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00001 /* seeed_can.h
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013 Sophie Dexter
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #ifndef _SEEED_CAN_H_
00017 #define _SEEED_CAN_H_
00019 #include "seeed_can_api.h"
00021 // if print debug information
00022 #define DEBUG
00024 /** CANMessage class
00025  */
00026 class SEEED_CANMessage : public CAN_Message
00027 {
00029 public:
00030     /** Creates empty CAN message.
00031      */
00032     SEEED_CANMessage() {
00033         id     = 0;
00034         memset(data, 0, 8);
00035         len    = 8;
00036         type   = CANData;
00037         format = CANStandard;
00038     }
00040     /** Creates CAN message with specific content.
00041      */
00042     SEEED_CANMessage(int _id, const char *_data, char _len = 8, CANType _type = CANData, CANFormat _format = CANStandard) {
00043         id     = _id;
00044         memcpy(data, _data, _len);
00045         len    = _len & 0xF;
00046         type   = _type;
00047         format = _format;
00048     }
00050     /** Creates CAN remote message.
00051      */
00052     SEEED_CANMessage(int _id, CANFormat _format = CANStandard) {
00053         id     = _id;
00054         memset(data, 0, 8);
00055         len    = 0;
00056         type   = CANRemote;
00057         format = _format;
00058     }
00059 };
00062 /** A can bus client, used for communicating with Seeed Studios' CAN-BUS Arduino Shield.
00063  */
00064 class SEEED_CAN
00065 {
00066 public:
00067     /** Seeed Studios CAN-BUS Shield Constructor - Create a SEEED_CAN interface connected to the specified pins.
00068      *
00069      *  The Seeed Studio CAN-BUS shield is an Arduino compatible shield and connects to the FRDM-KL25Z SPI0 interface using pins PTD2 (mosi) PTD3 (miso) PTD1 (clk). The Active low chip select normally connects to the FRDM-KL25Z's PTD0 pin, but there is an option on the Seeed Studio CAN-BUS shield to connect to the PTD5 pin. The CAN-BUS shield uses the FRDM-KL25Z's PTD4 pin for its (active low) interrupt capability. The defaults allow you to plug the Seeed Studios' CAN-BUS Shield into a FRDM-KL25Z mbed and it to work without specifying any parameters.
00070      *
00071      *  @param ncs Active low chip select, @b default: @p SEEED_CAN_CS is FRDM-KL25Z PTD0 pin (p9 on LPC1768).
00072      *  @n If you change the link on the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield you should use a value of SEEED_CAN_IO9 or PTD5 instead.
00073      *  @param irq Active low interrupt pin, @b default: @p SEEED_CAN_IRQ is FRDM-KL25Z PTD4 pin (p10 on LPC1768).
00074      *  @param mosi SPI Master Out, Slave In pin, @b default: @p SEEED_CAN_MOSI is FRDM-KL25Z PTD2 pin (p11 on LPC1768).
00075      *  @param miso SPI Master In, Slave Out pin, @b default: :p SEEED_CAN_MISO is FRDM-KL25Z PTD3 pin (p12 on LPC1768).
00076      *  @param clk SPI Clock pin, @b default: @p SEEED_CAN_MISO is FRDM-KL25Z PTD1 pin (p13 on LPC1768).
00077      *  @param spiBitrate SPI Clock frequency, @b default: @p 1000000 (1 MHz).
00078      */
00079 #if defined MKL25Z4_H_                                                  // defined in MKL25Z4.h
00080     SEEED_CAN(PinName ncs=SEEED_CAN_CS, PinName irq=SEEED_CAN_IRQ, PinName mosi=SEEED_CAN_MOSI, PinName miso=SEEED_CAN_MISO, PinName clk=SEEED_CAN_CLK, int spiBitrate=1000000);
00081 #elif defined __LPC17xx_H__                                             // defined in LPC17xx.h
00082     //SEEED_CAN(PinName ncs=p9, PinName irq=p10, PinName mosi=p11, PinName miso=p12, PinName clk=p13, int spiBitrate=1000000);
00083     SEEED_CAN(PinName ncs=p11, PinName irq=p12, PinName mosi=p5, PinName miso=p6, PinName clk=p7, int spiBitrate=1000000);
00084 #else                                                                   // No default constructor for other...
