Trying i2c LCD using TextLCD library

Fork of TextLCD by Wim Huiskamp

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
TextLCDCreate a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
TextLCD_BaseA TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit HD44780-based LCDs
TextLCD_I2CCreate a TextLCD interface using an I2C PCF8574 (or PCF8574A) or MCP23008 portexpander
TextLCD_I2C_NCreate a TextLCD interface using a controller with native I2C interface
TextLCD_SPICreate a TextLCD interface using an SPI 74595 portexpander
TextLCD_SPI_NCreate a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI4 interface
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 10 bits interface Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 10 bit mode for NXP platforms
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_16Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 16 bits interface
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_24Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 24 bits interface Note: lib uses SPI 8 bit mode
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_8Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 8 bits interface This mode is supported by ST7070
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native SPI3 9 bits interface Note: current mbed libs only support SPI 9 bit mode for NXP platforms