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00001 // Light resource implementation
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "rgb.h"
00006 #define RGB_COLOUR_RES_ID    "308/0/0"
00007 #define RGB_SETPT_RES_ID    "308/0/5900"
00008 #define RGB_UNITS_RES_ID    "308/0/5701"
00010 extern Serial pc;
00012 static int rgb[] = {0, 0, 0};
00014 class RGB {
00015 public:
00016     RGB();
00017     void show(float r, float g, float b);
00019 private:
00020     PwmOut rout;
00021     PwmOut gout;
00022     PwmOut bout;
00023 };
00024 RGB::RGB() : rout(p23), gout(p24), bout(p25) {
00025     pc.printf("RGB.ctor()\r\n");
00026     rout.period(0.001);
00027     gout.period(0.001);
00028     bout.period(0.001);
00029 }
00031 /*
00032 The RGB LED is common anode, so that "0" is on, and "1" is off. For PWM, the closer to 0.0 the brighter, the closer to 1.0 the dimmer. 
00033 This method uses (1.0 - rgb value) to invert.
00034 */
00035 void RGB::show(float r, float g, float b) {
00036     rout = 1 - r;
00037     gout = 1 - g;
00038     bout = 1 - b;
00039 }
00041 /*
00042 Convert the r|g|b string into the integer parts, each in the range [0,255]
00043 */
00044 static void decode_rgb(char *rgbstr)
00045 {
00046     char tmp[4];
00047     memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
00048     char *next;
00049     char *token = rgbstr;
00050     int index = 0;
00051     while((next = strchr(token, '|')) != NULL) {
00052         int len = next - token;
00053         strncpy(tmp, token, len);
00054         rgb[index ++] = atoi(tmp);
00055         token = next + 1;
00056     }
00057     rgb[index] = atoi(token);
00058     pc.printf("decode_rgb(%s) = %d,%d,%d\r\n", rgbstr, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
00059 }
00061 static float RGB_SCALE = 1.0 / 255.0;
00062 /*
00063 The RGB LED is common anode, so that "0" is on, and "1" is off. For PWM, the closer to 0.0 the brighter, the closer to 1.0 the dimmer. 
00064 This method uses (1.0 - rgb value) to invert.
00065 */
00066 static void setRGB()
00067 {
00068     static RGB rgbLed;
00069     pc.printf("Changing to RGB(%d,%d,%d)\r\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
00070     float r = rgb[0] * RGB_SCALE;
00071     float g = rgb[1] * RGB_SCALE;
00072     float b = rgb[2] * RGB_SCALE;
00073, g, b);
00074 }
00076 /* Only GET and PUT method allowed */
00077 static uint8_t rgb_resource_cb(sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address, sn_proto_info_s * proto)
00078 {
00079     sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_res_ptr = 0;
00080     char rgbstr[16];
00082     pc.printf("rgb callback\r\n");
00084     if(received_coap_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_GET)
00085     {
00086         coap_res_ptr = sn_coap_build_response(received_coap_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT);
00088         sprintf(rgbstr, "%d|%d|%d", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
00090         coap_res_ptr->payload_len = strlen(rgbstr);
00091         coap_res_ptr->payload_ptr = (uint8_t*)rgbstr;
00092         sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(address, coap_res_ptr);
00093     }
00094     else if(received_coap_ptr->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_PUT)
00095     {
00096         memcpy(rgbstr, (char *)received_coap_ptr->payload_ptr, received_coap_ptr->payload_len);
00097         rgbstr[received_coap_ptr->payload_len] = '\0';
00098         decode_rgb(rgbstr);
00099         setRGB();
00101         coap_res_ptr = sn_coap_build_response(received_coap_ptr, COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED);
00102         sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(address, coap_res_ptr);
00103     }
00105     sn_coap_parser_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(coap_res_ptr);
00106     return 0;
00107 }
00109 int create_rgb_resource(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *resource_ptr)
00110 {
00111     nsdl_create_dynamic_resource(resource_ptr, sizeof(RGB_SETPT_RES_ID)-1, (uint8_t*)RGB_SETPT_RES_ID, 0, 0, 0, &rgb_resource_cb, (SN_GRS_GET_ALLOWED | SN_GRS_PUT_ALLOWED));
00112     nsdl_create_static_resource(resource_ptr, sizeof(RGB_COLOUR_RES_ID)-1, (uint8_t*) RGB_COLOUR_RES_ID, 0, 0,  (uint8_t*) "RBG LED Colour", sizeof("RBG LED Colour")-1);
00113     nsdl_create_static_resource(resource_ptr, sizeof(RGB_UNITS_RES_ID)-1, (uint8_t*) RGB_UNITS_RES_ID, 0, 0,  (uint8_t*) "(R|G|B)0-255", sizeof("(R|G|B)0-255")-1);
00114     setRGB();
00115     return 0;
00116 }
00117 void zero_rgb()
00118 {
00119     memset(rgb, 0, sizeof(rgb));
00120     setRGB();
00121 }