Operaciones de generacion de claves, D-H, firma y validacion.

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Tue Feb 03 16:02:56 2015 +0000
Commit message:
prueba ecc compila

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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ecc.c	Tue Feb 03 16:02:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1683 @@
+#include "ecc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+#define Curve_P_3 {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF}
+#define Curve_P_4 {0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, \
+#define Curve_B_1 {0x2CEE5ED3, 0xD824993C, 0x1079F43D, 0xE87579C1}
+#define Curve_B_2 {0xC146B9B1, 0xFEB8DEEC, 0x72243049, 0x0FA7E9AB, 0xE59C80E7, 0x64210519}
+#define Curve_B_3 {0x27D2604B, 0x3BCE3C3E, 0xCC53B0F6, 0x651D06B0, 0x769886BC, 0xB3EBBD55, 0xAA3A93E7, 0x5AC635D8}
+#define Curve_B_4 {0xD3EC2AEF, 0x2A85C8ED, 0x8A2ED19D, 0xC656398D, 0x5013875A, 0x0314088F, 0xFE814112, 0x181D9C6E, \
+    0xE3F82D19, 0x988E056B, 0xE23EE7E4, 0xB3312FA7}
+#define Curve_B_5 {0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}
+#define Curve_G_1 { \
+    {0xA52C5B86, 0x0C28607C, 0x8B899B2D, 0x161FF752}, \
+    {0xDDED7A83, 0xC02DA292, 0x5BAFEB13, 0xCF5AC839}}
+#define Curve_G_2 { \
+    {0x82FF1012, 0xF4FF0AFD, 0x43A18800, 0x7CBF20EB, 0xB03090F6, 0x188DA80E}, \
+    {0x1E794811, 0x73F977A1, 0x6B24CDD5, 0x631011ED, 0xFFC8DA78, 0x07192B95}}
+#define Curve_G_3 { \
+    {0xD898C296, 0xF4A13945, 0x2DEB33A0, 0x77037D81, 0x63A440F2, 0xF8BCE6E5, 0xE12C4247, 0x6B17D1F2}, \
+    {0x37BF51F5, 0xCBB64068, 0x6B315ECE, 0x2BCE3357, 0x7C0F9E16, 0x8EE7EB4A, 0xFE1A7F9B, 0x4FE342E2}}
+#define Curve_G_4 { \
+    {0x72760AB7, 0x3A545E38, 0xBF55296C, 0x5502F25D, 0x82542A38, 0x59F741E0, 0x8BA79B98, 0x6E1D3B62, \
+        0xF320AD74, 0x8EB1C71E, 0xBE8B0537, 0xAA87CA22}, \
+    {0x90EA0E5F, 0x7A431D7C, 0x1D7E819D, 0x0A60B1CE, 0xB5F0B8C0, 0xE9DA3113, 0x289A147C, 0xF8F41DBD, \
+        0x9292DC29, 0x5D9E98BF, 0x96262C6F, 0x3617DE4A}}
+#define Curve_G_5 { \
+    {0x16F81798, 0x59F2815B, 0x2DCE28D9, 0x029BFCDB, 0xCE870B07, 0x55A06295, 0xF9DCBBAC, 0x79BE667E}, \
+    {0xFB10D4B8, 0x9C47D08F, 0xA6855419, 0xFD17B448, 0x0E1108A8, 0x5DA4FBFC, 0x26A3C465, 0x483ADA77}}
+#define Curve_N_1 {0x9038A115, 0x75A30D1B, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFE}
+#define Curve_N_2 {0xB4D22831, 0x146BC9B1, 0x99DEF836, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF}
+#define Curve_N_3 {0xFC632551, 0xF3B9CAC2, 0xA7179E84, 0xBCE6FAAD, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF}
+#define Curve_N_4 {0xCCC52973, 0xECEC196A, 0x48B0A77A, 0x581A0DB2, 0xF4372DDF, 0xC7634D81, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, \
+#define Curve_N_5 {0xD0364141, 0xBFD25E8C, 0xAF48A03B, 0xBAAEDCE6, 0xFFFFFFFE, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF}
+static uint32_t curve_p[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = ECC_CONCAT(Curve_P_, ECC_CURVE);
+static uint32_t curve_b[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = ECC_CONCAT(Curve_B_, ECC_CURVE);
+static EccPoint curve_G = ECC_CONCAT(Curve_G_, ECC_CURVE);
+static uint32_t curve_n[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = ECC_CONCAT(Curve_N_, ECC_CURVE);
+static void vli_clear(uint32_t *p_vli)
+    uint i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        p_vli[i] = 0;
+    }
+/* Returns 1 if p_vli == 0, 0 otherwise. */
+static int vli_isZero(const uint32_t *p_vli)
+    uint i;
+    for(i = 0; i < NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        if(p_vli[i])
+        {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+/* Returns nonzero if bit p_bit of p_vli is set. */
+static uint32_t vli_testBit(const uint32_t *p_vli, const unsigned int p_bit)
+    return (p_vli[p_bit/32] & (1 << (p_bit % 32)));
+/* Counts the number of 32-bit "digits" in p_vli. */
+static uint vli_numDigits(const uint32_t *p_vli)
+    int i;
+    /* Search from the end until we find a non-zero digit.
+       We do it in reverse because we expect that most digits will be nonzero. */
+    for(i = NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1; i >= 0 && p_vli[i] == 0; --i)
+    {
+    }
+    return (i + 1);
+/* Counts the number of bits required for p_vli. */
+static uint vli_numBits(const uint32_t *p_vli)
+    uint i;
+    uint32_t l_digit;
+    uint l_numDigits = vli_numDigits(p_vli);
+    if(l_numDigits == 0)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    l_digit = p_vli[l_numDigits - 1];
+    for(i=0; l_digit; ++i)
+    {
+        l_digit >>= 1;
+    }
+    return ((l_numDigits - 1) * 32 + i);
+/* Sets p_dest = p_src. */
+static void vli_set(uint32_t *p_dest, const uint32_t *p_src)
+    uint i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        p_dest[i] = p_src[i];
+    }
+/* Returns sign of p_left - p_right. */
+static int vli_cmp(const uint32_t *p_left, const uint32_t *p_right)
+    int i;
+    for(i = NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1; i >= 0; --i)
+    {
+        if(p_left[i] > p_right[i])
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        else if(p_left[i] < p_right[i])
+        {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* Computes p_result = p_in << c, returning carry. Can modify in place (if p_result == p_in). 0 < p_shift < 32. */
+static uint32_t vli_lshift(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_in, const unsigned int p_shift)
+    uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+    uint i;
+    for(i = 0; i < NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint32_t l_temp = p_in[i];
+        p_result[i] = (l_temp << p_shift) | l_carry;
+        l_carry = l_temp >> (32 - p_shift);
+    }
+    return l_carry;
+/* Computes p_vli = p_vli >> 1. */
+static void vli_rshift1(uint32_t *p_vli)
+    uint32_t *l_end = p_vli;
+    uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+    p_vli += NUM_ECC_DIGITS;
+    while(p_vli-- > l_end)
+    {
+        uint32_t l_temp = *p_vli;
+        *p_vli = (l_temp >> 1) | l_carry;
+        l_carry = l_temp << 31;
+    }
+/* Computes p_result = p_left + p_right, returning carry. Can modify in place. */
+static uint32_t vli_add(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left, const uint32_t *p_right)
+#if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb2 || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_arm)
+    uint32_t l_counter = NUM_ECC_DIGITS;
+    uint32_t l_carry = 0; /* carry = 0 initially */
+    uint32_t l_left;
+    uint32_t l_right;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "1: \n\t"
+        "ldmia %[lptr]!, {%[left]} \n\t"  /* Load left word. */
+        "ldmia %[rptr]!, {%[right]} \n\t" /* Load right word. */
+        "lsrs %[carry], #1 \n\t"          /* Set up carry flag (l_carry = 0 after this). */
+        "adcs %[left], %[right] \n\t"     /* Add with carry. */
+        "adcs %[carry], %[carry] \n\t"    /* Store carry bit in l_carry. */
+        "stmia %[dptr]!, {%[left]} \n\t"  /* Store result word. */
+        "subs %[ctr], #1 \n\t"            /* Decrement index. */
+        "bne 1b \n\t"                     /* Loop until index == 0. */
+    #if (ECC_ASM != ecc_asm_thumb2)
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+    #endif
+    #if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb)
+        : [dptr] "+l" (p_result), [lptr] "+l" (p_left), [rptr] "+l" (p_right), [ctr] "+l" (l_counter), [carry] "+l" (l_carry), [left] "=l" (l_left), [right] "=l" (l_right)
+    #else
+        : [dptr] "+r" (p_result), [lptr] "+r" (p_left), [rptr] "+r" (p_right), [ctr] "+r" (l_counter), [carry] "+r" (l_carry), [left] "=r" (l_left), [right] "=r" (l_right)
+    #endif
+        :
+        : "cc", "memory"
+    );
+    return l_carry;
+    uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+    uint i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint32_t l_sum = p_left[i] + p_right[i] + l_carry;
+        if(l_sum != p_left[i])
+        {
+            l_carry = (l_sum < p_left[i]);
+        }
+        p_result[i] = l_sum;
+    }
+    return l_carry;
+/* Computes p_result = p_left - p_right, returning borrow. Can modify in place. */
+static uint32_t vli_sub(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left, const uint32_t *p_right)
+#if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb2 || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_arm)
+    uint32_t l_counter = NUM_ECC_DIGITS;
+    uint32_t l_carry = 1; /* carry = 1 initially (means don't borrow) */
+    uint32_t l_left;
+    uint32_t l_right;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "1: \n\t"
+        "ldmia %[lptr]!, {%[left]} \n\t"  /* Load left word. */
+        "ldmia %[rptr]!, {%[right]} \n\t" /* Load right word. */
+        "lsrs %[carry], #1 \n\t"          /* Set up carry flag (l_carry = 0 after this). */
+        "sbcs %[left], %[right] \n\t"     /* Subtract with borrow. */
+        "adcs %[carry], %[carry] \n\t"    /* Store carry bit in l_carry. */
+        "stmia %[dptr]!, {%[left]} \n\t"  /* Store result word. */
