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00001 /* mbed GraphicsDisplay Display Library Base Class
00002  * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 sford
00003  * Released under the MIT License:
00004  *
00005  * A library for providing a common base class for Graphics displays
00006  * To port a new display, derive from this class and implement
00007  * the constructor (setup the display), pixel (put a pixel
00008  * at a location), width and height functions. Everything else
00009  * (locate, printf, putc, cls, window, putp, fill, blit, blitbit) 
00010  * will come for free. You can also provide a specialised implementation
00011  * of window and putp to speed up the results
00012  */
00016 #include "Bitmap.h"
00017 #include "TextDisplay.h"
00019 // GraphicsDisplay has one "soft font" which is in a different format
00020 // then the primary font rendering api - see set_font(...). This is
00021 // therefore deprecated, but preserved for a time for backward 
00022 // compatibility.
00023 // #define LOCALFONT
00026 /// The GraphicsDisplay class 
00027 /// 
00028 /// This graphics display class supports both graphics and text operations.
00029 /// Typically, a subclass is derived from this which has localizations to
00030 /// adapt to a specific hardware platform (e.g. a display controller chip),
00031 /// that overrides methods in here to either add more capability or perhaps 
00032 /// to improve performance, by leveraging specific hardware capabilities.
00033 ///
00034 class GraphicsDisplay : public TextDisplay 
00035 {
00036 public:
00037     /// The constructor
00038     GraphicsDisplay(const char* name);
00040     /// Draw a pixel in the specified color.
00041     ///
00042     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00043     ///
00044     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
00045     /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
00046     /// @param[in] color defines the color for the pixel.
00047     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00048     ///
00049     virtual RetCode_t pixel(loc_t x, loc_t y, color_t color) = 0;
00051     /// Write a stream of pixels to the display.
00052     ///
00053     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00054     ///
00055     /// @param[in] p is a pointer to a color_t array to write.
00056     /// @param[in] count is the number of pixels to write.
00057     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position on the display.
00058     /// @param[in] y is the vertical position on the display.
00059     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00060     ///
00061     virtual RetCode_t pixelStream(color_t * p, uint32_t count, loc_t x, loc_t y) = 0;
00063     /// Get a pixel from the display.
00064     ///
00065     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00066     ///
00067     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
00068     /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
00069     /// @returns the pixel. see @color_t
00070     ///
00071     virtual color_t getPixel(loc_t x, loc_t y) = 0;
00073     /// Get a stream of pixels from the display.
00074     ///
00075     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00076     ///
00077     /// @param[out] p is a pointer to a color_t array to accept the stream.
00078     /// @param[in] count is the number of pixels to read.
00079     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
00080     /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
00081     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00082     ///
00083     virtual RetCode_t getPixelStream(color_t * p, uint32_t count, loc_t x, loc_t y) = 0;
00085     /// get the screen width in pixels
00086     ///
00087     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00088     ///
00089     /// @returns screen width in pixels.
00090     ///
00091     virtual uint16_t width() = 0;
00093     /// get the screen height in pixels
00094     ///
00095     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00096     ///
00097     /// @returns screen height in pixels.
00098     ///
00099     virtual uint16_t height() = 0;
00101     /// Prepare the controller to write binary data to the screen by positioning
00102     /// the memory cursor.
00103     ///
00104     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00105     ///
00106     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
00107     /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
00108     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00109     ///
00110     virtual RetCode_t SetGraphicsCursor(loc_t x, loc_t y) = 0;
00112     /// Prepare the controller to read binary data from the screen by positioning
00113     /// the memory read cursor.
00114     ///
00115     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal position in pixels (from the left edge)
00116     /// @param[in] y is the vertical position in pixels (from the top edge)
00117     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00118     ///
00119     virtual RetCode_t SetGraphicsCursorRead(loc_t x, loc_t y) = 0;
00121     /// Draw a filled rectangle in the specified color
00122     ///
00123     /// @note As a side effect, this changes the current
00124     ///     foreground color for subsequent operations.
