aquarium light controller wannabe

Dependencies:   DS3231 FastPWM Menu QEI TextLCD _24LCXXX mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "TextLCD.h"
00003 #include "QEI.h"
00004 #include "Menu.h"
00005 #include "FastPWM.h"
00006 #include "DS3231.h"
00007 #include "_24LCXXX.h"
00010 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //DEBUG
00011 DigitalOut myled(LED1); //DEBUG
00013 // I2C Bus
00014 I2C i2c(PB_4, PA_8); // SDA, SCL
00016 TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c, PCF8574_SA7);
00017 _24LCXXX eeprom(&i2c, 0x57);
00018 DS3231 rtc(PB_4, PA_8);
00019 //End I2C BUS
00021 QEI qei(PH_0, PH_1, NC, 80, QEI::X4_ENCODING); //Index is NC(see QEI class), we use PC_13 as digital input
00022 DigitalIn qei_idx(PC_13);
00024 bool qei_pb() //check and debounces qei_idx
00025 {
00026     int check = qei_idx;
00027     wait_us(5);
00028     if((!check) && !qei_idx) {
00029         return true;
00030     } else return false;
00031 }
00033 //PA_11 = ESP SERIAL!!!
00034 FastPWM Pwm_Array[] = {PA_7,PA_5,PA_6,PB_6,PA_9,PB_3,PB_5,PB_7,PA_10,PB_10,PC_8,PB_8,PA_11,PC_9,PB_9};
00036 //Ticker Pwm_Ticker[sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)];
00037 Ticker Sunrise_Ticker;
00038 Ticker Sunset_Ticker;
00040 //uint8_t Pwm_Min_Max_Array[sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)][1][2] = {
00041 //    { {0, 100} },
00042 //    { {20, 80} },
00043 //    { {0, 100} },
00044 //    { {0, 100} },
00045 //    { {0, 100} },
00046 //    { {0, 100} },
00047 //    { {0, 100} },
00048 //    { {0, 100} },
00049 //    { {0, 100} },
00050 //    { {0, 100} },
00051 //    { {0, 100} },
00052 //    { {0, 100} },
00053 //    { {0, 100} },
00054 //    { {0, 100} },
00055 //    { {0, 100} }
00056 //};
00059 uint8_t Pwm_Min_Max_Array[sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)][2] = {
00060     {0, 1}, //violet
00061     {1, 35}, //royal blue
00062     {0, 40}, //20000k
00063     {0, 35},
00064     {0, 35},
00065     {0, 35},
00066     {0, 35},
00067     {0, 35},
00068     {0, 35},
00069     {0, 35},
00070     {0, 35},
00071     {0, 35},
00072     {0, 35},
00073     {0, 35},
00074     {0, 35}
00075 };
00077 int pwm_idx = 0;
00079 uint8_t SunRiseSet[2][2] = {{8,0},{20,30}};
00081 uint8_t ramptime = 30; //in minutes
00083 bool refresh_display = true;
00085 enum { IDLE,
00086        MAIN,
00087        SETTINGS,
00088        PWM_MIN,
00089        PWM_MAX,
00090        SUNRISE,
00091        SUNSET,
00092        RAMPTIME,
00093        SUNRISE_HOUR,
00094        SUNRISE_MINUTE,
00095        SUNSET_HOUR,
00096        SUNSET_MINUTE,
00097        SET_DATE_TIME,
00098        SET_DATE_DAY,
00099        SET_DATE_MONTH,
00100        SET_DATE_YEAR,
00101        SET_TIME_HOUR,
00102        SET_TIME_MINUTE,
00103        SET_TIME_SECOND
00104      } menu_state = MAIN ;       // Initial state = MAIN ;
00106 int cursorPos = 0;
00107 Menu *activeMenu;
00109 //struct tm *t; //read time
00110 struct tm t; //mktime
00112 Ticker qei_t; //ticker for qei_cb()
00114 void qei_cb()
00115 {
00116     if(qei.getCurrentState() == 3 && qei.getPulses() < 0) { //one tab left
00117         refresh_display = true;
00118         switch (menu_state) {
00119             case SETTINGS:
00120                 cursorPos--;
00121                 if (cursorPos < 0)
00122                     cursorPos = activeMenu->selections.size()-1;
00123                 break;
00124             case PWM_MIN:
00125                 if (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][0] > 0)
00126                     Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][0]--;
00127                 break;
00128             case PWM_MAX:
00129                 if (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][1] > 0)
00130                     Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][1]--;
00131                 break;
00132             case RAMPTIME:
00133                 ramptime--;
00134                 break;
00135             case SUNRISE_HOUR:
00136                 SunRiseSet[0][0]--;
00137                 break;
00138             case SUNRISE_MINUTE:
00139                 SunRiseSet[0][1]--;
