s2 project 1st try

Dependencies:   TB6612 HCSR04 UoY-serial

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun May 08 20:12:11 2022 +0000
Commit message:
s2 original ;

Changed in this revision

HCSR04.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TB6612.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
hcsr04.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HCSR04.lib	Sun May 08 20:12:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TB6612.lib	Sun May 08 20:12:11 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/hcsr04.lib	Tue May 11 18:35:32 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Tue May 11 18:35:32 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun May 08 20:12:11 2022 +0000
@@ -1,80 +1,71 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "hcsr04.h"
+#include "HCSR04.h"
+#include "tb6612.h"
+//Library for controlling ultrasonic module HCSR04
+//Ported by hiawoood from arduino library orgininally created by ITead studio.
+HCSR04 sensorF(D7,D2); //Create sensor object of type HCSR04 (class borrowed HCSR04.cpp), with pins D2 and D3 assigned to trig and echo respectively
+HCSR04 sensorL(D12,D13);
+//HCSR04 sensorR(D9,D10);
+TB6612 motorL(D9,D10,D11);
+TB6612 motorR(D3,D4,D5);
+Thread turnL;
+Thread turnR;
+Thread turnN;
-HCSR04 hcsr04(D2,D3); //Create hcsr04 object of type HCSR04 (class made in hcsr04.cpp), with pins D2 and D3 assigned to trig and echo respectively
-DigitalOut beep(D4); //using code made for motor modified to be just a pwm object, create beep of this type and assign D4 to it, this can then be used to control beep speed
-DigitalIn gButton(BUTTON1);
+void turnLFN() {
+    motorL.setSpeed(-1);
+    motorR.setSpeed(1);
+    thread_sleep_for(1500);
+    }
+void turnRFN() {
+    motorR.setSpeed(-1);
+    motorL.setSpeed(1);
+    thread_sleep_for(1500);
+    }
+void turnNFN() {
+    motorL.setSpeed(1);
+    motorR.setSpeed(1);
+    }
+//long distanceL = sensorL.distance(CM);
+int turn = 5000;
 int main()
+    long distanceF;
+    long distanceL;
     while(true) {
+        distanceF = sensorF.distance(CM);
+        distanceL = sensorL.distance(CM);
-        if (gButton == 0) {
-            hcsr04.distance();
-            while (gButton == 1) {
+        if (distanceL<10 && distanceF>10) {
+            /*motorL.setSpeed(0.50);
+            motorR.setSpeed(0.50);
+            printf ("forward \r\n");*/
+            turnN.start(turnNFN);
+        }
-                if (hcsr04.distance() <= 15) { //retrive the distance value and compare against a condition, depending on condition it meets print a message and set the beep speed
-                    printf("Uncomfortably Close \r\n");
-                    beep = true;
-                    thread_sleep_for(100);
-                } else {
-                    if (hcsr04.distance() <= 30) {
-                        printf("Very Close \r\n");
-                        beep = true ;
-                        thread_sleep_for(100);
-                        beep = false;
-                        thread_sleep_for(100);
-                    } else {
-                        if (hcsr04.distance() <= 60) {
-                            printf("Close \r\n");
-                            beep = true;
-                            thread_sleep_for(100);
-                            beep = false;
-                            thread_sleep_for(200);
-                        } else {
-                            if (hcsr04.distance() <= 100) {
-                                printf("Safe \r\n");
-                                beep = true;
-                                thread_sleep_for(100);
-                                beep = false;
-                                thread_sleep_for(400);
-                            } else {
-                                if (hcsr04.distance() <= 200) {
-                                    printf("Far \r\n");
-                                    beep = true;
-                                    thread_sleep_for(100);
-                                    beep = false;
-                                    thread_sleep_for(700);
-                                } else {
-                                    if (hcsr04.distance() <= 300) {
-                                        printf("Very Far \r\n");
-                                        beep = true;
-                                        thread_sleep_for(100);
-                                        beep = false;
-                                        thread_sleep_for(1200);
-                                    } else {
-                                        if (hcsr04.distance() <= 400) {
-                                            printf("Distant \r\n");
-                                            beep = false;
-                                        } else {
-                                            if (hcsr04.distance() > 400) {
-                                                printf("Out of Range \r\n");
-                                                beep = false;
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            beep = false;
+        if (distanceL>=10) {
+            /*motorL.setSpeed(-0.50);
+            motorR.setSpeed(0.50);
+            printf ("turn left \r\n");
+            thread_sleep_for(turn);
+            motorL.setSpeed(0.50);
+            motorR.setSpeed(0.50);
+            thread_sleep_for(300);*/
+            turnL.start(turnLFN);
-        //thread_sleep_for(500); //put the thread to sleep for 500ms so the distance isn't read uncontrollably fast.
+        if (distanceL<10 && distanceF<10) {
+            /*motorL.setSpeed(0.50);
+            motorR.setSpeed(-0.50);
+            printf("turn right \r\n");
+            thread_sleep_for(turn);*/
+            turnR.start(turnRFN);
+        }
\ No newline at end of file