STM32F746G-DISCO GUI examples

The default "Discovery" app

Pre-built binary: STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Demonstration\Binaries

This can be programmed using ST-Link. To program it correctly the External Loader must be configured: "N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO" As I understand it the address space beginning at 0x08000000 represents the internal flash and in ST_Link the 16 megabyte address space beginning at 0x90000000 represents the external QSPI flash device.

Other programmers will usually not recognise this, though for production purposes it should be possible to split the binary and program the flash device separately.

The "Discovery" app compled from source

Currently this is showing in the System Workbench IDE as "STM32F7-DISCO", and can be built by selecting "Build Project"

The built hex was: C:\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Demonstration\SW4STM32\STM32F7-DISCO\Debug\STM32F7-DISCO.hex

Unlike the provided pre-compiled build the System Workbench build lacks the video player. All I can tell is it has a condition round it to skip it when GNU C is used. The other modules appear complete.

  #if !defined ( __GNUC__ )


"Hello World" example


Yes it is a black screen with "Hello world!" in the middle

SEGGER ProductDemo STM32F746 Discovery 170406

On reading the documentation for this it appears nessecery to replace the ST-Link firmware in the debug tool with alternative J-link firmware. I have held off from trying this as I do not know if it is reversible. I have not seen instructions for replacing J-link with ST-link.

Uploading the BINARY file

There is a binary demo file located in the "binary" folder of the ZIP file. This is supposed to be uploaded using J-link, but it appears to be a generic ARM binary that can simply be copied to the Discovery board's drive.

The demo appears to be binary-only, and its most notable feature is probably "emUSB", showing it emulating a USB mouse. This requires a micro-USB cable, as emulation is through one of the Discovery's micro-USB sockets NOT the mini-USB "debug" port.

I may have misunderstood this, but for now the downoaded ZIP remains untouched.

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