The FollowMeBot follows the user based on the color of his or her shirt. The device hosts a webcam on a servo to find the object and orient the robot. The color is chosen through the user interface with push buttons. Currently, the MATLAB code supports red and green detection. The purpose of FollowMeBot is to be able to follow the user in order to be helpful for daily tasks.

Dependencies:   Rectangle Servo TextLCD mbed

Fork of FollowMeBot3 by Rahul Shetty

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "iRobot.h"
00003 #include "Servo.h"
00004 #include "Rectangle.h"
00005 #include "TextLCD.h"
00007 // Macros/Constants
00008 #define MAX_VIEW_X 640 // maximum X value input from camera
00009 #define MAX_VIEW_Y 480 // maximum Y value input from camera
00010 //#define MAX_VIEW_X 1600 //maximum X value input from camera
00011 //#define MAX_VIEW_Y 1200 // maximum Y value input from camera
00012 #define CENTER_BOX_TOLLERANCE 100 // Size of our box
00013 #define TO_SERVO_DIVISOR 4000.0 // Value to divide by to get the amount to move the servo by
00014 #define NO_COLOR_MAX_COUNT 5
00015 #define COLLISION_DIST .5
00016 #define BLOB_CLOSE_DIST 120000
00017 #define SERVO_HOME .5
00018 #define SERVO_HOME_TOL .2
00019 #define SPEED_CONST 65535 // Used with the blob area to determine how fast the robot should move toward the target
00020 #define GREEN 0
00021 #define RED 1
00023 // Hardware sensors and devices
00024 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00025 DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
00026 DigitalIn colorPB(p30);
00027 DigitalOut greenLED(p29);
00028 DigitalOut redLED(p28);
00029 iRobot followMeBot(p9, p10);
00030 Servo servoHor(p22);
00031 Servo servoVer(p21);
00032 AnalogIn irSensorFront(p15);
00033 //AnalogIn irSensorLeft(p19);
00034 //AnalogIn irSensorRight(p18);
00035 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00036 TextLCD lcd(p14, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20); // rs, e, d4-d7
00038 //float irVal = irSensorFront;
00040 float irVal;
00042 // Software variables
00043 char serial_rx_buffer[256]; // Input buffer for data from the PC
00044 int xpos, ypos, blobArea; // x and y positions read from matlab
00046                     (MAX_VIEW_X/2)+CENTER_BOX_TOLLERANCE,(MAX_VIEW_Y/2)+CENTER_BOX_TOLLERANCE); // Creates a box to examine if the camera is well enough centered
00047 int noColorCounter; // Counts how long it has been since we have seen a color to follow
00048 bool colorLost = true; // boolean to represent if the color is confirmed "lost" (aka noColorCounter > NO_COLOR_MAX_COUNT)
00050 // Function Prototypes
00051 void getXYpos();
00052 float moveCamera();
00053 void moveBot();
00054 int servoIsInHome();
00055 void changeColor();
00056 char color = 0;
00057 int PBPast;
00059 int main()
00060 {
00061     followMeBot.start();
00062     servoHor = .5;
00063    // pc.printf("%d\n", GREEN);
00065     while(1) {
00066         getXYpos();
00067         moveBot();
00068         changeColor();
00069     }
00070 }
00072 /**
00073 *   Moves the servo to move the camera based upon where the
00074 *   color is located on the reported x and y
00075 *
00076 */
00077 float moveCamera()
00078 {
00079     /*lcd.cls();
00080     lcd.locate(0,0);
00081   lcd.printf("%d;%d;%f", xpos, ypos,;*/
00082     float temp = 0;
00083     if(xpos == 0) { // If we recieve a 0 for the location
00084         if(!colorLost && (++noColorCounter > NO_COLOR_MAX_COUNT)) { // Check to see if we have seen enough to consider the color lost
00085 //            servoHor = .5; // If the color is lost, return servo to home
00086             colorLost = true; // Set colorLost to true
00087             noColorCounter = 0; // Reset counter
00088         }
00089     } else if(!centerBox.is_touch(xpos, (MAX_VIEW_Y/2))) { // If we have a location
00090         noColorCounter = 0; // Reset counter
00091         colorLost = false; // We have found the color!
00092         temp = - (centerBox.getCenterX() - xpos)/TO_SERVO_DIVISOR; // Calculate location to move servo to
00095         if(temp > 0 && temp <= 1) { // If the value is within the servo range
