Project for MPOA 2015/2016. Communication link with nRF24L01+.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of nRF24L01P_Hello_World by Owen Edwards

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "nRF24L01P.h"
00003 #include "menu.h"
00005 extern bool tx_mode;    //Global variable for TX/RX mode setting
00006 extern bool keyboard_mode;  //Global variable for keyboard mode setting
00007 extern uint8_t interval;    //Global variable for time interval setting
00009 Serial pc2(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00010 nRF24L01P nrf24l01p(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTD0, PTD5, PTA13);    // mosi, miso, sck, csn, ce, irq
00013 void settings() {
00014     uint16_t frequency;
00015     char input[]= "";
00016     char *ptr;
00018     pc2.printf("***Experimental 2.4 GHz Radio Link. Setup below: ***\n\n");
00020     pc2.printf("Select TX or RX Mode. TX calculates BER (only in automatic mode) and ACKs,\n RX shows number of incoming packets.:\n");
00021     pc2.printf("1: TX\n2: RX\n");
00022     //Select TX or RX mode
00023     switch (pc2.getc()) {
00024     case '1':
00025         tx_mode = true;
00026     break;
00027     case '2':
00028         tx_mode = false;
00029     break;
00030     default:
00031         tx_mode = true;
00032         pc2.printf("Wrong number! Default TX Mode was set");
00033         wait_ms(1000);
00034     break;
00035     }
00036     //Clear the console window
00037     pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00039     pc2.printf("Select Input. If automatic is set, the message is transmitted repeatedly\n in short intervals.:\n");
00040     pc2.printf("1: Keyboard\n2: Automatic\n");
00041     //Select keyboard input or automatic mode, if automatic mode is set and the device is in TX mode, select time interval
00042     switch (pc2.getc()) {
00043     case '1':
00044         keyboard_mode = true;
00045     break;
00046     case '2':
00047         keyboard_mode = false;
00048         if (tx_mode) {
00049             pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00050             pc2.printf("Please specify a time interval. The interval must be an integer number:\n");
00051             interval = pc2.getc() - '0';
00052         }
00053     break;
00054     default:
00055         keyboard_mode = true;
00056         pc2.printf("Wrong number! Default Automatic mode was set");
00057         wait_ms(1000);
00058     break;
00059     }
00060     //Clear the console window
00061     pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00063     pc2.printf("Type in the RF channel depending on the speed in the range of 2400 - 2525.\n The channel must be the same for RX and TX!: \n");
00064     //Type the number of desired RF channel in range
00065     pc2.gets(input, 5);
00066     frequency = (int) strtol(input, &ptr, 10);
00067     pc2.printf("Selected frequency: %d\n", frequency);
00068     if (frequency >= 2400 && frequency <=2525) {
00069         nrf24l01p.setRfFrequency(frequency);
00070     }
00071     //If wrong number was set, default frequency will be set
00072     else {
00073         pc2.printf("Wrong frequency! Default frequency was set (2402 MHz)\n");
00074     }
00075     //Clear the console window
00076     pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00078     pc2.printf("Select radio output power:\n");
00079     pc2.printf("1: 0 dB\n2: -6 dB\n3: -12 dB\n4: -18 dB\n");
00080     //Select the RF output power
00081     switch (pc2.getc()) {
00082     case '1':
00083         nrf24l01p.setRfOutputPower(NRF24L01P_TX_PWR_ZERO_DB);
00084     break;
00085     case '2':
00086         nrf24l01p.setRfOutputPower(NRF24L01P_TX_PWR_MINUS_6_DB);
00087     break;
00088     case '3':
00089         nrf24l01p.setRfOutputPower(NRF24L01P_TX_PWR_MINUS_12_DB);
00090     break;
00091     case '4':
00092         nrf24l01p.setRfOutputPower(NRF24L01P_TX_PWR_MINUS_18_DB);
00093     break;
00094     default:
00095         pc2.printf("Wrong number! Default value was set (0 dB)\n");
00096         wait_ms(1000);
00097     break;
00098     }
00099     //Clear the console window
00100     pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00102     pc2.printf("Set air data rate. The air data rate must be the same for RX and TX!:\n");
00103     pc2.printf("1: 250 KBps\n2: 1 MBps\n3: 2 MBps\n");
00104     //Set the air data rate
00105     switch (pc2.getc()) {
00106     case '1':
00107         nrf24l01p.setAirDataRate(NRF24L01P_DATARATE_250_KBPS);
00108     break;
00109     case '2':
00110         nrf24l01p.setAirDataRate(NRF24L01P_DATARATE_1_MBPS);
00111     break;
00112     case '3':
00113         nrf24l01p.setAirDataRate(NRF24L01P_DATARATE_2_MBPS);
00114     break;
00115     default:
00116         pc2.printf("Wrong number! Default value was set (1 MBps)\n");
00117         wait_ms(1000);
00118     break;
00119     }
00120     //Clear the console window
00121     pc2.puts("\e[2J\e[H");
00122 }