acs bea hk together

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAE_vr3honeycomb1_christmas by green rosh

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00001 #include "ACS.h"
00002 #include "MPU3300.h"
00003 #include "pin_config.h"
00005 //PwmOut PWM1(PTD4);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
00006                         //PWM output comes from pins p6
00007 Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
00008 SPI spi_acs (PIN16, PIN17, PIN15); // mosi, miso, sclk  PTE18,19,17
00009 DigitalOut SSN_MAG (PTC16); // ssn for magnetometer PTB11
00010 DigitalInOut DRDY (PTE3); // drdy for magnetometer PTA17
00011 DigitalOut ssn_gyr (PTE2);         //Slave Select pin of gyroscope  PTB16
00012 InterruptIn dr(PTC6);       //Interrupt pin for gyro PTC5
00013 PwmOut PWM1(D2);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
00014 PwmOut PWM2(D3); 
00015 PwmOut PWM3(D4);                   //PWM output comes from pins p6
00016 Ticker tr;              //Ticker function to give values for limited amount of time for gyro
00017 Timeout tr_mag;
00018 uint8_t trflag_mag;
00019 uint8_t trFlag;         //ticker Flag for gyro
00020 uint8_t drFlag;         //data-ready interrupt flag for gyro
00022 //--------------------------------TORQUE ROD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00024 void FUNC_ACS_GENPWM(float M[3])
00025  {
00028      printf("\nEnterd PWMGEN function\n");
00029      float DCx = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
00030      float ix = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
00031      float timep = 0.02 ;  
00032      float Mx=M[0];            //Time period is set to 0.02s  
00033                              //Moment in x, y, z directions
00037         ix = Mx * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
00039         if( ix>0&& ix < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
00040          {
00041              DCx =  6*1000000*pow(ix,4) - 377291*pow(ix,3) + 4689.6*pow(ix,2) + 149.19*ix - 0.0008;
00042              PWM1.period(timep);
00043              PWM1 = DCx/100 ;
00044          }
00045         else if( ix >= 0.006&& ix < 0.0116)
00046          { 
00047             DCx = 1*100000000*pow(ix,4) - 5*1000000*pow(ix,3) + 62603*pow(ix,2) - 199.29*ix + 0.7648;
00048             PWM1.period(timep);
00049             PWM1 = DCx/100 ;             
00050          }
00051         else if (ix >= 0.0116&& ix < 0.0624)
00052          {
00054             DCx = 212444*pow(ix,4) - 33244*pow(ix,3) + 1778.4*pow(ix,2) + 120.91*ix + 0.3878;
00055             PWM1.period(timep);
00056             PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
00057          }
00058         else if(ix >= 0.0624&& ix < 0.555)
00059          {
00060             printf("\nACS entered if\n");
00061             DCx =  331.15*pow(ix,4) - 368.09*pow(ix,3) + 140.43*pow(ix,2) + 158.59*ix + 0.0338;
00062             PWM1.period(timep);
00063             PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
00064          }
00065          else if(ix==0)
00066          {
00067              DCx = 50;
00068             PWM1.period(timep);
00069             PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
00070          }
00071          else
00072          {
00073             // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
00074          } 
00076     printf("\n moment :%f\n",DCx);
00077     float DCy = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
00078      float iy = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
00080     float My=M[1];            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
00081                              //Moment in x, y, z directions
00084         iy = My * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
00086         if( iy>0&& iy < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
00087          {
00088              DCy =  6*1000000*pow(iy,4) - 377291*pow(iy,3) + 4689.6*pow(iy,2) + 149.19*iy - 0.0008;
00089              PWM2.period(timep);
00090              PWM2 = DCy/100 ;
00091          }
00092         else if( iy >= 0.006&& iy < 0.0116)
00093          { 