00096             servoHor = temp; // Set the servo equal to the position
00097             // lcd.locate(0,0);
00098             // lcd.printf("hello\n");
00100             //sprintf(serial_rx_buffer, "%f\n", temp);
00101         }
00102         /*temp = + ((float)centerBox.getCenterY() - (float)ypos)/TO_SERVO_DIVISOR;
00103         if(temp > 0 && temp <= 1) {
00104             servoVer = temp;
00105         }*/
00106     }
00107     //pc.puts(serial_rx_buffer);
00109     return temp; // return the servo position
00110 }
00112 // Will return the number of degrees to turn the irobot by
00113 void getXYpos()
00114 {
00115     char * temp;
00116     const char del = ';';
00117     if(pc.readable()) { // See if matlab has data for us
00118         myled = 1;
00119         pc.gets(serial_rx_buffer, 256); // Get position data
00120         //pc.puts(serial_rx_buffer);
00121         temp = strtok(serial_rx_buffer, &del);
00122         xpos = atoi(temp); // Convert data to xposition int
00123         temp = strtok(NULL, &del);
00124         ypos = atoi(temp);
00125         temp = strtok(NULL, &del);
00126         blobArea = atoi(temp);
00127         moveCamera(); // Move the camera
00128     } else {
00129         myled = 0;
00130     }
00131     //lcd.locate(0,0);
00132     //lcd.printf("x: %d y: %d", xpos, ypos);
00134     //float irVal = irSensorFront;
00135     lcd.locate(0,0);
00136     lcd.printf("irVal: %f", irVal);
00137     lcd.locate(0,1);
00138     lcd.printf("blob: %d", blobArea);
00139 }
00141 void moveBot()
00142 {
00143     irVal = irSensorFront;      
00145     //
00146     // colorLost = false;
00148     lcd.locate(0,1);
00149     if(!colorLost) {
00150         // if(irVal > COLLISION_DIST && blobArea > BLOB_CLOSE_DIST) {
00151         //followMeBot.stop();
00152         //  lcd.printf("stop");
00153         //} else if(servoIsInHome() > 0) {
00154         if(servoIsInHome() > 0) {
00155             //if( > .7) {
00156             //servoHor = servoHor - .1;
00157             //lcd.printf("right");
00158             followMeBot.right();
00159         } else if(servoIsInHome() < 0) {
00160             //} else if( < .3) {
00162             //servoHor = servoHor + .1;
00163             //lcd.printf("left");
00164             followMeBot.left();
00166         } else if(servoIsInHome() == 0) {//n
00168             if (irVal < COLLISION_DIST) {
00169             //if (blobArea < 180000) {              //just testing          aaaaaa
00170                 //lcd.cls();
00171                 //lcd.printf("forward: %f", irVal);
00172                 followMeBot.forward();
00173             }
00174             else {
00175                 followMeBot.stop();
00176                 lcd.cls();
00177                 //lcd.locate(0,0);
00178                //lcd.printf("blobArea: %d ", blobArea);
00179                 //wait(1);
00180                // lcd.printf("stop: %f ", irVal);
00181             } 
00183             /*
00184             //followMeBot.changeSpeed(SPEED_CONST/(blobArea/100));
00185             followMeBot.stop();
00186             lcd.printf("for sp: %d", (SPEED_CONST/(blobArea/100)));*/
00187         }
00188     } else {
00189         //lcd.printf("Color Lost");
00190         followMeBot.left();
00191       //  followMeBot.stop();//n
00192        // followMeBot.right();
00193     }
00195 }
00197 int servoIsInHome()
00198 {
00199     if( > SERVO_HOME + SERVO_HOME_TOL) {
00200         return 1;
00201     } else if( < SERVO_HOME - SERVO_HOME_TOL) {
00202         return -1;
00203     } else {
00204         return 0;
00205     }
00206 }
00208 void changeColor(){
00209     int PBval = colorPB;
00210     if(PBval != PBPast && PBval == 1){
00211         color = !color;
00212         if(color == GREEN){
00213             greenLED = 1;
00214             redLED = 0;
00215         }
00216         else{
00217             greenLED = 0;
00218             redLED = 1;        
00219         }
00220             pc.printf("%d\n", color);
00221             servoHor = SERVO_HOME;
00222     }
00223     PBPast = PBval;
00224 }