Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Oct 14 02:00:50 2018 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

gps.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
gps.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gps.cpp	Sun Oct 14 02:00:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include "gps.h"
+GPS::GPS(Serial* serial, PinName pwr_pin, int pwr_crtl, int baud): _gps(serial) {
+          _gps->attach(callback(this, &GPS::recvAttach), Serial::RxIrq);    
+          _pwr_pin = new DigitalOut(pwr_pin, pwr_crtl);
+          _gps->baud(baud);
+    delete _gps;
+    delete _pwr_pin;
+void GPS::recvAttach (void) 
+   // if(int_ctrl == 1)
+        if(_gps->readable()) {
+            _gps->gets(data,90);
+            printf("%s",data);
+        }
+void GPS::set_gps_on(void){
+    *_pwr_pin = 1;
+void GPS::set_gps_off(void){
+    *_pwr_pin = 0;
+int GPS::data_availiable(float* _lat, float* _lon, float* _alt, float* _tFix, float* _speed, char* NS, char* EW, int* _date, char* Ualt){
+    // parse string.
+    if(data[0] == '$'){
+        if(strncmp(data, "$GPRMC", 6) == 0){
+            sscanf(data, "$GPRMC,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f,,%d", &tFix, &status, &lat, &NorthSouth, &lon, &EastWest, &speed,  &date);     
+            printf("date:%d\n",date);
+            *_lat = lat;
+            * _lon = lon;
+            *_tFix = tFix;
+            *_speed = speed;
+            *NS = NorthSouth;
+            *EW = EastWest;
+            *_date = date;
+        }else if (!strncmp(data, GPGSA, 6)){
+            sscanf(data, "$GPSGA,%c,%d,%d,%d,,,,,,,,,,,,%f,%f,%f", &mode[0], &mode[1], &sat[0], &sat[1], &pdop, &hdop, &vdop);     
+            //printf("hdop:%f\n",hdop);
+        }else if(!strncmp(data, GPGGA, 6)){
+            sscanf(data, "$GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d,%f,,%f,%c", &tFix, &lat, &NorthSouth, &lon, &EastWest, &fq, &nst, &hdop, &alt, &unit);
+            //printf("tfix:%f\n",tFix); 
+            *_alt = alt;
+            * _lon = lon;
+            *_alt = alt;
+            *NS = NorthSouth;
+            *EW = EastWest;
+            *_tFix = tFix;
+        }else if(!strncmp(data, GPGLL, 6)){
+            sscanf(data, "$GPGLL,%f,%c,%f,%c,%f", &lat, &NorthSouth, &lon, &EastWest, &tFix);
+            //printf("lat:%f\n",lat);
+            *_lat = lat;
+            * _lon = lon;
+            *NS = NorthSouth;
+            *EW = EastWest;
+            *_tFix = tFix;
+        }
+        data[0] = 0;
+        return 1; 
+    }else 
+        return 0;    
+void GPS::int_mng(int value){
+    int_ctrl = value;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gps.h	Sun Oct 14 02:00:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#ifndef GPS_H
+#define GPS_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define gps_buffer  128 //GPS Buffer size
+#define GPMRC   "$GPRMC" //Recommended minimum specific GNSS data: time, date, position, course, speed
+#define GPVTG   "$GPVTG" //Course over ground and ground speed  
+#define GPGGA   "$GPGGA" //Global positioning system fixed data: time, position, fixed type
+#define GPGSA   "$GPGSA"//GPS receiver operating mode,active satellites, and DOP values
+#define GPGSV   "$GPGSV"//GNSS satellites in view: ID number, elevation, azimuth, and SNR values
+#define GPGLL   "$GPGLL"//Geographic position:latitude, longitude, UTC time of position fix and status
+//GPS class object
+class GPS
+    /** Class constructor
+    * @param serial is an RawSerial object that will be used for UART communication
+    * @param pwr_pin the pin to power on/off GPS module
+    * @param baud the baudrate for the UART that will interface the GPS module
+    * */
+    GPS(Serial* serial, PinName pwr_pin, int pwr_crtl = 1, int baud = 9600);
+    /** Class destructor */
+    virtual ~GPS();
+    void recvAttach (void);
+    void set_gps_on(void);
+    void set_gps_off(void);
+    int  data_availiable(float* _lat, float* _lon, float* _alt, float* _tFix, float* _speed, char* NS, char* EW, int* _date, char* Ualt);
+    void int_mng(int value);
+    Serial* _gps;
+    DigitalOut  *_pwr_pin;
+    char gps_active;
+    char data[90];
+    float lat, lon, alt, tFix, speed, cog, hdop, vdop, pdop;
+    char status, NorthSouth, EastWest,mode[2],sat[2],unit;
+    int  date,fq, nst;
+    int int_ctrl;
\ No newline at end of file