Primeira versao

Dependencies:   mbed EthernetInterface mbed-rtos

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

Definitions.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
EthernetInterface.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
calculos.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-rtos.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 6218d050b1b9 -r 6c73db131ebc Definitions.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Definitions.h	Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+* Definitions.h
+* Definicoes de constantes
+#define CONVERSAOAD 0.000021
+#define CICLO       60//1
+#define AMOSTRAS    256//2048
+//#define INTERVALO   (float) (1/CICLO)/AMOSTRAS
+#define INTERVALO   0.000065104//0.0004882812
+#define LIMITE      0.07
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
diff -r 6218d050b1b9 -r 6c73db131ebc EthernetInterface.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EthernetInterface.lib	Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 6218d050b1b9 -r 6c73db131ebc calculos.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calculos.c	Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+* Arquivo calculos.c
+* Conten rotinas para calculo do RMS, DFT e FFT
+#include "Definitions.h"
+#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr
+#define PI 3.14159265358979323846F
+float RMS(float *vet, int amostras);
+void CalculateFFT(float *buffer, float *sen, float *cos, float *vm, int sign, int ch);
+float* ComplexFFT(float* data, int sign, int ch);
+float DFT(float *data, float *seno, float *coss);
+float RMS(float *vet, int amostras){
+    int i;
+    float aux, soma=0;
+    for(i=0; i < amostras; i++){
+        aux = vet[i] * vet[i];
+        soma += aux;
+    }
+    soma = (float) soma / amostras;
+    return (sqrt(soma));    
+void CalculateFFT(float *buffer, float *sen, float *cos, float *vm, int sign, int ch)
+    int i;
+    //float value[256];
+    /*
+    printf("Tamanho float %lu\n", sizeof(float));        
+    printf("Tamanho double %lu\n", sizeof(double));        
+    printf("Tamanho unsigned short int %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned short int));   
+    printf("Tamanho unsigned long %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned long));   
+    printf("Tamanho unsigned long long %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned long long));       
+    for(int i=0; i < Settings::get_Samples(); i++)
+        printf("%d*",buffer[i]);
+    printf("\n");
+    */
+    //printf("[0] %d %d %d %d\n", buffer[0], buffer[100], buffer[200], buffer[255]);
+    /*
+    for(i=0; i<Settings::get_Samples();i++)        
+            value[i]= (float) ( (buffer[i] - Settings::get_Offset(ch)) / Settings::get_Gain(ch) );    
+    */
+    printf("Chegou chamada\n");
+    float* fft = ComplexFFT(buffer,1, 0);  //deve desalocar memoria do ptr retornado
+    /*
+        Mapa do vetor fft.
+        O vetor tem 2 vezes o no. de amostras. Cada par de valores (portanto n e n+1), representam, respectivamente 
+        COS e SEN.
+        Os dois primeiros valores reprensetam a frequencia 0Hz, portanto sao atribuidas ao valor medio.
+        Os demais pares de valores representam a fundamental e suas harmonicas,
+        sendo que se a fundamental for 60Hz, teremos: 60,120,180,240...
+        Para a nossa aplicacao apenas as 12 primeiras harmonicas serao utilizadas (720Hz)
+    */
+    //*vm = DFT(value, sen, cos);
+    *vm = fft[0];
+    for(int i=1;i<AMOSTRAS/2;i++)
+    {
+        cos[i-1] = fft[i*2];
+        sen[i-1] = fft[i*2+1];
+    }
+    for(int i=0;i<AMOSTRAS;i++)
+    {
+        printf("[%dHz]\tsen %.4f\tcos %.4f\n", (i+1)*60, sen[i], cos[i]);
+        if (i > 100)
+            break;
+    }
+    free(fft);    
+    //printf("[3] %d %d %d %d\n", buffer[0], buffer[100], buffer[200], buffer[255]);
+float* ComplexFFT(float* data, int sign, int ch)
+    //variables for the fft 
+    unsigned long n,mmax,m,j,istep,i;
+    //double wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta,tempr,tempi;
+    float wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta,tempr,tempi;
+    float *vector;
+    //the complex array is real+complex so the array
+    //as a size n = 2* number of complex samples
+    //real part is the data[index] and
+    //the complex part is the data[index+1]
+    //new complex array of size n=2*sample_rate
+    //if(vector==0)
+    //vector=(float*)malloc(2*SAMPLE_RATE*sizeof(float)); era assim, define estava em Capture.h