00094             DCy = 1*100000000*pow(iy,4) - 5*1000000*pow(iy,3) + 62603*pow(iy,2) - 199.29*iy + 0.7648;
00095             PWM2.period(timep);
00096             PWM2 = DCy/100 ;             
00097          }
00098         else if (iy >= 0.0116&& iy < 0.0624)
00099          {
00101             DCy = 212444*pow(iy,4) - 33244*pow(iy,3) + 1778.4*pow(iy,2) + 120.91*iy + 0.3878;
00102             PWM2.period(timep);
00103             PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
00104          }
00105         else if(iy >= 0.0624&& iy < 0.555)
00106          {
00107             printf("\nACS entered if\n");
00108             DCy =  331.15*pow(iy,4) - 368.09*pow(iy,3) + 140.43*pow(iy,2) + 158.59*iy + 0.0338;
00109             PWM2.period(timep);
00110             PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
00111          }
00112          else if(iy==0)
00113          {
00114              DCy = 0;
00115             PWM2.period(timep);
00116             PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
00117          }
00118          else
00119          {
00120             // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
00121          } 
00122     float DCz = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
00123      float iz = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
00125      float Mz=M[2];            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
00126                              //Moment in x, y, z directions
00129         iz = Mz * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
00131         if( iz>0&& iz < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
00132          {
00133              DCz =  6*1000000*pow(iz,4) - 377291*pow(iz,3) + 4689.6*pow(iz,2) + 149.19*iz - 0.0008;
00134              PWM3.period(timep);
00135              PWM3 = DCz/100 ;
00136          }
00137         else if( iz >= 0.006&& iz < 0.0116)
00138          { 
00139             DCz = 1*100000000*pow(iz,4) - 5*1000000*pow(iz,3) + 62603*pow(iz,2) - 199.29*iz + 0.7648;
00140             PWM3.period(timep);
00141             PWM3 = DCz/100 ;             
00142          }
00143         else if (iz >= 0.0116&& iz < 0.0624)
00144          {
00146             DCz = 212444*pow(iz,4) - 33244*pow(iz,3) + 1778.4*pow(iz,2) + 120.91*iz + 0.3878;
00147             PWM3.period(timep);
00148             PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
00149          }
00150         else if(iz >= 0.0624&& iz < 0.555)
00151          {
00152             printf("\nACS entered if\n");
00153             DCz =  331.15*pow(iz,4) - 368.09*pow(iz,3) + 140.43*pow(iz,2) + 158.59*iz + 0.0338;
00154             PWM3.period(timep);
00155             PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
00156          }
00157          else if(iz==0)
00158          {
00159              DCz = 0;
00160             PWM3.period(timep);
00161             PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
00162          }
00163          else
00164          {
00165             // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
00166          }    
00168 printf("\nExited PWMGEN function\n");
00169 }
00170 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00171 -------------------------------------------MAGNETOMETER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00173 void trsub_mag()
00174 {
00175   trflag_mag=0;
00176 } 
00178 void FUNC_ACS_MAG_INIT()
00179  {
00180   //DRDY.output();
00181   DRDY = 0;
00182   int a ;
00183   a=DRDY;
00184   printf("\n DRDY is %d\n",a);
00185   SSN_MAG=1;                                    //pin is disabled
00186   spi_acs.format(8,0);                         //   8bits,Mode 0
00187   spi_acs.frequency(100000);                   //clock frequency
00189   SSN_MAG=0;                                   // Selecting pin
00190   wait_ms(10);                            //accounts for delay.can be minimised.
00192   spi_acs.write(0x83);                      //
00194   wait_ms(10);              
00196   unsigned char i;
00197   for(i=0;i<3;i++)//initialising values.
00198       {
00199          spi_acs.write(0x00);              //MSB of X,y,Z
00200          spi_acs.write(0xc8);             //LSB of X,Y,z;pointer increases automatically.