+        "subs %[ctr], #1 \n\t"            /* Decrement index. */
+        "bne 1b \n\t"                     /* Loop until index == 0. */
+    #if (ECC_ASM != ecc_asm_thumb2)
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+    #endif
+    #if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb)
+        : [dptr] "+l" (p_result), [lptr] "+l" (p_left), [rptr] "+l" (p_right), [ctr] "+l" (l_counter), [carry] "+l" (l_carry), [left] "=l" (l_left), [right] "=l" (l_right)
+    #else
+        : [dptr] "+r" (p_result), [lptr] "+r" (p_left), [rptr] "+r" (p_right), [ctr] "+r" (l_counter), [carry] "+r" (l_carry), [left] "=r" (l_left), [right] "=r" (l_right)
+    #endif
+        :
+        : "cc", "memory"
+    );
+    return !l_carry;
+    uint32_t l_borrow = 0;
+    uint i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint32_t l_diff = p_left[i] - p_right[i] - l_borrow;
+        if(l_diff != p_left[i])
+        {
+            l_borrow = (l_diff > p_left[i]);
+        }
+        p_result[i] = l_diff;
+    }
+    return l_borrow;
+/* Computes p_result = p_left * p_right. */
+static void vli_mult(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left, const uint32_t *p_right)
+#if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb2 || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_arm)
+    uint32_t c0 = 0;
+    uint32_t c1 = 0;
+    uint32_t c2 = 0;
+    uint32_t k = 0;
+    uint32_t i;
+    uint32_t t0, t1;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "1: \n\t" /* outer loop (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs %[i], #0 \n\t" /* i = 0 */
+        "b 3f \n\t"
+        "2: \n\t" /* outer loop (k >= NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs %[i], %[k] \n\t"      /* i = k */
+        "subs %[i], %[eccdm1] \n\t" /* i = k - (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1) (times 4) */
+        "3: \n\t" /* inner loop */
+        "subs %[t0], %[k], %[i] \n\t" /* t0 = k-i */
+        "ldr %[t1], [%[right], %[t0]] \n\t" /* t1 = p_right[k-i] */
+        "ldr %[t0], [%[left], %[i]] \n\t"   /* t0 = p_left[i] */
+        "umull %[t0], %[t1], %[t0], %[t1] \n\t" /* (t0, t1) = p_left[i] * p_right[k-i] */
+        "adds %[c0], %[t0] \n\t" /* add low word to c0 */
+        "adcs %[c1], %[t1] \n\t" /* add high word to c1, including carry */
+        "adcs %[c2], #0 \n\t"    /* add carry to c2 */
+        "adds %[i], #4 \n\t"     /* i += 4 */
+        "cmp %[i], %[eccd] \n\t" /* i < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4)? */
+        "bge 4f \n\t" /* if not, exit the loop */
+        "cmp %[i], %[k] \n\t"    /* i <= k? */
+        "ble 3b \n\t" /* if so, continue looping */
+        "4: \n\t" /* end inner loop */
+        "str %[c0], [%[result], %[k]] \n\t" /* p_result[k] = c0 */
+        "mov %[c0], %[c1] \n\t"     /* c0 = c1 */
+        "mov %[c1], %[c2] \n\t"     /* c1 = c2 */
+        "movs %[c2], #0 \n\t"       /* c2 = 0 */
+        "adds %[k], #4 \n\t"        /* k += 4 */
+        "cmp %[k], %[eccd] \n\t"    /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 1b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = 0 */
+        "cmp %[k], %[eccd2m1] \n\t" /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1 (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 2b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = (k+1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS */
+        /* end outer loop */
+        "str %[c0], [%[result], %[k]] \n\t" /* p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1] = c0 */
+    #if (ECC_ASM != ecc_asm_thumb2)
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+    #endif
+        : [c0] "+r" (c0), [c1] "+r" (c1), [c2] "+r" (c2), [k] "+r" (k), [i] "=&r" (i), [t0] "=&r" (t0), [t1] "=&r" (t1)
+        : [result] "r" (p_result), [left] "r" (p_left), [right] "r" (p_right),
+          [eccd] "I" (NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 4), [eccdm1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1) * 4), [eccd2m1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1) * 4)
+        : "cc", "memory"
+    );
+#elif (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb)
+    register uint32_t *r0 asm("r0") = p_result;
+    register uint32_t *r1 asm("r1") = p_left;
+    register uint32_t *r2 asm("r2") = p_right;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "movs r3, #0 \n\t" /* c0 = 0 */
+        "movs r4, #0 \n\t" /* c1 = 0 */
+        "movs r5, #0 \n\t" /* c2 = 0 */
+        "movs r6, #0 \n\t" /* k = 0 */
+        "push {r0} \n\t" /* keep p_result on the stack */
+        "1: \n\t" /* outer loop (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs r7, #0 \n\t" /* r7 = i = 0 */
+        "b 3f \n\t"
+        "2: \n\t" /* outer loop (k >= NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs r7, r6 \n\t"        /* r7 = k */
+        "subs r7, %[eccdm1] \n\t" /* r7 = i = k - (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1) (times 4) */
+        "3: \n\t" /* inner loop */
+        "push {r3, r4, r5, r6} \n\t" /* push things, r3 (c0) is at the top of stack. */
+        "subs r0, r6, r7 \n\t"       /* r0 = k-i */
+        "ldr r4, [r2, r0] \n\t" /* r4 = p_right[k-i] */
+        "ldr r0, [r1, r7] \n\t" /* r0 = p_left[i] */
+        "lsrs r3, r0, #16 \n\t" /* r3 = a1 */
+        "uxth r0, r0 \n\t"      /* r0 = a0 */
+        "lsrs r5, r4, #16 \n\t" /* r5 = b1 */
+        "uxth r4, r4 \n\t"      /* r4 = b0 */
+        "movs r6, r3 \n\t"     /* r6 = a1 */
+        "muls r6, r5, r6 \n\t" /* r6 = a1*b1 */
+        "muls r3, r4, r3 \n\t" /* r3 = b0*a1 */
+        "muls r5, r0, r5 \n\t" /* r5 = a0*b1 */
+        "muls r0, r4, r0 \n\t" /* r0 = a0*b0 */
+        "movs r4, #0 \n\t"  /* r4 = 0 */
+        "adds r3, r5 \n\t"  /* r3 = b0*a1 + a0*b1 */
+        "adcs r4, r4 \n\t"  /* r4 = carry */
+        "lsls r4, #16 \n\t" /* r4 = carry << 16 */
+        "adds r6, r4 \n\t"  /* r6 = a1*b1 + carry */
+        "lsls r4, r3, #16 \n\t" /* r4 = (b0*a1 + a0*b1) << 16 */
+        "lsrs r3, #16 \n\t"     /* r3 = (b0*a1 + a0*b1) >> 16 */
+        "adds r0, r4 \n\t"      /* r0 = low word = a0*b0 + ((b0*a1 + a0*b1) << 16) */
+        "adcs r6, r3 \n\t"      /* r6 = high word = a1*b1 + carry + ((b0*a1 + a0*b1) >> 16) */
+        "pop {r3, r4, r5} \n\t" /* r3 = c0, r4 = c1, r5 = c2 */
+        "adds r3, r0 \n\t"      /* add low word to c0 */
+        "adcs r4, r6 \n\t"      /* add high word to c1, including carry */
+        "movs r0, #0 \n\t"      /* r0 = 0 (does not affect carry bit) */
+        "adcs r5, r0 \n\t"      /* add carry to c2 */
+        "pop {r6} \n\t" /* r6 = k */
+        "adds r7, #4 \n\t"     /* i += 4 */
+        "cmp r7, %[eccd] \n\t" /* i < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4)? */
+        "bge 4f \n\t" /* if not, exit the loop */
+        "cmp r7, r6 \n\t"      /* i <= k? */
+        "ble 3b \n\t" /* if so, continue looping */
+        "4: \n\t" /* end inner loop */
+        "ldr r0, [sp, #0] \n\t" /* r0 = p_result */
+        "str r3, [r0, r6] \n\t"   /* p_result[k] = c0 */
+        "mov r3, r4 \n\t"         /* c0 = c1 */
+        "mov r4, r5 \n\t"         /* c1 = c2 */
+        "movs r5, #0 \n\t"        /* c2 = 0 */
+        "adds r6, #4 \n\t"        /* k += 4 */
+        "cmp r6, %[eccd] \n\t"    /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 1b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = 0 */
+        "cmp r6, %[eccd2m1] \n\t" /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1 (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 2b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = (k+1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS */
+        /* end outer loop */
+        "str r3, [r0, r6] \n\t" /* p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1] = c0 */
+        "pop {r0} \n\t"         /* pop p_result off the stack */
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+        : 
+        : [r0] "l" (r0), [r1] "l" (r1), [r2] "l" (r2), [eccd] "I" (NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 4), [eccdm1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1) * 4), [eccd2m1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1) * 4)
+        : "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "cc", "memory"
+    );
+    uint64_t r01 = 0;
+    uint32_t r2 = 0;
+    uint i, k;
+    /* Compute each digit of p_result in sequence, maintaining the carries. */
+    for(k=0; k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS*2 - 1; ++k)
+    {
+        uint l_min = (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS ? 0 : (k + 1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        for(i=l_min; i<=k && i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+        {
+            uint64_t l_product = (uint64_t)p_left[i] * p_right[k-i];
+            r01 += l_product;
+            r2 += (r01 < l_product);
+        }
+        p_result[k] = (uint32_t)r01;
+        r01 = (r01 >> 32) | (((uint64_t)r2) << 32);
+        r2 = 0;
+    }
+    p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*2 - 1] = (uint32_t)r01;
+/* Computes p_result = (p_left + p_right) % p_mod.
