old demo that i want to try in mbed studio

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem_Copy_of_mbed_version I2S

--- a/NotchingDemo.cpp	Thu Feb 28 21:53:28 2019 +0000
+++ b/NotchingDemo.cpp	Sat Mar 16 21:51:10 2019 +0000
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
 Ticker BellTick;
 Ticker EdTick;
 Ticker TickFadeOut;
+Ticker TestTick;
 Timer t;
 Timer t2;
+Timer NotchTimer;
 DigitalOut cs(p8);
@@ -136,7 +138,6 @@
 //add a class constructor
     WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo;
     short * data_sptr;
     //classSoundFile(string filename);//this is the constructor
@@ -190,6 +191,12 @@
 short place_hold1 = 0;
 short place_hold2 = 0;
+string FOLDER;
+string RootFolder = "/sd/mydir/SoundDecoder/";
+string  filename[25];
+classSoundFile Sound[22];
 volatile int flag1 = 1;
 volatile int flag2 = 0;
 volatile int flag3 = 1;
@@ -292,15 +299,72 @@
+classFade FadeDataInitialise(classFade FadeData);
+//function prototypes
+WAV_FILE_STRUCT ReadFileInfo(WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo, FILE * wav_file);
+classSoundFile LoadFileStream(classSoundFile FileInfo, string filename);
+float FadeOut(void);
+void Play_WaveFile(FILE * my_wav, WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo);
+//void Play_WaveFileLoop(FILE * my_wav, WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo);
+//*********************INTERRUPT ROUTINE FOR NOTCHING***************************
 void NotchUpIsr()
     if(1 <= NotchingSet.Notch < 8) {
+        NotchTimer.start();
+const char* FOLDER;
+string Folderint;
+        if(NotchingSet.Notch == 1) {
+            Folderint = RootFolder + filename[NotchingSet.Notch + 1];
+            FOLDER = Folderint.c_str();
+            Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 1].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+            fseek(Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 1].FileInfo.WavFile,44,SEEK_SET);
+            Folderint = RootFolder + filename[NotchingSet.Notch + 8];
+            FOLDER = Folderint.c_str();
+            Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 8].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+            fseek(Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 8].FileInfo.WavFile,44,SEEK_SET);
+                              //Have Reset the file position indicators
+                          } else {
+            Folderint = RootFolder + filename[NotchingSet.Notch + 1];
+            FOLDER = Folderint.c_str();
+            Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 1].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+            fseek(Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 1].FileInfo.WavFile,44,SEEK_SET);
+            Folderint = RootFolder + filename[NotchingSet.Notch + 8];
+            FOLDER = Folderint.c_str();
+            Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 8].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+            fseek(Sound[NotchingSet.Notch + 8].FileInfo.WavFile,44,SEEK_SET);
+            fclose(Sound[NotchingSet.Notch].FileInfo.WavFile);
+        }
         NotchingSet.Notch = NotchingSet.Notch + 1;
         NotchingSet.NotchTransUp = NotchingSet.Notch + 7;
         NotchingSet.NotchDirection = 1;
+        FadeDataInitialise(NotchFadeIn);
+        FadeDataInitialise(NotchFadeOut);
+        NotchTimer.stop();
+        printf("NotchTimer ReadOut: %d\n\r",NotchTimer.read_ms());
+        NotchTimer.reset();
@@ -310,19 +374,19 @@
         NotchingSet.Notch = NotchingSet.Notch - 1;
         NotchingSet.NotchTransDown = NotchingSet.Notch + 15;;
         NotchingSet.NotchDirection = 0;
+        FadeDataInitialise(NotchFadeIn);
+        FadeDataInitialise(NotchFadeOut);
+/**********************END OF INTERRUPT ROUTINE FOR NOTCHING*******************/
-//function prototypes
-WAV_FILE_STRUCT ReadFileInfo(WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo, FILE * wav_file);
-classSoundFile LoadFileStream(classSoundFile FileInfo, string filename);
-classFade FadeDataInitialise(classFade FadeData);
-float FadeOut(void);
-void Play_WaveFile(FILE * my_wav, WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo);
-//void Play_WaveFileLoop(FILE * my_wav, WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo);
