Interior CAN bus monitoring of Dodge/Chrysler vehicles

Dependencies:   mbed

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Tue Feb 01 20:21:48 2011 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 5f0cd7bd1389 -r d8284a72815e main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jan 31 05:10:57 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 01 20:21:48 2011 +0000
@@ -1,136 +1,133 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "CAN.h"
-Ticker ticker;
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx   default settings (9600 8N1)
-// CAN_RS pin at Philips PCA82C250 can bus controller.
-// activate transceiver by pulling this pin to GND.
-// (Rise and fall slope controlled by resistor R_s)
-// (+5V result in tranceiver standby mode)
-// For further information see datasheet page 4
-DigitalOut can_Pca82c250SlopePin(p28);
+CAN can1(p9, p10);      // CAN1 uses pins 9 and 10 (tx, rx)
+CAN can2(p30, p29);     // CAN2 uses pins 30 and 29 (tx, rx)
-// second can controller on these pins. Not used here.
-// CAN can1(p9, p10);
-// We use can on mbed pins 29(CAN_TXD) and 30(CAN_RXD).
-CAN can2(p30, p29);
-CAN can1(p9, p10);
+DigitalOut can1_SleepMode(p11);     // Use pin 11 to control the sleep mode of can1
+DigitalOut can2_SleepMode(p28);     // Use pin 28 to control the sleep mode of can2
-char counter = 0;
-bool sendme = false;
 CANMessage can_MsgTx;
 CANMessage can_MsgRx;
 char msg[14];
+char counter = 0;
 int main()
-    pc.baud(115200);
-//    pc.printf("Starting CAN Monitor\r\n");
+    pc.baud(115200);        // change serial interface to pc to 115200, 8N1
-    can1.frequency(500000);
+    can1.frequency(500000);     // many frequencies are supported
-    LPC_CAN2->BTR = 0x52001C;
-//    pc.printf("CAN Freq = 0x%08x\r\n", LPC_CAN2->BTR);
+    can2.frequency(83000);      // last time I checked 83000 was not, so....
+    LPC_CAN2->BTR = 0x52001C;   // I had to manually change the "registers" that control the frequency
+                                // the registers are coded weird, so mbed tried to hide that
+                                // so usually you only need to issue the can2.frequency() command
-    // activate external can transceiver
-    can_Pca82c250SlopePin = 0;
-    // every 500ms
-//    ticker.attach(&send, 0.5);
-    /// create message object for message reception
+    can1_SleepMode = 0;         // Set the Sleep Mode to 0 or low or false... this makes sure the transceiver is on
+    can2_SleepMode = 0;         // Set the Sleep Mode to 0 or low or false... this makes sure the transceiver is on
     while (1)
-        // send received messages to the pc via serial line (9k6, 8n1)
+        // send received messages to the pc via serial line
         if (
-            // sync
+            // When sending a message to the PC, send a couple of sync bytes so that when the PC looks, it finds the start of a message
+            // putc will write a character/byte to the pc, getc reads a character/byte from the pc
-            // data
-            pc.putc(( & 0xff00) >> 8);
-            pc.putc(( & 0x00ff));
-            pc.putc(can_MsgRx.len);
+            // Now, start sending the data of the message
+            // The id is 2 bytes long, so I have to break it up
+            pc.putc(( & 0xff00) >> 8);      // select the first byte... and write it
+            pc.putc(( & 0x00ff));           // select the second byte... and write it
+            pc.putc(can_MsgRx.len);                     // send the length of the can message
             for (int i = 0; i < can_MsgRx.len; i++)
-                pc.putc([i]);
+                pc.putc([i]);             // send each of the bytes... from the first byte to the last byte.
             // any incoming message: toggle led2
             led2 = !led2;
+        // send received messages to the pc via serial line
         if (
-            // sync
+            // When sending a message to the PC, send a couple of sync bytes so that when the PC looks, it finds the start of a message
+            // putc will write a character/byte to the pc, getc reads a character/byte from the pc
-            // data
-            pc.putc(( & 0xff00) >> 8);
-            pc.putc(( & 0x00ff));
-            pc.putc(can_MsgRx.len);
+            // Now, start sending the data of the message
+            // The id is 2 bytes long, so I have to break it up
+            pc.putc(( & 0xff00) >> 8);      // select the first byte... and write it
+            pc.putc(( & 0x00ff));           // select the second byte... and write it
+            pc.putc(can_MsgRx.len);                     // send the length of the can message
             for (int i = 0; i < can_MsgRx.len; i++)
-                pc.putc([i]);
+                pc.putc([i]);             // send each of the bytes... from the first byte to the last byte.
-            // any incoming message: toggle led2
+            // any incoming message: toggle led3
             led3 = !led3;
+        // repeat this section of code if there is any bytes coming from the PC
         while (pc.readable())
-            msg[counter] = pc.getc();
-            counter++;
+            msg[counter] = pc.getc();       // read the byte from the pc, and put it into a buffer at the next available position
+            counter++;                      // update the next available position
-            if (counter == 14)
+            if (counter == 14)              // if we received a full message (14 bytes) from the PC, then break out of the loop
-            if (counter == 3)
+            if (counter == 3)       // if we have received the first 3 bytes, check to see if they are the sync
                 if ((msg[0] != 0xff) || (msg[1] != 0x00) || (msg[2] != 0xff))
-                    counter = 0;
-                    msg[0] = msg[1];
+                    counter = 2;            // if they aren't the sync, skip the first byte by...
+                    msg[0] = msg[1];        // moving the second and third bytes into the first and second spots
                     msg[1] = msg[2];
+            // Only stop repeating if all 14 bytes have been received from the pc, or if the pc isn't sending any more bytes
+        // So... if the pc sent a full message
         if (counter > 13)
-            counter = 0;
-            sendme = false;
+            counter = 0;        // reset the buffer
+            // doublecheck to see if the sync was in the pc message
             if ((msg[0] == 0xff) && (msg[1] == 0x00) && (msg[2] == 0xff))
-                char temp[14];
-                memcpy(temp, msg, 14);
-                memset(msg, 0, 14);    
-       = (((short)temp[3]) << 8) + temp[4];
-                can_MsgTx.len = temp[5];
-                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+                // Start filling in the data into the can tx message...
+       = (((short)msg[3]) << 8) + msg[4];     // make the id from the 2 bytes
+                can_MsgTx.len = msg[5];                             // set the size of the message
+                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)                         // fill in all 8 bytes
-          [i] = temp[6 + i];
+          [i] = msg[6 + i];                 // make sure to use the right bytes offset from the start
-                //send the message
-                led1 = !led1;
-                can2.write(can_MsgTx);
+                led1 = !led1;           // toggle the led to show that we sending a can message on the second CAN transceiver
+                can2.write(can_MsgTx);  //send the message
+                memset(msg, 0, 14);    // clear out the pc interface's buffer