+   Assumes that p_left < p_mod and p_right < p_mod, p_result != p_mod. */
+static void vli_modAdd(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left,
+    const uint32_t *p_right, const uint32_t *p_mod)
+    uint32_t l_carry = vli_add(p_result, p_left, p_right);
+    if(l_carry || vli_cmp(p_result, p_mod) >= 0)
+    { /* p_result > p_mod (p_result = p_mod + remainder), so subtract p_mod to get remainder. */
+        vli_sub(p_result, p_result, p_mod);
+    }
+/* Computes p_result = (p_left - p_right) % p_mod.
+   Assumes that p_left < p_mod and p_right < p_mod, p_result != p_mod. */
+static void vli_modSub(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left,
+    const uint32_t *p_right, const uint32_t *p_mod)
+    uint32_t l_borrow = vli_sub(p_result, p_left, p_right);
+    if(l_borrow)
+    { /* In this case, p_result == -diff == (max int) - diff.
+         Since -x % d == d - x, we can get the correct result from p_result + p_mod (with overflow). */
+        vli_add(p_result, p_result, p_mod);
+    }
+#if (ECC_CURVE == secp128r1)
+/* Computes p_result = p_product % curve_p.
+   See algorithm 5 and 6 from http://www.isys.uni-klu.ac.at/PDF/2001-0126-MT.pdf */
+static void vli_mmod_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_product)
+    uint32_t l_tmp[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    int l_carry;
+    vli_set(p_result, p_product);
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[4];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[5];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[6];
+    l_tmp[3] = (p_product[7] & 0x00000001) | (p_product[4] << 1);
+    l_carry = vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = (p_product[4] >> 31) | (p_product[5] << 1);
+    l_tmp[1] = (p_product[5] >> 31) | (p_product[6] << 1);
+    l_tmp[2] = (p_product[6] >> 31) | (p_product[7] << 1);
+    l_tmp[3] = (p_product[7] >> 31) | ((p_product[4] & 0x80000000) >> 30) | (p_product[5] << 2);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = (p_product[5] >> 30) | (p_product[6] << 2);
+    l_tmp[1] = (p_product[6] >> 30) | (p_product[7] << 2);
+    l_tmp[2] = (p_product[7] >> 30);
+    l_tmp[3] = ((p_product[5] & 0xC0000000) >> 29) | (p_product[6] << 3);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = (p_product[6] >> 29) | (p_product[7] << 3);
+    l_tmp[1] = (p_product[7] >> 29);
+    l_tmp[2] = 0;
+    l_tmp[3] = ((p_product[6] & 0xE0000000) >> 28) | (p_product[7] << 4);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = (p_product[7] >> 28);
+    l_tmp[1] = 0;
+    l_tmp[2] = 0;
+    l_tmp[3] = (p_product[7] & 0xFFFFFFFE);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = 0;
+    l_tmp[1] = 0;
+    l_tmp[2] = 0;
+    l_tmp[3] = ((p_product[7] & 0xF0000000) >> 27);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    while(l_carry || vli_cmp(curve_p, p_result) != 1)
+    {
+        l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, curve_p);
+    }
+#elif (ECC_CURVE == secp192r1)
+/* Computes p_result = p_product % curve_p.
+   See algorithm 5 and 6 from http://www.isys.uni-klu.ac.at/PDF/2001-0126-MT.pdf */
+static void vli_mmod_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_product)
+    uint32_t l_tmp[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    int l_carry;
+    vli_set(p_result, p_product);
+    vli_set(l_tmp, &p_product[6]);
+    l_carry = vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = l_tmp[1] = 0;
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[6];
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[7];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[8];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[9];
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    l_tmp[0] = l_tmp[2] = p_product[10];
+    l_tmp[1] = l_tmp[3] = p_product[11];
+    l_tmp[4] = l_tmp[5] = 0;
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    while(l_carry || vli_cmp(curve_p, p_result) != 1)
+    {
+        l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, curve_p);
+    }
+#elif (ECC_CURVE == secp256r1)
+/* Computes p_result = p_product % curve_p
+   from http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/nist-routines.pdf */
+static void vli_mmod_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_product)
+    uint32_t l_tmp[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    int l_carry;
+    /* t */
+    vli_set(p_result, p_product);
+    /* s1 */
+    l_tmp[0] = l_tmp[1] = l_tmp[2] = 0;
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[11];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[12];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[15];
+    l_carry = vli_lshift(l_tmp, l_tmp, 1);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* s2 */
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[12];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[15];
+    l_tmp[7] = 0;
+    l_carry += vli_lshift(l_tmp, l_tmp, 1);
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* s3 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[8];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[9];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[10];
+    l_tmp[3] = l_tmp[4] = l_tmp[5] = 0;
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[15];
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* s4 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[9];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[10];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[11];
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[15];
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[8];
+    l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* d1 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[11];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[12];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[3] = l_tmp[4] = l_tmp[5] = 0;
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[8];
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[10];
+    l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* d2 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[12];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[15];
+    l_tmp[4] = l_tmp[5] = 0;
+    l_tmp[6] = p_product[9];
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[11];
+    l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* d3 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[13];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[2] = p_product[15];
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[8];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[9];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[10];
+    l_tmp[6] = 0;
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[12];
+    l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    /* d4 */
+    l_tmp[0] = p_product[14];
+    l_tmp[1] = p_product[15];
+    l_tmp[2] = 0;
+    l_tmp[3] = p_product[9];
+    l_tmp[4] = p_product[10];
+    l_tmp[5] = p_product[11];
+    l_tmp[6] = 0;
+    l_tmp[7] = p_product[13];
+    l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, l_tmp);
+    if(l_carry < 0)
+    {
+        do
+        {
+            l_carry += vli_add(p_result, p_result, curve_p);
+        } while(l_carry < 0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        while(l_carry || vli_cmp(curve_p, p_result) != 1)
+        {
+            l_carry -= vli_sub(p_result, p_result, curve_p);
+        }
+    }
+#elif (ECC_CURVE == secp384r1)
+static void omega_mult(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_right)
+    /* Multiply by (2^128 + 2^96 - 2^32 + 1). */
+    vli_set(p_result, p_right); /* 1 */
+    p_result[3 + NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = vli_add(p_result + 3, p_result + 3, p_right); /* 2^96 + 1 */
+    p_result[4 + NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = vli_add(p_result + 4, p_result + 4, p_right); /* 2^128 + 2^96 + 1 */