 void Play_WaveFileLoop(classSoundFile Sounds, Notch_STRUCT NotchingSet);
 int main()
@@ -342,18 +406,23 @@
     FILE *StartupWav;
     FILE *IdleWav;
-    char * RootFolder = "/sd/mydir/SoundDecoder/";
     DIR *dir;
     dirent *ent;
     int iterator = 0;
-    string  filename[10];
-    if ((dir = opendir ("/sd/mydir/SoundDecoder")) != NULL) {
+    /*
+    printf("Directory is about to be opened? Still dont really Get this concept\n\r");
+    //if i try to open folder SoundDecoder2, it gets stuck after file 13... WHY
+    if ((dir = opendir ("/sd/mydir/SoundDecoder_second")) != NULL) {
         // print all the files and directories within directory
         while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
-            printf("%s\r\n",string(ent->d_name));
-            filename[iterator] = string(ent->d_name);
+            //printf("%s\r\n",string(ent->d_name));
+            filename[iterator] = (ent->d_name);
+            printf("Filename: %s\n\r",filename[iterator]);
             iterator  = iterator + 1;
             //printf("%s\r\n", ent->d_name);
@@ -361,30 +430,42 @@
         closedir (dir);
-    for(iterator = 0; iterator < 10; iterator ++) {
+    printf("Now printing all the files");
+    for(iterator = 0; iterator < 21; iterator ++) {
         printf("All the Files: %s\r\n",filename[iterator]);
         //printf("All the Files: %s\r\n",ent[iterator]);
+    */
-    string folder =  RootFolder + filename[9];
-    printf("Folder: %s\n\r",folder);
+    //string folder =  RootFolder + filename[9];
+    //printf("Folder: %s\n\r",folder);
     //printf("Files and Folders contained here: %d\n\r",readdir(dp));
     //StartupWav = fopen("/sd/mydir/Startup.wav","rb");
-    const char* folder2 = folder.c_str();
+    //const char* folder2 = folder.c_str();
     string FileName;
     //vector <classSoundFile> Sound (27);
-    classSoundFile Sound[22];
+    const char* FOLDER;
+    /*
     for(int iii  = 0; iii < 21; iii++) {
-        string folder =  RootFolder + filename[3];
+        string folder =  RootFolder + filename[iii];
         printf("Whole File Thing: %s\n\r",folder);
-        Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/Startup.wav","rb");
+        t.reset();
+        t.start();
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+        Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+        t.stop();
+        printf("The time taken was %f seconds\n\r", t.read());
+        t.reset();
         printf("Size of FILE* %d\n\r ",sizeof(Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile));
@@ -395,11 +476,11 @@
         fread(Sound[iii].FileInfo.slice_buf,Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat.block_align,1,Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile);   //This isnt actually required, its just a test
         Sound[iii].FileInfo.num_slices = Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileData.subchunk2_size/Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat.block_align;
         //printf("Number of Slices: %d\n\r",Sound[iii].FileInfo.num_slices);
         Sound[iii].data_sptr = (short *)Sound[iii].FileInfo.slice_buf;
         printf("data_sptr: %d\n\r",*Sound[iii].data_sptr);
         printf("Iteration: %d\n\r",iii);
         printf("SizeOf Sound[iii] %d\n\r",sizeof(Sound[iii]));
         printf("SizeOf Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat %d\n\r",sizeof(Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat));
@@ -408,8 +489,8 @@
         printf("SizeOf Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat %d\n\r",sizeof(Sound[iii].FileInfo.id_number));
         printf("SizeOf Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat %d\n\r",sizeof(Sound[iii].FileInfo.slice_buf));
         printf("SizeOf Sound[iii].FileInfo.FileFormat %d\n\r",sizeof(Sound[iii].FileInfo.num_slices));
-        fclose(Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile);//close the file stream.  We will only reopen the file when we need to do it. Hopefully this should also free the memory...
+        //fclose(Sound[iii].FileInfo.WavFile);//close the file stream.  We will only reopen the file when we need to do it. Hopefully this should also free the memory...
