An I2C text LCD library for Displaytronic ACM1602NI-FLW-FBW-M01 MOD by Zak

Dependents:   mbed_XBus_Test

Fork of ACM1602NI by Takuo WATANABE

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ACM1602NI Class Reference

ACM1602NI Class Reference

An I2C text LCD library for Displaytronic ACM1602NI-FLW-FBW-M01. More...

#include <ACM1602NI.h>

Public Member Functions

 ACM1602NI (PinName sda, PinName scl)
 Create an ACM1602NI object connected to the specified I2C pins.
 ACM1602NI (I2C &i2c)
 Create an ACM1602NI object connected to the specified I2C port.
void init ()
 Initialize the device and clear screen.
void locate (int column, int row)
 Locate to a screen column and row.
void cls ()
 Clear the screen and locate to 0,0.
int putc (int c)
 Write a character to the LCD.
int printf (const char *format,...)
 Write a formated string to the LCD.

Detailed Description

An I2C text LCD library for Displaytronic ACM1602NI-FLW-FBW-M01.

The device does not work with default I2C library due to its slow I2C responce. This library adds some extra waits so that the device can answer to the I2C commands. The interface is basically the same as TextLCD by Simon Ford.

This LCD device is manufactured by Xiamen Zettler Electronics Co. Ltd. and distributed by Akizuki Denshi Tsusho Co. Ltd.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "ACM1602NI.h"

 // I2C pins: p9 = sda, p10 = scl
 ACM1602NI lcd(p9, p10);

 // You can specify an I2C object instead.
 // I2C i2c(p9, p10);
 // ACM1602NI lcd(i2c);

 int main() {
     lcd.printf("Hello, World!\n");

Definition at line 50 of file ACM1602NI.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACM1602NI ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl 

Create an ACM1602NI object connected to the specified I2C pins.

sdaI2C data pin
sclI2C clock pin

Definition at line 23 of file ACM1602NI.cpp.

ACM1602NI ( I2C &  i2c )

Create an ACM1602NI object connected to the specified I2C port.

i2cI2C port

Definition at line 27 of file ACM1602NI.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void cls (  )

Clear the screen and locate to 0,0.

Definition at line 66 of file ACM1602NI.cpp.

void init (  )

Initialize the device and clear screen.

Definition at line 31 of file ACM1602NI.cpp.

void locate ( int  column,
int  row 

Locate to a screen column and row.

columnThe horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
rowThe vertical position from the top, indexed from 0

Definition at line 72 of file ACM1602NI.cpp.

int printf ( const char *  format,

Write a formated string to the LCD.

formatA printf-style format string, followed by the variables to use in formating the string.
int putc ( int  c )

Write a character to the LCD.

cThe character to write to the display