00201         }
00202    SSN_MAG=1;
00204 }
00206 float* FUNC_ACS_MAG_EXEC()
00207 {
00208    //printf("\nEntered magnetometer function\n");
00209    //DRDY.output();
00210    DRDY.write(0);
00211    int a;
00212    a = DRDY;
00213    printf("\n DRDY is %d\n",a);
00214    SSN_MAG=0;                                //enabling slave to measure the values
00215    wait_ms(10);
00216    spi_acs.write(0x82);                     //initiates measurement
00217    wait_ms(10);
00218    spi_acs.write(0x01);                   //selecting x,y and z axes, measurement starts now
00219    SSN_MAG=1;
00220    wait_ms(10);
00222    trflag_mag=1;        
00223    tr_mag.attach(&trsub_mag,1);   //runs in background,makes trflag_mag=0 after 1s
00224    DRDY.input();
00225    while(trflag_mag)              /*initially flag is 1,so loop is executed,if DRDY is high,then data is retrieved and programme ends,else 
00226                                  loop runs for at the max 1s and if still DRDY is zero,the flag becomes 0 and loop is not executed and 
00227                                programme is terminated*/
00228   {
00229     wait_ms(5);
00230     if(DRDY==1)
00231     {
00232         printf("\nwth\n");
00233         SSN_MAG=0;
00234         spi_acs.write(0xc9);                  //command  byte for retrieving data
00236         unsigned char axis;
00237         float Bnewvalue[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
00238         int32_t Bvalue[3]={0,0,0}; 
00239         int32_t a= pow(2.0,24.0);
00240         int32_t b= pow(2.0,23.0);
00242         for(axis=0;axis<3;axis++)
00243         {
00244             Bvalue[axis]=spi_acs.write(0x00)<<16;    //MSB 1 is send first 
00245             wait_ms(10);
00246             Bvalue[axis]|=spi_acs.write(0x00)<<8;    //MSB 2 is send next
00247             wait_ms(10);
00248             Bvalue[axis]|=spi_acs.write(0x00);       //LSB is length is 24 bits(3*8bits)...which are appended to get actual bit configuration
00251             if((Bvalue[axis]&b)==b)              
00252             {
00253                 Bvalue[axis]=Bvalue[axis]-a;   //converting 2s complement to  signed decimal
00255             }
00256             Bnewvalue[axis]=(float)Bvalue[axis]*22.0*pow(10.0,-3.0);  //1 LSB=(22nT) value of field obtained in micro tesla
00258             wait_ms(10);
00259             printf("\t%lf\n",Bnewvalue[axis]);
00261         }
00262         SSN_MAG=1;
00263         /* for test only to removed */
00264         Bnewvalue[0]=Bnewvalue[1]=Bnewvalue[2]=100;
00265         return Bnewvalue;          //return here? doubt..
00266         break;
00267     }
00269  }
00271 } 
00272 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00273 -------------------------------------------CONTROL ALGORITHM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00275 float * FUNC_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float b[3],float omega[3])
00276 {
00277     float db[3]; /// inputs
00278 //initialization
00279     float bb[3] = {0, 0, 0};
00280     float d[3] = {0, 0, 0};
00281     float Jm[3][3] = {{0.2730, 0, 0}, {0, 0.3018, 0}, {0, 0, 0.3031}};
00282     float den = 0; 
00283     float den2;
00284     int i, j; //temporary variables
00285     float Mu[2], z[2], dv[2], v[2], u[2], tauc[3] = {0, 0, 0}; //outputs
00286     float invJm[3][3];
00287     float kmu2 = 0.07, gamma2 = 1.9e4, kz2 = 0.4e-2, kmu = 0.003, gamma = 5.6e4, kz = 0.1e-4;
00288     printf("Entered cntrl algo\n");
00289     //structure parameters
00291     void inverse (float mat[3][3], float inv[3][3]); 
00292     void getInput (float x[9]);
00293     //functions
00295 ////////// Input from Matlab //////////////
00296     while(1) 
00297     {
00299  /*getInput(inputs);
00300 //while(1)
00301  b[0] = inputs[0];
00302  b[1] = inputs[1];
00303  b[2] = inputs[2];
00304  db[0] = inputs[3];
00305  db[1] = inputs[4];
00306  db[2] = inputs[5]; 
