
Dependents:   DuckLights

Fork of TLC5940 by Spencer Davis



File content as of revision 4:ab6b451bbf40:

#ifndef TLC5955_H
#define TLC5955_H

//#include "FastPWM.h"
#include "mbed.h"

#define CHANNELS_PER_IC  16
#define NUMBER_OF_ICS 3
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

// slow this down 10x for testing
//#define SEQUENCER_RATE 0.5f
//#define SEQUENCER_RATE 0.025f
#define SEQUENCER_RATE 0.030f

  * SPI speed used by the mbed to communicate with the TLC5955
  * The TLC5955 supports up to 30Mhz. This should be kept as high
  * as possible to ensure that data has time to be sent each reset cycle.
  // 4Mhz is fastest supported rate on nRF51
#define SPI_SPEED 4000000

void rebuildGammaTables(uint8_t amplitude);

  *  This class controls a TLC5955 PWM driver IC.
  *  It supports sending dot correction and grayscale data. However, it does not support error checking or writing the EEPROM.
  *  After
  *  4096 pulses, the private member funciton reset is called by the ticker. It resets the display by pulsing the BLANK pin. If new
  *  data has been set to be sent by the functions setNewGSData or setNewDCData, it is sent here. The definition GSCLK_SPEED in TLC5955.h
  *  controls how often this function is called. A higher GSCLK_SPEED will increase the rate at which the screen is updated but also increase
  *  CPU time spent in that function. The default value is 1Mhz. The rate at which the reset function is called can be calculated by: 
  *  (1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096.
class TLC5955

    typedef enum
        I_3_2_MA = 0,
        I_8_0_MA = 1,
        I_11_2_MA = 2,
        I_15_9_MA = 3,
        I_19_1_MA = 4,
        I_23_9_MA = 5,
        I_27_1_MA = 6,
        I_31_9_MA = 7
    } led_power_t;

      *  Set up the TLC5955
      *  @param SCLK - The SCK pin of the SPI bus
      *  @param MOSI - The MOSI pin of the SPI bus
      *  @param GSCLK - The GSCLK pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param BLANK - The BLANK pin of the TLC5955(s)  <- REMOVE
      *  @param XLAT - The XLAT pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param DCPRG - The DCPRG pin of the TLC5955(s)  <- REMOVE
      *  @param VPRG - The VPRG pin of the TLC5955(s) <- REMOVE
      *  @param number - The number of TLC5955s (if you are daisy chaining)
    TLC5955(PinName SCLK, PinName MOSI, PinName GSCLK, 
            PinName XLAT, const int number = 1);

    void setChannel(int channelNum, unsigned short red, unsigned short green, unsigned short blue);
    void latchData();
      *  Set the next chunk of grayscale data to be sent
      *  @param data - Array of 16 bit shorts containing 16 12 bit grayscale data chunks per TLC5955
      *  @note These must be in intervals of at least (1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096 to be sent
    void setNewGSData(unsigned short* data);

      *  Set the next chunk of dot correction data to be sent
      *  @param data - Array of 8 bit chars containing 16 6 bit dot correction data chunks per TLC5955
      *  @note These must be in intervals of at least (1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096 to be sent. Also, this function is optional. If you do not
      *  use it, then the TLC5955 will use the EEPROM, which (by default) conatins the data 0x3F.
void setNewControlData(unsigned short _globalBrightnessRed, unsigned short _globalBrightnessGreen, unsigned short _globalBrightnessBlue,
                                led_power_t _maximumCurrentRed, led_power_t _maximumCurrentGreen, led_power_t _maximumCurrentBlue, 
                                unsigned short* _dotCorrect);
    void clockOutData();
    void clearBit (unsigned short* value, int bitOffset); 
    void setBit (unsigned short* value, int bitOffset); 
    void packBit(unsigned int aBit);
    void packByte (unsigned int aByte);
    void packShort (unsigned int aShort);
      *  Set the next chunk of grayscale data to be sent while in the current reset cycle
      *  @note This is useful to send the next set of data right after the first is finished being displayed.
      *  The primary purpose for this is multiplexing, although it could be used for anything else.
    virtual void setNextData() {}

    // Number of TLC5955s in series
    const int number;


    // SPI port - only MOSI and SCK are used
    SPI spi;

    // PWM output
    DigitalOut gsclk;

    // Digital out pins used for the TLC5955
    DigitalOut xlat;

