Routines to drive a chain of APA102 Leds.

Dependents:   FRDM-K46Z_APA102

Fork of APA102a by Joel Rosiene

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00001 #ifndef MBED_APA102a_H
00003 #define MBED_APA102a_H
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00009 /** Create an APA102 Object 
00010     */ 
00011  class APA102a{
00012   public:
00013 /** Create an APA102 object connected to the specified mosi,miso,sclk pins
00014     *
00015     * @param mosi : SPI Master Out Slave In pin
00016     * @param miso : SPI Master In Slave Out pin (ignored)
00017     * @param sclk : SPI Clock
00018     * @param rate : SPI Rate
00019     */
00020      APA102a(PinName mosi,PinName miso,PinName sclk,int rate);
00022 /** Set the Buffer
00023      *
00024      * @param buffer[] : a buffer of unsigned integers (4 bytes) *Rows*Stride in size
00025      * @param Rows     : Number of Rows
00026      * @param Cols     : Number of Columns
00027      * @param Stride   : The actual number of columns (useful for data alignment)
00028      * @param Offset   : The offset into a row
00029      * @param ZigZag   : A boolean, do we alternate count up/ count down per row?
00030      * @param Wrap     : A boolean, do we wrap if (Offset+Cols) > Stride? (handy for scrolling messages)
00031      */
00032      void SetBuffer(unsigned int Buffer[],int Rows,int Cols, int Stride,int Offset, bool ZigZag,bool Wrap); 
00034 /** Repaint the Strip
00035      *  Sends to the Buffer to the Strip.  
00036      * @param none
00037      */
00038      void Repaint();
00040 /** Create an IRGB helper function to construct a 4 byte LED Frame
00041     *
00042     * @param I : 5 bits of intensity (0,1,2,...,31)
00043     * @param R : 8 bits of Red   (0,1,...,255)
00044     * @param G : 8 bits of Green (0,1,...,255)
00045     * @param B : 8 bits of Blue  (0,1,...,255)
00046     */
00048 unsigned int IRGB(unsigned char I,unsigned char R,unsigned char G,unsigned char B) {
00049      return ((0xE0 + (0x1F&I))<<24)|((0xFF&B)<<16)|((0xFF&G)<<8)|(0xFF&R);}
00051   protected:
00053     SPI _spi;
00054   private: 
00055     int NR;
00056     int NC;
00057     int NS;
00058     int off;
00059     bool ZF;
00060     bool WF;
00061     unsigned int * Buf;
00062  };
00064 #endif