(Black);
+    TFT.foreground(White);
+    wait(0.01) ;
+    TFT.cls();
+void moveEye(void)
+    int dx, px ;
+    float delta = 0.0 ;
+    dx = 0 ;
+    px = 0 ;
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.background(Black);
+    wait(0.1) ;
+    TFT.foreground(White);
+    wait(0.1) ;
+    TFT.cls() ;
+    wait(0.1) ;
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+    TFT.foreground(Blue) ;
+    TFT.locate(60, 10) ;
+    TFT.printf("<< TS Eye >>") ;
+    TFT.locate(30, 280) ;
+    TFT.printf("Use FRDM touch slider") ;
+    TFT.locate(30, 300) ;
+    TFT.printf("Touch right edge to end") ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(120, 160, 100, Green) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(60, 160, 50, Black) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(60, 160, 45, White) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(180, 160, 50, Black) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(180, 160, 45, White) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(60, 160, 5, Black) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(180, 160, 5, Black) ;
+    backlight = 1 ;
+    while(dx < 38) {
+      delta = (80.0 * (tsi.readPercentage()-0.5)) ;
+      dx = (int)(delta + 0.5) ;
+      TFT.fillcircle(60+px, 160, 5, White) ;
+      TFT.fillcircle(180+px, 160, 5, White) ;
+      TFT.fillcircle(60+dx, 160, 5, Black) ;
+      TFT.fillcircle(180+dx, 160, 5, Black) ;
+      px = dx ;
+      wait(0.1) ;
+    }
+    TFT.fillcircle(60+px, 160, 5, White) ;
+    TFT.fillcircle(180+px, 160, 5, White) ;
+    TFT.line(15, 160, 105, 160, Black) ;
+    TFT.line(135, 160, 225, 160, Black) ;
+    TFT.locate(30, 280) ;
+    TFT.printf("    Sleeping ... zzz     ") ;
+    TFT.locate(20, 300) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Yellow) ;
+    TFT.printf("  Touch TFT to wake up") ;
+int main()
+    uint16_t x, y, z ;
+    bool awake = true ;
+    initTFT() ;
+    for(;;) {
+        if (awake) {
+            moveEye() ;
+            awake = false ;
+        }
+        if ( TSC.getRAWPoint(&x, &y, &z)) {
+            awake = true ;
+        }
+    }