00140                 break;
00141             case SUNSET_HOUR:
00142                 SunRiseSet[1][0]--;
00143                 break;
00144             case SUNSET_MINUTE:
00145                 SunRiseSet[1][1]--;
00146                 break;
00147         }
00148         qei.reset();
00149     } else if(qei.getCurrentState() == 3 && qei.getPulses() > 0) { //one tab right
00150         refresh_display = true;
00151         switch (menu_state) {
00152             case SETTINGS:
00153                 cursorPos++;
00154                 if (cursorPos >= activeMenu->selections.size())
00155                     cursorPos = 0;
00156                 break;
00157             case PWM_MIN:
00158                 if (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][0] < 100)
00159                     Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][0]++;
00160                 break;
00161             case PWM_MAX:
00162                 if (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][1] < 100)
00163                     Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][1]++;
00164                 break;
00165             case RAMPTIME:
00166                 ramptime++;
00167                 break;
00168             case SUNRISE_HOUR:
00169                 SunRiseSet[0][0]++;
00170                 break;
00171             case SUNRISE_MINUTE:
00172                 SunRiseSet[0][1]++;
00173                 break;
00174             case SUNSET_HOUR:
00175                 SunRiseSet[1][0]++;
00176                 break;
00177             case SUNSET_MINUTE:
00178                 SunRiseSet[1][1]++;
00179                 break;
00180         }
00181         qei.reset();
00182     }
00184     if(qei_pb()) { //button press
00185         Timer qei_pb_t;
00186         if ( == 0) {
00187             qei_pb_t.start();
00188         }
00189         while(qei_pb()) { //check long press
00190             if( > 1) {
00191                 qei_pb_t.stop();
00192                 pc.printf("long press");//do stuff on long press
00193                 refresh_display = true;
00194                 lcd.cls();
00195                 lcd.locate(0,0);
00196                 lcd.printf("%s", activeMenu->menuID);
00197                 lcd.locate(0,1);
00198                 lcd.printf("%s", activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].selText);
00200                 menu_state = SETTINGS;
00201                 wait(0.5);
00202             }
00203         }
00204         if( < 1) {
00205             qei_pb_t.stop();
00206             //do stuff on short press
00207             pc.printf("short press");
00208             refresh_display = true;
00209             switch (menu_state) {
00210                 case MAIN:
00211                     break;
00212                 case SETTINGS:
00213                     pc.printf("apasat SETTINGS\n");
00214                     if(activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].fun != NULL) {
00215                         (activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].fun)();
00216                     }
00217                     if(activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].childMenu != NULL) {
00218                         activeMenu = activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].childMenu;
00219                         cursorPos = 0;
00220                     }
00221                     //            print_menu();
00222                     wait(0.2);
00223                     break;
00224                 case PWM_MIN:
00225                     menu_state = SETTINGS;
00226                     wait(0.2);
00227                     break;
00228                 case PWM_MAX:
00229                     menu_state = SETTINGS;
00230                     wait(0.2);
00231                     break;
00232                 case SUNRISE:
00233                     wait(0.2);
00234                     menu_state = SUNRISE_HOUR;
00235                     break;
00236                 case SUNRISE_HOUR:
00237                     wait(0.2);
00238                     menu_state = SUNRISE_MINUTE;
00239                     break;
