Final Version

Dependencies:   AnglePosition2 Encoder FastPWM MovementClean PIDController Servo SignalNumberClean biquadFilter mbed

Fork of ShowItv2 by Peter Knoben

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 26 10:54:56 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 30 10:43:26 2017 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,91 @@
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
 #include "AnglePosition.h"
 #include "PIDControl.h"
+#include "BiQuad.h"
+#include "signalnumber.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "encoder.h"
 #include "Servo.h"
-#include "MODSERIAL.h"
 #include "FastPWM.h"
-MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);         //
+MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);         //Establish connection
 Ticker MyControllerTicker1;         //Declare Ticker Motor 1
 Ticker MyControllerTicker2;         //Declare Ticker Motor 2
+Ticker MySampleTicker;                //Declare Ticker HIDscope
+Ticker MyTickerMean;                //Declare Ticker Signalprocessing
+InterruptIn But2(PTC6);             //Declare button for calibration
 AnglePosition Angle;                //Declare Angle calculater
 PIDControl PID;                     //Declare PID Controller
-AnalogIn potmeter1(A3);             //Set Inputpin
+SignalNumber Signal;                //Declare Signal determiner
+AnalogIn potmeter1(A5);
+AnalogIn potmeter5(A3);             //Set Inputpin
 AnalogIn potmeter2(A4);             //Set Inputpin
+AnalogIn    emg0( A0 );             //Set Inputpin
+AnalogIn    emg1( A1 );             //Set Inputpin
 const float CONTROLLER_TS = 0.02;   //Motor frequency
+const float MEAN_TS = 0.1;          //Mean value frequency
+const float SAMPLE_TS = 0.02;        //BiQuad frequency
+//-----------------------------EMG Signals--------------------------------------
+const int n = 10;                   //Window size for the mean value, also adjust in signalnumber.cpp
+const int action =50;               //Number of same mean values to change the signalnumber
+const int m = 10;                   //Number of samples for calibration
+int mode;
+float emg_offset;
+float meanx;
+//BiQuad filter
+BiQuad LP1( 0.6389437261127493, 1.2778874522254986, 0.6389437261127493, 1.1429772843080919, 0.4127976201429053 ); //Lowpass filter Biquad
+BiQuad HP2( 0.8370879899975344, -1.6741759799950688, 0.8370879899975344, -1.6474576182593796, 0.7008943417307579 ); //Highpass filter Biquad
+BiQuad NO3( 0.7063988100714527, -1.1429772843080923, 0.7063988100714527, -1.1429772843080923,  0.41279762014290533); //Notch filter Biquad 
+BiQuadChain BiQuad_filter;
+// Calibration function
+void calibration(){
+    emg_offset = Signal.calibrate(m, potmeter5);
+    pc.printf("offset = %f \r\n", emg_offset);
+//Sample function
+void sample()
+    float Signal=((emg0+emg1)/2)-emg_offset;
+    float Signal_filtered= BiQuad_filter.step(Signal);
+    /* scope
+    scope.set(0, );
+    scope.set(1, );
+    scope.set(2, Signal_filtered);
+    scope.send();
+    led = !led;
+    /
+float Filter(float input0, float input1, float offset){
+    float Signal=((input0+input1)/2)-offset;
+    float Signal_filtered= BiQuad_filter.step(Signal);
+    return Signal_filtered;
+void signalnumber(){
+    float Signal_filtered = Filter(emg0, emg1, emg_offset);
+    meanx = Signal.getmean(n, Signal_filtered);
+    mode = Signal.getnumber(n, action, Signal_filtered);
+    pc.printf("pot = %d  after filtering = %f   mean = %f  Signalnumber = %i \r\n" , potmeter5,  meanx, mode);
 //-------------------------Kinematic Constants----------------------------------
@@ -37,6 +105,7 @@
+// This will be programmed on a different Mbed
 Servo MyServo(D9);                  //Declare button
 InterruptIn But1(D8);               //Declare used button
 int k=0;                            //Position flag
@@ -76,8 +145,8 @@
     float error_alpha = reference_alpha-position_alpha;
     float magnitude1 = PID.get(error_alpha, MOTOR1_KP, MOTOR1_KI, MOTOR1_KD, CONTROLLER_TS, M1_N, M1_v1, M1_v2) / motor1_gain;
     motor1 = fabs(magnitude1);
-    pc.printf("err_a = %f  alpha = %f   mag1 = %f\r\n", error_alpha, reference_alpha, magnitude1);
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
+//    pc.printf("err_a = %f  alpha = %f   mag1 = %f\r\n", error_alpha, reference_alpha, magnitude1);
+//    pc.printf("\r\n");
     // Determine Motor Direction 
     if (magnitude1  < 0){
         motor1DirectionPin = 1;
@@ -111,8 +180,8 @@
     float error_beta = reference_beta-position_beta;
     float magnitude2 = PID.get(error_beta, MOTOR2_KP, MOTOR2_KI, MOTOR2_KD, CONTROLLER_TS, M2_N, M1_v1, M1_v2) / motor2_gain;
     motor2 = fabs(magnitude2);
-    pc.printf("err2 = %f  beta = %f   mag2 = %f\r\n", error_beta, reference_beta, magnitude2);
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
+//    pc.printf("err2 = %f  beta = %f   mag2 = %f\r\n", error_beta, reference_beta, magnitude2);
+//    pc.printf("\r\n");
     //Determine Motor Direction
     if (magnitude2 > 0){
         motor2DirectionPin = 1;
@@ -127,11 +196,15 @@
 int main(){
+    BiQuad_filter.add( &LP1 ).add( &HP2 ).add( &NO3);
     MyControllerTicker1.attach(&motor1_control, CONTROLLER_TS); 
     MyControllerTicker2.attach(&motor2_control, CONTROLLER_TS);
+    MyTickerMean.attach(&signalnumber, MEAN_TS);
+//  MySampleTicker.attach(&sample, SAMPLE_TS);
+    But2.rise(&calibration);
     while(1) {}   