Combines a working system to save force, acceleration and gyro data to an SD card in a MAX32630 with BLE_Heartrate taken from the mbed site.

Dependencies:   USBMSD_BD BMI160 HX711 max32630fthr USBDevice

diff -r caccea4da07b -r b8ef2a762318 source/main.cpp
--- a/source/main.cpp	Wed Oct 23 15:19:40 2019 +0000
+++ b/source/main.cpp	Thu Oct 24 12:58:23 2019 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
-/* mbed Microcontroller Library
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
+/* BlueCrutch. mbed Microcontroller Library yada */
+// Cloned from mbed-os-example-ble-HeartRate (after main.cpp was reverted to 14 Dec 2018), because for example where's ble/BLE.h
+// Taking stuff across from Niall's project bit by bit, starting with the includes.
 #include <events/mbed_events.h>
 #include <mbed.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
 #include "ble/BLE.h"
 #include "ble/Gap.h"
 #include "ble/services/HeartRateService.h"
+#include "max32630fthr.h"
+#include "HX711.h"
+#include "bmi160.h"
+//#include "SDFileSystem.h" // Error: Class "FATFileSystem"  has no member "_ffs" in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/ChaN/diskio.cpp", Line: 25, Col: 37. Compile error fixed by removing the SDFileSystem library from BlueCrutch. Compile was immediately successful. 24/10/19
+// I have another SD card library, under FTHR_USBMSD_BD, which at least compiled - 24/10/19
+#include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+#include "USBMSD_BD.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h" // Put in, aping what was in the FTHDR_USBMSD_BD example
 DigitalOut led1(LED1, 1);
@@ -30,6 +26,60 @@
 static EventQueue eventQueue(/* event count */ 16 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
+/* These are all the initializations from the crutch project  - about the next 50 lines */
+void dumpImuRegisters(BMI160 &imu);
+void printRegister(BMI160 &imu, BMI160::Registers reg);
+void printBlock(BMI160 &imu, BMI160::Registers startReg, BMI160::Registers stopReg);
+MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+InterruptIn button(P2_3);
+DigitalOut rLED(LED1, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut gLED(LED2, LED_OFF);
+DigitalOut bLED(LED3, LED_OFF);
+void button_callback(void);
+I2C i2cBus(P5_7, P6_0);
+BMI160_I2C imu(i2cBus, BMI160_I2C::I2C_ADRS_SDO_LO);
+BMI160::SensorData accData;
+BMI160::SensorData gyroData;
+BMI160::SensorTime sensorTime;
+BMI160::SensorTime startTime;
+float imuTemperature;
+BMI160::AccConfig accConfig;
+BMI160::GyroConfig gyroConfig;
+//SDFileSystem sd(P0_5, P0_6, P0_4, P0_7, "sd");  // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
+// SDFileSystem sd(P0_5, P0_6, P0_4, P0_7, "sd", P2_2, SDFileSystem::SWITCH_NEG_NO, 400000); // Had to comment this out because the SDFileSystem library gave compile time errors in BlueCrutch
+// Trying this as a replacement:
+// Physical block device, can be any device that supports the BlockDevice API
+// HeapBlockDevice bd(512*BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
+SDBlockDevice bd(P0_5, P0_6, P0_4, P0_7); // Compiled into the program 24/10/19, so success to that extent at least.
+FATFileSystem fs("fs"); // File system declaration 
+USBMSD_BD msd(&bd);  // USB MSD
+DigitalIn sd_detect(P2_2);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // USB Serial Terminal
+int calibration_factor = 9500; //-7050 worked for my 440lb max scale setup
+int epoch_time = 1570547100; // 1570547100 = 3:05 on 08/10/19. Will be overwritten
+float zero_factor = 2.0781, weight;
+int averageSamples = 100;
+int seconds_to_blink_if_sd_mount_fails = 5;
+char epoch_string[11];
+char topline[200];
+HX711 scale(P3_4, P3_5);
+unsigned char button_pressed=0; 
+bool waittimeexpired=false, debugging=false;
+Ticker tick;
+void tick_timer() {
+    waittimeexpired = true;
+    //pc.putc('x');
+/* End of the initializations from the crutch project */
 void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params)
     BLE::Instance().gap().startAdvertising(); // restart advertising
@@ -96,6 +146,7 @@
     /* Setup primary service. */
     hrServicePtr = new HeartRateService(ble, hrmCounter, HeartRateService::LOCATION_FINGER);
+    /* Setting up GAP mostly has to do with configuring connectability and the payload contained in the advertisement packets.*/
     /* Setup advertising. */ | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE);, (uint8_t *)uuid16_list, sizeof(uuid16_list));
@@ -104,7 +155,10 @@;; /* 1000ms */;
+    /* The first line (above) is mandatory for Bluetooth Smart, and says that this device only supports Bluetooth low energy. The 'general discoverable'
+    is the typical value to set when you want your device to be seen by other devices in order to connect. Next comes the ID for the heart rate sensor
+    service and the name of the device. After the payload is set the code sets the advertising type and the advertising interval. In Bluetooth Smart,
+    timing values are typically multiples of 625 us. */
@@ -125,3 +179,45 @@
     return 0;
+void dumpImuRegisters(BMI160 &imu) {
+    printRegister(imu, BMI160::CHIP_ID);
+    printBlock(imu, BMI160::ERR_REG,BMI160::FIFO_DATA);
+    printBlock(imu, BMI160::ACC_CONF, BMI160::FIFO_CONFIG_1);
+    printBlock(imu, BMI160::MAG_IF_0, BMI160::SELF_TEST);
+    printBlock(imu, BMI160::NV_CONF, BMI160::STEP_CONF_1);
+    printRegister(imu, BMI160::CMD);
+    //printf("\n");
+void printRegister(BMI160 &imu, BMI160::Registers reg) {
+    uint8_t data;
+    if(imu.readRegister(reg, &data) == BMI160::RTN_NO_ERROR) {
+        //printf("IMU Register 0x%02x = 0x%02x\n", reg, data);
+    } else {
+        //printf("Failed to read register\n");
+    }
+void printBlock(BMI160 &imu, BMI160::Registers startReg, BMI160::Registers stopReg) {
+    uint8_t numBytes = ((stopReg - startReg) + 1);
+    uint8_t buff[numBytes];
+    uint8_t offset = static_cast<uint8_t>(startReg);
+    if(imu.readBlock(startReg, stopReg, buff) == BMI160::RTN_NO_ERROR) {
+        for(uint8_t idx = offset; idx < (numBytes + offset); idx++) {
+            //printf("IMU Register 0x%02x = 0x%02x\n", idx, buff[idx - offset]);
+        }
+    } else {
+        //printf("Failed to read block\n");
+    }
+void button_callback() {
+    button_pressed++; // changed to allow detection of double presses
\ No newline at end of file