00240                 case SUNSET:
00241                     wait(0.2);
00242                     menu_state = SUNSET_HOUR;
00243                     break;
00244                 case SUNSET_HOUR:
00245                     wait(0.2);
00246                     menu_state = SUNSET_MINUTE;
00247                     break;
00248                 default:
00249                     menu_state = SETTINGS;
00250                     wait(0.2);
00251                     break;
00252             }
00253             wait(0.2);
00254         }
00255     }
00256 }
00258 void exit_settings()
00259 {
00260 //    menu_state = SAVE_SETTINGS;
00261 //    lcd.locate(0,1);
00262 //    lcd.printf("<N    SAVE    Y>");
00263     menu_state = MAIN;
00264 }
00266 void pwm_min()
00267 {
00268     menu_state = PWM_MIN;
00269 }
00271 void pwm_max()
00272 {
00273     menu_state = PWM_MAX;
00274 }
00276 void sun_rise()
00277 {
00278     menu_state = SUNRISE;
00279 }
00281 void sun_set()
00282 {
00283     menu_state = SUNSET;
00284 }
00286 void ramp_time()
00287 {
00288     menu_state = RAMPTIME;
00289 }
00291 void set_date_time()
00292 {
00293     menu_state = SET_DATE_TIME;
00294 }
00296 //    void inc() {
00297 //        _pin = _pin + 0.01/8.0;  // 0.01 = 1% => 0.125% increments, if you modify this you need to modify 'ramp/8' too
00298 //    }
00299 //    void dec() {
00300 //        _pin = _pin - 0.01/8.0;
00301 //    }
00303 //void bl(uint8_t pwmnameArray[10][3], PwmOut &pwmname, Ticker &pwmname_t, Ramp &pwmname_r) //pwmnameArray, pwmname, pwmname_t, pwmname_r
00304 //void bl()
00305 //{
00306 //    struct tm *t;
00307 //    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
00308 //    t = localtime(&seconds);
00309 //
00310 //    int timerica = (t->tm_hour*3600) + (t->tm_min*60) + t->tm_sec;
00311 //
00312 //    for (uint8_t index = 0; index < 10; index++) { //cycle array (sizeof(pwmArray)/sizeof(pwmArray[0])) = 0?
00313 //
00314 ////        if (pwmnameArray[index][2] != 255 && pwmnameArray[index+1][2] != 255) {
00315 ////
00316 ////            if ( timerica == (pwmnameArray[index][0]*3600) + (pwmnameArray[index][1]*60) ) {
00317 ////
00318 ////                pwmname_t.detach();
00319 ////
00320 ////                pwmname = pwmnameArray[index][2]/100.0;
00321 ////
00322 ////                float ramp = float( (((pwmnameArray[index+1][0]*3600) + (pwmnameArray[index+1][1]*60))-((pwmnameArray[index][0]*3600) + (pwmnameArray[index][1]*60))) ) / float( (pwmnameArray[index+1][2]-pwmnameArray[index][2]) ) ;
00323 ////
00324 ////                pc.printf("ramp ?%f\n", ramp);
00325 ////
00326 ////                if (ramp > 0) {
00327 ////                    pwmname_t.attach(&pwmname_r, &Ramp::inc, ramp/8);
00328 ////                }
00329 ////                if (ramp < 0) {
00330 ////                    pwmname_t.attach(&pwmname_r, &Ramp::dec, ramp/8);
00331 ////                }
00332 ////
00333 ////                pc.printf("PWMSTART\n");
00334 ////                pc.printf("index %d\n",index);
00335 ////            }
00336 ////        }
00337 //
00338 ////        if (pwmnameArray[index][2] != 255 && pwmnameArray[index+1][2] == 255) { //pwm_end = 255
00339 ////            if ( timerica == (pwmnameArray[index][0]*3600) + (pwmnameArray[index][1]*60) ) {
00340 ////
00341 ////                pwmname_t.detach();
00342 ////
00343 ////                pwmname = pwmnameArray[index][2]/100.0;
00344 ////
00345 ////                pc.printf("PWMZERO\n");
00346 ////                pc.printf("index %d\n",index);
00347 ////            }
00348 ////        }
00349 //    }
00350 //}
00352 void incs()
00353 {
00354     for(uint8_t index = 0; index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM); index++) { //index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)
00356         double ramp = double( (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]-Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]) ) / double( (( ((SunRiseSet[0][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[0][1]*60))+(ramptime*60) )-( (SunRiseSet[0][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[0][1]*60) )) ) ;
