This is a fork for okini3939's great DMX library with added support for the EA LPC4088 QuickStart mbed-enabled board. I have added support and tested the 3 UARTs which are accessible on the DIP pins. This forked of okini3939's library was created in the hopes a pull request could be accepted and re-integrated into the library. Important Note: To use the special UART on "pins 41" (rx) and "pin 42" (tx) you must access them by their port names, which are P0_3 (rx) and P0_2 (tx), because the symbols p41 and p42 do not exist in the mbed world (yet).

Fork of DMX by Suga koubou

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for DMX


DMX DMX512 class (sender/client)


DMX.cpp [code] DMX512 send/recv
DMX.h [code] DMX512 send/recv