+    printf("Chegou compex\n");        
+    vector=(float*)malloc(2*AMOSTRAS*sizeof(float));
+    if (vector == NULL)
+        printf("Sem memoria\n");
+    memset(vector,0,2*AMOSTRAS*sizeof(float));
+    //put the real array in a complex array
+    //the complex part is filled with 0's
+    //the remaining vector with no data is filled with 0's
+    //for(n=0; n<SAMPLE_RATE;n++)era assim, define estava em Capture.h
+    printf("Alocou\n");            
+    for(n=0; n<AMOSTRAS;n++)
+    {
+        if(n<AMOSTRAS){
+            vector[2*n]= (float)  data[n] ;            
+            //  printf("%.4f$", vector[2*n]);
+            }
+        else
+            vector[2*n]=0;
+        vector[2*n+1]=0;
+    }
+    printf("\n");    
+    //printf("[1] %d %d %d %d\n", data[0], data[100], data[200], data[255]);
+    //binary inversion (note that the indexes
+    //start from 0 witch means that the
+    //real part of the complex is on the even-indexes
+    //and the complex part is on the odd-indexes)
+    //n=SAMPLE_RATE << 1; //multiply by 2era assim, define estava em Capture.h
+    n=AMOSTRAS << 1; //multiply by 2
+    j=0;
+    for (i=0;i<n/2;i+=2) {
+        if (j > i) {
+            SWAP(vector[j],vector[i]);
+            SWAP(vector[j+1],vector[i+1]);
+            if((j/2)<(n/4)){
+                SWAP(vector[(n-(i+2))],vector[(n-(j+2))]);
+                SWAP(vector[(n-(i+2))+1],vector[(n-(j+2))+1]);
+            }
+        }
+        m=n >> 1;
+        while (m >= 2 && j >= m) {
+            j -= m;
+            m >>= 1;
+        }
+        j += m;
+    }
+    //end of the bit-reversed order algorithm
+    //Danielson-Lanzcos routine
+    mmax=2;
+    while (n > mmax) {
+        istep=mmax << 1;
+        theta=sign*(2*PI/mmax);
+        wtemp=sin(0.5*theta);
+        wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
+        wpi=sin(theta);
+        wr=1.0;
+        wi=0.0;
+        for (m=1;m<mmax;m+=2) {
+            for (i=m;i<=n;i+=istep) {
+                j=i+mmax;
+                tempr=wr*vector[j-1]-wi*vector[j];
+                tempi=wr*vector[j]+wi*vector[j-1];
+                vector[j-1]=vector[i-1]-tempr;
+                vector[j]=vector[i]-tempi;
+                vector[i-1] += tempr;
+                vector[i] += tempi;
+            }
+            wr=(wtemp=wr)*wpr-wi*wpi+wr;
+            wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi;
+        }
+        mmax=istep;
+    }
+    //end of the algorithm
+    // Ajustes a FFT
+    for(i = 0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++ ){          
+        vector[i] = (float) ((2 * vector[i]) / AMOSTRAS );
+        /*
+        if (i % 2 == 1)
+            vector[i] = vector[i] * -1;
+        */
+    }
+    //printf("[2] %d %d %d %d\n", data[0], data[100], data[200], data[255]);
+    return vector;
+float DFT(float *data, float *seno, float *coss){
+    int i, j;
+    printf("Entrou DFT\n");
+    for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++)
+        seno[i] = coss[i] = 0;
+    for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++){
+        for(j = 0; j < AMOSTRAS; j++ ){          
+            coss[j] += (data[i] * (cos( (2 * PI * i * j) / AMOSTRAS ) ) ) ;
+            seno[j] += (data[i] * (sin( (2 * PI * i * j) / AMOSTRAS ) ) ) ;
+        }
+    }
+    printf("Primeiro Laco\n");   
+    for(j = 1; j < AMOSTRAS; j++ ){          
+        coss[j] = 2 * coss[j] / AMOSTRAS;
+        seno[j] = 2 * seno[j] / AMOSTRAS ;
+    }
+    printf("Segundo Laco\n");   
+    coss[0] = coss[0] / AMOSTRAS;
+    seno[0] = seno[0] / AMOSTRAS;
+    return (float) (coss[0]  + seno[0] );
diff -r 6218d050b1b9 -r 6c73db131ebc main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jun 25 14:56:54 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,26 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#define CONVERSAOAD 0.000021
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include <EthernetInterface.h>
-#define CICLO       1
-#define AMOSTRAS    2048
-//#define INTERVALO   (float) (1/CICLO)/AMOSTRAS
-#define INTERVALO   0.0004882812
+#include "Definitions.h"
+#include "calculos.c"
-#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr
-#define PI 3.14159265358979323846F
+EthernetInterface eth;
+TCPSocketConnection socket;
 LocalFileSystem local("local");
-AnalogIn captura(p16);
+AnalogIn captura(p20);
 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-float RMS(float *vet, int amostras);
+void IniciaEthernet(void);