00358         if (Pwm_Array[index].read() < Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]/100.0) {
00359             Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Array[index].read() + double(ramp/100.0);
00360             pc.printf("sunrise:[%i]%f ", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00361         }
00362         if (Pwm_Array[index].read() > Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]/100.0) {
00363             Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]/100.0;
00364             Sunrise_Ticker.detach();
00365             pc.printf("\n sunrise end:[%i]%f \n", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00366         }
00367     }
00368 }
00370 void decs()
00371 {
00372     for(uint8_t index = 0; index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM); index++) { //index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)
00374         double ramp = double( (Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]-Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]) ) / double( (( ((SunRiseSet[1][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[1][1]*60))+(ramptime*60) )-( (SunRiseSet[1][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[1][1]*60) )) ) ;
00376         if (Pwm_Array[index].read() > Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]/100.0) {
00377             Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Array[index].read() - double(ramp/100.0);
00378             pc.printf("sunset:[%i]%f ", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00379         }
00380         if (Pwm_Array[index].read() < Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]/100.0) {
00381             Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]/100.0;
00382             Sunset_Ticker.detach();
00383             pc.printf("\n sunset end:[%i]%f \n", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00384         }
00385     }
00386 }
00388 //TODO
00389 //init RTC
00391 void set_time_from_rtc()
00392 {
00393     int rtc_hour;
00394     int rtc_min;
00395     int rtc_sec;
00396     int rtc_dow; //day of week
00397     int rtc_mday;
00398     int rtc_mon;
00399     int rtc_year;
00401     rtc.readDateTime(&rtc_dow,&rtc_mday,&rtc_mon,&rtc_year,&rtc_hour,&rtc_min,&rtc_sec);
00402 //TODO
00403 //asuming that day of week is allways != 0, return an error if dow == 0.
00404     lcd.cls();
00405     lcd.printf("rtc: %i / %02i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i",rtc_dow,rtc_mday,rtc_mon,rtc_year,rtc_hour,rtc_min,rtc_sec);
00408     t.tm_sec = rtc_sec;    // 0-59
00409     t.tm_min = rtc_min;    // 0-59
00410     t.tm_hour = rtc_hour;   // 0-23
00411     t.tm_mday = rtc_mday;   // 1-31
00412     t.tm_mon = rtc_mon;     // 0-11
00413     t.tm_year = rtc_year-1900;  // year since 1900
00415     // convert to timestamp and set (1256729737)
00416     time_t epoch = mktime(&t);
00417     set_time(epoch);
00418     wait(1); //not necessary
00419     lcd.cls();
00420     epoch = time(NULL);
00421     lcd.printf("stm: %i / %02i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i",rtc_dow,localtime(&epoch)->tm_mday,localtime(&epoch)->tm_mon,localtime(&epoch)->tm_year+1900,localtime(&epoch)->tm_hour,localtime(&epoch)->tm_min,localtime(&epoch)->tm_sec);
00422     wait(1); //not necessary
00423 }
00425 void read_eeprom() //int nbyte_read( int mem_addr, void *data, int size ); //TODO
00426 {
00427     char data2[4096]; //32Kbit eeprom
00428 //    pc.printf("memory int data read!\n");
00429     eeprom.nbyte_read( 0, &data2, 4096 ); //MAXADR_24LCXXX <=4096
00430     //lcd.printf("int:%d sizeofint:%d",data2, sizeof(uint8_t));
00431 //    pc.printf("\nend\n");
00432     lcd.printf("sizeof: %d", sizeof(data2));
00433 }
00435 int main()
00436 {
00437     //lcd init
00438     lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOn);
00439     lcd.setMode(TextLCD::DispOn);
00441     //TODO
00442     //rtc init (set 32KHz output to enable, erase OSF, etc?
00445     char buffer[32];
00446     struct tm *twhile;
00448     set_time_from_rtc(); //read time from DS3231, set time to STM32
00449     //read external EEPROM and restore saved values (what values?)