00125     ///
00126     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00127     ///
00128     /// @param[in] x1 is the horizontal start of the line.
00129     /// @param[in] y1 is the vertical start of the line.
00130     /// @param[in] x2 is the horizontal end of the line.
00131     /// @param[in] y2 is the vertical end of the line.
00132     /// @param[in] color defines the foreground color.
00133     /// @param[in] fillit is optional to NOFILL the rectangle. default is FILL.
00134     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00135     ///
00136     virtual RetCode_t fillrect(loc_t x1, loc_t y1, loc_t x2, loc_t y2, 
00137         color_t color, fill_t fillit = FILL) = 0;
00140     virtual RetCode_t WriteCommand(unsigned char command, unsigned int data = 0xFFFF) = 0;
00141     virtual RetCode_t WriteData(unsigned char data) = 0;
00143     /// Set the window, which controls where items are written to the screen.
00144     ///
00145     /// When something hits the window width, it wraps back to the left side
00146     /// and down a row. If the initial write is outside the window, it will
00147     /// be captured into the window when it crosses a boundary.
00148     ///
00149     /// @param[in] x is the left edge in pixels.
00150     /// @param[in] y is the top edge in pixels.
00151     /// @param[in] w is the window width in pixels.
00152     /// @param[in] h is the window height in pixels.
00153     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00154     ///
00155     virtual RetCode_t window(loc_t x, loc_t y, dim_t w, dim_t h);
00157     /// Clear the screen.
00158     ///
00159     /// The behavior is to clear the whole screen.
00160     ///
00161     /// @param[in] layers is ignored, but supports maintaining the same 
00162     ///     API for the graphics layer.
00163     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00164     ///
00165     virtual RetCode_t cls(uint16_t layers = 0);
00167     /// method to set the window region to the full screen.
00168     ///
00169     /// This restores the 'window' to the full screen, so that 
00170     /// other operations (@see cls) would clear the whole screen.
00171     ///
00172     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00173     ///
00174     virtual RetCode_t WindowMax(void);
00176     /// method to put a single color pixel to the screen.
00177     ///
00178     /// This method may be called as many times as necessary after 
00179     /// @see _StartGraphicsStream() is called, and it should be followed 
00180     /// by _EndGraphicsStream.
00181     ///
00182     /// @param[in] pixel is a color value to be put on the screen.
00183     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00184     ///
00185     virtual RetCode_t _putp(color_t pixel);
00187     /// method to fill a region.
00188     ///
00189     /// This method fills a region with the specified color.
00190     ///
00191     /// @param[in] x is the left-edge of the region.
00192     /// @param[in] y is the top-edge of the region.
00193     /// @param[in] w specifies the width of the region.
00194     /// @param[in] h specifies the height of the region.
00195     /// @returns success/failure code. @see RetCode_t.
00196     /// 
00197     virtual RetCode_t fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t color);
00200     virtual RetCode_t blit(int x, int y, int w, int h, const int * color);    
00202     /// This method transfers one character from the external font data
00203     /// to the screen.
00204     ///
00205     /// @note the font data is in a special format as generate by
00206     ///         the mikroe font creator. \\
00207     ///         See
00208     ///
00209     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
00210     /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
00211     /// @param[in] fontTable is the base of the table which has the metrics
00212     /// @param[in] fontChar is the start of that record in the table for the char (e.g. 'A' - 'Z')
00213     /// @returns how far the cursor should advance to the right in pixels
00214     ///
00215     virtual int fontblit(int x, int y, const unsigned char * fontTable, const unsigned char * fontChar);
00217     /// This method returns the color value from a palette.
00218     ///
00219     /// This method accepts a pointer to a Bitmap color palette, which
00220     /// is a table in memory composed of RGB Quad values (r, g, b, 0),
00221     /// and an index into that table. It then extracts the color information
00222     /// and downsamples it to a color_t value which it returns.