 int gravaAmostras(float *vet, int amostras);
-void CalculateFFT(float *buffer, float *sen, float *cos, float *vm, int sign, int ch);
-float* ComplexFFT(float* data, int sign, int ch);
-float DFT(float *data, float *seno, float *coss);
 int gravaDFT(float *seno, float *coss, int amostras);
+int sendMessage(float *vet, int amostras);
 int main() {
     float vet[AMOSTRAS];
     //float controle[AMOSTRAS];
-    float seno[AMOSTRAS];
-    float coss[AMOSTRAS];
+    //float seno[AMOSTRAS];
+    //float coss[AMOSTRAS];
     float vm;
     int i, flag =0;
     Timer t;
@@ -36,33 +28,40 @@
     float espera,rms;
     float media = 0;
+    IniciaEthernet();
     printf("CONVERSAOAD %1.10f\n", CONVERSAOAD);
-    printf("PORTA       p16 Diferencial 2\n");
+    printf("PORTA       p16 Diferencial 1\n");
     printf("Ciclos (HZ) %d\n", CICLO);
     printf("Amostras    %d\n", AMOSTRAS);
     printf("Intervalo   %1.10f\n", INTERVALO);
-    for(int j =0; j < 50; j++){
+    for(int j =0; j < 5000; j++){
         for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++){
             //controle[i] =;
             valor = captura.read_u16();
-            vet[i] = (float) (valor - 33575) / 10830;        //acquire the value and convert the analog to digital
+            vet[i] = (float) valor;//(float) (valor - 33575) / 10830;        //acquire the value and convert the analog to digital
             if(i == 0)
-                maior = menor = valor;
-            if (valor > maior)
-                maior = valor;
-            if (valor < menor)
-                menor = valor;
- */
+                maior = menor = vet[i];
+            if (valor > vet[i])
+                maior = vet[i];
+            if (valor < vet[i])
+                menor = vet[i];
+            media += vet[i];
             espera = (INTERVALO * (i+1)) -;
-        printf("Acabou captura. Tempo %1.10f\n", );
+        rms = RMS(vet, AMOSTRAS);
+        printf("Acabou captura. Tempo %1.10f RMS %1.19f\n",, rms );
+        for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++)
+            printf("%.0f*", vet[i]);
+        printf("\n");
         //printf("Tempo de Captura %1.10f\n",;      
+        /*
         for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++){
             if(i == 0)
@@ -73,23 +72,29 @@
                 menor = (unsigned short int) vet[i];
             media += vet[i];
+        */
         //vm = DFT(vet, seno, coss);
         //CalculateFFT(vet, seno, coss, &vm, 1, 0);
         //gravaDFT(seno, coss, AMOSTRAS);
         //printf("Calculou DFT em %fs\n",;
-        rms = RMS(vet, AMOSTRAS);
-        if (rms > 0.6){
+        /*
+        media /= AMOSTRAS;
+        printf("[%d] Calculado RMS %1.10f VM %1.10f\n", j, rms, media);                                    
+        if (rms > LIMITE){
+            /*
             if (flag > 1){
-                gravaAmostras(vet, AMOSTRAS);
+                sendMessage(vet, AMOSTRAS);
+                printf("Calculado RMS Enviado %f\n", rms);                                    
-                printf("Gravou amostras\n");
-                flag = -1000;
-        printf("[%d] RMS %1.8f Menor %d Maior %d Media %1.8f VM %1.8f\n", j, RMS(vet, AMOSTRAS), menor, maior, vm, (float) media/AMOSTRAS);
+        */
+        //printf("[%d] RMS %1.8f Menor %d Maior %d Media %1.8f VM %1.8f\n", j, RMS(vet, AMOSTRAS), menor, maior, vm, (float) media/AMOSTRAS);
@@ -119,199 +124,65 @@
-void CalculateFFT(float *buffer, float *sen, float *cos, float *vm, int sign, int ch)
-    int i;
-    //float value[256];
-    /*
-    printf("Tamanho float %lu\n", sizeof(float));        
-    printf("Tamanho double %lu\n", sizeof(double));        
-    printf("Tamanho unsigned short int %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned short int));   
-    printf("Tamanho unsigned long %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned long));   
-    printf("Tamanho unsigned long long %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned long long));       
-    for(int i=0; i < Settings::get_Samples(); i++)
-        printf("%d*",buffer[i]);
-    printf("\n");
-    */
-    //printf("[0] %d %d %d %d\n", buffer[0], buffer[100], buffer[200], buffer[255]);
-    /*
-    for(i=0; i<Settings::get_Samples();i++)        
-            value[i]= (float) ( (buffer[i] - Settings::get_Offset(ch)) / Settings::get_Gain(ch) );    
-    */
-    printf("Chegou chamada\n");
-    float* fft = ComplexFFT(buffer,1, 0);  //deve desalocar memoria do ptr retornado
-    /*
-        Mapa do vetor fft.
