Two player imu pong

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE IMUfilter LSM9DS0 PinDetect mbed

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00001 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
00003 class Paddle 
00004 {
00005 public:
00006     // Constructors
00007     Paddle(int, int);
00008     Paddle(int, int, int, int);
00009     // Set Functions
00010     void setLength(int);
00011     void setWidth(int);
00012     void setPaddleMove(int);  
00013     void setLimits(int, int); // upper and lower limits of the paddle
00014     // Get Function
00015     int getScore();
00016     // Member Functions
00017     void movePaddle(bool); // moves the paddle locations (does not draw!)
00018     bool checkHitX(int, int, int, bool); // Using a position and radius, checks to see if something has hit the paddle in the x direction. The bool is to determine if it is the left or right paddle
00019     bool checkHitY(int, int, int); // Using a position and radius, checks to see if something has hit the paddle in the y direction
00020     void resetScore(); // sets score to 0
00021     void initDraw(uLCD_4DGL *uLCD); // draw the paddle initially (draws the whole thing)
00022     void redraw(uLCD_4DGL *uLCD); // draws the paddle for a move (does NOT draw the whole thing)
00025 private:
00026     // Data members are suggestions, feel free to add/remove
00027     int score;
00028     int x;
00029     int y;
00030     int oldy;
00031     int length;
00032     int width;
00033     int paddleMove;
00034     int topLimit;
00035     int bottomLimit;
00036 };