00085     SEEED_CAN(PinName ncs, PinName irq, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, int spiBitrate=1000000);
00086 #endif
00087 //    virtual ~SEEED_CAN(); // !!! Need a de-constructor for the interrrupt pin !!!
00089     enum Mode {
00090         Normal = 0,
00091         Sleep,
00092         Loopback,
00093         Monitor,
00094         Config,
00095         Reset
00096     };
00098     /** Open initialises the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS Shield.
00099      *
00100      *  @param canBitrate CAN Bus Clock frequency, @b default: @p 100000 (100 kHz).
00101      *  @param mode The initial operation mode, @b default: @p Normal.
00102      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Normal - Normal mode is the standard operating mode,
00103      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Monitor - This mode can be used for bus monitor applications.
00104      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Sleep - This mode can be used to minimize the current consumption,
00105      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Loopback - This mode can be used in system development and testing.
00106      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Config - Open with this mode to prevent unwanted messages being received while you configure Filters.
00107      *
00108      *  @returns
00109      *     1 if successful,
00110      *  @n 0 otherwise
00111      */
00112     int open(int canBitrate=100000, Mode mode = Normal);
00114     /** Puts or removes the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield into or from silent monitoring mode.
00115      *
00116      *  @param silent boolean indicating whether to go into silent mode or not.
00117      */
00118     void monitor(bool silent);
00120     /** Change the Seeed Studios CAN-BUS shield CAN operation mode.
00121      *
00122      *  @param mode The new operation mode
00123      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Normal - Normal mode is the standard operating mode,
00124      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Monitor - This mode can be used for bus monitor applications.
00125      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Sleep - This mode can be used to minimize the current consumption,
00126      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Loopback - This mode can be used in system development and testing.
00127      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Reset - Reset the MCP2515 device and stay in Configuration mode.
00128      *
00129      *  @returns
00130      *     1 if mode change was successful
00131      *  @n 0 if mode change failed or unsupported,
00132      */
00133     int mode(Mode mode);
00135     /** Set the CAN bus frequency (Bit Rate)
00136      *
00137      *  @param hz The bus frequency in Hertz
00138      *
00139      *  @returns
00140      *     1 if successful,
00141      *  @n 0 otherwise
00142      */
00143     int frequency(int canBitRate);
00145     /** Read a CAN bus message from the MCP2515 (if one has been received)
00146      *
00147      *  @param msg A CANMessage to read to.
00148      *
00149      *  @returns
00150      *     1 if any messages have arrived
00151      *  @n 0 if no message arrived,
00152      */
00153     int read(SEEED_CANMessage &msg);
00155     /** Write a CAN bus message to the MCP2515 (if there is a free message buffer)
00156      *
00157      *  @param msg The CANMessage to write.
00158      *
00159      *  @returns
00160      *     1 if write was successful
00161      *  @n 0 if write failed,
00162      */
00163     int write(SEEED_CANMessage msg);
00165     /** Configure one of the Accpetance Masks (0 or 1)
00166      *
00167      *  @param maskNum The number of the Acceptance Mask to configure (Acceptance Mask 0 is associated with Filters 0 and 1, Acceptance Mask 1 is associated with Filters 2 through 5).
00168      *  @param canId CAN Id Mask bits (Acceptance Filters are only compared against bits that are set to '1' in an Acceptance Mask (e.g. mask 0x07F0 and filter 0x03F0 would allow through messages with CAN Id's 0x03F0 through 0x03FF because the 4 LSBs of the CAN Id are not filtered).
00169      *  @param format Describes if the Acceptance Mask is for a standard (CANStandard) or extended (CANExtended) CAN message frame format, @b default: @p CANStandard.
00170      *
00171      *  @returns
00172      *     1 if Acceptance Mask was set
00173      *  @n 0 if the Acceptance Mask could not be set
00174      */
00175     int mask(int maskNum, int canId, CANFormat format = CANStandard);
00177     /** Configure one of the Acceptance Filters (0 through 5)
00178      *
00179      *  @param filterNum The number of the Acceptance Filter to configure (Acceptance Filters 0 and 1 are associated with Mask 0, Acceptance Filters 2 through 5 are associated with Mask 1).
00180      *  @param canId CAN Id Filter bits (Acceptance Filters are only compared against bits that are set to '1' in an Acceptance Mask (e.g. mask 0x07F0 and filter 0x03F0 would allow through messages with CAN Id's 0x03F0 through 0x03FF because the 4 LSBs of the CAN Id are not filtered).