-        O vetor tem 2 vezes o no. de amostras. Cada par de valores (portanto n e n+1), representam, respectivamente 
-        COS e SEN.
-        Os dois primeiros valores reprensetam a frequencia 0Hz, portanto sao atribuidas ao valor medio.
-        Os demais pares de valores representam a fundamental e suas harmonicas,
-        sendo que se a fundamental for 60Hz, teremos: 60,120,180,240...
-        Para a nossa aplicacao apenas as 12 primeiras harmonicas serao utilizadas (720Hz)
-    */
-    //*vm = DFT(value, sen, cos);
-    *vm = fft[0];
-    for(int i=1;i<AMOSTRAS/2;i++)
-    {
-        cos[i-1] = fft[i*2];
-        sen[i-1] = fft[i*2+1];
-    }
-    for(int i=0;i<AMOSTRAS;i++)
-    {
-        printf("[%dHz]\tsen %.4f\tcos %.4f\n", (i+1)*60, sen[i], cos[i]);
-        if (i > 100)
-            break;
-    }
-    free(fft);    
-    //printf("[3] %d %d %d %d\n", buffer[0], buffer[100], buffer[200], buffer[255]);
+void IniciaEthernet(void){
+    eth.init("","","");
+    //EthernetIf::Connect();
+    eth.connect();
+    //printf("IP Address is %s\n", EthernetIf::get_IpAddress());
+    printf("IP Address is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
-float* ComplexFFT(float* data, int sign, int ch)
-    //variables for the fft 
-    unsigned long n,mmax,m,j,istep,i;
-    //double wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta,tempr,tempi;
-    float wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta,tempr,tempi;
-    float *vector;
-    //the complex array is real+complex so the array
-    //as a size n = 2* number of complex samples
-    //real part is the data[index] and
-    //the complex part is the data[index+1]
-    //new complex array of size n=2*sample_rate
-    //if(vector==0)
-    //vector=(float*)malloc(2*SAMPLE_RATE*sizeof(float)); era assim, define estava em Capture.h
-    printf("Chegou compex\n");        
+int sendMessage(float *vet, int amostras){
+    int i, ret;
+    float num;
-    vector=(float*)malloc(2*AMOSTRAS*sizeof(float));
-    if (vector == NULL)
-        printf("Sem memoria\n");
-    memset(vector,0,2*AMOSTRAS*sizeof(float));
-    //put the real array in a complex array
-    //the complex part is filled with 0's
-    //the remaining vector with no data is filled with 0's
-    //for(n=0; n<SAMPLE_RATE;n++)era assim, define estava em Capture.h
-    printf("Alocou\n");            
-    for(n=0; n<AMOSTRAS;n++)
-    {
-        if(n<AMOSTRAS){
-            vector[2*n]= (float)  data[n] ;            
-            //  printf("%.4f$", vector[2*n]);
-            }
-        else
-            vector[2*n]=0;
-        vector[2*n+1]=0;
-    }
-    printf("\n");    
-    //printf("[1] %d %d %d %d\n", data[0], data[100], data[200], data[255]);
+    char *msg;
+    char aux[9];
-    //binary inversion (note that the indexes
-    //start from 0 witch means that the
-    //real part of the complex is on the even-indexes
-    //and the complex part is on the odd-indexes)
-    //n=SAMPLE_RATE << 1; //multiply by 2era assim, define estava em Capture.h
-    n=AMOSTRAS << 1; //multiply by 2
-    j=0;
-    for (i=0;i<n/2;i+=2) {
-        if (j > i) {
-            SWAP(vector[j],vector[i]);
-            SWAP(vector[j+1],vector[i+1]);
-            if((j/2)<(n/4)){
-                SWAP(vector[(n-(i+2))],vector[(n-(j+2))]);
-                SWAP(vector[(n-(i+2))+1],vector[(n-(j+2))+1]);
-            }
-        }
-        m=n >> 1;
-        while (m >= 2 && j >= m) {
-            j -= m;
-            m >>= 1;
-        }
-        j += m;
+    TCPSocketConnection sock;
+    sock.connect("", 12345);