    // Call a reset function to manage sending data and GSCLK updating
    Ticker reset_ticker;

    int currentBitLocation;
    // Has new GS/Control data been loaded?
    volatile bool newGSData;
    volatile bool newControlData;

    // Do we need to send an XLAT pulse? (Was GS data clocked in last reset?)
    volatile bool need_xlat;

    // Buffer to store data until it is sent
    unsigned short gsBuffer[(SHORTS_PER_CHANNEL * CHANNELS_PER_IC * NUMBER_OF_ICS) + 1];  // one extra word to fit the MSB control bit. Extra bits will be clocked out.

    unsigned short internalData[SHORTS_PER_CHANNEL * CHANNELS_PER_IC * NUMBER_OF_ICS]; // internal data storage for use by per-channel setting function
    unsigned short globalBrightnessRed;
    unsigned short globalBrightnessGreen;
    unsigned short globalBrightnessBlue;
    unsigned short maximumCurrentRed;
    unsigned short maximumCurrentGreen; 
    unsigned short maximumCurrentBlue;
    unsigned short* dotCorrect;
    // Function to reset the display and send the next chunks of data
    void reset();

  *  This class allows a TLC5955 to be multiplexed.
  *  It inherits the TLC5955 class and uses it to control the TLC5955 driver(s). It does not support sending dot corection data.
  *  This class sets the new grayscale data every iteration of the GSCLK reset loop. It then updates the current row using the
  *  user defined function SetRows. The framerate you will recieve using this function can be calculate by: 1 / (((1/GSCLK_SPEED) * 4096) * rows).
  *  I reccomend maintaining a framerate above 30fps. However, keep in mind that as your framerate increases, so does your CPU usage.
  *  Using the TLC5955Mux class to control an 8x8 LED matrix:
  *  @code
  *  #include "mbed.h"
  *  #include "TLC5955.h"
  *  // Bus connecting to the rows of the LED matrix through PNP transistors
  *  BusOut rows(p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29);
  *  // Function to update the rows using the BusOut class
  *  void SetRows(int nextRow)
  *  {
  *      // I am using PNP transistors, so inversion is necessary
  *      rows = ~(1 << nextRow);
  *  }
  *  // Create the TLC5955Mux instance
  *  TLC5955Mux tlc(p7, p5, p21, p9, p10, p11, p12, 1, 8, &SetRows);
  *  int main()
  *  {   
  *      tlc[0][0] = 0xFFF; // Turn on the top left LED
  *      while(1)
  *      {
  *      }
  *  }
  *  @endcode
class TLC5955Mux : private TLC5955
      *  Set up the TLC5955
      *  @param SCLK - The SCK pin of the SPI bus
      *  @param MOSI - The MOSI pin of the SPI bus
      *  @param GSCLK - The GSCLK pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param BLANK - The BLANK pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param XLAT - The XLAT pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param DCPRG - The DCPRG pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param VPRG - The VPRG pin of the TLC5955(s)
      *  @param number - The number of TLC5955s (if you are daisy chaining)
      *  @param rows - The number of rows you are multiplexing
      *  @param SetRows - The function pointer to your function that sets the current row. 
      *  @note The SetRows function allows you to set exactly how you want your rows 
      *  to be updated. The TLC5955Mux class calls this function with an argument of int that contains the number of the row to 
      *  be turned on. If the TLC5955Mux class needs the first row to be turned on, the int will be 0.
    TLC5955Mux(PinName SCLK, PinName MOSI, PinName GSCLK,
               PinName XLAT, const int number,
               const int rows, void (*SetRows)(int));
    // Destructor used to delete memory        

      *  Set the contents of the buffer that contains the multiplexed data
      *  @param data - The data to set to the buffer containing 16 12 bit grayscale data chunks per TLC5955
      *  @returns The data provided
    unsigned short* operator=(unsigned short* data);
      *  Get a pointer to one of the rows of the multiplexed data
      *  @param index - The row that you would like the contents of
      *  @returns A pointer to the data containing the requested row containing 16 12 bit grayscale data chunks per TLC5955
      *  @note This operator can also be used to change or get the value of an individual LED.
      *  For example:
      *  @code
      *  TLC5955Mux[0][0] = 0xFFF;
      *  @endcode
    unsigned short* operator[](int index);
    // Virtual function overriden from TLC5955 class
    virtual void setNextData();
    // Number of rows
    const int rows;

    // Function to set the current row
    void (*SetRows)(int);

    // The current row
    volatile int currentIndex;