00450     //lcd.cls();
00451     //read_eeprom();
00452     //wait(4);
00454     //TODO set initial pwm_channel state (ie: if it's betweeen sunrise_end and sunset_start set it to sunrise_max, if it's ramping calculate the initial value
00456     //initial state = pwm_min
00457     for(uint8_t index = 0; index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM); index++) {
00458         Pwm_Array[index].period_ms(2); //500Hz
00459         Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][0]/100.0;
00460     }
00462     //see if we are between sunrise and sunset
00463     time_t seconds = time(NULL);
00464     twhile = localtime(&seconds);
00466     int timerica = (twhile->tm_hour*3600) + (twhile->tm_min*60) + twhile->tm_sec;
00468     if ((timerica > (SunRiseSet[0][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[0][1]*60)) && (timerica < (SunRiseSet[1][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[1][1]*60))) {
00469         for(uint8_t index = 0; index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM); index++) {
00470             Pwm_Array[index] = Pwm_Min_Max_Array[index][1]/100.0; //add smoothing
00471             pc.printf("pwm:[%i]%f ", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00472         }
00473     }
00477     qei_idx.mode(PullUp);
00478     qei_t.attach(&qei_cb, 0.05); //calls qei_cb every 50ms
00480     Menu settingsMenu("SettingsID");
00482     Menu pwm_minMenu("PWM MinID");
00483     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 0, NULL, "<     CH00     >"));
00484     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 1, NULL, "<     CH01     >"));
00485     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 2, NULL, "<     CH02     >"));
00486     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 3, NULL, "<     CH03     >"));
00487     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 4, NULL, "<     CH04     >"));
00488     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 5, NULL, "<     CH05     >"));
00489     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 6, NULL, "<     CH06     >"));
00490     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 7, NULL, "<     CH07     >"));
00491     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 8, NULL, "<     CH08     >"));
00492     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_min, 9, NULL, "<     CH09     >"));
00493     pwm_minMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 10, &settingsMenu, "<    Return    >"));
00495     Menu pwm_maxMenu("PWM MaxID");
00496     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 0, NULL, "<     CH00     >"));
00497     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 1, NULL, "<     CH01     >"));
00498     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 2, NULL, "<     CH02     >"));
00499     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 3, NULL, "<     CH03     >"));
00500     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 4, NULL, "<     CH04     >"));
00501     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 5, NULL, "<     CH05     >"));
00502     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 6, NULL, "<     CH06     >"));
00503     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 7, NULL, "<     CH07     >"));
00504     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 8, NULL, "<     CH08     >"));
00505     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(&pwm_max, 9, NULL, "<     CH09     >"));
00506     pwm_maxMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 10, &settingsMenu, "<    Return    >"));
00508 //    Menu sunriseMenu("PWM MaxID");
00509 //
00510 //    Menu sunsetMenu("PWM MaxID");
00512 //    Menu ramptimeMenu("RampTimeID");
00514     settingsMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &pwm_maxMenu, "<PWM Day>"));
00515     settingsMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &pwm_minMenu, "<PWM Night>"));
00516     settingsMenu.add(Selection(&sun_rise, 2, NULL, "<Sunrise>"));
00517     settingsMenu.add(Selection(&sun_set, 3, NULL, "<Sunset>"));
00518     settingsMenu.add(Selection(&ramp_time, 4, NULL, "<Ramp Time>"));
00519     settingsMenu.add(Selection(&set_date_time, 5, NULL, "<Set Date/Time>"));
00521     settingsMenu.add(Selection(&exit_settings, 6, NULL, "<Exit Setup>"));
00523     activeMenu = &settingsMenu;
00525     while(1) {
00527         time_t seconds = time(NULL);
00528         strftime(buffer, 32, "%H:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
00531         twhile = localtime(&seconds);
00533         int timerica = (twhile->tm_hour*3600) + (twhile->tm_min*60) + twhile->tm_sec;
00536         pc.printf("time: %s in seconds: %d sunrise: %d sunset: %d\n", buffer, timerica, (SunRiseSet[0][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[0][1]*60), (SunRiseSet[1][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[1][1]*60) );
00538         if (timerica == (SunRiseSet[0][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[0][1]*60)) { //TODO attach once at start out of while()
00539             Sunrise_Ticker.attach(&incs,1); //TODO check if allready attached
00540         }
00542         if (timerica == (SunRiseSet[1][0]*3600) + (SunRiseSet[1][1]*60)) {
00543             Sunset_Ticker.attach(&decs,1); //TODO check if allready attached