           FILE *WavFile;
           int id_number;
@@ -417,7 +498,132 @@
           int num_slices;
         //Sounds[iii] =   LoadFileStream(Sounds[iii],FileName);
-    }
+    //}
+    /*
+    int aaa = 0;
+    string folder =  RootFolder + filename[0];
+    FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav0 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[1];
+    FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav1 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;    
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[2];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav2 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[3];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav3 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[4];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav4 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[5];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav5 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[6];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav6 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[7];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav7 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[8];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav8 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[9];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav9 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[10];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav10 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[11];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav11 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[12];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav12 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[13];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav13 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[14];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav14 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[15];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav15 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[16];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav16 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[17];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav17 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    folder =  RootFolder + filename[18];
+        FOLDER = folder.c_str();
+    FILE* mywav18 = fopen(FOLDER,"rb");
+    printf("we opened This file %d\n\r",aaa);
+    aaa = aaa+1;
+    */
+    /*
+    FILE* SoundWav[27];
+    for(int iii  = 0; iii < 26; iii++) {
+        //SoundWav[iii] = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/Startup.wav","rb");
+        printf("We just printed a file!: %d\n\r",iii+1);
+        }
+        printf("Do we get past this point??  are we able to do ANYTHING?? \n\r");
+    */
     //We still experience the exact same memory issue
     //classSoundFile Sounds[10] = {classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName), classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName), classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName),classSoundFile(FileName)};
@@ -437,7 +643,7 @@
     StartupWav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/Startup.wav","rb");
     IdleWav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/N2_11k_minus10dB.wav","rb");
     IdleN2Wav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/N2N3_11k_minus10dB.wav","rb");
@@ -445,7 +651,7 @@
     N2Wav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/N3_11k_minus11dB.wav","rb");
     BellWav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/EMD_BRONZE_BELL_1_11k_minus10dB.wav","rb");
     FlangeWav = fopen("/sd/mydir/645Engine/EX_FlangeJoint1_11k_minus12dB.wav","rb");
     WavInfo_Startup = ReadFileInfo(WavInfo_Startup, StartupWav);
     printf("WavInfo_Startup Size: %d\n\r",sizeof(WavInfo_Startup));
@@ -455,7 +661,7 @@
     WavInfo_N2 = ReadFileInfo(WavInfo_N2,  N2Wav);
     WavInfo_Bell = ReadFileInfo(WavInfo_Bell, BellWav);
     WavInfo_Flange = ReadFileInfo(WavInfo_Flange, FlangeWav);
     //Populate our class instances with some data (is there an implicit way to do this?)
     N2FadeIn.LengthSecs = 4;
@@ -463,7 +669,7 @@
     N2FadeIn = FadeDataInitialise(N2FadeIn);
     IdleFadeOut = FadeDataInitialise(IdleFadeOut);
+    printf("hello\n\r");
     //Set up the wolfson Audio Codec board
     //i2s audio data transfer code??
@@ -471,9 +677,12 @@
     led3 = 1;
     led2 = 1;
     sampletick.attach(&isr,1.0/sampling_freq);  //1/16000
+    printf("SamplingFreq: %d\n\r",sampling_freq);
+    printf("Hello i2s has starrted!!");
     slice = 0;
@@ -499,9 +708,11 @@
     fseek(IdleN2Wav,44,SEEK_SET);//reset for use in the Loop code
     slice = 0;
+    NotchingSet.Notch = 1;
     //Play_WaveFileLoop(IdleWav, WavInfo_Idle);
@@ -509,6 +720,10 @@
 WAV_FILE_STRUCT ReadFileInfo(WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo, FILE * wav_file)
@@ -623,6 +838,7 @@
 //void Play_WaveFileLoop(FILE * my_wav, WAV_FILE_STRUCT FileInfo)//(classSoundFile Sounds)
 void Play_WaveFileLoop(classSoundFile Sounds[27], Notch_STRUCT NotchingSet)
     while(1) { //might have to change this to a while(1) loop?
@@ -644,30 +860,30 @@
             if(feof(Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].FileInfo.WavFile)) {
             //Read in data for current (i.e. now the previous notch, according to the index!!)
             //We might not need this code here...as its probably done somewhere else??
             Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch-1].data_sptr = (short *)Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch-1].FileInfo.slice_buf;
             NotchFadeOut.FadeCoeff = NotchFadeOut.FadeOut();//compute new FadeOut Coeff value
             //Read in the notch transition file for transitioning up
             Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].data_sptr = (short*)Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].FileInfo.slice_buf;
             if( ((Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].FileInfo.FileData.subchunk2_size) - NotchFadeIn.Length - 2*11025) <= (ftell(Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].FileInfo.WavFile) + 44))
                 //if( (WavInfo_IdleN2.FileData.subchunk2_size)/8 <=ftell(IdleN2Wav) )
                 NotchFadeIn.FadeCoeff = NotchFadeIn.FadeIn();
                 //Read In the next Notch
                 Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].data_sptr = (short *)Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].FileInfo.slice_buf;
                 if( (ftell(Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].FileInfo.WavFile) + 44) >= Sounds[NotchingSet.NotchTransUp].FileInfo.FileData.subchunk2_size ) {
                     //need to explicitly test if this notation/syntax works for pointers....
                     *Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].data_sptr = *Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].data_sptr*NotchFadeIn.FadeCoeff;
                 } else {
@@ -681,8 +897,8 @@
-/********************END OF DATA ASSIGNMENT SECTION*************************************************/
+        /********************END OF DATA ASSIGNMENT SECTION*************************************************/
         for (channel=0; channel<Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].FileInfo.FileFormat.num_channels; channel++) {
             switch (Sounds[NotchingSet.Notch].FileInfo.FileFormat.sig_bps) {
                 case 16:
@@ -717,6 +933,7 @@
         slice = slice + 1;