00223     ///
00224     /// @note This method probably has very little value outside of
00225     ///         the internal methods for reading BMP files.
00226     ///
00227     /// @param[in] colorPaletteArray is the handle to the color palette array to use.
00228     /// @param[in] index is the index into the color palette.
00229     /// @returns the color in color_t format.
00230     ///
00231     color_t RGBQuadToRGB16(RGBQUAD * colorPaletteArray, uint16_t index);
00233     /// This method converts a 16-bit color value into a 24-bit RGB Quad.
00234     ///
00235     /// @param[in] c is the 16-bit color. @see color_t.
00236     /// @returns an RGBQUAD value. @see RGBQUAD
00237     ///
00238     RGBQUAD RGB16ToRGBQuad(color_t c);
00240     /// This method attempts to render a specified graphics image file at
00241     /// the specified screen location.
00242     ///
00243     /// This supports several variants of the following file types:
00244     /// \li Bitmap file format,
00245     /// \li Icon file format.
00246     ///
00247     /// @note The specified image width and height, when adjusted for the 
00248     ///     x and y origin, must fit on the screen, or the image will not
00249     ///     be shown (it does not clip the image).
00250     ///
00251     /// @note The file extension is tested, and if it ends in a supported
00252     ///     format, the appropriate handler is called to render that image.
00253     ///
00254     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
00255     /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
00256     /// @param[in] FileName refers to the fully qualified path and file on 
00257     ///     a mounted file system.
00258     /// @returns success or error code.
00259     ///
00260     RetCode_t RenderImageFile(loc_t x, loc_t y, const char *FileName);
00262     /// This method reads a disk file that is in bitmap format and 
00263     /// puts it on the screen.
00264     ///
00265     /// Supported formats:
00266     /// \li 4-bit color format (16 colors)
00267     /// \li 8-bit color format (256 colors)
00268     /// \li 16-bit color format (65k colors)
00269     /// \li compression: no.
00270     ///
00271     /// @note This is a slow operation, typically due to the use of
00272     ///         the file system, and partially because bmp files
00273     ///         are stored from the bottom up, and the memory is written
00274     ///         from the top down; as a result, it constantly 'seeks'
00275     ///         on the file system for the next row of information.
00276     ///
00277     /// As a performance test, a sample picture was timed. A family picture
00278     /// was converted to Bitmap format; shrunk to 352 x 272 pixels and save
00279     /// in 8-bit color format. The resulting file size was 94.5 KByte.
00280     /// The SPI port interface was set to 20 MHz.
00281     /// The original bitmap rendering software was purely in software, 
00282     /// pushing 1 pixel at a time to the write function, which did use SPI
00283     /// hardware (not pin wiggling) to transfer commands and data to the 
00284     /// display. Then, the driver was improved to leverage the capability
00285     /// of the derived display driver. As a final check, instead of the
00286     /// [known slow] local file system, a randomly chosen USB stick was 
00287     /// used. The performance results are impressive (but depend on the
00288     /// listed factors). 
00289     ///
00290     /// \li 34 seconds, LocalFileSystem, Software Rendering
00291     /// \li 9 seconds, LocalFileSystem, Hardware Rending for RA8875
00292     /// \li 3 seconds, MSCFileSystem, Hardware Rendering for RA8875
00293     /// 
00294     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
00295     /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
00296     /// @param[in] Name_BMP is the filename on the mounted file system.
00297     /// @returns success or error code.
00298     ///
00299     RetCode_t RenderBitmapFile(loc_t x, loc_t y, const char *Name_BMP);
00302     /// This method reads a disk file that is in ico format and 
00303     /// puts it on the screen.
00304     ///
00305     /// Reading the disk is slow, but a typical icon file is small
00306     /// so it should be ok.
00307     ///
00308     /// @note An Icon file can have more than one icon in it. This
00309     ///     implementation only processes the first image in the file.
00310     ///
00311     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
00312     /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
00313     /// @param[in] Name_ICO is the filename on the mounted file system.
00314     /// @returns success or error code.
