
Dependencies:   m3pimaze mbed

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Tue Jul 17 02:11:33 2018 +0000
Commit message:
hi; a

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hiworld.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r cce248cfb763 -r 7ca26e605828 hiworld.cpp
--- a/hiworld.cpp	Tue Jul 17 01:57:35 2018 +0000
+++ b/hiworld.cpp	Tue Jul 17 02:11:33 2018 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,103 @@
-Program: Hello World for the Pololu Robot
-File:    HiWorld.cpp
-Author:  Your Name
-Date:    Today's date
-Description: A simple robot program.
-// includes needed for all mbed programs
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "m3pimaze.h"
-// variables for the robot and a blue led on the robot
-m3pi robot(p23, p9, p10);
-DigitalOut blueLed(LED1);
-int main()
+ * buzzer1:
+ *
+ * This example uses the OrangutanBuzzer library to play a series of notes
+ * on the Orangutan's/3pi's buzzer.  It also uses the OrangutanLCD library
+ * to display the notes its playing, and it uses the OrangutanPushbuttons
+ * library to allow the user to stop/reset the melody with the top
+ * pushbutton.
+ *
+ * http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J20
+ * http://www.pololu.com
+ * http://forum.pololu.com
+ */
+#define MELODY_LENGTH 95
+// These arrays take up a total of 285 bytes of RAM (out of a 1k limit)
+unsigned char note[MELODY_LENGTH] = 
+  E(5), SILENT_NOTE, E(5), SILENT_NOTE, E(5), SILENT_NOTE, C(5), E(5),
+  C(5), G(4), SILENT_NOTE, E(4), A(4), B(4), B_FLAT(4), A(4), G(4),
+  E(5), G(5), A(5), F(5), G(5), SILENT_NOTE, E(5), C(5), D(5), B(4),
+  C(5), G(4), SILENT_NOTE, E(4), A(4), B(4), B_FLAT(4), A(4), G(4),
+  E(5), G(5), A(5), F(5), G(5), SILENT_NOTE, E(5), C(5), D(5), B(4),
+  SILENT_NOTE, G(5), F_SHARP(5), F(5), D_SHARP(5), E(5), SILENT_NOTE,
+  G_SHARP(4), A(4), C(5), SILENT_NOTE, A(4), C(5), D(5),
+  SILENT_NOTE, G(5), F_SHARP(5), F(5), D_SHARP(5), E(5), SILENT_NOTE,
+  C(6), SILENT_NOTE, C(6), SILENT_NOTE, C(6),
+  SILENT_NOTE, G(5), F_SHARP(5), F(5), D_SHARP(5), E(5), SILENT_NOTE,
+  G_SHARP(4), A(4), C(5), SILENT_NOTE, A(4), C(5), D(5),
+unsigned int duration[MELODY_LENGTH] =
-    float voltage; // define a variable
-    robot.cls(); // clear the robot lcd display
-    robot.locate(0, 0); // position the lcd cursor (column 0, row 0)
-    robot.printf("HI WORLD"); // display the message
-    while(1) // this makes the program repeat the following statements forever
-    { // repeating starts here
-        voltage = robot.battery(); // get the robot battery voltage
-        robot.locate(0, 1); // position the lcd cursor (column 0, row 1)
-        robot.printf("VB=%.3f", voltage); // display the battery voltage
-        blueLed = 1; // turn on blue led 1
-        wait(0.5); // wait for half a second
-        blueLed = 0; // turn off blue led 1
-        wait(0.5); // wait for half a second
-    } // loop round and repeat the above statements
\ No newline at end of file
+  100, 25, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250,
+  375, 125, 250, 375, 250, 250, 125, 250, 167, 167, 167, 250, 125, 125,
+  125, 250, 125, 125, 375,
+  375, 125, 250, 375, 250, 250, 125, 250, 167, 167, 167, 250, 125, 125,
+  125, 250, 125, 125, 375,
+  250, 125, 125, 125, 250, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125,
+  250, 125, 125, 125, 250, 125, 125, 200, 50, 100, 25, 500,
+  250, 125, 125, 125, 250, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125,
+  250, 250, 125, 375, 500
+unsigned char currentIdx;
+int main()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
+  currentIdx = 0;
+  print("Music!");
+  while(1)                     // run over and over again
+  {
+    // if we haven't finished playing the song and 
+    // the buzzer is ready for the next note, play the next note
+    if (currentIdx < MELODY_LENGTH && !is_playing())
+    {
+      // play note at max volume
+      play_note(note[currentIdx], duration[currentIdx], 15);
+      // optional LCD feedback (for fun)
+      lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);                           // go to start of the second LCD line
+      if(note[currentIdx] != 255) // display blank for rests
+        print_long(note[currentIdx]);  // print integer value of the current note
+      print("  ");                            // overwrite any left over characters
+      currentIdx++;
+    }
+    // Insert some other useful code here...
+    // the melody will play normally while the rest of your code executes
+    // as long as it executes quickly enough to keep from inserting delays
+    // between the notes.
+    // For example, let the top user pushbutton function as a stop/reset melody button
+    if (button_is_pressed(TOP_BUTTON))
+    {
+      stop_playing(); // silence the buzzer
+      if (currentIdx < MELODY_LENGTH)
+        currentIdx = MELODY_LENGTH;        // terminate the melody
+      else
+        currentIdx = 0;                    // restart the melody
+      wait_for_button_release(TOP_BUTTON);  // wait here for the button to be released
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;