Simulation of a chemical etch wetbench tank

Dependencies:   mbed C12832

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Fri Jul 31 17:56:44 2020 +0000
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C12832.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/C12832.lib	Fri Jul 31 17:56:44 2020 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 31 17:56:44 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// including necessary header folders
+// declaring necessary components and variables
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);                             //USB tx,rx
+C12832 lcd(p5,p7,p6,p8,p11);                        //Breakout board lcd
+AnalogIn lvl(p19);                                  //pot1 level sensor
+AnalogIn temp(p20);                                 //pot2 temperature sensor
+DigitalIn start(p15);                               //joystick up start button
+DigitalIn prod(p13);                                //joystick left product detected in tank (simulates sensor input)
+DigitalOut invalve(LED1);                           //LED1 represents an input valve to fill the tank - open is true
+DigitalOut outvalve(LED2);                          //LED2 represents an output valve to empty the tank - open is true
+DigitalOut heatstir(LED3);                          //LED3 represents an heater and stirrer to maintain temp and stir the tank - on is true
+DigitalOut sysrun(LED4);                            //LED4 represents a Clear To Run signal outputted to system to allow product loading - on is true
+Timer debounce;
+InterruptIn emo(p14);                               //joystick button EMO activation button (Interrupt)
+InterruptIn stop(p12);                              //joystick down stop button (Interrupt)
+/* criteria set for tank level between 0 and 25 litres, temperature between 0 and 200 degrees C.
+Low/High levels represent acceptable manufacturing level. Critical levels will indicate system/equipment failure and dump tank.
+Chemical lifespan is set to 50 hours of production and production time for each lot in tool is 1.5hrs */
+float lvlset=20.0, lvllo=15.0, lvlhi=23.0, lvlhihi=24.0;                    // tank level criteria - current level, setpoint, lowest level, high level, critical high
+float tmpset=150.0, tmplo=130.0, tmphi=170.0, tmphihi=190.0;                // tank temperature criteria - current temp, setpoint, lowest level, high level, critical high
+float tanklife=50.0, prodtime=1.5;                                          // production criteria - lifespan of chemicals, production time per lot
+int ctf=0, cth, ctr, prodpres;                                              // flags for clear to fill, clear to heat, clear to run, product in tank - in all cases clear is true
+// Interrupt program for Emergency Manual Overide activation
+void override(){
+    debounce.start();               // start the timer
+    invalve=0;                      // close input valve
+    outvalve=1;                     // dump tank
+    heatstir=0;                     // stop heater
+    ctf=0;                          // clear to fill to false
+    cth=0;                          // clear to heat to false
+    ctr=0;                          // clear to run to false
+    lcd.cls();                      // clear LCD screen
+    lcd.locate(0,0);                // home the lcd screen
+    lcd.printf("EMO activated!\nContact Equipment Group!\nDumping Tank");       //print emo text on LCD
+    pc.printf("EMO activated! Contact Equipment Group! Dumping Tank\n\r");      //print emo text on pc
+    if (debounce.read_ms() >= 500){ // determine the timer limits - greater than or equal incase the exact count was missed by timer               
+        debounce.reset();           // reset the timer for the next use
+    }
+// Interrupt program for Stop button activation
+void halt(){
+    debounce.start();               // start the timer
+    invalve=0;                      // close input valve
+    outvalve=0;                     // close output valve
+    heatstir=0;                     // stop heater
+    ctf=0;                          // clear to fill to false
+    cth=0;                          // clear to heat to false
+    ctr=0;                          // clear to run to false
+    lcd.cls();                      // clear LCD screen
+    lcd.locate(0,0);                // home the lcd screen
+    lcd.printf("Stop Pressed!\nContact Equipment Group!\nHold to verify");                  //print stop text on LCD
+    pc.printf("Stop Pressed! Contact Equipment Group! Hold to verify production ok!\n\r");  //print stop text on pc
+    if (debounce.read_ms() >= 500){ // determine the timer limits - greater than or equal incase the exact count was missed by timer               
+        debounce.reset();           // reset the timer for the next use
+    }
+// Start of main program
+int main(){
+    // define emo interrupt
+    emo.rise(&override);     //attach the function address to the rising edge
+    // define Stop interrupt
+    stop.rise(&halt);     //attach the function address to the rising edge
+    while(1){                               //always on loop
+        float level=25.0*lvl+0;             //define the current tank level (y=mx+c)
+        float temperature=200.0*temp+0;     //define the current tank temperature (y=mx+c)
+        // initial start conditions are an error or a start button press
+        if(ctf==0 and prod==1){                                                                     //load error detected - product in tank/sensor failure
+            lcd.cls();                                                                              //clear LCD screen
+            lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                        //error - home the lcd screen
+            lcd.printf("System Error!\nContact Equipment Group!\nProduct detected in tank!");       //error - print error text on LCD
+            pc.printf("System Error! - Contact Equipment Group! - Product detected in tank!\n\r");  //error - print error text via terraterm to pc
+            }
+        if(ctf==0 and start==1){                                                                    //start button goes true (momentary)
+            ctf=1;                                                                                  //clear to fill flag goes true (set)
+            lcd.cls();                                                                              //clear LCD screen
+            lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                        //home LCD screen
+            lcd.printf("Start Button Pressed");                                                     //print start text on LCD
+            pc.printf("Start Button Pressed\n\r");                                                  //clear to fill flag goes true (set) - only stop/emo/dump will unset this
+            wait(0.5);                                                                              //debounce delay                                       
+            }
+        //if cleared to fill various states are possible based upon volume detected
+        if(ctf==1){                                                                                             //clearance given to run
+            if(level<lvllo){                                                                                    //tank below lowest usable level
+                invalve=1;                                                                                      //open the input valve
+                outvalve=0;                                                                                     //close the output valve
+                cth=0;                                                                                          //heat/stir flag set to false
+                lcd.cls();                                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                                //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTank Filling",level,temperature);                        //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank filling\n\r",level,temperature);    //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                        //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(level<lvlset){                                                                              //minimum usable volume reached, heating now allowed
+                invalve=1;                                                                                      //filling to setpoint
+                outvalve=0;                                                                                     //closed output valve
+                cth=0;                                                                                          //clear to heat flag goes true (set)
+                lcd.cls();                                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                                //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTank Level Low",level,temperature);                      //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank level low\n\r",level,temperature);  //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                        //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(level<lvlhi){                                                                               //volume setpoint reached
+                invalve=0;                                                                                      //input valve closed
+                outvalve=0;                                                                                     //output valve remains closed
+                cth=1;                                                                                          //clear to fill flag remains true