00307  omega[0] = inputs[6];
00308  omega[1] = inputs[7];
00309  omega[2] = inputs[8];*/
00310 /////////// Control Algorithm //////////////////////
00311 // calculate norm b, norm db
00312         den = sqrt((b[0]*b[0]) + (b[1]*b[1]) + (b[2]*b[2]));
00313         den2 = (b[0]*db[0]) + (b[1]*db[1]) + (b[2]*db[2]);
00315         for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00316         {
00317             db[i] = (db[i]*den*den-b[i]*den2) / (pow(den,3));
00318 //db[i]/=den*den*den;
00319         }
00321         for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00322         {
00323             printf("\nreached here\n");
00324             if(den!=0)
00325                 //b[i]=b[i]/den;                                      //there is a problem here. The code gets stuck here.  Maf value is required 
00326                 ;
00327         }
00329 // select kz, kmu, gamma
00330         if(b[0]>0.9 || b[0]<-0.9)
00331         {
00332             kz = kz2;
00333             kmu = kmu2;
00334             gamma = gamma2;
00335         }
00336 // calculate Mu, v, dv, z, u
00337         for(i=0;i<2;i++)
00338         {
00339             Mu[i] = b[i+1];
00340             v[i] = -kmu*Mu[i];
00341             dv[i] = -kmu*db[i+1];
00342             z[i] = db[i+1] - v[i];
00343             u[i] = -kz*z[i] + dv[i]-(Mu[i] / gamma);
00344         }
00345         inverse(Jm, invJm);
00346 // calculate cross(omega,J*omega)for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00348         for(j=0;j<3;j++)
00349             bb[i] += omega[j]*(omega[(i+1)%3]*Jm[(i+2)%3][j] - omega[(i+2)%3]*Jm[(i+1)%3][j]);
00351 // calculate invJm*cross(omega,J*omega) store in d
00352         for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00353         {
00354             for(j=0;j<3;j++)
00355                 d[i] += bb[j]*invJm[i][j];
00356         }
00357 // calculate d = cross(invJm*cross(omega,J*omega),b) -cross(omega,db) 
00358 // bb =[0;u-d(2:3)] 
00359 // store in bb
00360         bb[1] = u[0] + (d[0]*b[2])-(d[2]*b[0])-(omega[0]*db[2]) + (omega[2]*db[0]);
00361         bb[2] = u[1]-(d[0]*b[1]) + (d[1]*b[0]) + (omega[0]*db[1])-(omega[1]*db[0]);
00362         bb[0] = 0;
00363 // calculate N 
00364 // reusing invJm as N
00366         for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00367         {
00368             d[i] = invJm[1][i];
00369             invJm[ 1][i] = b[2]*invJm[0][i] - b[0]*invJm[2][i];
00370             invJm[2][i] = -b[1]*invJm[0][i] + b[0]*d[i];
00371             invJm[0][i] = b[i];
00372         }
00373 // calculate inv(N) store in Jm
00374         inverse(invJm, Jm);
00375 // calculate tauc
00376         for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00377         {
00378             for(j=0;j<3;j++)
00379                 tauc[i] += Jm[i][j]*bb[j];
00380         }
00382         return(tauc);
00383     }
00384 }
00385 /////////// Output to Matlab //////////////////
00386 /* for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
00387  printf("%f\n",tauc[i]*10000000);
00388  wait_ms(10);
00389  }
00390  }
00392 }*/
00393  void inverse(float mat[3][3], float inv[3][3])
00394 {
00395 int i, j;
00396 float det = 0;
00397 for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00398 { for(j=0;j<3;j++)
00399 inv[j][i] = (mat[(i+1)%3][(j+1)%3]*mat[(i+2)%3][(j+2)%3]) - (mat[(i+2)%3]
00400 [(j+1)%3]*mat[(i+1)%3][(j+2)%3]);
00401 }
00402 det += (mat[0][0]*inv[0][0]) + (mat[0][1]*inv[1][0]) + (mat[0][2]*inv[2][0]);
00403 for(i=0;i<3;i++)
00404 { for(j=0;j<3;j++)
00405 inv[i][j] /= det;
00406 }
00407 }/*
00408 void getInput (float x[9]) {
00409          //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
00410                         //PWM output comes from pins p6
00411 Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
00412  char c[10];
00413  char tempchar[8];
00414  int i, j;
00415  //float f[9];
