Webserver only w/o any other functions, single thread. Running on STM32F013+W5500

Dependencies:   NTPClient W5500Interface Watchdog device_configuration eeprom_flash mbed-rpc-nucleo mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of F103-Serial-to-Ethernet by Chau Vo

diff -r 22f289beceb8 -r 00c0c20d03c1 readme.txt
--- a/readme.txt	Mon Dec 29 21:40:55 2014 +0000
+++ b/readme.txt	Mon Dec 29 23:38:26 2014 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,9 @@
-0. Wait for 2s after resetting for ethernet to work.
-1. When auto update enabled and no TCP server is running, module will try to connect to server which results in a timeout every 15s.
-   This makes UDP packets take more time to be received and processed by the module. The result is slow UDP commands, such as Discovery.
-   To make it faster, start a TCP server on Hercules. The module will connect to it to transmit updates.
-2. Process a tcp packet including many receiving frames
-v1.0 25/10/2014
-    + Added: process many receiving frames in one tcp packet
-    + Bug: TCP server will reply with error #10061 if a previous tcp client connects and quickly disconnects.
-v1.1 15/11/2014
-    + Added: watchdog timer
-    + Modified: enter config mode forever when received discovery command
+    + NNIO module with NNIO protocol v2.0.
+    + Support RPC control commands using TCP/UDP server. No support RPC with TCP client.
-v1.1.1 27/11/2014
-    + Added: checking a configuration command to see if it starts with "NN". Otherwise, it could be data was sent using UDP connection.
-v1.2 30/11/2014
-    + Added: Discovery command now returns NNIO MAC IP
-    + Added: receive and process receiving protocol using UDP
-v1.2.1 01/12/2014 (demo version: git rev25)
-    + Modified: enter config mode with query ip command, not discovery command
-v2.0 24/12/2014
-    + Use official mbed-rtos
-    + Updated: configuration comands now use prefix NNCF, control commands use prefix NNIO.
-    + Run with demo software v2.0
-    + Added RPC through TCP/UDP: tested after fixed (Rpc)DigitalIn/Out names.
-      RPC control commands can be sent to TCP/UDP server on NNIO module. However, no reply yet, only debug with uart.
\ No newline at end of file
+v0.1 (29/12/2014)
+    + Imported F103_NNIO rev27:22f289beceb8
+    + Modified: process_control_command() with return value.
+      0 if NNIO protocol or RPC protocol without reply; length of RPC outbut buffer; or -1 if RPC failed.
+    + Modified: TCP server now checks to return data to client.
\ No newline at end of file