Math game
Overview- For our project we decided to make a simple speed math test game. What we do is we wait for the user to press a button at any time and at that moment we set the seed based on the amount of milliseconds the player delayed vs the start of the program. Once there we randomly generate a math equation. The player has 6 push buttons. Each push button corresponds to either +1, +10, +100, -1, -10, -100. The player is given 30 seconds on round one to come up with the correct answer. If the user does so the time of the timer is shaved off by 3. The point of the game is to see how quickly you can solve and press in an answer.
- Mbed
- uLCD 144 G2
- 6 push buttons
Lcd pin | mbed pin |
5v | VU |
Ground | GND |
RX | P10 |
TX | P9 |
RES | p11 |
From top to bottom from the picture above the pins are pb6, pb5, pb4, pb3, pb2, and pb1.
Pb1 | P13 | +1 |
Pb2 | P14 | +10 |
Pb3 | P15 | +100 |
Pb4 | P16 | -1 |
Pb5 | P17 | -10 |
Pb6 | P18 | -100 |
Code for game
#include <math.h> #include "mbed.h" #include "uLCD_4DGL.h" #include <time.h> uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10,p11); int operand1; int operand2; int op; int answer; int ans = 0; int score = 0; int seconds = 30; float seed; Timer t; DigitalIn pb1(p13); DigitalIn pb2(p14); DigitalIn pb3(p15); DigitalIn pb4(p16); DigitalIn pb5(p17); DigitalIn pb6(p18); void generateProblem(){ //generates random numbers between 1 and 40 as operands operand1 = rand() % 40 + 1; operand2 = rand() % 40 + 1; op = rand() % 3; //genearte random operator and appropriate answer if (op == 0){ uLCD.locate(0,0); uLCD.printf("%d + %d\n",operand1, operand2); answer = operand1 + operand2; } else if (op == 1){ uLCD.locate(0,0); uLCD.printf("%d - %d\n",operand1, operand2); answer = operand1 - operand2; } else if (op == 2){ uLCD.locate(0,0); uLCD.printf("%d * %d\n",operand1, operand2); answer = operand1 * operand2; } } int main() { pb1.mode(PullUp); pb2.mode(PullUp); pb3.mode(PullUp); pb4.mode(PullUp); pb5.mode(PullUp); pb6.mode(PullUp); bool randomGen = true; t.start(); while(randomGen){ //push any button to start game uLCD.locate(1,0); uLCD.printf("Push any button to start the game"); if(pb1==0 || pb2==0 || pb3==0 || pb4==0 || pb5==0 || pb6 == 0){ seed = t.read_us(); randomGen= false; t.reset(); uLCD.cls(); } } srand((int)seed); while(true){ generateProblem(); //generate problem uLCD.locate(1,14); uLCD.printf("Score: %d",score);//display score t.start(); while( <= seconds){ if(seconds - (int) < 10){ //display time limit uLCD.locate(13,1); uLCD.printf("%d",(seconds -(int); } else{ uLCD.locate(12,1); uLCD.printf("%d",(seconds -(int); } //push pushbutton to add up your answer to approach correct answer if(pb1 == 0) { ans = ans + 1; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } else if(pb2 == 0) { ans = ans + 10; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } else if(pb3 == 0) { ans = ans + 100; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } else if(pb4 == 0) { ans = ans - 1; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } else if(pb5 == 0) { ans = ans - 10; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } else if(pb6 == 0) { ans = ans - 100; uLCD.locate(1,2); uLCD.printf("%d",ans); wait(0.2); } } if( ans == answer){//if correct answer then add score and decrease time limit score += 1; seconds -=3; }else { uLCD.cls(); uLCD.printf("You lose!\n Your score is %d",score); wait(5); score = 0; seconds = 30; } t.reset(); ans = 0; uLCD.cls(); } }
Import programminiproject
This is the code to the math game mini project.
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