00416  long n = 0;
00417  float flval = 0;
00418  for(j=0;j<9;j++) {
00419  for(i=0;i<9;i++) {
00420  c[i] = pc1.getc(); if(i<8) {
00421  tempchar[i] = c[i];
00422  }
00423  }
00424  sscanf (tempchar, "%8x", &n);
00425  memcpy(&flval, &n, sizeof(long));
00426  printf("%f\n", flval);
00427  x[j] = flval;
00428  }
00429 }*/
00431 void trSub();               
00432 void drSub(); 
00433 void init_gyro();       
00434 float * FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR();
00436 void drSub()            //In this function we setting data-ready flag to 1              
00437 {
00438     drFlag=1;
00439 }
00440 void trSub()                    //In this function we are setting ticker flag to 0
00441 {
00442     trFlag=0;
00443 }
00444 void FUNC_ACS_INIT_GYR()
00445 {
00446     uint8_t response;               
00447     ssn_gyr=1;                  //Deselecting the chip 
00448     spi_acs.format(8,0);                // Spi format is 8 bits, and clock mode 3 
00449     spi_acs.frequency(1000000);     //frequency to be set as 1MHz
00450     drFlag=0;                   //Intially defining data-ready flag to be 0 
00451     dr.mode(PullDown);          
00452     dr.rise(&drSub);
00453     __disable_irq();
00455 /*Following the above mentioned algorithm for initializing the register and changing its configuration*/
00456     ssn_gyr=0;                      //Selecting chip(Mpu-3300)
00457     spi_acs.write(USER_CTRL|READFLAG);   //sending USER_CTRL address with read bit
00458     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);   //sending dummy bit to get default values of the register
00460     ssn_gyr=1;                  //Deselecting the chip  
00461     wait(0.1);                  //waiting according the product specifications 
00463     ssn_gyr=0;                  //again selecting the chip  
00464     spi_acs.write(USER_CTRL);           //sending USER_CTRL address without read bit 
00465     spi_acs.write(response|BIT_I2C_IF_DIS);  //disabling the I2C mode in the register
00466     ssn_gyr=1;                  //deselecting the chip 
00467     wait(0.1);                  // waiting for 100ms before going for another register 
00469     ssn_gyr=0;
00470     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //Power Management register-1 
00471     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
00472     ssn_gyr=1;
00473     wait(0.1);
00475     ssn_gyr=0;
00476     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1);
00477     response=spi_acs.write(response|BIT_CLKSEL_X);  //Selecting the X axis gyroscope as clock as mentioned above 
00478     ssn_gyr=1;                          
00479     wait(0.1);
00481     ssn_gyr=0;
00482     spi_acs.write(GYRO_CONFIG|READFLAG); //sending GYRO_CONFIG address with read bit
00483     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
00484     ssn_gyr=1;
00485     wait(0.1);
00487     ssn_gyr=0;
00488     spi_acs.write(GYRO_CONFIG); //sending GYRO_CONFIG address to write to register
00489     spi_acs.write(response&(~(BITS_FS_SEL_3|BITS_FS_SEL_4))); //selecting a full scale mode of +/=225 deg/sec
00490     ssn_gyr=1;
00491     wait(0.1);
00493     ssn_gyr=0;
00494     spi_acs.write(CONFIG|READFLAG); //sending CONFIG address with read bit
00495     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
00496     ssn_gyr=1;
00497     wait(0.1);
00499     ssn_gyr=0;
00500     spi_acs.write(CONFIG); //sending CONFIG address to write to register
00501     spi_acs.write(response|BITS_DLPF_CFG); //selecting a bandwidth of 42 hz and delay of 4.8ms
00502     ssn_gyr=1;
00503     wait(0.1);
00505     ssn_gyr=0;
00506     spi_acs.write(SMPLRT_DIV|READFLAG); //sending SMPLRT_DIV address with read bit
00507     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
00508     ssn_gyr=1;
00509     wait(0.1);
00511     ssn_gyr=0;
00512     spi_acs.write(SMPLRT_DIV); //sending SMPLRT_DIV address to write to register
