created separate function for hex to char

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of SS_SensePOC2P0_11Dec2017_USERPID by rashmi v

Revisions of main.h

Revision Date Message Actions
70:f2e544a5645b 2017-11-30 merged BG timeout File  Diff  Annotate
69:128e3b467820 2017-11-23 Modification in ASCII to hex conversion in main.cpp File  Diff  Annotate
68:41da0a3ba038 2017-11-21 Modified get_user_pid function File  Diff  Annotate
67:7e07cdb1b150 2017-11-20 Added ; - set_userpid function in bt.cpp; - get_userpid function in main.cpp File  Diff  Annotate
66:d7fc45e328d0 2017-11-20 - While sending Response message: format specifier changed to %02x.; - enum device state was created. File  Diff  Annotate
57:e82d4bd6b2c0 2017-11-10 Can receive only 4 characters from receiver side File  Diff  Annotate
54:f2a413d5dffd 2017-09-27 Modification in LPF and GLC File  Diff  Annotate
51:1a4693774b60 2017-09-20 modifications done in debug mode. Unless a message is typed it does not go into debug mode. And debug option is enabled only for 10 mins File  Diff  Annotate
49:3ff80c4bc1be 2017-09-15 Merged code -2; it includes sd card read, delete , entering into the debug mode and lpf for ecg - need to be tested File  Diff  Annotate
43:85a7f399cb9d 2017-09-11 PID tracking with get and inc file pid and bt pid File  Diff  Annotate
42:c81673b04b6a 2017-09-11 PID tracking with getpid, store pid File  Diff  Annotate
41:1141a75eacc4 2017-09-08 Modified PID tracking; 1 First open the Pid in write mode and then in append mode; 2 PID to increment only after a test is completed; 3 PID stored in SD card; File  Diff  Annotate
1:8316c23ec6b9 2017-01-30 POC code File  Diff  Annotate