00544             pc.printf("sunset timer attached to decs\n");
00545         }
00547 //        for(uint8_t index = 0; index < 3; index++) { //index < sizeof(Pwm_Array)/sizeof(FastPWM)
00548 //            pc.printf("pwm:[%i]%f ", index, Pwm_Array[index].read());
00549 //        }
00552         if (refresh_display == true) {
00553             switch(menu_state) {
00554                 case MAIN:
00555                     lcd.cls();
00556                     lcd.printf("     BAT-LED    ");
00557                     lcd.printf("     v.1.0      ");
00558                     refresh_display = false;
00559                     break;
00560                 case SETTINGS:
00561                     lcd.cls();
00562                     lcd.locate(0,0);
00563                     lcd.printf("%s", activeMenu->menuID);
00564                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00565                     lcd.printf("%s", activeMenu->selections[cursorPos].selText);
00566                     refresh_display = false;
00567                     break;
00568                 case PWM_MIN:
00569                     lcd.cls();
00570                     lcd.printf("%s %2i", activeMenu->menuID, cursorPos);
00571                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00572                     lcd.printf("<-    %3i%%    +>", Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][0]);
00573                     refresh_display = false;
00574                     break;
00575                 case PWM_MAX:
00576                     lcd.cls();
00577                     lcd.printf("%s %2i", activeMenu->menuID, cursorPos);
00578                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00579                     lcd.printf("<-    %3i%%    +>", Pwm_Min_Max_Array[cursorPos][1]);
00580                     refresh_display = false;
00581                     break;
00582                 case SUNRISE:
00583                     lcd.cls();
00584                     lcd.printf("%s %2i", activeMenu->menuID, cursorPos);
00585                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00586                     lcd.printf("%02d:%02d", SunRiseSet[0][0],SunRiseSet[0][1]);
00587                     refresh_display = false;
00588                     break;
00589                 case SUNRISE_HOUR:
00590                     while(menu_state == SUNRISE_HOUR) {
00591                         lcd.locate(0,1);
00592                         lcd.printf("  ");
00593                         wait(0.1);
00594                         lcd.locate(0,1);
00595                         lcd.printf("%02d",SunRiseSet[0][0]);
00596                         wait(0.2);
00597                     }
00598                     break;
00599                 case SUNRISE_MINUTE:
00600                     while(menu_state == SUNRISE_MINUTE) {
00601                         lcd.locate(3,1);
00602                         lcd.printf("  ");
00603                         wait(0.1);
00604                         lcd.locate(3,1);
00605                         lcd.printf("%02d",SunRiseSet[0][1]);
00606                         wait(0.2);
00607                     }
00608                     break;
00609                 case SUNSET:
00610                     lcd.cls();
00611                     lcd.printf("%s %2i", activeMenu->menuID, cursorPos);
00612                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00613                     lcd.printf("%02d:%02d", SunRiseSet[1][0],SunRiseSet[1][1]);
00614                     refresh_display = false;
00615                     break;
00616                 case SUNSET_HOUR:
00617                     while(menu_state == SUNSET_HOUR) {
00618                         lcd.locate(0,1);
00619                         lcd.printf("  ");
00620                         wait(0.1);
00621                         lcd.locate(0,1);
00622                         lcd.printf("%02d",SunRiseSet[1][0]);
00623                         wait(0.2);
00624                     }
00625                     break;
00626                 case SUNSET_MINUTE:
00627                     while(menu_state == SUNSET_MINUTE) {
00628                         lcd.locate(3,1);
00629                         lcd.printf("  ");
00630                         wait(0.1);
00631                         lcd.locate(3,1);
00632                         lcd.printf("%02d",SunRiseSet[1][1]);
00633                         wait(0.2);
00634                     }
00635                     break;
00636                 case RAMPTIME:
00637                     lcd.cls();
00638                     lcd.printf("%s %2i", activeMenu->menuID, cursorPos);
00639                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00640                     lcd.printf("<-    %3i     +>", ramptime);
00641                     refresh_display = false;
00642                     break;
00643                 case SET_DATE_TIME:
00644                     lcd.cls();
00645                     lcd.printf("%02d/%02d/%04d",twhile->tm_mday, twhile->tm_mon, twhile->tm_year + 1900);
00646                     lcd.locate(0,1);
00647                     lcd.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d",twhile->tm_hour, twhile->tm_min, twhile->tm_sec);
00648                     refresh_display = false;
00649                     break;
00650             }
00651         }
00652         wait(0.5);
00653     }
00654 }