00513     spi_acs.write(response&BITS_SMPLRT_DIV); //setting the sampling rate division to be 0 to make sample rate = gyroscopic output rate
00514     ssn_gyr=1;
00515     wait(0.1);
00517     ssn_gyr=0;
00518     spi_acs.write(INT_ENABLE|READFLAG);       //sending address of INT_ENABLE with readflag
00519     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);              //sending dummy byte to get the default values of the
00520                                                                           // regiser
00521     ssn_gyr=1;   
00522     wait(0.1);
00524     ssn_gyr=0;
00525     spi_acs.write(INT_ENABLE);                           //sending INT_ENABLE address to write to register
00526     spi_acs.write(response|BIT_DATA_RDY_ENABLE);  //Enbling data ready interrupt
00527     ssn_gyr=1;
00528     wait(0.1);
00530     __enable_irq();
00531 }
00533 float * FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR()
00534 {
00535     printf("\nEntered gyro\n");
00536     uint8_t response;
00537     uint8_t MSB,LSB;
00538     int16_t bit_data;
00539     float data[3],error[3]={0,0,0}; //declaring error array to add to the values when required
00540     float senstivity = 145.6;     //senstivity is 145.6 for full scale mode of +/-225 deg/sec
00541     ssn_gyr=0;
00542     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //sending address of INT_ENABLE with readflag
00543     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //
00544     ssn_gyr=1;
00545     wait(0.1);
00547     ssn_gyr=0;
00548     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1); //sending PWR_MGMT_1 address to write to register
00549     response=spi_acs.write(response&(~(BIT_SLEEP))); //waking up the gyroscope from sleep
00550     ssn_gyr=1;
00551     wait(0.1);
00553     trFlag=1;
00554     tr.attach(&trSub,1); //executes the function trSub afer 1sec
00556     while(trFlag)
00557     {
00558         wait_ms(5);   //This is required for this while loop to exit. I don't know why.
00559         if(drFlag==1)
00560         {
00561             ssn_gyr=0;
00562             spi_acs.write(GYRO_XOUT_H|READFLAG); //sending address of PWR_MGMT_1 with readflag
00563             for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
00564             {
00565                 MSB = spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //reading the MSB values of x,y and z respectively
00566                 LSB = spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //reading the LSB values of x,y and z respectively
00567                 bit_data= ((int16_t)MSB<<8)|LSB; //concatenating to get 16 bit 2's complement of the required gyroscope values
00568                 data[i]=(float)bit_data;
00569                 data[i]=data[i]/senstivity; //dividing with senstivity to get the readings in deg/sec
00570                 data[i]+=error[i]; //adding with error to remove offset errors
00571             }
00572             ssn_gyr=1;      
00573             for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
00574             {
00575                 printf("%f\t",data[i]); //printing the angular velocity values
00576             }
00577             printf("\n");
00578             break;
00579         }
00580             drFlag=0;
00581     }
00582     ssn_gyr=0;
00583     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //sending address of PWR_MGMT_1 with readflag
00584     response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
00585     ssn_gyr=1;
00586     wait(0.1);
00588     ssn_gyr=0;
00589     spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1); //sending PWR_MGMT_1 address to write to register
00590     response=spi_acs.write(response|BIT_SLEEP); //setting the gyroscope in sleep mode
00591     ssn_gyr=1;
00592     wait(0.1);
00593     printf("\nExited gyro\n");
00594     return data;
00595 }