Libary for control.

Dependencies:   FastPWM

Dependents:   RT2_Cuboid

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Cntrl_Libary


EncoderCounter This class implements a driver to read the quadrature encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller
ThreadFlag This class manages the handling of unique thread flags to trigger rtos threads


AvgFilter.cpp [code]
AvgFilter.h [code]
EncoderCounter.cpp [code]
EncoderCounter.h [code]
IIR_filter.cpp [code]
IIR_filter.h [code]
LinearCharacteristics.cpp [code]
LinearCharacteristics.h [code]
PID_Cntrl.cpp [code]
PID_Cntrl.h [code]
ThreadFlag.cpp [code]
ThreadFlag.h [code]