+    if(vli_sub(p_result + 1, p_result + 1, p_right)) /* 2^128 + 2^96 - 2^32 + 1 */
+    { /* Propagate borrow if necessary. */
+        uint i;
+        for(i = 1 + NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ; ++i)
+        {
+            --p_result[i];
+            if(p_result[i] != 0xffffffff)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* Computes p_result = p_product % curve_p
+    see PDF "Comparing Elliptic Curve Cryptography and RSA on 8-bit CPUs"
+    section "Curve-Specific Optimizations" */
+static void vli_mmod_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_product)
+    uint32_t l_tmp[2*NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    while(!vli_isZero(p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS)) /* While c1 != 0 */
+    {
+        uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+        uint i;
+        vli_clear(l_tmp);
+        vli_clear(l_tmp + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        omega_mult(l_tmp, p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS); /* tmp = w * c1 */
+        vli_clear(p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS); /* p = c0 */
+        /* (c1, c0) = c0 + w * c1 */
+        for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS+5; ++i)
+        {
+            uint32_t l_sum = p_product[i] + l_tmp[i] + l_carry;
+            if(l_sum != p_product[i])
+            {
+                l_carry = (l_sum < p_product[i]);
+            }
+            p_product[i] = l_sum;
+        }
+    }
+    while(vli_cmp(p_product, curve_p) > 0)
+    {
+        vli_sub(p_product, p_product, curve_p);
+    }
+    vli_set(p_result, p_product);
+#elif (ECC_CURVE == secp256k1)
+static void omega_mult(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_right)
+    /* Multiply by (2^32 + 2^9 + 2^8 + 2^7 + 2^6 + 2^4 + 1). */
+    uint64_t l_mult = 0x3D1; /* everything except 2^32 */
+    uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+    uint i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint64_t p = l_mult * p_right[i] + l_carry;
+        p_result[i] = (p & 0xffffffff);
+        l_carry = p >> 32;
+    }
+    p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = l_carry;
+    p_result[1 + NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = vli_add(p_result + 1, p_result + 1, p_right); /* add the 2^32 multiple */
+/* Computes p_result = p_product % curve_p  */
+static void vli_mmod_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_product)
+    uint32_t l_tmp[2*NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    while(!vli_isZero(p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS)) /* While c1 != 0 */
+    {
+        uint32_t l_carry = 0;
+        uint i;
+        vli_clear(l_tmp);
+        vli_clear(l_tmp + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        omega_mult(l_tmp, p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS); /* tmp = w * c1 */
+        vli_clear(p_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS); /* p = c0 */
+        /* (c1, c0) = c0 + w * c1 */
+        for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS+2; ++i)
+        {
+            uint32_t l_sum = p_product[i] + l_tmp[i] + l_carry;
+            if(l_sum != p_product[i])
+            {
+                l_carry = (l_sum < p_product[i]);
+            }
+            p_product[i] = l_sum;
+        }
+    }
+    while(vli_cmp(p_product, curve_p) > 0)
+    {
+        vli_sub(p_product, p_product, curve_p);
+    }
+    vli_set(p_result, p_product);
+/* Computes p_result = (p_left * p_right) % curve_p. */
+static void vli_modMult_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left, const uint32_t *p_right)
+   uint32_t l_product[2 * NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+   vli_mult(l_product, p_left, p_right);
+   vli_mmod_fast(p_result, l_product);
+/* Computes p_result = p_left^2. */
+static void vli_square(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left)
+#if (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb2 || ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_arm)
+    uint32_t c0 = 0;
+    uint32_t c1 = 0;
+    uint32_t c2 = 0;
+    uint32_t k = 0;
+    uint32_t i, tt;
+    uint32_t t0, t1;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "1: \n\t" /* outer loop (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs %[i], #0 \n\t" /* i = 0 */
+        "b 3f \n\t"
+        "2: \n\t" /* outer loop (k >= NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs %[i], %[k] \n\t"      /* i = k */
+        "subs %[i], %[eccdm1] \n\t" /* i = k - (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1) (times 4) */
+        "3: \n\t" /* inner loop */
+        "subs %[tt], %[k], %[i] \n\t" /* tt = k-i */
+        "ldr %[t1], [%[left], %[tt]] \n\t" /* t1 = p_left[k-i] */
+        "ldr %[t0], [%[left], %[i]] \n\t"  /* t0 = p_left[i] */
+        "umull %[t0], %[t1], %[t0], %[t1] \n\t" /* (t0, t1) = p_left[i] * p_right[k-i] */
+        "cmp %[i], %[tt] \n\t"   /* (i < k-i) ? */
+        "bge 4f \n\t" /* if i >= k-i, skip */
+        "lsls %[t1], #1 \n\t"    /* high word << 1 */
+        "adc %[c2], #0 \n\t"     /* add carry bit to c2 */
+        "lsls %[t0], #1 \n\t"       /* low word << 1 */
+        "adc %[t1], #0 \n\t"     /* add carry bit to high word */
+        "4: \n\t"
+        "adds %[c0], %[t0] \n\t" /* add low word to c0 */
+        "adcs %[c1], %[t1] \n\t" /* add high word to c1, including carry */
+        "adc %[c2], #0 \n\t"     /* add carry to c2 */
+        "adds %[i], #4 \n\t"          /* i += 4 */
+        "cmp %[i], %[k] \n\t"         /* i <= k? */
+        "bge 5f \n\t" /* if not, exit the loop */
+        "subs %[tt], %[k], %[i] \n\t" /* tt = k-i */
+        "cmp %[i], %[tt] \n\t"        /* i <= k-i? */
+        "ble 3b \n\t" /* if so, continue looping */
+        "5: \n\t" /* end inner loop */
+        "str %[c0], [%[result], %[k]] \n\t" /* p_result[k] = c0 */
+        "mov %[c0], %[c1] \n\t"     /* c0 = c1 */
+        "mov %[c1], %[c2] \n\t"     /* c1 = c2 */
+        "movs %[c2], #0 \n\t"       /* c2 = 0 */
+        "adds %[k], #4 \n\t"        /* k += 4 */
+        "cmp %[k], %[eccd] \n\t"    /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 1b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = 0 */
+        "cmp %[k], %[eccd2m1] \n\t" /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1 (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 2b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = (k+1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS */
+        /* end outer loop */
+        "str %[c0], [%[result], %[k]] \n\t" /* p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1] = c0 */
+    #if (ECC_ASM != ecc_asm_thumb2)
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+    #endif
+        : [c0] "+r" (c0), [c1] "+r" (c1), [c2] "+r" (c2), [k] "+r" (k), [i] "=&r" (i), [tt] "=&r" (tt), [t0] "=&r" (t0), [t1] "=&r" (t1)
+        : [result] "r" (p_result), [left] "r" (p_left),
+          [eccd] "I" (NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 4), [eccdm1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1) * 4), [eccd2m1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1) * 4)
+        : "cc", "memory"
+    );
+#elif (ECC_ASM == ecc_asm_thumb)
+    register uint32_t *r0 asm("r0") = p_result;
+    register uint32_t *r1 asm("r1") = p_left;
+    asm volatile (
+        ".syntax unified \n\t"
+        "movs r2, #0 \n\t" /* c0 = 0 */
+        "movs r3, #0 \n\t" /* c1 = 0 */
+        "movs r4, #0 \n\t" /* c2 = 0 */
+        "movs r5, #0 \n\t" /* k = 0 */
+        "push {r0} \n\t" /* keep p_result on the stack */
+        "1: \n\t" /* outer loop (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs r6, #0 \n\t" /* r6 = i = 0 */
+        "b 3f \n\t"
+        "2: \n\t" /* outer loop (k >= NUM_ECC_DIGITS) */
+        "movs r6, r5 \n\t"        /* r6 = k */