00181      *  @param format Describes if the Acceptance Filter is for a standard (CANStandard) or extended (CANExtended) CAN message frame format, @b default: @p CANStandard.
00182      *
00183      *  @returns
00184      *     1 if Acceptance Filter was set
00185      *  @n 0 if the Acceptance Filter could not be set
00186      */
00187     int filter(int filterNum, int canId, CANFormat format = CANStandard);
00189     /** Returns number of message reception (read) errors to detect read overflow errors.
00190      *
00191      *  @returns
00192      *    Number of reception errors
00193      */
00194     unsigned char rderror(void);
00196     /** Returns number of message transmission (write) errors to detect write overflow errors.
00197      *
00198      *  @returns
00199      *    Number of transmission errors
00200      */
00201     unsigned char tderror(void);
00203     enum ErrorType {
00204         AnyError = 0,
00205         Errors,
00206         Warnings,
00207         Rx1Ovr,
00208         Rx0Ovr,
00209         TxBOff,
00210         TxPasv,
00211         RxPasv,
00212         TxWarn,
00213         RxWarn,
00214         EWarn
00215     };
00217     /** Check if any type of error has been detected on the CAN bus
00218      *
00219      *  @param error Specify which type of error to report on, @b default: @p AnyError.
00220      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::AnyError - Any one or more of the following errors and warnings:
00221      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Errors - Any one or more of the 5 errors:
00222      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx1Ovr - Receive Buffer 1 Overflow Flag bit,
00223      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx0Ovr - Receive Buffer 0 Overflow Flag bit,
00224      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxBOff - Bus-Off Error Flag bit,
00225      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxPasv - Transmit Error-Passive Flag bit,
00226      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::RxPasv - Receive Error-Passive Flag bit,
00227      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Warnings - Any one or more of the 3 warnings:
00228      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxWarn - Transmit Error Warning Flag bit,
00229      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::RxWarn - Receive Error Warning Flag bit,
00230      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::EWarn - Error Warning Flag bit.
00231      *
00232      *  @returns
00233      *     1 if specified type of error has been detected
00234      *  @n 0 if no errors
00235      */
00236     int errors(ErrorType type = AnyError);
00238     /** Returns the contents of the MCP2515's Error Flag register
00239      *
00240      *  @returns
00241      *     @b Bit_7 - RX1OVR: Receive Buffer 1 Overflow Flag bit - Set when a valid message is received for RXB1 and CANINTF.RX1IF = 1 - Must be reset by MCU,
00242      *  @n @b Bit_6 - RX0OVR: Receive Buffer 1 Overflow Flag bit - Set when a valid message is received for RXB0 and CANINTF.RX0IF = 1 - Must be reset by MCU,
00243      *  @n @b Bit_5 - TXBO: Bus-Off Error Flag bit - Bit set when TEC reaches 255 - Reset after a successful bus recovery sequence,
00244      *  @n @b Bit_4 - TXEP: Transmit Error-Passive Flag bit - Set when TEC is >= 128 - Reset when TEC is less than 128,
00245      *  @n @b Bit_3 - RXEP: Receive Error-Passive Flag bit - Set when REC is >= 128 - Reset when REC is less than 128,
00246      *  @n @b Bit_2 - TXWAR: Transmit Error Warning Flag bit - Set when TEC is >= 96 - Reset when TEC is less than 96,
00247      *  @n @b Bit_1 - RXWAR: Receive Error Warning Flag bit - Set when REC is >= 96 - Reset when REC is less than 96,
00248      *  @n @b Bit_0 - EWARN: Error Warning Flag bit - Set when TEC or REC is >= 96 (TXWAR or RXWAR = 1) - Reset when both REC and TEC are < 96.
00249      */
00250     unsigned char errorFlags(void);
00252     enum IrqType {
00253         None = 0,
00254         AnyIrq,
00255         RxAny,
00256         TxAny,
00257         Rx0Fill,
00258         Rx1Full,
00259         Tx0Free,
00260         Tx1Free,
00261         Tx2Free,
00262         Error,
00263         Wake,
00264         MsgError,
00265     };
00267     /** Attach a function to call whenever a CAN frame received interrupt is generated.
