Webserver only w/o any other functions, single thread. Running on STM32F013+W5500

Dependencies:   NTPClient W5500Interface Watchdog device_configuration eeprom_flash mbed-rpc-nucleo mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of F103-Serial-to-Ethernet by Chau Vo



File content as of revision 27:22f289beceb8:

0. Wait for 2s after resetting for ethernet to work.
1. When auto update enabled and no TCP server is running, module will try to connect to server which results in a timeout every 15s.
   This makes UDP packets take more time to be received and processed by the module. The result is slow UDP commands, such as Discovery.
   To make it faster, start a TCP server on Hercules. The module will connect to it to transmit updates.
2. Process a tcp packet including many receiving frames

v1.0 25/10/2014
    + Added: process many receiving frames in one tcp packet
    + Bug: TCP server will reply with error #10061 if a previous tcp client connects and quickly disconnects.

v1.1 15/11/2014
    + Added: watchdog timer
    + Modified: enter config mode forever when received discovery command

v1.1.1 27/11/2014
    + Added: checking a configuration command to see if it starts with "NN". Otherwise, it could be data was sent using UDP connection.

v1.2 30/11/2014
    + Added: Discovery command now returns NNIO MAC IP
    + Added: receive and process receiving protocol using UDP

v1.2.1 01/12/2014 (demo version: git rev25)
    + Modified: enter config mode with query ip command, not discovery command

v2.0 24/12/2014
    + Use official mbed-rtos
    + Updated: configuration comands now use prefix NNCF, control commands use prefix NNIO.
    + Run with demo software v2.0
    + Added RPC through TCP/UDP: tested after fixed (Rpc)DigitalIn/Out names.
      RPC control commands can be sent to TCP/UDP server on NNIO module. However, no reply yet, only debug with uart.