Some quick code to use UDP-only (no TCP) with mBed. Echos received packets and sends packets when a button is pressed

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00001 #ifndef HTTPATTRIBUTE_H
00002 #define HTTPATTRIBUTE_H
00004 #include "HTTPServer.h"
00006 /**
00007  * A simple HTTPHandler which will add new fields to the httpresult header.
00008  * It can be used for adding caching strtegies.
00009  */
00010 class HTTPFields : public HTTPHandler {
00011   public:
00012     /**
00013      * Create new HTTPFields
00014      * @param prefix The prefix path on witch we will execute the Handler. Means add the fields.
00015      * @param fields The Fields wicht are added to all Handlers with the same prefix and which are added after this one.
00016      */
00017     HTTPFields(const char *prefix, const char *fields) : HTTPHandler(prefix) { _fields = fields; }
00018     HTTPFields(HTTPServer *server, const char *prefix, const char *fields) : HTTPHandler(prefix) { _fields = fields; server->addHandler(this); }
00020   private:
00021     /**
00022      * The Action methon should work on a Connection.
00023      * If the result is HTTP_AddFields the Server will know that we modified the connection header.
00024      * If the result is HTTP_Deliver the server will use this object to anwere the request.
00025      *
00026      * In this case we add new fields to the header.
00027      */
00028     virtual HTTPHandle action(HTTPConnection *con) const {
00029       char *old = (char *)con->getHeaderFields();
00030       int oldlen = strlen(old);
00031       int atrlen = strlen(_fields);
00032       char *fields = new char[atrlen+oldlen+3];
00033       strcpy(fields,old);
00034       fields[oldlen+0] = '\r';
00035       fields[oldlen+1] = '\n';
00036       strcpy(&fields[oldlen+2], _fields);
00037       fields[atrlen+2+oldlen] = '\0';
00038       con->setHeaderFields(fields);
00039       if(*old) {
00040         delete old;
00041       }
00042       return HTTP_AddFields;
00043     }
00045     const char *_fields;
00046 };
00048 #endif