Smart Miniature House
Team Members:
- James Meanly
- Prana Koirala
ECE4180 Final Project Georgia Tech
This project utilizes mbed LPC1768 microcontroller for processing the collected data from the sensors and xbees as a medium to transmit/receive the data wireless through serial communication. Updates and status were displayed remotely in useful way as well as control commands were also sent. Further continuation can be made by adding additional household sensors and actuators to make full smart house.
List of Parts used:
- Mbed LPC1786
- Xbee S2
- Xbee Explorer Board
- Linksprite JPEG Camera
- Touch Keypad (MPR121)
- Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Si7021)
- Ambient Sensor (Photo Resistor)
- Pull Up resistor (10K)
- uLCD-144-G2 GFX
- Pushbuttons
Demo Video
Demo Pic
Pinout Table
Import programXbee-Smart-Home-Inside
Xbee-Smart-Home-Inside RX Test
Import programXbee-Smart-Home-Outside
Smart-Home-TX Test
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