smoothie port to mbed online compiler (

Dependencies:   mbed

For documentation, license, ..., please check

This version has been tested with a 3 axis machine

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/tools/extruder/Extruder.cpp	Tue Jul 31 21:11:18 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+      This file is part of Smoothie ( The motion control part is heavily based on Grbl (
+      Smoothie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+      Smoothie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Smoothie. If not, see <>.
+#include "libs/Module.h"
+#include "libs/Kernel.h"
+#include "modules/robot/Player.h"
+#include "modules/robot/Block.h"
+#include "modules/tools/extruder/Extruder.h"
+#define extruder_step_pin_checksum    40763
+#define extruder_dir_pin_checksum     57277
+#define extruder_en_pin_checksum      8017
+Extruder::Extruder() {
+    this->absolute_mode = true;
+    this->direction     = 1;
+    this->acceleration_lock = false;
+    this->step_counter = 0;
+    this->counter_increment = 0;
+    this->paused = false;
+void Extruder::on_module_loaded() {
+    // Do not do anything if not enabledd
+    if( this->kernel->config->value( extruder_module_enable_checksum )->by_default(false)->as_bool() == false ){ return; }
+    // Settings
+    this->on_config_reload(this);
+    // We work on the same Block as Stepper, so we need to know when it gets a new one and drops one
+    this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_BEGIN);
+    this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_END);
+    this->register_for_event(ON_GCODE_EXECUTE);
+    this->register_for_event(ON_PLAY);
+    this->register_for_event(ON_PAUSE);
+    // Start values
+    this->start_position = 0;
+    this->target_position = 0;
+    this->current_position = 0;
+    this->current_block = NULL;
+    this->mode = OFF;
+    // Update speed every *acceleration_ticks_per_second*
+    // TODO: Make this an independent setting
+    this->kernel->slow_ticker->attach( this->kernel->stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second , this, &Extruder::acceleration_tick );
+    // Initiate main_interrupt timer and step reset timer
+    this->kernel->step_ticker->attach( this, &Extruder::stepping_tick );
+    this->kernel->step_ticker->reset_attach( this, &Extruder::reset_step_pin );
+// Get config
+void Extruder::on_config_reload(void* argument){
+    this->microseconds_per_step_pulse = this->kernel->config->value(microseconds_per_step_pulse_checksum)->by_default(5)->as_number();
+    this->steps_per_millimeter        = this->kernel->config->value(extruder_steps_per_mm_checksum       )->by_default(1)->as_number();
+    this->feed_rate                   = this->kernel->config->value(default_feed_rate_checksum          )->by_default(1)->as_number();
+    this->acceleration                = this->kernel->config->value(acceleration_checksum               )->by_default(1)->as_number();
+    this->step_pin                    = this->kernel->config->value(extruder_step_pin_checksum          )->by_default("1.22" )->as_pin()->as_output();
+    this->dir_pin                     = this->kernel->config->value(extruder_dir_pin_checksum           )->by_default("1.19" )->as_pin()->as_output();
+    this->en_pin                      = this->kernel->config->value(extruder_en_pin_checksum            )->by_default("0.19" )->as_pin()->as_output();
+// When the play/pause button is set to pause, or a module calls the ON_PAUSE event
+void Extruder::on_pause(void* argument){
+    this->paused = true;
+// When the play/pause button is set to play, or a module calls the ON_PLAY event
+void Extruder::on_play(void* argument){
+    this->paused = false;
+// Compute extrusion speed based on parameters and gcode distance of travel
+void Extruder::on_gcode_execute(void* argument){
+    Gcode* gcode = static_cast<Gcode*>(argument);
+    // Absolute/relative mode
+    if( gcode->has_letter('M')){
+        int code = (int) gcode->get_value('M');
+        if( code == 82 ){ this->absolute_mode = true; }
+        if( code == 83 ){ this->absolute_mode = false; }
+        if( code == 84 ){ this->en_pin->set(0); }
+    }
+    // The mode is OFF by default, and SOLO or FOLLOW only if we need to extrude
+    this->mode = OFF;
+    if( gcode->has_letter('G') ){
+        // G92: Reset extruder position
+        if( gcode->get_value('G') == 92 ){
+            if( gcode->has_letter('E') ){
+                this->current_position = gcode->get_value('E');
+                this->target_position  = this->current_position;
+                this->start_position   = this->current_position;
+            }
+        }else{
+            // Extrusion length from 'G' Gcode
+            if( gcode->has_letter('E' )){
+                // Get relative extrusion distance depending on mode ( in absolute mode we must substract target_position )
