
Dependencies:   FATFileSystem MPU9250_SPI mbed-src

Fork of SDFileSystem by mbed official

diff -r 7b35d1709458 -r dfa8d9858dfb main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Feb 20 04:02:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "MPU9250.h"
+#include "InterruptManager.h"
+#define BLENANO
+/*      Pin Definitions     */
+#ifdef BLENANO
+    #define MOSI                p9
+    #define MISO                p11 
+    #define SCLK                p8 
+    #define CS_SD               p10 
+    #define CS_MPU              p29 
+    #define BUTTON              p28
+    #define MIC                 p5
+    #define LOAD_CELL           p4
+    #define LED                 p15
+    #define MOSI                p20
+    #define MISO                p22 
+    #define SCLK                p25 
+    #define CS_SD               p23 
+    #define CS_MPU              p21 
+    #define BUTTON              p17
+    #define MIC                 p5
+    #define LOAD_CELL           p4
+    #define LED                 p15
+/*      Un/comment to determine which tests will be run     */
+//#define IMU_TEST
+#define MIC_TEST
+//#define LOAD_TEST
+/*      Parameters for sampling     */
+#define FILE_NAME           "trick"
+#define SAMPLE_RATE         1000       
+/*      Objects used        */
+DigitalOut      led(LED);
+AnalogIn        mic(MIC);
+InterruptIn     button(BUTTON);
+Ticker          timer;
+SPI             spi(MOSI, MISO, SCLK); 
+SDFileSystem    sd(MOSI, MISO, SCLK, CS_SD, "sd");
+mpu9250_spi     imu(spi , CS_MPU);
+/*      Flags for sampling      */
+#define IMU_FLAG            (1<<1U)
+#define MIC_FLAG            (1<<2U)
+#define CREATE_FILE         (1<<3U)
+#define CLOSE_FILE          (1<<4U)
+/*      Status      */
+#define START_SAMPLE        1
+#define END_SAMPLE          0
+static uint16_t status = 0;
+static int button_status = START_SAMPLE;   
+static uint16_t file_count = 0;      
+static float sample_rate = (1/(float)SAMPLE_RATE) ;     
+static FILE *fp = NULL;
+static char file_name[17];
+static void openNextFile(void)
+    if( fp ){
+        fclose(fp);    
+    }
+    snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/sd/%s_%02d.txt", FILE_NAME, ++file_count); 
+    FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
+    fprintf(fp, "Sample Rate: %d Hz\n", SAMPLE_RATE);
+static void button_interrupt(void)
+    if ( button_status == START_SAMPLE ){
+        status |= CREATE_FILE;
+        button_status = END_SAMPLE;
+    //CLOSE FILE    
+    } else if ( button_status == END_SAMPLE ){
+        status |= CLOSE_FILE;
+        button_status = START_SAMPLE;
+    }
+static void timer_interrupt(void)
+    if ( button_status == END_SAMPLE ){
+        #ifdef IMU_TEST
+            status |= IMU_FLAG;
+        #endif
+        #ifdef MIC_TEST
+            status |= MIC_FLAG;
+        #endif
+        #ifdef LOAD_TEST
+            status |= LOAD_FLAG;
+        #endif
+    }
+int main()
+    #ifdef IMU_TEST
+    //initialize imu
+    imu.init(1, BITS_DLPF_CFG_2100HZ_NOLPF);
+    #endif
+    //set up button as active low to trigger file creation
+//    #ifndef BLENANO
+//    button.mode(PullUp);
+//    #endif
+    button.fall(&button_interrupt);
+    timer.attach(&timer_interrupt, sample_rate );
+    led.write(0);
+    snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/sd/%s_%02d.txt", FILE_NAME, ++file_count); 
+    FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
+    do {
+        wait(0.5);
+        led.write(!led.read());
+    } while ( fp == NULL );
+    fprintf(fp, "Sample Rate: %d Hz\n", SAMPLE_RATE);
+    while(1){
+        if ( status & CREATE_FILE ){
+            led.write(1);    
+            openNextFile();
+            status ^= CREATE_FILE;
+        }
+        #ifdef IMU_TEST
+        if ( status & IMU_FLAG ){
+            led.write(!led.read());
+            imu.read_all();
+            #ifndef MIC_TEST
+            fprintf(fp, "%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\n", (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[0],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[1],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[2],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[0],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[1],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[2],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[0],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[1],
+                                                                         (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[2] );
+            #endif
+            status ^= IMU_FLAG;
+        }
+        #endif
+        #ifdef MIC_TEST
+        if ( status & MIC_FLAG ){
+            #ifndef IMU_TEST
+            fprintf(fp, "%d\n", mic.read_u16());
+            #else
+            fprintf(fp, "%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%4d\n", (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[0],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[1],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.gyroscope_data[2],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[0],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[1],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.accelerometer_data[2],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[0],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[1],
+                                                                              (signed int) imu.Magnetometer[2],
+                                                                              mic.read_u16() );
+            #endif
+            status ^= MIC_FLAG;
+        }
+        #endif
+        if ( status & CLOSE_FILE ){
+            led.write(0);
+            fclose(fp);
+            status ^= CLOSE_FILE;
+        }
+    }