+        "subs r6, %[eccdm1] \n\t" /* r6 = i = k - (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1) (times 4) */
+        "3: \n\t" /* inner loop */
+        "push {r2, r3, r4, r5} \n\t" /* push things, r2 (c0) is at the top of stack. */
+        "subs r7, r5, r6 \n\t"       /* r7 = k-i */
+        "ldr r3, [r1, r7] \n\t" /* r3 = p_left[k-i] */
+        "ldr r0, [r1, r6] \n\t" /* r0 = p_left[i] */
+        "lsrs r2, r0, #16 \n\t" /* r2 = a1 */
+        "uxth r0, r0 \n\t"      /* r0 = a0 */
+        "lsrs r4, r3, #16 \n\t" /* r4 = b1 */
+        "uxth r3, r3 \n\t"      /* r3 = b0 */
+        "movs r5, r2 \n\t"     /* r5 = a1 */
+        "muls r5, r4, r5 \n\t" /* r5 = a1*b1 */
+        "muls r2, r3, r2 \n\t" /* r2 = b0*a1 */
+        "muls r4, r0, r4 \n\t" /* r4 = a0*b1 */
+        "muls r0, r3, r0 \n\t" /* r0 = a0*b0 */
+        "movs r3, #0 \n\t"  /* r3 = 0 */
+        "adds r2, r4 \n\t"  /* r2 = b0*a1 + a0*b1 */
+        "adcs r3, r3 \n\t"  /* r3 = carry */
+        "lsls r3, #16 \n\t" /* r3 = carry << 16 */
+        "adds r5, r3 \n\t"  /* r5 = a1*b1 + carry */
+        "lsls r3, r2, #16 \n\t" /* r3 = (b0*a1 + a0*b1) << 16 */
+        "lsrs r2, #16 \n\t"     /* r2 = (b0*a1 + a0*b1) >> 16 */
+        "adds r0, r3 \n\t"      /* r0 = low word = a0*b0 + ((b0*a1 + a0*b1) << 16) */
+        "adcs r5, r2 \n\t"      /* r5 = high word = a1*b1 + carry + ((b0*a1 + a0*b1) >> 16) */
+        "movs r3, #0 \n\t"  /* r3 = 0 */
+        "cmp r6, r7 \n\t"   /* (i < k-i) ? */
+        "mov r7, r3 \n\t"   /* r7 = 0 (does not affect condition)*/
+        "bge 4f \n\t" /* if i >= k-i, skip */
+        "lsls r5, #1 \n\t"  /* high word << 1 */
+        "adcs r7, r3 \n\t"  /* r7 = carry bit for c2 */
+        "lsls r0, #1 \n\t"  /* low word << 1 */
+        "adcs r5, r3 \n\t"  /* add carry from shift to high word */
+        "4: \n\t"
+        "pop {r2, r3, r4} \n\t" /* r2 = c0, r3 = c1, r4 = c2 */
+        "adds r2, r0 \n\t"      /* add low word to c0 */
+        "adcs r3, r5 \n\t"      /* add high word to c1, including carry */
+        "movs r0, #0 \n\t"      /* r0 = 0 (does not affect carry bit) */
+        "adcs r4, r0 \n\t"      /* add carry to c2 */
+        "adds r4, r7 \n\t"      /* add carry from doubling (if any) */
+        "pop {r5} \n\t" /* r5 = k */
+        "adds r6, #4 \n\t"     /* i += 4 */
+        "cmp r6, r5 \n\t"      /* i <= k? */
+        "bge 5f \n\t" /* if not, exit the loop */
+        "subs r7, r5, r6 \n\t" /* r7 = k-i */
+        "cmp r6, r7 \n\t"      /* i <= k-i? */
+        "ble 3b \n\t" /* if so, continue looping */
+        "5: \n\t" /* end inner loop */
+        "ldr r0, [sp, #0] \n\t" /* r0 = p_result */
+        "str r2, [r0, r5] \n\t"   /* p_result[k] = c0 */
+        "mov r2, r3 \n\t"         /* c0 = c1 */
+        "mov r3, r4 \n\t"         /* c1 = c2 */
+        "movs r4, #0 \n\t"        /* c2 = 0 */
+        "adds r5, #4 \n\t"        /* k += 4 */
+        "cmp r5, %[eccd] \n\t"    /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 1b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = 0 */
+        "cmp r5, %[eccd2m1] \n\t" /* k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1 (times 4) ? */
+        "blt 2b \n\t" /* if not, loop back, start with i = (k+1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS */
+        /* end outer loop */
+        "str r2, [r0, r5] \n\t" /* p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1] = c0 */
+        "pop {r0} \n\t"         /* pop p_result off the stack */
+        ".syntax divided \n\t"
+        : [r0] "+l" (r0), [r1] "+l" (r1)
+        : [eccd] "I" (NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 4), [eccdm1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1) * 4), [eccd2m1] "I" ((NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 2 - 1) * 4)
+        : "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "cc", "memory"
+    );
+    uint64_t r01 = 0;
+    uint32_t r2 = 0;
+    uint i, k;
+    for(k=0; k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS*2 - 1; ++k)
+    {
+        uint l_min = (k < NUM_ECC_DIGITS ? 0 : (k + 1) - NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        for(i=l_min; i<=k && i<=k-i; ++i)
+        {
+            uint64_t l_product = (uint64_t)p_left[i] * p_left[k-i];
+            if(i < k-i)
+            {
+                r2 += l_product >> 63;
+                l_product *= 2;
+            }
+            r01 += l_product;
+            r2 += (r01 < l_product);
+        }
+        p_result[k] = (uint32_t)r01;
+        r01 = (r01 >> 32) | (((uint64_t)r2) << 32);
+        r2 = 0;
+    }
+    p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*2 - 1] = (uint32_t)r01;
+/* Computes p_result = p_left^2 % curve_p. */
+static void vli_modSquare_fast(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left)
+    uint32_t l_product[2 * NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    vli_square(l_product, p_left);
+    vli_mmod_fast(p_result, l_product);
+#else /* ECC_SQUARE_FUNC */
+#define vli_square(result, left, size) vli_mult((result), (left), (left), (size))
+#define vli_modSquare_fast(result, left) vli_modMult_fast((result), (left), (left))
+#endif /* ECC_SQUARE_FUNC */
+#define EVEN(vli) (!(vli[0] & 1))
+/* Computes p_result = (1 / p_input) % p_mod. All VLIs are the same size.
+   See "From Euclid's GCD to Montgomery Multiplication to the Great Divide"
+   https://labs.oracle.com/techrep/2001/smli_tr-2001-95.pdf */
+static void vli_modInv(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_input, const uint32_t *p_mod)
+    uint32_t l_carry;
+    vli_set(a, p_input);
+    vli_set(b, p_mod);
+    vli_clear(u);
+    u[0] = 1;
+    vli_clear(v);
+    int l_cmpResult;
+    while((l_cmpResult = vli_cmp(a, b)) != 0)
+    {
+        l_carry = 0;
+        if(EVEN(a))
+        {
+            vli_rshift1(a);
+            if(!EVEN(u))
+            {
+                l_carry = vli_add(u, u, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_rshift1(u);
+            if(l_carry)
+            {
+                u[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= 0x80000000;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(EVEN(b))
+        {
+            vli_rshift1(b);
+            if(!EVEN(v))
+            {
+                l_carry = vli_add(v, v, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_rshift1(v);
+            if(l_carry)
+            {
+                v[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= 0x80000000;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(l_cmpResult > 0)
+        {
+            vli_sub(a, a, b);
+            vli_rshift1(a);
+            if(vli_cmp(u, v) < 0)
+            {
+                vli_add(u, u, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_sub(u, u, v);
+            if(!EVEN(u))
+            {
+                l_carry = vli_add(u, u, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_rshift1(u);
+            if(l_carry)
+            {
+                u[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= 0x80000000;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            vli_sub(b, b, a);
+            vli_rshift1(b);
+            if(vli_cmp(v, u) < 0)
+            {
+                vli_add(v, v, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_sub(v, v, u);
+            if(!EVEN(v))
+            {
+                l_carry = vli_add(v, v, p_mod);
+            }
+            vli_rshift1(v);
+            if(l_carry)
+            {
+                v[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= 0x80000000;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    vli_set(p_result, u);
+/* ------ Point operations ------ */
+/* Returns 1 if p_point is the point at infinity, 0 otherwise. */
+static int EccPoint_isZero(const EccPoint *p_point)
+    return (vli_isZero(p_point->x) && vli_isZero(p_point->y));
+/* Point multiplication algorithm using Montgomery's ladder with co-Z coordinates.