+                double relative_extrusion_distance = gcode->get_value('E');
+                if( this->absolute_mode == true ){ relative_extrusion_distance = relative_extrusion_distance - this->target_position; }
+                // If the robot is moving, we follow it's movement, otherwise, we move alone
+                if( fabs(gcode->millimeters_of_travel) < 0.0001 ){  // With floating numbers, we can have 0 != 0 ... beeeh
+                    this->mode = SOLO;
+                    this->travel_distance = relative_extrusion_distance;
+                    if( gcode->has_letter('F') ){ this->feed_rate = gcode->get_value('F'); }
+                }else{
+                    this->mode = FOLLOW;
+                    // We move proportionally to the robot's movement
+                    this->travel_ratio = relative_extrusion_distance / gcode->millimeters_of_travel;
+                }
+                this->en_pin->set(1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// When a new block begins, either follow the robot, or step by ourselves ( or stay back and do nothing )
+void Extruder::on_block_begin(void* argument){
+    Block* block = static_cast<Block*>(argument);
+    if( this->mode == SOLO ){
+        // In solo mode we take the block so we can move even if the stepper has nothing to do
+        block->take();
+        this->current_block = block;
+        this->start_position = this->target_position;
+        this->target_position = this->start_position + this->travel_distance ;
+        this->travel_ratio = 0.2;   // TODO : Make a real acceleration thing
+        if( this->target_position > this->current_position ){ this->direction = 1; }else if( this->target_position < this->current_position ){ this->direction = -1; }
+        this->set_speed(int(floor((this->feed_rate/60)*this->steps_per_millimeter)));//Speed in steps per second
+    }else if( this->mode == FOLLOW ){
+        // In non-solo mode, we just follow the stepper module
+        this->current_block = block;
+        this->start_position = this->target_position;
+        this->target_position =  this->start_position + ( this->current_block->millimeters * this->travel_ratio );
+        if( this->target_position > this->current_position ){ this->direction = 1; }else if( this->target_position < this->current_position ){ this->direction = -1; }
+        this->acceleration_tick(0);
+    }
+// When a block ends, pause the stepping interrupt
+void Extruder::on_block_end(void* argument){
+    Block* block = static_cast<Block*>(argument);
+    this->current_block = NULL;
+// Called periodically to change the speed to match acceleration or to match the speed of the robot
+uint32_t Extruder::acceleration_tick(uint32_t dummy){
+    // Avoid trying to work when we really shouldn't ( between blocks or re-entry )
+    if( this->current_block == NULL || this->acceleration_lock || this->paused ){ return 0; }
+    this->acceleration_lock = true;
+    // In solo mode, we mode independently from the robot
+    if( this->mode == SOLO ){
+        // TODO : Do real acceleration here
+        this->travel_ratio += 0.03;
+        if( this->travel_ratio > 1 ){ this->travel_ratio = 1; }
+        this->set_speed( int(floor(((this->feed_rate/60)*this->steps_per_millimeter)*this->travel_ratio)) );  // Speed in steps per second
+        // In follow mode we match the speed of the robot, + eventually advance
+    }else if( this->mode == FOLLOW ){
+        Stepper* stepper = this->kernel->stepper; // Just for convenience
+        // Strategy :
+        //   * Find where in the block will the stepper be at the next tick ( if the block will have ended then, don't change speed )
+        //   * Find what position this is for us
+        //   * Find what speed we must go at to be at that position for the next acceleration tick
+        // TODO : This works, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you know a better way to do it, do it better, I don't find this elegant at all, it's just the best I could think of
+        // UPDATE: Yes, this sucks, I have ideas on how to do it better. If this is really bugging you, open a ticket and I'll make it a priority
+        int ticks_forward = 3;
+        // We need to take those values here, and then use those instead of the live values, because using the live values inside the loop can break things ( infinite loops etc ... )
+        double next_stepper_rate = stepper->trapezoid_adjusted_rate;
+        double step_events_completed =   (double(double(stepper->step_events_completed)/double(1<<16)));
+        double position = ( this->current_position - this->start_position ) * this->direction ;
+        double length = fabs( this->start_position - this->target_position );
+        double last_ratio = -1;
+        // Do the startegy above, but if it does not work, look a bit further and try again, and again ...