00315     ///
00316     RetCode_t RenderIconFile(loc_t x, loc_t y, const char *Name_ICO);
00319     /// prints one character at the specified coordinates.
00320     ///
00321     /// This will print the character at the specified pixel coordinates.
00322     ///
00323     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal offset in pixels.
00324     /// @param[in] y is the vertical offset in pixels.
00325     /// @param[in] value is the character to print.
00326     /// @returns number of pixels to index to the right if a character was printed, 0 otherwise.
00327     ///
00328     virtual int character(int x, int y, int value);
00330     /// get the number of colums based on the currently active font
00331     ///
00332     /// @returns number of columns.
00333     ///    
00334     virtual int columns(void);
00336     /// get the number of rows based on the currently active font
00337     ///
00338     /// @returns number of rows.
00339     ///    
00340     virtual int rows(void);
00342     /// Select a bitmap font (provided by the user) for all subsequent text
00343     /// rendering.
00344     ///
00345     /// This API permits selection of a special memory mapped font, which 
00346     /// enables the presentation of many font sizes and styles, including
00347     /// proportional fonts.
00348     ///
00349     /// @note Tool to create the fonts is accessible from its creator
00350     ///     available at
00351     ///     Hint: Change the data to an array of type char[].
00352     ///
00353     ///     This special font array has a 4-byte header, followed by 
00354     ///     the data:
00355     ///   \li the number of bytes per char
00356     ///   \li the vertical size in pixels for each character
00357     ///   \li the horizontal size in pixels for each character
00358     ///   \li the number of bytes per vertical line (width of the array)
00359     ///   \li the subsequent records are the font information.
00360     ///
00361     /// @param[in] font is a pointer to a specially formed font array. 
00362     ///     NULL, or the omission of this parameter will restore the default
00363     ///     font capability, which may use the display controllers hardware
00364     ///     font (if available), or no font.
00365     /// @returns error code.
00366     ///
00367     virtual RetCode_t set_font(const unsigned char * font = NULL);
00369 protected:
00371     /// Pure virtual method indicating the start of a graphics stream.
00372     ///
00373     /// This is called prior to a stream of pixel data being sent.
00374     /// This may cause register configuration changes in the derived
00375     /// class in order to prepare the hardware to accept the streaming
00376     /// data.
00377     ///
00378     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00379     ///
00380     /// @returns error code.
00381     ///
00382     virtual RetCode_t _StartGraphicsStream(void) = 0;
00384     /// Pure virtual method indicating the end of a graphics stream.
00385     ///
00386     /// This is called to conclude a stream of pixel data that was sent.
00387     /// This may cause register configuration changes in the derived
00388     /// class in order to stop the hardware from accept the streaming
00389     /// data.
00390     ///
00391     /// @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
00392     ///
00393     /// @returns error code.
00394     ///
00395     virtual RetCode_t _EndGraphicsStream(void) = 0;
00397     /// Protected method to render an image given a file handle and 
00398     /// coordinates.
00399     ///
00400     /// @param[in] x is the horizontal pixel coordinate
00401     /// @param[in] y is the vertical pixel coordinate
00402     /// @param[in] w is the image width restriction, or zero to permit full image width.
00403     /// @param[in] h is the image height restriction, or zero to permit full image height.
00404     /// @param[in] fileOffset is the offset into the file where the image data starts
00405     /// @param[in] Image is the filename stream already opened for the data.
00406     /// @returns success or error code.
00407     ///
00408     RetCode_t _RenderBitmap(loc_t x, loc_t y, uint32_t fileOffset, FILE * Image);
00410     #ifdef LOCALFONT
00411     virtual int blitbit(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char * color);
00412     #endif
00414     const unsigned char * font;     ///< reference to an external font somewhere in memory
00416     // pixel location
00417     short _x;
00418     short _y;
00420     // window location
00421     short _x1;
00422     short _x2;
00423     short _y1;
00424     short _y2;
00425 };
00427 #endif