+From http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/338.pdf
+/* Double in place */
+#if (ECC_CURVE == secp256k1)
+static void EccPoint_double_jacobian(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *Z1)
+    /* t1 = X, t2 = Y, t3 = Z */
+    uint32_t t4[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t t5[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    if(vli_isZero(Z1))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t5, Y1);   /* t5 = y1^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(t4, X1, t5); /* t4 = x1*y1^2 = A */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(X1, X1);   /* t1 = x1^2 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5);   /* t5 = y1^4 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Z1, Y1, Z1); /* t3 = y1*z1 = z3 */
+    vli_modAdd(Y1, X1, X1, curve_p); /* t2 = 2*x1^2 */
+    vli_modAdd(Y1, Y1, X1, curve_p); /* t2 = 3*x1^2 */
+    if(vli_testBit(Y1, 0))
+    {
+        uint32_t l_carry = vli_add(Y1, Y1, curve_p);
+        vli_rshift1(Y1);
+        Y1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= l_carry << 31;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vli_rshift1(Y1);
+    }
+    /* t2 = 3/2*(x1^2) = B */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(X1, Y1);   /* t1 = B^2 */
+    vli_modSub(X1, X1, t4, curve_p); /* t1 = B^2 - A */
+    vli_modSub(X1, X1, t4, curve_p); /* t1 = B^2 - 2A = x3 */
+    vli_modSub(t4, t4, X1, curve_p); /* t4 = A - x3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t4);    /* t2 = B * (A - x3) */
+    vli_modSub(Y1, Y1, t5, curve_p); /* t2 = B * (A - x3) - y1^4 = y3 */
+static void EccPoint_double_jacobian(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *Z1)
+    /* t1 = X, t2 = Y, t3 = Z */
+    uint32_t t4[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t t5[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    if(vli_isZero(Z1))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t4, Y1);   /* t4 = y1^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(t5, X1, t4); /* t5 = x1*y1^2 = A */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t4, t4);   /* t4 = y1^4 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, Z1); /* t2 = y1*z1 = z3 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, Z1);   /* t3 = z1^2 */
+    vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve_p); /* t1 = x1 + z1^2 */
+    vli_modAdd(Z1, Z1, Z1, curve_p); /* t3 = 2*z1^2 */
+    vli_modSub(Z1, X1, Z1, curve_p); /* t3 = x1 - z1^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, Z1);    /* t1 = x1^2 - z1^4 */
+    vli_modAdd(Z1, X1, X1, curve_p); /* t3 = 2*(x1^2 - z1^4) */
+    vli_modAdd(X1, X1, Z1, curve_p); /* t1 = 3*(x1^2 - z1^4) */
+    if(vli_testBit(X1, 0))
+    {
+        uint32_t l_carry = vli_add(X1, X1, curve_p);
+        vli_rshift1(X1);
+        X1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= l_carry << 31;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vli_rshift1(X1);
+    }
+    /* t1 = 3/2*(x1^2 - z1^4) = B */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(Z1, X1);      /* t3 = B^2 */
+    vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve_p); /* t3 = B^2 - A */
+    vli_modSub(Z1, Z1, t5, curve_p); /* t3 = B^2 - 2A = x3 */
+    vli_modSub(t5, t5, Z1, curve_p); /* t5 = A - x3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5);    /* t1 = B * (A - x3) */
+    vli_modSub(t4, X1, t4, curve_p); /* t4 = B * (A - x3) - y1^4 = y3 */
+    vli_set(X1, Z1);
+    vli_set(Z1, Y1);
+    vli_set(Y1, t4);
+/* Modify (x1, y1) => (x1 * z^2, y1 * z^3) */
+static void apply_z(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *Z)
+    uint32_t t1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t1, Z);    /* z^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t1); /* x1 * z^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(t1, t1, Z);  /* z^3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t1); /* y1 * z^3 */
+/* P = (x1, y1) => 2P, (x2, y2) => P' */
+static void XYcZ_initial_double(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *X2, uint32_t *Y2, const uint32_t *p_initialZ)
+    uint32_t z[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    vli_set(X2, X1);
+    vli_set(Y2, Y1);
+    vli_clear(z);
+    z[0] = 1;
+    if(p_initialZ)
+    {
+        vli_set(z, p_initialZ);
+    }
+    apply_z(X1, Y1, z);
+    EccPoint_double_jacobian(X1, Y1, z);
+    apply_z(X2, Y2, z);
+/* Input P = (x1, y1, Z), Q = (x2, y2, Z)
+   Output P' = (x1', y1', Z3), P + Q = (x3, y3, Z3)
+   or P => P', Q => P + Q
+static void XYcZ_add(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *X2, uint32_t *Y2)
+    /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */
+    uint32_t t5[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve_p); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5);      /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5);    /* t1 = x1*A = B */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5);    /* t3 = x2*A = C */
+    vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve_p); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t5, Y2);      /* t5 = (y2 - y1)^2 = D */
+    vli_modSub(t5, t5, X1, curve_p); /* t5 = D - B */
+    vli_modSub(t5, t5, X2, curve_p); /* t5 = D - B - C = x3 */
+    vli_modSub(X2, X2, X1, curve_p); /* t3 = C - B */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, X2);    /* t2 = y1*(C - B) */
+    vli_modSub(X2, X1, t5, curve_p); /* t3 = B - x3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, X2);    /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */
+    vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve_p); /* t4 = y3 */
+    vli_set(X2, t5);
+/* Input P = (x1, y1, Z), Q = (x2, y2, Z)
+   Output P + Q = (x3, y3, Z3), P - Q = (x3', y3', Z3)
+   or P => P - Q, Q => P + Q
+static void XYcZ_addC(uint32_t *X1, uint32_t *Y1, uint32_t *X2, uint32_t *Y2)
+    /* t1 = X1, t2 = Y1, t3 = X2, t4 = Y2 */
+    uint32_t t5[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t t6[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t t7[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    vli_modSub(t5, X2, X1, curve_p); /* t5 = x2 - x1 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t5, t5);      /* t5 = (x2 - x1)^2 = A */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X1, X1, t5);    /* t1 = x1*A = B */
+    vli_modMult_fast(X2, X2, t5);    /* t3 = x2*A = C */
+    vli_modAdd(t5, Y2, Y1, curve_p); /* t4 = y2 + y1 */
+    vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve_p); /* t4 = y2 - y1 */
+    vli_modSub(t6, X2, X1, curve_p); /* t6 = C - B */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y1, Y1, t6);    /* t2 = y1 * (C - B) */
+    vli_modAdd(t6, X1, X2, curve_p); /* t6 = B + C */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(X2, Y2);      /* t3 = (y2 - y1)^2 */
+    vli_modSub(X2, X2, t6, curve_p); /* t3 = x3 */
+    vli_modSub(t7, X1, X2, curve_p); /* t7 = B - x3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(Y2, Y2, t7);    /* t4 = (y2 - y1)*(B - x3) */
+    vli_modSub(Y2, Y2, Y1, curve_p); /* t4 = y3 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(t7, t5);      /* t7 = (y2 + y1)^2 = F */
+    vli_modSub(t7, t7, t6, curve_p); /* t7 = x3' */
+    vli_modSub(t6, t7, X1, curve_p); /* t6 = x3' - B */
+    vli_modMult_fast(t6, t6, t5);    /* t6 = (y2 + y1)*(x3' - B) */
+    vli_modSub(Y1, t6, Y1, curve_p); /* t2 = y3' */
+    vli_set(X1, t7);
+static void EccPoint_mult(EccPoint *p_result, const EccPoint *p_point,
+    const uint32_t *p_scalar, const uint32_t *p_initialZ)
+    /* R0 and R1 */
+    uint32_t Rx[2][NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t Ry[2][NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t z[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    int i, nb;
+    vli_set(Rx[1], p_point->x);
+    vli_set(Ry[1], p_point->y);
+    XYcZ_initial_double(Rx[1], Ry[1], Rx[0], Ry[0], p_initialZ);
+    for(i = vli_numBits(p_scalar) - 2; i > 0; --i)
+    {
+        nb = !vli_testBit(p_scalar, i);
+        XYcZ_addC(Rx[1-nb], Ry[1-nb], Rx[nb], Ry[nb]);
+        XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1-nb], Ry[1-nb]);
+    }
+    nb = !vli_testBit(p_scalar, 0);
+    XYcZ_addC(Rx[1-nb], Ry[1-nb], Rx[nb], Ry[nb]);
+    /* Find final 1/Z value. */
+    vli_modSub(z, Rx[1], Rx[0], curve_p); /* X1 - X0 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Ry[1-nb]);     /* Yb * (X1 - X0) */
+    vli_modMult_fast(z, z, p_point->x);   /* xP * Yb * (X1 - X0) */
+    vli_modInv(z, z, curve_p);            /* 1 / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */
+    vli_modMult_fast(z, z, p_point->y);   /* yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */
+    vli_modMult_fast(z, z, Rx[1-nb]);     /* Xb * yP / (xP * Yb * (X1 - X0)) */
+    /* End 1/Z calculation */
+    XYcZ_add(Rx[nb], Ry[nb], Rx[1-nb], Ry[1-nb]);
+    apply_z(Rx[0], Ry[0], z);
+    vli_set(p_result->x, Rx[0]);
+    vli_set(p_result->y, Ry[0]);
+int ecc_make_key(EccPoint *p_publicKey, uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    /* Make sure the private key is in the range [1, n-1].