+        while(1){
+            // Find the position where we should be at the next tick
+            double next_ratio = double( step_events_completed + ( next_stepper_rate / 60 / ((double(stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second)/ticks_forward)) ) ) / double( this->current_block->steps_event_count );
+            double next_relative_position = ( length * next_ratio );
+            // Advance
+            // TODO: Proper advance configuration
+            double advance = double(next_stepper_rate) * ( 0.00001 * 0.15 ) * 0.4 ;
+            //double advance = 0;
+            next_relative_position += ( advance );
+            // TODO : all of those "if->return" is very hacky, we should do the math in a way where most of those don't happen, but that requires doing tons of drawing ...
+            if( last_ratio == next_ratio ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return 0; }else{ last_ratio = next_ratio; }
+            if( next_ratio == 0 || next_ratio > 1 ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return 0; }
+            if( ticks_forward > 1000 ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return 0; } // This is very ugly
+            // Hack : We have not looked far enough, we compute how far ahead we must look to get a relevant value
+            if( position > next_relative_position ){
+                double far_back = position - next_relative_position;
+                double far_back_ratio = far_back / length;
+                double move_duration = double( this->current_block->steps_event_count ) / ( double(next_stepper_rate) / 60 ) ;
+                double ticks_in_a_move = floor( stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second * move_duration +0.5);
+                double ratio_per_tick = 1 / ticks_in_a_move;
+                double ticks_to_equilibrium = ceil(far_back_ratio / ratio_per_tick) + 1;
+                ticks_forward += ticks_to_equilibrium;
+                // Because this is a loop, and we can be interrupted by the stepping interrupt, if that interrupt changes block, the new block may not be solo, and we may get trapped into an infinite loop
+                if( this->mode != FOLLOW ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return 0; }
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Finally, compute the speed to get to that next position
+            double next_absolute_position = this->start_position + ( this->direction * next_relative_position );
+            double steps_to_next_tick = ( next_relative_position - position ) * this->steps_per_millimeter;
+            double speed_to_next_tick = steps_to_next_tick / ( 1 / double(double(this->kernel->stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second) / ticks_forward) );
+            // Change stepping speed
+            this->set_speed( speed_to_next_tick );
+            this->acceleration_lock = false;
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    this->acceleration_lock = false;
+    return 0;
+// Convenience function to set stepping speed
+void Extruder::set_speed( int steps_per_second ){
+    if( steps_per_second < 10 ){ steps_per_second = 10; }
+    // TODO : Proper limit config value
+    if( steps_per_second > (this->feed_rate*double(this->steps_per_millimeter))/60 ){
+        steps_per_second = (this->feed_rate*double(this->steps_per_millimeter))/60;
+    }
+    this->counter_increment = int(floor(double(1<<16)/double(this->kernel->stepper->base_stepping_frequency / steps_per_second)));
+inline uint32_t Extruder::stepping_tick(uint32_t dummy){
+    if( this->paused ){ return 0; }
+    this->step_counter += this->counter_increment;
+    if( this->step_counter > 1<<16 ){
+        this->step_counter -= 1<<16;
+        // If we still have steps to do
+        // TODO: Step using the same timer as the robot, and count steps instead of absolute float position
+        if( ( this->current_position < this->target_position && this->direction == 1 ) || ( this->current_position > this->target_position && this->direction == -1 ) ){
+            this->current_position += (double(double(1)/double(this->steps_per_millimeter)))*double(this->direction);
+            this->dir_pin->set((this->direction > 0) ? 1 : 0);
+            this->step_pin->set(1);
+        }else{
+            // Move finished
+            if( this->mode == SOLO && this->current_block != NULL ){
+                // In follow mode, the robot takes and releases the block, in solo mode we do
+                this->current_block->release();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+uint32_t Extruder::reset_step_pin(uint32_t dummy){
+    this->step_pin->set(0);
+    return 0;