00268      *
00269      *  @param fptr A pointer to a void function, or 0 to set as none.
00270      *  @param event Which CAN interrupt to attach the member function to, @b default: @p RxAny
00271      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::None - Disable all interrupt sources,
00272      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::AnyIrq - Enable all interrupt sources,
00273      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::RxAny - Any full RX buffer can generate an interrupt,
00274      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxAny - Any empty TX buffer can generate an interrupt,
00275      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx0Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00276      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx1Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00277      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx0Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00278      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx1Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00279      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx2Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00280      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Error - Error (multiple sources in EFLG register),
00281      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Wake - Wakeup,
00282      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::MsgError - Message Error,
00283      */
00284     void attach(void (*fptr)(void), IrqType event=RxAny);
00286     /** Attach a member function to call whenever a CAN frame received interrupt is generated.
00287      *
00288      *  @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on.
00289      *  @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called.
00290      *  @param event Which CAN interrupt to attach the member function to, @b default: @p RxAny
00291      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::None - Disable all interrupt sources,
00292      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::AnyIrq - Enable all interrupt sources,
00293      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::RxAny - Any full RX buffer can generate an interrupt,
00294      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxAny - Any empty TX buffer can generate an interrupt,
00295      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx0Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00296      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx1Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00297      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx0Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00298      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx1Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00299      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx2Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00300      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Error - Error (multiple sources in EFLG register),
00301      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Wake - Wakeup,
00302      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::MsgError - Message Error,
00303      */
00304     template<typename T>
00305     void attach(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void), IrqType event=RxAny) {
00306         _callback_irq.attach(tptr, mptr);
00307         mcpSetInterrupts(&_can, (CANIrqs)event);
00308         if((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
00309             _callback_irq.attach(tptr, mptr);
00310             mcpSetInterrupts(&_can, (CANIrqs)event);
00311 //            _irq[type].attach(tptr, mptr);
00312 //            can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 1);
00313         } else {
00314             mcpSetInterrupts(&_can, (CANIrqs)SEEED_CAN::None);
00315 //            can_irq_set(&_can, (CanIrqType)type, 0);
00316         }
00317     }
00319     void call_irq(void);
00321     /** Check if the specified interrupt event has occurred
00322      *
00323      *  @param event Which CAN interrupt to attach the member function to
00324      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::RxAny - At least 1 RX buffer is full,
00325      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::TxAny - At least 1 TX buffer is empty,
00326      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx0Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00327      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Rx1Full - Receive buffer 1 full,
00328      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx0Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00329      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx1Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00330      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Tx2Free - Transmit buffer 2 empty,
00331      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Error - Error (multiple sources in EFLG register),
00332      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::Wake - Wakeup,
00333      *  @n @p SEEED_CAN::MsgError - Message Error,
00334      *
00335      *  @returns
00336      *     1 if specified interrupt event has occurred
00337      *  @n 0 if no errors
00338      */
00339     int interrupts(IrqType type);
00341     /** Returns the contents of the MCP2515's Interrupt Flag register
00342      *
00343      *  @returns
00344      *     @b Bit_7 - MERRF: Message Error Interrupt Flag,
00345      *  @n @b Bit_6 - WAKIF: Wake-up Interrupt Flag,
00346      *  @n @b Bit_5 - ERRIF: Error Interrupt Flag (multiple sources in EFLG register, see errorFlags)
00347      *  @n @b Bit_4 - TX2IF: Transmit Buffer 2 Empty Interrupt Flag
00348      *  @n @b Bit_3 - TX1IF: Transmit Buffer 1 Empty Interrupt Flag
00349      *  @n @b Bit_2 - TX0IF: Transmit Buffer 0 Empty Interrupt Flag
00350      *  @n @b Bit_1 - RX1IF: Receive Buffer 1 Full Interrupt Flag
00351      *  @n @b Bit_0 - RX0IF: Receive Buffer 0 Full Interrupt Flag
00352      *  @n Bits are set (1) when interrupt pending, clear (0) when no interrupt pending.
00353      *  @n Bits must be cleared by MCU to reset interrupt condition.
00354      */
00355     unsigned char interruptFlags(void);
00357 protected:
00358     SPI             _spi;
00359     mcp_can_t       _can;
00360     InterruptIn     _irqpin;
00361     FunctionPointer _callback_irq;
00363 };
00365 #endif      // SEEED_CAN_H