+       For the supported curves, n is always large enough that we only need to subtract once at most. */
+    vli_set(p_privateKey, p_random);
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_n, p_privateKey) != 1)
+    {
+        vli_sub(p_privateKey, p_privateKey, curve_n);
+    }
+    if(vli_isZero(p_privateKey))
+    {
+        return 0; /* The private key cannot be 0 (mod p). */
+    }
+    EccPoint_mult(p_publicKey, &curve_G, p_privateKey, NULL);
+    return 1;
+#if (ECC_CURVE == secp256k1)
+/* Compute p_result = x^3 + b */
+static void curve_x_side(uint32_t p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t x[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    vli_modSquare_fast(p_result, x); /* r = x^2 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(p_result, p_result, x); /* r = x^3 */
+    vli_modAdd(p_result, p_result, curve_b, curve_p); /* r = x^3 + b */
+/* Compute p_result = x^3 - 3x + b */
+static void curve_x_side(uint32_t p_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t x[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    uint32_t _3[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = {3}; /* -a = 3 */
+    vli_modSquare_fast(p_result, x); /* r = x^2 */
+    vli_modSub(p_result, p_result, _3, curve_p); /* r = x^2 - 3 */
+    vli_modMult_fast(p_result, p_result, x); /* r = x^3 - 3x */
+    vli_modAdd(p_result, p_result, curve_b, curve_p); /* r = x^3 - 3x + b */
+int ecc_valid_public_key(const EccPoint *p_publicKey)
+    uint32_t l_tmp1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t l_tmp2[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    if(EccPoint_isZero(p_publicKey))
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_p, p_publicKey->x) != 1 || vli_cmp(curve_p, p_publicKey->y) != 1)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    vli_modSquare_fast(l_tmp1, p_publicKey->y); /* tmp1 = y^2 */
+    curve_x_side(l_tmp2, p_publicKey->x); /* tmp2 = x^3 - 3x + b */
+    /* Make sure that y^2 == x^3 + ax + b */
+    if(vli_cmp(l_tmp1, l_tmp2) != 0)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+int ecdh_shared_secret(uint32_t p_secret[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const EccPoint *p_publicKey,
+    const uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    EccPoint l_product;
+    EccPoint_mult(&l_product, p_publicKey, p_privateKey, p_random);
+    if(EccPoint_isZero(&l_product))
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    vli_set(p_secret, l_product.x);
+    return 1;
+/* -------- ECDSA code -------- */
+/* Computes p_result = (p_left * p_right) % p_mod. */
+static void vli_modMult(uint32_t *p_result, const uint32_t *p_left,
+    const uint32_t *p_right, const uint32_t *p_mod)
+    uint32_t l_product[2 * NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t l_modMultiple[2 * NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint l_digitShift, l_bitShift;
+    uint l_productBits;
+    uint l_modBits = vli_numBits(p_mod);
+    vli_mult(l_product, p_left, p_right);
+    l_productBits = vli_numBits(l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+    if(l_productBits)
+    {
+        l_productBits += NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 32;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        l_productBits = vli_numBits(l_product);
+    }
+    if(l_productBits < l_modBits)
+    { /* l_product < p_mod. */
+        vli_set(p_result, l_product);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Shift p_mod by (l_leftBits - l_modBits). This multiplies p_mod by the largest
+       power of two possible while still resulting in a number less than p_left. */
+    vli_clear(l_modMultiple);
+    vli_clear(l_modMultiple + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+    l_digitShift = (l_productBits - l_modBits) / 32;
+    l_bitShift = (l_productBits - l_modBits) % 32;
+    if(l_bitShift)
+    {
+        l_modMultiple[l_digitShift + NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = vli_lshift(l_modMultiple + l_digitShift, p_mod, l_bitShift);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vli_set(l_modMultiple + l_digitShift, p_mod);
+    }
+    /* Subtract all multiples of p_mod to get the remainder. */
+    vli_clear(p_result);
+    p_result[0] = 1; /* Use p_result as a temp var to store 1 (for subtraction) */
+    while(l_productBits > NUM_ECC_DIGITS * 32 || vli_cmp(l_modMultiple, p_mod) >= 0)
+    {
+        int l_cmp = vli_cmp(l_modMultiple + NUM_ECC_DIGITS, l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        if(l_cmp < 0 || (l_cmp == 0 && vli_cmp(l_modMultiple, l_product) <= 0))
+        {
+            if(vli_sub(l_product, l_product, l_modMultiple))
+            { /* borrow */
+                vli_sub(l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS, l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS, p_result);
+            }
+            vli_sub(l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS, l_product + NUM_ECC_DIGITS, l_modMultiple + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        }
+        uint32_t l_carry = (l_modMultiple[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] & 0x01) << 31;
+        vli_rshift1(l_modMultiple + NUM_ECC_DIGITS);
+        vli_rshift1(l_modMultiple);
+        l_modMultiple[NUM_ECC_DIGITS-1] |= l_carry;
+        --l_productBits;
+    }
+    vli_set(p_result, l_product);
+static inline unsigned int max(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b)
+    return (a > b ? a : b);
+int ecdsa_sign(uint32_t r[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], uint32_t s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_hash[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    uint32_t k[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    EccPoint p;
+    if(vli_isZero(p_random))
+    { /* The random number must not be 0. */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    vli_set(k, p_random);
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_n, k) != 1)
+    {
+        vli_sub(k, k, curve_n);
+    }
+    /* tmp = k * G */
+    EccPoint_mult(&p, &curve_G, k, NULL);
+    /* r = x1 (mod n) */
+    vli_set(r, p.x);
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_n, r) != 1)
+    {
+        vli_sub(r, r, curve_n);
+    }
+    if(vli_isZero(r))
+    { /* If r == 0, fail (need a different random number). */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    vli_modMult(s, r, p_privateKey, curve_n); /* s = r*d */
+    vli_modAdd(s, p_hash, s, curve_n); /* s = e + r*d */
+    vli_modInv(k, k, curve_n); /* k = 1 / k */
+    vli_modMult(s, s, k, curve_n); /* s = (e + r*d) / k */
+    return 1;
+int ecdsa_verify(const EccPoint *p_publicKey, const uint32_t p_hash[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t r[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    uint32_t u1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], u2[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t z[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    EccPoint l_sum;
+    uint32_t rx[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t ry[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t tx[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t ty[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t tz[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    if(vli_isZero(r) || vli_isZero(s))
+    { /* r, s must not be 0. */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_n, r) != 1 || vli_cmp(curve_n, s) != 1)
+    { /* r, s must be < n. */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /* Calculate u1 and u2. */
+    vli_modInv(z, s, curve_n); /* Z = s^-1 */
+    vli_modMult(u1, p_hash, z, curve_n); /* u1 = e/s */
+    vli_modMult(u2, r, z, curve_n); /* u2 = r/s */
+    /* Calculate l_sum = G + Q. */
+    vli_set(l_sum.x, p_publicKey->x);
+    vli_set(l_sum.y, p_publicKey->y);
+    vli_set(tx, curve_G.x);
+    vli_set(ty, curve_G.y);
+    vli_modSub(z, l_sum.x, tx, curve_p); /* Z = x2 - x1 */
+    XYcZ_add(tx, ty, l_sum.x, l_sum.y);
+    vli_modInv(z, z, curve_p); /* Z = 1/Z */
+    apply_z(l_sum.x, l_sum.y, z);
+    /* Use Shamir's trick to calculate u1*G + u2*Q */
+    const EccPoint *l_points[4] = {NULL, &curve_G, p_publicKey, &l_sum};
+    uint l_numBits = max(vli_numBits(u1), vli_numBits(u2));
+    const EccPoint *l_point = l_points[(!!vli_testBit(u1, l_numBits-1)) | ((!!vli_testBit(u2, l_numBits-1)) << 1)];
+    vli_set(rx, l_point->x);
+    vli_set(ry, l_point->y);
+    vli_clear(z);
+    z[0] = 1;
+    int i;
+    for(i = l_numBits - 2; i >= 0; --i)
+    {
+        EccPoint_double_jacobian(rx, ry, z);
+        int l_index = (!!vli_testBit(u1, i)) | ((!!vli_testBit(u2, i)) << 1);
+        l_point = l_points[l_index];
+        if(l_point)
+        {
+            vli_set(tx, l_point->x);
+            vli_set(ty, l_point->y);
+            apply_z(tx, ty, z);
+            vli_modSub(tz, rx, tx, curve_p); /* Z = x2 - x1 */
+            XYcZ_add(tx, ty, rx, ry);
+            vli_modMult_fast(z, z, tz);
+        }
+    }
+    vli_modInv(z, z, curve_p); /* Z = 1/Z */
+    apply_z(rx, ry, z);
+    /* v = x1 (mod n) */
+    if(vli_cmp(curve_n, rx) != 1)
+    {
+        vli_sub(rx, rx, curve_n);
+    }
+    /* Accept only if v == r. */
+    return (vli_cmp(rx, r) == 0);
+void ecc_bytes2native(uint32_t p_native[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint8_t p_bytes[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4])