+                lcd.cls();                                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                                //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nAt Level Setpoint",level,temperature);                           //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank at level setpoint\n\r",level,temperature);  //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(level<lvlhihi){                                                                             //warning state - volume goes high enough to flag - possible ceased input valve/system error
+                invalve=0;                                                                                      //input valve off command reconfirmed
+                outvalve=1;                                                                                     //output valve opened to release volume
+                cth=0;                                                                                          //clear to heat flag goes false (set)
+                lcd.cls();                                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                                //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTank Level High!",level,temperature);                                //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank Level High Warning!\n\r",level,temperature);    //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                    //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(lvlhihi<=level){                                                                            //critical state - critical volume detected, overflow risk - emergency dump
+                invalve=0;                                                                                      // input valve closed
+                outvalve=1;                                                                                     //output valve open to dump
+                cth=0;                                                                                          //clear to heat flag remains false
+                ctf=0;                                                                                          //clear to fill flag goes false - tool returned to start conditions
+                lcd.cls();                                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                                //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nLevel Critical! Tank Dump",level,temperature);                               //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank Overflow Risk! Dumping Tank\n\r",level,temperature);    //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                            //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+        }
+        //if cleared to heat various states are possible based upon volume detected
+        if(cth==1){                                                                                 //clearance given to run heater/stirrer
+            if(temperature<tmplo){                                                                  //tank below lowest usable temperature
+                heatstir=1;                                                                         //turn on the heater/stirrer
+                ctr=0;                                                                              //clear to run flag set to false
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTank Heating",level,temperature);                                            //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank Temperature Low, Heater on\n\r",level,temperature);     //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                            //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(temperature<tmpset){                                                            //minimum usable temperature reached, running now allowed
+                heatstir=1;                                                                         //heating to setpoint
+                ctr=1;                                                                              //clear to run flag goes true (set)
+                sysrun=1;                                                                           //output to system to begin loading product
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTemp Low",level,temperature);                                        //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Temperaturelow,  ok to run\n\r",level,temperature);  //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                    //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(temperature<tmphi){                                                             //temp setpoint reached
+                heatstir=0;                                                                         //heater off
+                ctr=1;                                                                              //clear to run flag remains true
+                sysrun=1;                                                                           //output to system to begin loading product
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTemp at Setpoint",level,temperature);                                    //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank at temperature setpoint\n\r",level,temperature);    //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                        //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(temperature<tmphihi){                                                           //warning state - temp goes high enough to flag - possible ceased heater/system error
+                heatstir=0;                                                                         //input valve off command reconfirmed
+                ctr=0;                                                                              //clear to heat flag goes false (set)
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTemp High!",level,temperature);                                          //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank Temperature High Warning!\n\r",level,temperature);  //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                        //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            else if(tmphihi<=temperature){                                                          //critical state - critical volume detected, overflow risk - emergency dump
+                heatstir=0;                                                                         // input valve closed
+                ctr=0;                                                                              //clear to run flag goes false
+                cth=0;                                                                              //clear to heat flag goes false
+                ctf=0;                                                                              //clear to fill flag goes false - tool returned to start conditions
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nTemp Critical! Tank Dump",level,temperature);                                            //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Tank Overheated, Production Risk! Dumping Tank\n\r",level,temperature);  //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                                        //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                }
+            }
+            if(ctr==1){                                                                             //clearance given to run heater/stirrer
+               if(prod==1){                                                                         //when product arrives at station and triggers sensor
+                    tanklife-=prodtime;                                                             //chemical time is reduced by set amount of production time
+                    }
+                lcd.cls();                                                                          //LCD screen cleared
+                lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                    //LCD homed
+                lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f L\nTemp: %3.1f C\nChem Time: %3.1f Hrs",level,temperature,tanklife);                           //status to LCD
+                pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Remaining Chem hours: %3.1f\n\r",level,temperature,tanklife);    //status to pc
+                wait(1);                                                                                                                //clearance given to run heater/stirrer
+                   }
+                if(tanklife<=0){                                                                    //when usable lifespan of chemical expires
+                    ctr=0;                                                                          //clear to run flag goes false
+                    cth=0;                                                                          //clear to heat flag goes false
+                    ctf=0;                                                                          //clear to fill flag goes false
+                    sysrun=0;                                                                       //command to run production rescinded
+                    lcd.cls();                                                                      //LCD screen cleared
+                    lcd.locate(0,0);                                                                //LCD homed
+                    lcd.printf("Level: %2.1f\nTemp: %3.1f\nChem Time Over, Dump!",level,temperature);                                           //status to LCD
+                    pc.printf("Tank level: %2.1f, Tank temperature: %3.1f, Chemical time limit expired! Dumping Tank\n\r",level,temperature);   //status to pc
+                    wait(1);                                                                                                                    //pause for 1 second to prevent flood of data
+                    }
+        } // while loop end
+} // main end
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