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00001 /*  
00002       This file is part of Smoothie ( The motion control part is heavily based on Grbl (
00003       Smoothie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00004       Smoothie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
00005       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Smoothie. If not, see <>. 
00006 */
00008 #include "libs/Module.h"
00009 #include "libs/Kernel.h"
00010 #include "modules/communication/utils/Gcode.h"
00011 #include "modules/robot/Stepper.h"
00012 #include "Spindle.h"
00013 #include "libs/nuts_bolts.h"
00015 Spindle::Spindle(){
00017 }
00019 void Spindle::on_module_loaded() {
00020     if( !this->kernel->config->value( spindle_module_enable_checksum )->by_default(false)->as_bool() ){ return; } 
00022     // Settings
00023     this->on_config_reload(this);
00025     this->register_for_event(ON_GCODE_EXECUTE);
00026     this->register_for_event(ON_PLAY);
00027     this->register_for_event(ON_PAUSE);
00028     this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_BEGIN);
00029     this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_END);
00030 }
00033 // Get config
00034 void Spindle::on_config_reload(void* argument){
00035     this->spindle_pin= this->kernel->config->value(spindle_pin_checksum)->by_default("0.4" )->as_pin()->as_output();
00036 }
00038 // Turn spindle off spindle at the end of a move
00039 void  Spindle::on_block_end(void* argument){
00040     //this->spindle_pin->set(0);
00041 }
00043 // Set spindle power at the beginning of a block
00044 void Spindle::on_block_begin(void* argument){
00045     //this->set_spindle();
00046 }
00048 // When the play/pause button is set to pause, or a module calls the ON_PAUSE event
00049 void Spindle::on_pause(void* argument){
00050     this->spindle_pin->set(0);
00051 }
00053 // When the play/pause button is set to play, or a module calls the ON_PLAY event
00054 void Spindle::on_play(void* argument){
00055     this->set_spindle();
00056 }
00058 // Turn spindle on/off depending on received GCodes
00059 void Spindle::on_gcode_execute(void* argument){
00060     Gcode* gcode = static_cast<Gcode*>(argument);
00061     this->spindle_on = false;
00062     if( gcode->has_letter('G' )){
00063         int code = gcode->get_value('G');
00064         if( code == 0 ){                    // G0
00065             this->kernel->serial->printf("off\r\n");
00066             this->spindle_pin->set(0);
00067             this->spindle_on =  false;
00068         }else if( code >= 1 && code <= 3 ){ // G1, G2, G3
00069             this->kernel->serial->printf("on\r\n");
00070             this->spindle_pin->set(1);
00071             this->spindle_on =  true;
00072         }
00073     }
00074 }
00077 void Spindle::set_spindle(){
00078     if( this->spindle_on && this->kernel->stepper->current_block ){ 
00079         this->spindle_pin->set(1);
00080     }
00081 }