+    unsigned i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint8_t *p_digit = p_bytes + 4 * (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1 - i);
+        p_native[i] = ((uint32_t)p_digit[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t)p_digit[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)p_digit[2] << 8) | (uint32_t)p_digit[3];
+    }
+void ecc_native2bytes(uint8_t p_bytes[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4], const uint32_t p_native[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    unsigned i;
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_ECC_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+        uint8_t *p_digit = p_bytes + 4 * (NUM_ECC_DIGITS - 1 - i);
+        p_digit[0] = p_native[i] >> 24;
+        p_digit[1] = p_native[i] >> 16;
+        p_digit[2] = p_native[i] >> 8;
+        p_digit[3] = p_native[i];
+    }
+/* Compute a = sqrt(a) (mod curve_p). */
+static void mod_sqrt(uint32_t a[NUM_ECC_DIGITS])
+    unsigned i;
+    uint32_t p1[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = {1};
+    uint32_t l_result[NUM_ECC_DIGITS] = {1};
+    /* Since curve_p == 3 (mod 4) for all supported curves, we can
+       compute sqrt(a) = a^((curve_p + 1) / 4) (mod curve_p). */
+    vli_add(p1, curve_p, p1); /* p1 = curve_p + 1 */
+    for(i = vli_numBits(p1) - 1; i > 1; --i)
+    {
+        vli_modSquare_fast(l_result, l_result);
+        if(vli_testBit(p1, i))
+        {
+            vli_modMult_fast(l_result, l_result, a);
+        }
+    }
+    vli_set(a, l_result);
+void ecc_point_compress(uint8_t p_compressed[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4 + 1], const EccPoint *p_point)
+    p_compressed[0] = 2 + (p_point->y[0] & 0x01);
+    ecc_native2bytes(p_compressed + 1, p_point->x);
+void ecc_point_decompress(EccPoint *p_point, const uint8_t p_compressed[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4 + 1])
+    ecc_bytes2native(p_point->x, p_compressed + 1);
+    curve_x_side(p_point->y, p_point->x);
+    mod_sqrt(p_point->y);
+    if((p_point->y[0] & 0x01) != (p_compressed[0] & 0x01))
+    {
+        vli_sub(p_point->y, curve_p, p_point->y);
+    }
+int main() {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ecc.h	Tue Feb 03 16:02:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#ifndef _MICRO_ECC_H_
+#define _MICRO_ECC_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* Optimization settings. Define as 1 to enable an optimization, 0 to disable it.
+ECC_SQUARE_FUNC - If enabled, this will cause a specific function to be used for (scalar) squaring instead of the generic
+                  multiplication function. Improves speed by about 8% .
+#define ECC_SQUARE_FUNC 1
+/* Inline assembly options.
+Inline assembly (gcc format) is provided for selected operations for Thumb and Thumb2/ARM.
+Improves speed by about 57% on Cortex-M0 when using ecc_asm_thumb.
+Note: You must choose the appropriate option for your target architecture, or compilation will fail
+with strange assembler messages.
+#define ecc_asm_none   0
+#define ecc_asm_thumb  1 /* ARM Thumb assembly (including Cortex-M0) */
+#define ecc_asm_thumb2 2 /* ARM Thumb-2 assembly (eg Cortex-M3) */
+#define ecc_asm_arm    3 /* Regular ARM assembly */
+#ifndef ECC_ASM
+    #define ECC_ASM ecc_asm_none
+#define ECC_CONCAT1(a, b) a##b
+#define ECC_CONCAT(a, b) ECC_CONCAT1(a, b)
+/* Curve selection options. */
+#define secp128r1 1
+#define secp192r1 2
+#define secp256r1 3
+#define secp384r1 4
+#define secp256k1 5
+#ifndef ECC_CURVE
+    #define ECC_CURVE secp256r1
+#define ecc_size_1 4
+#define ecc_size_2 6
+#define ecc_size_3 8
+#define ecc_size_4 12
+#define ecc_size_5 8
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct EccPoint
+    uint32_t x[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+    uint32_t y[NUM_ECC_DIGITS];
+} EccPoint;
+/* ecc_make_key() function.
+Create a public/private key pair.
+You must use a new nonpredictable random number to generate each new key pair.
+    p_publicKey  - Will be filled in with the point representing the public key.
+    p_privateKey - Will be filled in with the private key.
+    p_random - The random number to use to generate the key pair.
+Returns 1 if the key pair was generated successfully, 0 if an error occurred. If 0 is returned,
+try again with a different random number.
+int ecc_make_key(EccPoint *p_publicKey, uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]);
+/* ecc_valid_public_key() function.
+Determine whether or not a given point is on the chosen elliptic curve (ie, is a valid public key).
+    p_publicKey - The point to check.
+Returns 1 if the given point is valid, 0 if it is invalid.
+int ecc_valid_public_key(const EccPoint *p_publicKey);
+/* ecdh_shared_secret() function.
+Compute a shared secret given your secret key and someone else's public key.
+Optionally, you can provide a random multiplier for resistance to DPA attacks. The random multiplier
+should probably be different for each invocation of ecdh_shared_secret().
+    p_secret - Will be filled in with the shared secret value.
+    p_publicKey  - The public key of the remote party.
+    p_privateKey - Your private key.
+    p_random     - An optional random number to resist DPA attacks. Pass in NULL if DPA attacks are not a concern.
+Returns 1 if the shared secret was computed successfully, 0 otherwise.
+Note: It is recommended that you hash the result of ecdh_shared_secret before using it for symmetric encryption or HMAC.
+If you do not hash the shared secret, you must call ecc_valid_public_key() to verify that the remote side's public key is valid.
+If this is not done, an attacker could create a public key that would cause your use of the shared secret to leak information
+about your private key. */
+int ecdh_shared_secret(uint32_t p_secret[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const EccPoint *p_publicKey,
+    const uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]);
+/* ecdsa_sign() function.
+Generate an ECDSA signature for a given hash value.
+Usage: Compute a hash of the data you wish to sign (SHA-2 is recommended) and pass it in to
+this function along with your private key and a random number.
+You must use a new nonpredictable random number to generate each new signature.
+    r, s - Will be filled in with the signature values.
+    p_privateKey - Your private key.
+    p_random     - The random number to use to generate the signature.
+    p_hash       - The message hash to sign.
+Returns 1 if the signature generated successfully, 0 if an error occurred. If 0 is returned,
+try again with a different random number.
+int ecdsa_sign(uint32_t r[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], uint32_t s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_privateKey[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t p_random[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t p_hash[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]);
+/* ecdsa_verify() function.
+Verify an ECDSA signature.
+Usage: Compute the hash of the signed data using the same hash as the signer and
+pass it to this function along with the signer's public key and the signature values (r and s).
+    p_publicKey - The signer's public key
+    p_hash      - The hash of the signed data.
+    r, s        - The signature values.
+Returns 1 if the signature is valid, 0 if it is invalid.
+int ecdsa_verify(const EccPoint *p_publicKey, const uint32_t p_hash[NUM_ECC_DIGITS],
+    const uint32_t r[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint32_t s[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]);
+/* ecc_bytes2native() function.
+Convert an integer in standard octet representation to the native format.
+    p_native - Will be filled in with the native integer value.
+    p_bytes - The standard octet representation of the integer to convert.
+void ecc_bytes2native(uint32_t p_native[NUM_ECC_DIGITS], const uint8_t p_bytes[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4]);
+/* ecc_native2bytes() function.
+Convert an integer in native format to the standard octet representation.
+    p_bytes - Will be filled in with the standard octet representation of the integer.
+    p_native - The native integer value to convert.
+void ecc_native2bytes(uint8_t p_bytes[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4], const uint32_t p_native[NUM_ECC_DIGITS]);
+/* ecc_point_compress() function.
+Compress a point from native format into the standard compressed octet representation.
+    p_compressed  - Will be filled in with the compressed point representation.
+    p_point - The point to compress.
+void ecc_point_compress(uint8_t p_compressed[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4 + 1], const EccPoint *p_point);
+/* ecc_point_decompress() function.
+Decompress a point from the standard compressed octet representation to native format.
+    p_point  - Will be filled in with the native point representation.
+    p_compressed - The standard compressed octet representation of the point.
+void ecc_point_decompress(EccPoint *p_point, const uint8_t p_compressed[NUM_ECC_DIGITS*4 + 1]);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#endif /* _MICRO_ECC_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue Feb 03 16:02:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file