STM32F7 Ethernet interface for nucleo STM32F767

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To be called from TCPIP thread. More...


err_t igmp_joingroup (const ip4_addr_t *ifaddr, const ip4_addr_t *groupaddr)
 Join a group on one network interface.
err_t igmp_joingroup_netif (struct netif *netif, const ip4_addr_t *groupaddr)
 Join a group on one network interface.
err_t igmp_leavegroup (const ip4_addr_t *ifaddr, const ip4_addr_t *groupaddr)
 Leave a group on one network interface.
err_t igmp_leavegroup_netif (struct netif *netif, const ip4_addr_t *groupaddr)
 Leave a group on one network interface.

Detailed Description

To be called from TCPIP thread.

Function Documentation

err_t igmp_joingroup ( const ip4_addr_t ifaddr,
const ip4_addr_t groupaddr 

Join a group on one network interface.

ifaddrip address of the network interface which should join a new group
groupaddrthe ip address of the group which to join
ERR_OK if group was joined on the netif(s), an err_t otherwise

Definition at line 449 of file lwip_igmp.c.

err_t igmp_joingroup_netif ( struct netif netif,
const ip4_addr_t groupaddr 

Join a group on one network interface.

netifthe network interface which should join a new group
groupaddrthe ip address of the group which to join
ERR_OK if group was joined on the netif, an err_t otherwise

Definition at line 486 of file lwip_igmp.c.

err_t igmp_leavegroup ( const ip4_addr_t ifaddr,
const ip4_addr_t groupaddr 

Leave a group on one network interface.

ifaddrip address of the network interface which should leave a group
groupaddrthe ip address of the group which to leave
ERR_OK if group was left on the netif(s), an err_t otherwise

Definition at line 545 of file lwip_igmp.c.

err_t igmp_leavegroup_netif ( struct netif netif,
const ip4_addr_t groupaddr 

Leave a group on one network interface.

netifthe network interface which should leave a group
groupaddrthe ip address of the group which to leave
ERR_OK if group was left on the netif, an err_t otherwise

Definition at line 581 of file lwip_igmp.c.