+    //printf("Nova Malloc4\n");
+    msg = (char *)malloc((amostras/2*9*sizeof(char)) + 1);
+    if (msg == NULL){
+        printf("Sem memoria\n");
-    //end of the bit-reversed order algorithm
+    msg[0] = '\0';
+    printf("\n\n\nprimeira parte\n");
+    for(i=0; i<amostras/2; i++){
+        num = vet[i];        
+        sprintf(aux, "%08X;", *(unsigned int*)&num )  ;
+        if (i == 0 || i == 100 || i == 500 || i == 1023)
+            printf("%d\t%s\n", i, aux);
-    //Danielson-Lanzcos routine
-    mmax=2;
-    while (n > mmax) {
-        istep=mmax << 1;
-        theta=sign*(2*PI/mmax);
-        wtemp=sin(0.5*theta);
-        wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
-        wpi=sin(theta);
-        wr=1.0;
-        wi=0.0;
-        for (m=1;m<mmax;m+=2) {
-            for (i=m;i<=n;i+=istep) {
-                j=i+mmax;
-                tempr=wr*vector[j-1]-wi*vector[j];
-                tempi=wr*vector[j]+wi*vector[j-1];
-                vector[j-1]=vector[i-1]-tempr;
-                vector[j]=vector[i]-tempi;
-                vector[i-1] += tempr;
-                vector[i] += tempi;
-            }
-            wr=(wtemp=wr)*wpr-wi*wpi+wr;
-            wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi;
-        }
-        mmax=istep;
-    }
-    //end of the algorithm
+        strcat(msg, aux);
+    }    
+    ret = sock.send(msg, strlen(msg)) ;
-    // Ajustes a FFT
-    for(i = 0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++ ){          
-        vector[i] = (float) ((2 * vector[i]) / AMOSTRAS );
-        /*
-        if (i % 2 == 1)
-            vector[i] = vector[i] * -1;
-        */
-    }
+    if (ret != -1){
+        msg[0] = '\0';
+        printf("\n\n\nsegunda parte\n");
+        for(i=amostras/2; i<amostras; i++){
+            num = vet[i];        
+            sprintf(aux, "%08X;", *(unsigned int*)&num )  ;
+            if (i == 1024 || i == 1124 || i == 1524 || i == 2047)
+                printf("%d\t%s\n", i, aux); 
+            strcat(msg, aux);
+        }    
+        ret = sock.send(msg, strlen(msg)) ;
+        //printf("[%s]\n", msg);
+        //sock.close();
+    } 
+    if (ret != -1)
+        return (1);
-    //printf("[2] %d %d %d %d\n", data[0], data[100], data[200], data[255]);
-    return vector;
+    return (0);
-float DFT(float *data, float *seno, float *coss){
-    int i, j;
-    printf("Entrou DFT\n");
-    for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++)
-        seno[i] = coss[i] = 0;
-    for(i=0; i < AMOSTRAS; i++){
-        for(j = 0; j < AMOSTRAS; j++ ){          
-            coss[j] += (data[i] * (cos( (2 * PI * i * j) / AMOSTRAS ) ) ) ;
-            seno[j] += (data[i] * (sin( (2 * PI * i * j) / AMOSTRAS ) ) ) ;
-        }
-    }
-    printf("Primeiro Laco\n");   
-    for(j = 1; j < AMOSTRAS; j++ ){          
-        coss[j] = 2 * coss[j] / AMOSTRAS;
-        seno[j] = 2 * seno[j] / AMOSTRAS ;
-    }
-    printf("Segundo Laco\n");   
-    coss[0] = coss[0] / AMOSTRAS;
-    seno[0] = seno[0] / AMOSTRAS;
-    return (float) (coss[0]  + seno[0] );
 int gravaDFT(float *seno, float *coss, int amostras){
     int i;
@@ -354,14 +225,4 @@
-float RMS(float *vet, int amostras){
-    int i;
-    float aux, soma=0;
-    for(i=0; i < amostras; i++){
-        aux = vet[i] * vet[i];
-        soma += aux;
-    }
-    soma = (float) soma / amostras;
-    return (sqrt(soma));    
diff -r 6218d050b1b9 -r 6c73db131ebc mbed-rtos.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-rtos.lib	Thu Mar 05 20:38:46 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@